Black campaign (Inactive)


1372 DR, Year of Wild Magic.
Month: Kythorn
day: 21

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Naomi Chadwick wrote:
Taking 10(20) on handle animal to slow Saprklefoot down and casting detect magic wondering if there is anything suspicious going on.

Did Naomi detect anything magical when she was watching Sparklefoot?

Furrowing her brow, Naomi looked back at Ceirn. Gesturing towards the horse they'd tied to the wagon, "I don't think anyone would mind if you kept that one Ceirn." She looked around the courtyard, "Maybe one of these fellows can sell you a saddle."

Climbing out of the wagon she stretched a little, then rubbed her bottom. Realizing Thistle had started to wander off and sniff about, she called her close, "Thistle heel." Hearing Aggghhh comment about the bovine she turned and asks, "Trade for a horse, why? No horse can keep the pace she can." Picturing a carriage made for carrying people in her mind she adds. "We just need a better wagon."

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)

Hellig nods. "I agree. With the right wagon, a rothe is superior to a horse."

Female Halfling Rogue 2 |HP:24 |Percpt:+10(+11 traps) |Init:+9 |AC:15 Tch:15 Flf:10| F:+2 R:+6W:+3|CMD:13

" So Wheelin' and Dealin' for a covered wagon with a better hook up for Sparklefoot! I think it can be done. My parents raised no fool. Though Ciern can help, he is the merchant after all." she says with gusto then puases.

" Question, how well are you at having to drop everything and running. You know for practical business purposes" She says in a cute manner hoping to avoid too much suspicion.

Acrobatics +16, Autohypnosis +14, Climb +12 (14), Knowledge: Psionics +12, Perception +14, Stealth +16, Swim +11 (12)
[dice=Manyshot Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+15+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+10+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice]
Human Soulknife (Soulbolt) 8; Init +4; 104/104 HP; AC 25, Touch 15, FF 20, CMD 28; Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +10; Speed 30; CMB +13; Perception +14

"I am not much of a sprinter..." Ceirn says in reply to Priscilla, he then looks back at the cart and says, "There are others who might be better equipped to control the horse then I would be. If not I would happily ride it over another cart ride. If we could get a wagon that did not make it feel like my back was going to break at any moment I think that would suffice. But I am not sure this waystation would have such a cart for trade or sale for what we have."

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

I am not much for running if you are hinting at what I think you are.

Female Halfling Rogue 2 |HP:24 |Percpt:+10(+11 traps) |Init:+9 |AC:15 Tch:15 Flf:10| F:+2 R:+6W:+3|CMD:13

" Whatever do you mean Arrgh?" She says with a raised brow and feigned shock.

"I only say that as I have had deals go south fast, insults lobbed, daggers flew, and a swift get away was needed. That's all. The Starling fool thought because I look like a cute child that I have a mind of a child. When he found out the difference well..." She stopped and giggled.

" Nevermind that. I am pretty sure we can get something. We have this cart and a horse. Though Arrgh if you have the tools and time we may want a patch job on the obvious hole"

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

No tools.

Acrobatics +16, Autohypnosis +14, Climb +12 (14), Knowledge: Psionics +12, Perception +14, Stealth +16, Swim +11 (12)
[dice=Manyshot Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+15+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+10+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice]
Human Soulknife (Soulbolt) 8; Init +4; 104/104 HP; AC 25, Touch 15, FF 20, CMD 28; Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +10; Speed 30; CMB +13; Perception +14

"For now it's late. We should get the animals stabled and see if we have rooms of some sort to sleep here tonight. And food. Food would be good." Ceirn says as he starts walking towards wherever they will need to make arrangements for the animals.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

sorry about that. i missed that you cast detect magic. you cast your spell, and look intently at the Rothe... and surprisingly, it's hooves begin to glow. you pick up faint transmutation. you can make a spellcraft check, dc 18 to identify what's nailed to the Rothe's hooves.

The ring of hammer on anvil chimes repeatedly from behind the large, square shape that is the inn, intermixed with the sounds of horses neighing, cows mooing, and the occasional goat bleating. Horses and cows stick their heads out of the stables that are built off of the side walls. They look around, uninterested except for food and water. People walk about the paved courtyard, while a couple stable boys scoop dung from the stones.
taking a moment, you watch several folks drop off a horse with a stableman, who nods, hands a chit, and takes the animal into an empty stall. From the looks of it, it seems that this inn is holding more guests.

