Here's Ouachitonian's submission. It's partially recycled from a previous, similar submission for a Faerun game, so the background fluff might need slight tweaking. I settled on Inquisitor because I feel like the Red Knight would want her people to be more than just "I smite the evil and have no skills" paladins. But then I made an Inquisitor who's as much of a frontliner as I could. A couple of choices I want to run by the GM to be sure they're ok in the setting:
Archetype: Ravener Hunter is supposed to be specific to catfolk from the Mwangi, but obviously we're not on Golarion.
Feat: Disciple of the Sword requires being a follower of Iomedae, but the Red Knight is a similar fighty goddess who favors the longsword, so I'm hoping it's ok.

Alright, I couldn't resist submitting this idea after all. This will be Ouachitonian's submission. First I want to say that I'm not super familiar with Faerun, so the background is relatively light on detail, especially for a 5th level character. But at any rate, Hellig is a warrior-priest and (VMC) inquisitor of The Red Knight. Contact him for all your strategic advice needs, but also realize that he's judging you and your failures to live up to the Lady of Strategy's doctrines. It's a lonely life, being a wandering inspector and advisor. But that's fine, because when no one gets too close he can keep his visor down and pass as a human. Too many humans discriminate against half-orcs, better not to get too close. Besides, he has a horse for companionship. He's so fond of just being an anonymous warrior in red fullplate that his short-term associates sometimes forget he has his own personality and isn't solely an emissary of the goddess. (This all plays into his flaw, being withdrawn, reticent, and more than a little bitter. He's not quick to trust. It's time for him to make some friends, maybe turn over a new leaf. With difficulty.)
Mechanically, he's a mounted warpriest. Charge! He can spontaneously cast cure spells if necessary, but mostly he leans into the war side of warpriest, much preferring to use his spells (and fervor) to buff himself or allies, then wade into battle. Or give orders, when he's working for someone who is not as skilled in the ways of war (which is most people, to be honest). As levels progress, I'll probably pick up some archery feats too, but I also want to get orc racial stuff, and maybe the Eldritch Heritage feats for the Orc bloodline. I thought about taking VMC Sorcerer and getting the orc bloodline that way, but decided that Inquisitor goes with his theme better. He prefers to ignore that side of his ancestry, but it's still there, in the blood.
But all in all, I want to explore what happens when a half-orc would just really prefer to be human. Fight like a human, in full plate with sword and shield, think tactically, etc. He's just embarrassed by the other side of his ancestry, all simpletons who run screaming into battle like idiots. Get a grip, people. Read a tactical manual. Oh, wait. Reading. Right.
The picture is the best I could find, but really just imagine him with a red-enameled faceplate and helmet that hide what's beneath entirely. He'd prefer you didn't know his race, thanks. Please feel free to assume he's human.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
"If the doors open in, and they should, we'll just have Aggghhh sleep in front of the door. That should keep intruders out." Hellig says, in between bites of food.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Sorry, it's been a busy week. Catching up now.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
"Having to care for an injured person while traveling would complicate things. Unless it turns out that she is some sort of mage or otherwise highly skilled in some useful art, it would probably be best for everyone to leave her here."
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
"I should leave animal husbandry to those who know such things better. But the discovery of Sparklefoot's magical shoes is very interesting. Excellent work, Naomi."
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Hellig nods. "I agree. With the right wagon, a rothe is superior to a horse."
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Hellig grabs ahold of the halfling survivor to make sure she isn't flung from the wagon.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
RIZZENMAGNUS wrote: @aarrgh: make a knowl eng check, dc 15 to jerry-rig the rope to sparklefoots harness.
@ceirn, it'll take 6 castings of Prestidigitation to properly clean the wagon bed
the halfling makes a face, and turns away from the sausage bit. No... i cannot. my stomach is turning summersaults. the idea of food... blech... she coughs and shudders as body parts and viscera is removed from the wagon bed. Sir knight! Sir... could you sit with me, please?
"Of course, ma'am." Hellig says, moving over to sit down beside the halfling. "How can I be of service?"
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
As long as prestidigitation (possibly combined with Create Water) is sufficient to clean it, I say we keep it, at least for the moment.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
"I'm no expert in things arcane, but surely it can be cleaned with magic. I'm less certain about removing the mark. If it's just carved in the wood it should be easy enough, but I know nothing of arcane marks."
