Naomi Chadwick |
Dotting already? I'm cool with that :)
So oddly after all the talk about not being a band, I actually picked an old character who's father was a bard and she plays the lute. So as we get ready, enjoy the music.
Naomi Chadwick |
I forgot about the regional trait: your character will have come from some place. pick a region as found on pages 30-32 in the FR3e book. Chosing a region,and the regions preferred character class will grant you a free background feat. These will be feats that have a "region" listing within the feat (found within FR book)
I don't have a copy of the books, so I've been looking at Regional Feats From Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting But I don't see where the feats are tied to the regions preferred character class. Which may be a problem for an oracle, I'm not sure.
Any recommendations?
Edit: I like luck of hero's but I have no idea if it applies to oracles:
Luck of Heroes
Type: Regional
Sources: Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Player's Guide to FaerûnYour land is known for producing heroes. Through pluck, determination, and resilience, you survive when no one expects you to come through.
Region: Elf (Elven Court, the Forest of Lethyr, or the Yuirwood), gloaming (Sphur Upra), half-elf (Aglarond), halfling (Channath Vale or the Western Heartlands), or human (Aglarond, the Dalelands, Tethyr, Turmish, or the Vast).
Benefit: You receive a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws and a +1 luck bonus to Armor Class.
Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st-level character. You may have only one regional feat.
Priscilla Springheel |
Basically It is in the early chapter and is a chart. Um...hmmm
Classes Dont get ones persay. Just each class has a "Recommemded" Region of origin as do racws (save Lightfoot we have Luiren or anywhere humans are)
I forgot about the regional trait: your character will have come from some place. pick a region as found on pages 30-32 in the FR3e book. Chosing a region,and the regions preferred character class will grant you a free background feat. These will be feats that have a "region" listing within the feat (found within FR book)
I don't have a copy of the books, so I've been looking at Regional Feats From Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting But I don't see where the feats are tied to the regions preferred character class. Which may be a problem for an oracle, I'm not sure.
Any recommendations?
yeah... oracle i think is a pathfinder specific class, so 3.0 FR wouldnt have it listed. I think you and i can work something out.
basically, the way the regional feats work is if A) you are from Region X, and B) you take a class that is prevelent within that region/country/province, you get a free feat and associated free equipment.
have naomi be from Aglarond. It's a haven for clerics that follow Selune, your linked goddess. So you can meet that regional criteria with that background
Naomi Chadwick |
question was asked of me:
what time of year does this take place?
1372 DR, Year of Wild Magic.
Month: Kythorn
day: 20
Summer Solstice
another question for the group: does everyone have a discord account? i like to create discord servers for my games. It's primary function is to act as a backup in case Paizo website crashes for a long period of time. But, the day to day, it's just a place for us to hang out, chat, and for me, an easy way to rapidly respond to player questions. It's not a requirement to have one. if youd like to join, feel free to click here. this link is active for 24 hours. it is now 2100 CST, 11-2-2023.
i sent Ouach a PM. I'll give him this weekend to respond.
so we have
I have another guy on the backburner who's looking to join. He's already started working on his character, but he wanted to incorporate a warforged from ebberon into this game. i am intrigued by this idea. we are having a discussion on discord concerning the balance of a warforged character.
Ceirn |
Thanks for the invite to the game!
Does Calimshan have a native language? Its been a while since I have played FR. If so, can I switch Elven to whatever that language is?
alright folks,
let's chat combat.
a few of you know me, have gamed with me before, and hopefully you remember how i run combat.
for those of you who are new to me, welcome, greetings.
i dont bother with initiative rolls for combat on here. I find that it wastes a day or two waiting for everyone to make their rolls, and then a round can take up to 1-2 days just to have everyone make their posts in order. I find this to be the greatest killer of pbp games. therefore, i skip the initiative rolling.
instead, initiative is managed by posting order, specifically, who post first goes first. I, the dm, always goes last.
example: we have hellig, priscilla, helna, Naomi. get into combat against some drow.
i first post the scene, lay out the descriptives, post any maps involved. then i state taht combat has started.
hellig happens to be online 5 minutes after i post. He can post his action right away.
Priscilla is online 2 hours later, she can see what hellig has done and will post her action.
Naomi happens to be on 13 hours after that, she sees what hellig and priscilla post, and adds her own actions as well.