Helna steps off to the side, stretching, yet not saying anything, a slight smile upon her face.

Does anyone have 'spellcraft'? We need a DC 18 to identify the magical item.

As the group talks about replacing the wagon, and of all things running off, Naomi leans in, "I think I've figured out why the Rothe as able to run so fast, it has some sort of magical shoes. We should keep it long enough to at least remove the very valuable magical item" She shrugs and smiles, "Though I am starting to get attached to Sparklefoot."

As they dismount the wagon, she agrees with Ceirn, "Good idea Ceirn, get the Rothe and horse stabled and then dinner." She looks at the building as she stretches, "Maybe get a couple rooms?"

"If someone would help me unhitch Sparklefoot, I'll lead him to the stables. Who's going to deal with the horse?" As she moves towards the Rothe, she asks, "After dinner does anyone want to see if there is a more appropriate vehicle for sale? Or at least a better harness?"

Pausing for a moment she asks, "So are we going to sell the horse or buy a saddle so someone can ride it?"

I have completely forgotten about our rescued halfling, anyone want to take care of her?

Acrobatics +16, Autohypnosis +14, Climb +12 (14), Knowledge: Psionics +12, Perception +14, Stealth +16, Swim +11 (12)
[dice=Manyshot Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+15+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+10+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice]
Human Soulknife (Soulbolt) 8; Init +4; 104/104 HP; AC 25, Touch 15, FF 20, CMD 28; Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +10; Speed 30; CMB +13; Perception +14

"I have no skill with horses, but I can lead it back." Ceirn says as he approaches the horse and unties the rope from the cart.

Female Halfling Rogue 2 |HP:24 |Percpt:+10(+11 traps) |Init:+9 |AC:15 Tch:15 Flf:10| F:+2 R:+6W:+3|CMD:13

" I can poke around, see whats around about the harness and wagons" Priscilla says as she stretches and smiles looking about.

" Good to know, Sparklefoot does sparkle after all!!" She giggled, a bit tired and stiff but she was working on that.

Priscilla will head to the Stable and poke around before heading inside

Stealth: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33
Perceprion: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

If someone can ride the horse we can keep it. I'll go see if they have carpentry tools so I can work on the wagon. Aghh will head out to see what he can find. Whether at a shop or stable.

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)

"I should leave animal husbandry to those who know such things better. But the discovery of Sparklefoot's magical shoes is very interesting. Excellent work, Naomi."

Female Halfling Rogue 2 |HP:24 |Percpt:+10(+11 traps) |Init:+9 |AC:15 Tch:15 Flf:10| F:+2 R:+6W:+3|CMD:13

Priscilla will look in the stables see whats there, see and observe those who work in there. Especially, if thier are signs of unused wagons, carriages ectera. Possible leverage over the sellers.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

just to be clear, priscilla, you rolled stealth to skulk around the stables to inspect/look at wagons/carts/other means of transportation?

f sorceress 2

spellcraft roll: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

helna wanders over, lifting up a hoof and looking at the shoe. Hmpfh. I am clueless... Sorry she lowers Sparklefoot's hoof.

should we say something... to someone... about the bodies? about what we found? are we caring for the halfling...? Helna asks out loud to no one (but everyone) in particular.

Acrobatics +16, Autohypnosis +14, Climb +12 (14), Knowledge: Psionics +12, Perception +14, Stealth +16, Swim +11 (12)
[dice=Manyshot Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+15+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+10+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice]
Human Soulknife (Soulbolt) 8; Init +4; 104/104 HP; AC 25, Touch 15, FF 20, CMD 28; Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +10; Speed 30; CMB +13; Perception +14

"I am not sure who we would tell at this point...We have no real idea where they came from and we are headed this way because of a lack of security in the area anyway. I think leaving the halfling here to be cared for seems like a better option then bringing her along." Ceirn says.

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

Agghh is still looking for what he needs and is not present.

Female Halfling Rogue 2 |HP:24 |Percpt:+10(+11 traps) |Init:+9 |AC:15 Tch:15 Flf:10| F:+2 R:+6W:+3|CMD:13

Pretty much Priscilla is looking at the various carts and what not in the stable as well as listen for any conversations by the stable hands. When she has looked over everything she will slip inside

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)

"Having to care for an injured person while traveling would complicate things. Unless it turns out that she is some sort of mage or otherwise highly skilled in some useful art, it would probably be best for everyone to leave her here."