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Hellig will hold off on any additional healing, just in case they run into more trouble, but if he has any left at day's end he'll do what he can for the halfling.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Leaving the man for dead, Hellig moves to answer Priscilla's call. He nods, but doesn't otherwise respond, as Naomi offers her assistance. Reaching the halfling, he holds out a hand. "Hold still, little one."
Lay on hands: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Heal: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 Does she need more healing?
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Hellig pauses, looking back and forth between man and horse. "It...this is strange. Both man and horse display an unusual, severe and paralyzing injury. They yet live, but have been severed at the spine and cannot control their limbs. No simple healing spell can fix such an injury, it would require something more like regeneration magic."
Y'all feel free to read the spoiler on the last page under my name. That's what I was trying to convey, without just repeating verbatim.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Hellig sheathes his blade, but as he moves toward the horse, he says "The man's near death, I doubt he'll trouble us, or anyone else,much more."
He approaches Helna and the wounded horse.
Heal: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 I'm guessing I take minuses to use heal on an animal, but it's worth a shot.
Also, since it was too much for Naomi, I probably can't help with a few 1d6 Lay on Hands either. If it's past helping, I'll put it out of its misery.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
All thought of the rothe forgotten, Hellig moves to the downed man, steel drawn. He holds his sword pointed at the man's face, then looks him over, trying to discern his condition.
Heal: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Hezekh rushes forward to help arrest the cart. Double move, total of 40 feet, to help corral the horses.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Cretin. Hellig considers returning the favor, but the only ranged weapon he has is a bow, and the man's horses did nothing to deserve getting shot. Instead he just grimaces and moves forward to help corral the rothe if it bolts. Double Move
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Should be able to get to the next inn before dark, then.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Happens to the best of us.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
I read Priscilla as not wanting to run out of daylight and have to camp out there. Helna also wanted to stay. I was trying to not force a tie. lol
Hellig shakes his head. "Hardly. But with some of our fellows wanting to stop, I thought it better not to force them on. I, like our little friend" he says, with a nod to Priscilla, "can go all night. Given the right traveling company."
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
"It is probably a good idea not to be out past dark, especially if half our group is going to be on sore feet." Remembering the morning's issues, he grimaces. "Maybe we can get away early in the morning and make up time then."
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
I've hit deer a couple of times. Damned furry kamikazes.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
"Yes, that sounds like a good idea."
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
"Yes, perhaps a wagon would make more sense. But Aggghhh makes a good point as well. Drow now, wagon later."
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Hellig doesn't know the word, and I'm not sure he'd have ever seen one, but I'm thinking here of something like a howdah not, like, a bunch of separate saddles in a row or something.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
"Next time we reach a town, we ought to see if we could get saddles for all of us on this thing. We'd make better time riding." Hellig says, rushing to keep up with the gigantic beast.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Sorry, wasn't clear on whether or not we'd met back up. Hellig would have told the group about the possibility of drow along the road and whatnot that the patrol told him.
As they come upon the run down house, Hellig says "Ah, that must be Aencar's manor. Ther patrol at the gate said to stay clear of it, the interior is supposed to be haunted."
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Losing a pet is always hard.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Ceirn wrote: "If some of you are lacking funds at the moment, I could cover your share for now as long as you repay me when we see a profit from this endeavor." Ceirn offers. "Your generosity does you credit, and I'd be happy to repay you when I'm able."
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
"I do as well." Hellig says, nodding to Aggghhh.
I also only have 6gp left from character creation. Minus whatever a meal and room cost last night.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Hellig squeezes through the hole, shoulders his pack, and heads down the hallway. "I don't know what that was all about, but let's get out of this place."
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
"I'm out of the way, let's get this over with." Hellig calls through the door, standing just to the side The last thing I need is an axe to come crashing through and hit me in the face. he thinks.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Hellig makes sure he has all his things in order, then sits on the bedside, waiting for the dwarf Helna, was it? to return with help to deal with...whatever it was. His foot taps a slow beat on the floor, the only visible sign of his annoyance with the whole situation. Life of a paladin. Everyone wants to have fun with the stuffy holy knight, retaliation being beneath me and all. he rolls his eyes, then thinks the better of it. You knew what you were getting into. He transitions into breathing exercises, practicing trying to slow his breathing and heart rate, to take his mind off the waiting.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
GM: Is there a window that opens? (I'd have definitely preferred a window facing the rising sun, if I had that option, though I probably should've said so earlier.) If so I'll go out the window. Otherwise...