Helna (dmpc) posts her actions.
Then I, the DM, post a summary and any monsters that need to go, will go.
round starts anew.
now, priscilla posts first, then helna, then naomi, finally hellig posts last, and DM goes last.
this happens until combat is finished. There is no set order to who goes when, except for when you hop online and post.
that's it.
its a pretty easy way to do it, and ive found it to be rather enjoyable. players are able to respond to what others are doing much faster than waiting for other players to post and respond.
Extra bits:
a combat round lasts 24 hours from when i post. I try to post around 1200CST every day, but RL does happen, so this i may post later than that.
if you are unable to post, then your character is considered to be "acting defensively" and will fight totally defensive for the round. If rolls need to be made, then another character will make the rolls, specifically saves.
posting rate:
i will strive to hit 5x a week, mostly monday thru fridays will the post occur. Of course, real life happens and will prevent me from posting, as i am sure RL happens to everyone involved and will prevent them from posting.
if you think that you will miss more than a day or two of posting/game participation, simply post something here or on discord. Especially if you go on vacation. If this happens out of combat, and if combat happens while you are away, either A) your character will linger in the background and not participate in combat, or B) another player will take over as your character and make rolls/decisions on your behalf. (i find that it works best if you ask someone to make rolls for you.)
If you go away for longer than 1 week without notice, you will be considered afk, and your character will hang back, not participating in anything. after another week, if no post, then you will be moved to NPC status. If two weeks pass without a word from you, then i will send you a final message asking a "hey, where you at?". and if there is still no answer, then, finally, after three long weeks, i will remove you from the game with a public well wishing of success and continued game enjoyment.
and, you will be more than welcome to rejoin us when life calms down a bit for you.
extra special note
If you do something in character that makes me laugh, or giggle, or take pause and say "dang. that's cool", i will award you with a free reroll. this reroll is usable on any roll.
If you write a post that, in my opinion, absolutely encompasses your character, that is your character, I award an instant level. You could be in the middle of combat against the BBEG, down to your last 1 HP, the BBEG is about smite you to the beyond, and you write a post that makes me see your character doing it, i award the level, and you can level up. Full HPs, all magical spells, new skill points, new feat (if applicable), it's as if you rested. I award this very, very sparingly
speaking of leveling up
leveling up
I dont keep track of XP, per se. well, i do, but on my own side here. When certain story thresholds are passed, the slaying of a BBEG, the completion of a job, the ending of a "chapter" (not adventure!), i award a level. there may be long periods where there is no level advancement, and then there's 2-3 level increases within a 3 month RL period.
Naomi Chadwick |
helna says loudly to Hellig i bet your tools are larger than the rest of them! and she laughs loudly
Helna pulls out a narrow dagger with a subdued wood handle. She twirls it back and forth over her fingers, flips it up, catches it by the handle.
if i can see it, i can hit it. the dwarf says, standing up. she looks at everyone gathered around the table, and her eyes settle upon Priscilla.
allow me to demonstrate. She slips over to Naomi, who's hand she takes into her own. before Naomi can react, helna presses her hand flat upon the table, places her own hand atop of it, and then begins quickly and accurately driving the tip of her dagger into the spaces between the fingers with accuracy.with a final thrust, she jams the dagger into the table between the ring finger and middle finger. she leans back, letting go of Naomi's, laughing.
chuckling, she catches Priscilla's eye and moves over to her. bending over, she says loud enough for Priscilla's ears alone we should talk.
Really? No initiative, no CMB roll nothing? and why don't I have Thistle bite her?
you can do that. that's fine. have thistle bite her. im ok with that. heck, you can have naomi slap helna in response.
that whole interaction is a funny bit, no damage would have occurred. its meant to add more levity to the group's exchange, nothing more.
Ceirn |
I am ready to move on if others are. It seems we hit a lull. Although a couple of us may be planning on doing some side mischief.
Naomi Chadwick |
Yet, still she plays on, her eyes closed, her foot tapping with the rhythm. First one, then another, then a group, then three... soon though, the tavern roars dies down to a hushed gasp, people talk, laugh, play games, but Naomi's voice is one of simplistic beauty
Um, the narration is really nice, but Naomi doesn't sing.....she just plays the lute
Ceirn |
well, alright. no shenanigans for us...
I think you two can go do your mischief if you want. The GM's post allows for it.