Chuckling at Priscilla's comment about Sparkelfoot, Naomi comments to the Halfling. "Try not to look like your up to something while you poke around. No need to give the wrong impression."

As the dwarf heads to look for a shop, she adds, "So true Aggghhh, if we can't find a good saddle may as well sell her. Oh and thank you for looking into repairing the wagon."

Turning to the muscular human, "I'm not sure about this 'Husbandry thing' but thank you. I figured there had to be a reason she was out running horse and wolf alike."

As the conversation came up about the bodies and the 'rescued' halfling, Naomi puases for a moment. realizing she'd entirely forgot about the refugee. Shaking her head, if they didn't tell about the bodies, the refugee would, or a least tell the part of the story she knew. Unless of course they took the refugee with them and that would depend on the shape the refugee was in. Realizing she hadn't even asked the womans name. She asks, "Has anyone found out this womans name?"

She gestures towards the 'house' "If we leave her here, she will eventually tell what happened, which may reflect poorly on us. So if she's stays we should tell them. If we take her with us, it won't matter. Let's find out what sort of facilities are here, how poor of shape she's really in, and if she has any skills that may aid us or even if she'd want to."

Gesturing towards the barn, "Ceirn and I need to get the animals to the barn."

Hellig, a request for you so I figured I should mark it just in case
She looks directly at Hellig, since he seems to be the strongest and least smelly of their warrior types, "Hellig, would you be a good boy and carry her in and see if you can get us a couple rooms? One for the boys, one for the girls. See if they have someone who can help the refugee, and for the gods sake, let's learn her name. No one wants to be call Refugee."

Turning she nods to Ceirn who'd been patiently holding the horse. and starts moving towards the stables. As she arrives she asks the stable boy, "Do you have room for a Rothe and a horse? What will it cost to feed and water them, then bed them down for the night." As she looks around the stable for the tack room she adds. "Would anyone have proper harnessing for a Rothe and a saddle for the horse for sale?"

Acrobatics +16, Autohypnosis +14, Climb +12 (14), Knowledge: Psionics +12, Perception +14, Stealth +16, Swim +11 (12)
[dice=Manyshot Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+15+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+10+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice]
Human Soulknife (Soulbolt) 8; Init +4; 104/104 HP; AC 25, Touch 15, FF 20, CMD 28; Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +10; Speed 30; CMB +13; Perception +14

Ceirn will guide the horse in behind Naomi and strokes the horses neck as he waits to hear the answers.

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"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

im sorry everyone. seems like i cannot achieve some consistency with my schedule, which leaves me to little to no time to actually post anything here. thanks for bearing with me. i do appreciate it.

also, of note. naomi has told me she is AFK for the moment, due to family emergency.

You flit about, moving from shadow to shadow, and while it isnt so dark as to be totally hidden in darkness, the subdued colors within the shadows allows you to crouch down and just be part of the shadows. Your flit along the stable row, avoiding tossing horse heads, belching cows, bleating goats, and the few hired stablehands that maintain the animal pens. You make it beyond, and to the back, and spy several wagons, large and small. Add to that two carriages, one of simple make while another is resplendent with livery and embellishments. Gold foil dominates all the raised surfaces of this carriage, while the wood has been well polished to a high of seven 4-wheeled vehicles

You and Helna walk towards the sound of pounding steel. youre pretty sure that there there is a blacksmith, there will be tools...somewhere.
you round the corner of the rear of the inn and see a small stone building, not more than four feet in height. in the back corner, a fire burns brightly. just out of arm's reach, an elf sits on the ground, a lump of steel driven into a short stump set into hard packed dirt. Steel, glowing yellow, held in a set of tongs, is hammered expertly. Solid blows connect between hammer and anvil, with the steel stretched into the shape of a horseshoe.
do you speak elven, Agggh?

going to assume that Hellig picks up the halfling and carries her into the inn


You gently pick up the halfling, who snores softly into your breast as you hold her close. Weighing near to nothing, she is easy to manage as you make your way through the single door into the inn.
the sound of dozens of voices talking simultaneously washes over you, and you flinch a moment, expecting the noise to awaken the small item in your hands. yet, all she does is continue to sleep.
what'll it be? a voice to your right asks loudly. you turn and notice a tall, odd looking, green elf. you blink, and shake your head. no, not an elf. a strangely thin looking half-orc...missing the lower tusks?!
I said, what'll it be? rooms she looks down at the halfling, snorts rooms are 3 silver for the night. Bar takes payment up front. Dinner begins in an hour and goes til the second to last song of the night. Payment up front she afixes Hellig with a steady gaze And no, knights, cavaliers, fighters on holy quests, and other militaristic holy paladins do not get free room and board.