Confused, Hellig tries the door again. When it still won't open, he tries to force it.
Strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
If the door still won't budge, and there's an non-opening window, I break it and go out that way. If not, I keep trying the door until it gives or someone outside hears and opens it.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Hellig stays for the music, clapping politely for Naomi, then settles his tab and heads upstairs to his rented room, secures the door, then removes his armor and weapons and settles in for the night, with his dagger and light mace secreted on opposite sides of the bed within easy reach, just in case.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Hellig looks puzzled and scratches his head ”It isn’t really a matter of my opinion. My abilities, like the Detect Evil spell, show when a person radiates an aura of evil. A simple bandit, even a murderer, isn’t necessarily going to show up, the only men who register are clerics or other servants of evil deities, and only some of them.” that is to say, a LN cleric of a LE deity wouldn’t register. ”I’m no more expressing an opinion than if I looked at your companion and stated that she is a wolf. I’m more like a wizard casting Detect Magic, then pointing out that an object radiates transmutation magic, or whatever. Just making an observation. I do agree that there’s nothing to be done about that, it isn’t illegal to worship an evil deity, after all. Just that I won’t be shocked if he turns out to be a rotten sort, and I plan to keep an eye on him.”
I’d thought an evil character would show up after a certain number of class levels, but unless I’m misreading the Detect Evil spell, only an evil cleric or Antipaladin (or Warpriest, I guess? Maybe an Oracle? The chart predates those classes, presumably.) is even going to show up on the ‘radar’ of the spell. I’m also trying not to speak in game mechanics terms in-character. The GM said faint aura, so OOC according to the chart he’s got to be a 1st-level Cleric/Antipaladin/etc. But as far as I (and Hellig) understand, it is an objective measurement, like a compass or a pH strip, so he is confused about people reacting as though he’s sharing an opinion.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Distracted from the rest of the conversation when he notices the man amongs the Ravens, Hellig is slow to speak again. When he does, he speaks quietly. "There, at the Ravens' table," he says, nodding in that direction as the glow fades from his eyes, Do you see the man in the dark brown hat, with a shaven face? He is evil. Not much, perhaps a low-level cleric of an evil deity. Difficult to say precisely. We should watch him closely, whenever the Ravens are near." Hellig watches the man out of the corner of his eye, but bides his time. There is no need for a confrontation just now.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Hellig shrugs "Ah, well, I suppose. It's true that Amaunator has blessed me. But it's also true that humility is a virtue. 'Holy Knight' sounds so exalted. I'm just a warrior who tries to fight the right fights. To do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly, as I've heard it put. But now I'm speechifying again." he says, before grabbing some food and occupying his mouth that way.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Hellig chuckles at Aggghhh's simple declaration. "I too hit things, though my tools are larger." he says, reaching over his shoulder and pulling his greatsword far enough out of his sheathe for the others to see, then sliding it back in. "I'm especially effective against evil foes. I can also do some basic healing, and detect the presence of evil." as he says this last, his eyes begin to glow with warm light like the sun, and he looks around the room. Do I see any evil, GM?
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
Naomi Chadwick wrote:
Seeing the Slender dark skinned human approach she smiles at Hellig, "See."
Hellig smiles sheepishly and shrugs.
Naomi Chadwick wrote: Not really concerned about the 'Ravens' she tugged on Thistles scruff, "Come on Thistle, let's go back to our table." Looking at the others she adds, "There are empty chairs around my table if you all want to have a drink and get to know each other better." Not waiting to see who follows or who doesn't she heads back to her table, and continues sipping her pint of ale. Hellig swings by the bar and orders an ale and some food, whatever the bartender recommends, then heads for Naomi's table. He smiles and waves at Thistle as he approaches.
Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)
"Then let us head for Hap." Hellig says, after the messenger clarifies.