Naomi and Ceirn:
you get to the stables, are walking in with both a Rothe and Horse (and dog!) in tow make for an interesting sight, as proven by the six stable hands that all stop and gawk at the pair of you.
Hey hey hey! get back to work! get i say, get the crack of a whip in the air punctuates the command and an elf steps into sight. The elf was not just bald, but TOTALY bald! devoid of any hair, his pale skin and red eyes act as a beacon to your gaze.
make a will save, dc 13, to not stare
the elf looks at the both of you as the workers go back to their chores A horse and a what? a- the elf clamps his lips shut as he stares at Sparklefoot. A rothe??? how in the blessed abyss did you manage to shag one of those creatures?!?!

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

No speaken elf:
Agghh approaches the elf. Hello there! I am wondering if you can help me fix a wagon? I need wood for patching a hole and if you can sell me some tools and wood, I would appreciate it.

Female Halfling Rogue 2 |HP:24 |Percpt:+10(+11 traps) |Init:+9 |AC:15 Tch:15 Flf:10| F:+2 R:+6W:+3|CMD:13

Priscilla will take in the details of this fine carriage, especially the livery.

After that she will slip out and look around foe the others

Acrobatics +16, Autohypnosis +14, Climb +12 (14), Knowledge: Psionics +12, Perception +14, Stealth +16, Swim +11 (12)
[dice=Manyshot Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+15+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+10+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice]
Human Soulknife (Soulbolt) 8; Init +4; 104/104 HP; AC 25, Touch 15, FF 20, CMD 28; Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +10; Speed 30; CMB +13; Perception +14

Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

"We were able to procure him already trained. Which certainly made it easier. Unforetunatley, the seller did not have the proper tact to attach the beast to our wagon. And we also have a horse who needs the saddle and bridle as well. So if you perhaps have some for sell that would work, we would be interested in purchasing it." Ceirn says without staring at the strange elf and instead making occasional eye contact before looking around the stable.

will save, dc 13: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Looking down quickly so as not to stare at the elf's eyes, Naomi was glad that Priscilla was not with them at the moment. His choice of words would have certainly sent the halfling laughing, something about 'shagging the Rothe.' No doubt she would have something flirtatious to say as well.

As Naomi tried not to think about what Priscilla may have said, she looked at the workers, remembering the stable master actually snapped a whip a the grooms. Considering herself fairly education, she wonders about the elf, if she'd heard of anyone similar.

Realizing Ceirn had basically answered the elf's question and asked one of his own, she nods in agreement with Ceirn. "Yes a proper harness for Sparklefoot and possibly a saddle and bridle for our horse would be grand." Se gestures towards the beasts, "Of course our first priority would be to have them stabled, fed and watered." She gestured towards the grooms, "And a currycomb for the horse would be appreciated." She looked back at the bison, turning back to the elf, "Is there even a way to brush out a Rothe? Honestly, I've not worked with them before this trip."

Just trying to Influence Attitude for now, also wondering if red eyes are normal for elves around here
diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Female Halfling Rogue 2 |HP:24 |Percpt:+10(+11 traps) |Init:+9 |AC:15 Tch:15 Flf:10| F:+2 R:+6W:+3|CMD:13

The halfling will after seeing the carts and carriages will begin to observe the workers. One can learn alot from spying. Heck any sneak thief worth her weight in salt knew observation equaled understanding. So she would find a spot and watch for an hour or two.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Hoping now to see the dynamics unfold via people watching. I do know Elven, Dwarven, Halfling,Orc, Slyvan, Common and Draconic

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)

Front Desk:

"Two rooms should be plenty. Do you have a healer around? My little friend here has...been through some things today." he says, setting the halfling down as gently as possibly to get to his coins.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

inside the inn (hellig):
the half orc woman frowns at the halfling. she doesnt have the plague, does she? if so, she and you can both get out... she begins to step back.

The elf looks at you, and begins to talk to you and helna in elven. he gestures, arm and hammer waving about.
give me a sense motive check, and a diplomacy check.

you find a short stack of boxes set near a wall, at the top a darkened recess. with no one looking, you shimmy up and perch atop the cargo containers. for the most part, the men dont talk. they just move about, talking to animals, cleaning stalls, and feeding the animals as well.

naomi local:
Oh, red eyes are definitely not normal for any elf out there. And with his pale skin and lack of hair, he is definitly unique. you heard a term about his kind before, but you dont remember it.

ceirn and Naomi:
The elf smiles broadly, and relaxes. Oh hoooo! he begins ( you get the feeling you passed some unknown test) a premade harness for the rothe? not going to happen! seh na na Oh no no!, but with mirth and humor he chuckles, lapsing into elven. Tok fle'a he coughs, cuts off. sorry. forgot. No, youll likely will not find a rothe harness anywhere. will have to have it special made. I think one of my workers could make something... Have to have ilshaneir help. He's the blacksmith. refuses to learn a spit of common. Considers it unclean. he laughs again, slapping his thigh But. I digress. if you have a couple days, i think the two of them could make something for your rothe. As for the horse, what kind of saddle you thinking? High backed for travel, one liek those the boys on patrol use? I got a couple of those as well. Have five in total. willing to sell them. As for the brushing, food and water, that'll be 3 silver for the horse, and 15 silver for the rothe. I'll be honest, care of a rothe isnt in my wheelhouse. but, i do know that somethings Cows have enjoyed a good rubdown and brushing. perhaps he might like the same. go get some food and join me after dinner, and i can show you what i know.

Female Halfling Rogue 2 |HP:24 |Percpt:+10(+11 traps) |Init:+9 |AC:15 Tch:15 Flf:10| F:+2 R:+6W:+3|CMD:13

what sort of langauge are rhey speaking?

Acrobatics +16, Autohypnosis +14, Climb +12 (14), Knowledge: Psionics +12, Perception +14, Stealth +16, Swim +11 (12)
[dice=Manyshot Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+15+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+10+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice]
Human Soulknife (Soulbolt) 8; Init +4; 104/104 HP; AC 25, Touch 15, FF 20, CMD 28; Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +10; Speed 30; CMB +13; Perception +14

Ceirn will pull out 1 gold and eight silver to hand over before saying, "A traveling saddle might be useful. It would depend on the cost of it compared to other saddles though. Unfortunately, we do not likely have days to make a harness before we will need to move on."

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)

"No, certainly not. I would be taking precautions in that case."

Naomi and Ceirn:
Straining her brain to avail, Naomi gives up trying to remember the term and focuses on the conversation. Raising an eyebrow as the Calimshan pays for the animals, Naomi nods in agreement with Ceirn. "My friend is correct, we do not have a couple of days." She smiles, "I will be back after supper to learn how to groom the Rothe."

Not sure if I should continue posting conversation with Ceirn, or wait for the conversation with the elf to be over.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM


you can tell that the elf understands common, and probably speaks it, but is intentionally yelling at you in Elven. But, he is also very pissed off
helna shrugs. did you sleep with his daughter, Aaggh? This elf is mad.

the half orc glowers at Hellig and the halfling, unconvinced. Fine. two rooms. one gold. Follow me after receiving the money, she guides the both of you upstairs to a single room. this is the first room. the other room is at the end of the hall.
the room itself is very clean and tidy. The smell of lemon and clove touch your nose as you inhale the scent, and you look upon fresh linens upon the bed. A small stool and table stand against the wall opposite the door next to the bed. an equally small fireplace built into the wall looks to be freshly brushed.
A healer. i can go get So'ni'chi. She will help. But, she costs money. You sure you can afford her?

the stables:
12 gold for the Saddle. the elf frowns thats too bad though. But understandable. Hang on. ilshaneir! the elf suddenly roars out. In quick response, a short man appears out of nowhere (he stepped out from a stall he was mucking)
Yeah boss?
talk to them. they have a rothe here and looking for a harness... right? the elf asks the both of you

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

Aggh sighs, knowing he is not going to get anywhere with the blacksmith. Never mind then. He heads back to find the others and to see if someone can talk to the blacksmith.

the stables:
Ilshaneir?' Naomi watches as the short man steps out of the stall and approaches. As the elf explained Noami nodded, "Yes, we are having difficulty with our original harness, it is beyond repair and Jerry rigged but we must leave in the morning. Can you help us?"

Acrobatics +16, Autohypnosis +14, Climb +12 (14), Knowledge: Psionics +12, Perception +14, Stealth +16, Swim +11 (12)
[dice=Manyshot Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+15+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+10+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice]
Human Soulknife (Soulbolt) 8; Init +4; 104/104 HP; AC 25, Touch 15, FF 20, CMD 28; Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +10; Speed 30; CMB +13; Perception +14

Ceirn will pay for the saddle so that he does not have to ride in the cart the next day. He pauses to wait to see what can be done about the harness.

Female Halfling Rogue 2 |HP:24 |Percpt:+10(+11 traps) |Init:+9 |AC:15 Tch:15 Flf:10| F:+2 R:+6W:+3|CMD:13

Priscilla will get closer and listen as the srable hands work

Percpetion: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 8 (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer)

"I suspect we can." Hellig says in reply. Once the half-orc goes to get her, he deposits his things in one room, and sees to it that the halfling is settled in the other.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

The blacksmith grunts out in stilted common Yellowed dwarf and spits in your direction. Helna side steps the oral insult, but hangs back. She looks at Aggh, silent but willing to follow his lead.

The half orc frowns at your non-comital response. She looks you up and down before finally she nods once. Suppose you can. She turns and steps off.
THe halfling in your arms curls into a small ball on the bed, whimpering softly in her sleep.

the stables:
the elf smiles as he takes the money from Ceirn. pleasure. Hopefully it is soft enough for you.

Ilshaneir nods at Naomi Sure. Understandable. Let's see what we are working with he walks around Sparklefoot, his lips twitching, as if he is talking to himself. big fella, isnt he? He gives a critical eye to the situation, the jerry-rigged situation...
profession leathercraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
three gold, and i can have a proper harness for this beast by breakfast tomorrow. wont look pretty, very utilitarian, but it'll be strong and secure... he looks at Naomi.

the stable hands, aside from cleaning and repairing and tending to the animals, are not doing much out of the norm....

Female Halfling Rogue 2 |HP:24 |Percpt:+10(+11 traps) |Init:+9 |AC:15 Tch:15 Flf:10| F:+2 R:+6W:+3|CMD:13

She sighs then sneaks out to see what is going on.

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

Aggh spits on the floor and stomps off.

the stables:
Watching as Ilshaneir observes the Rothe and their poorly made rig, Naomi smiles when the man says he can fix them a proper harness. She assumes the cost is taking into a count that he'll probably need to work all night. Reaching into her pouch she counts three coins all of them feeling the right size for 'gold.' Pulling them them out she offers them to the craftsman, "Here we are, three gold coins, and thank you." Turning back to the elf, "And thank you..." She realizes she'd not caught the mans name, extending her hand, "I' sorry in all the talk, I'd not gotten your name. I'm Naomi Chadwick from Suzail in Cormyr, and you are?"

Having finished with the stablemaster and his craftsman, Naomi turns to Ceirn, "Shall we go see if the others have rooms?" As they turn to go she smiles, "I wonder what the Hostel is serving for supper."

Acrobatics +16, Autohypnosis +14, Climb +12 (14), Knowledge: Psionics +12, Perception +14, Stealth +16, Swim +11 (12)
[dice=Manyshot Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+15+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB-RS-DA]d20+10+1-2-2[/dice][dice=Close Attack+PB+DA]d10+6+1+4[/dice]
Human Soulknife (Soulbolt) 8; Init +4; 104/104 HP; AC 25, Touch 15, FF 20, CMD 28; Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +10; Speed 30; CMB +13; Perception +14

"Yes, we have had a productive time. Hopefully, they were as productive." Ceirn says as he will turn and head towards the inn.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

Name's Ilshanier. Ilshanier Sha'neir'ostilich. Of Archendale. Pleasure, miss he nods once more to Naomi, but immediately dismisses her to work on Sparklefoot's harness.

Moving on...

You find yourself in the common room, a table in the corner. Hellig has told you about the rooms he's secured, the last two available. they are split, on opposite sides of the inn. Your "rescue", the halfling, rests comfortably upstairs, sleeping.

Female Halfling Rogue 2 |HP:24 |Percpt:+10(+11 traps) |Init:+9 |AC:15 Tch:15 Flf:10| F:+2 R:+6W:+3|CMD:13

" Okay, so How do we want to spilt the rooms?"

Priscilla will relay the various stabled carts and a carriage. Excitedly talking about it.

Should anyonebcome to take her order she orders water, bread and cheese. Just those.

" Also if you want I can rig some simple anti theft and intrusion measures" she says strangely excited but also nervous.

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

I'll sleep anywhere.

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