Hey folks. My group that plays via discord is planning on playing Rise of the Runelords after we finish the current 5E campaign we're on. We had some people out on monday, so we had sort of a mini-Session 0 As the group's PF1 expert (but not GMing this time!) I'm thinking about playing an elven Perfect Scholar monk. Makes it easier to not separate IC/OOC knowledge when my character is the "I have 150 years of experience and all the Knowledges" guy (I've never actually played the back half of RotR, though I do have a general idea, giants, Karzoug, Xin-Shalast, etc). There's also a Warpriest of Sarenrae who plans to be Dex-based and use Dervish Dance, and a Venerable Human Necromancer, who is a very experienced player and yes he knows what a bad idea playing a venerable character is. We were joking about how his character is working on becoming a lich before he runs out of time. 2-3 more whose players weren't there monday.
I'm also planning on Dex-based melee. It'll be slow starting I know, but hopefully in early levels we won't run into much with DR and I'll be able to make up damage with Flurry and stuff until I can get a +1 Agile AMF. Probably grab a high crit range weapon like a waveblade to help out until my unarmed damage starts increasing. And something ranged, maybe a sling, because I'm a monk and don't have a ton of cash. But I definitely intend to lean into the "learned elven scholar" side of things.
Here's the build rules we're operating under:
Roll for stats, 4d6 drop the lowest, roll 3 sets. If you don't like any of them, take the heroic array (18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8)
Use Archives of Nethys. If you want an unchained, just run it by me. Any pantheon.
Common races preferred. If you want uncommon, that's fine, just run it by me first.
Standard traits: take two, or three and a drawback. No "Campaign" traits unless it's Rise of the Runelords. Not more than one from them same category.
Anything that says "Thassilon" or "Runeforged" or anything like that, it's probably a hard "no," but run it by me.
I recommend building with the intention of being "big damn heroes," but not required.
You will have spare time at various points if you want to take crafting feats.
No Elephant in the Room, ABP, Background Skills, anything like that.
The set I rolled and am keeping is as follows:
18, 15, 14, 13, 12, 10
Here's what I have so far:
Unnamed Hero
Elf unchained monk (monk of the mantis, perfect scholar) 1 (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Intrigue 44, Pathfinder Player Companion: Dirty Tactics Toolbox 11, Pathfinder Unchained 14)
LN Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 12 (+5 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 Wis)
hp 10 (1d10)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +2/+2 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks flurry of blows (unchained), stunning fist (1/day, DC 12)
Str 13, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 20
Feats Breadth Of Experience[APG], Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist
Traits indomitable faith, quain martial artist, scholar of the ancients
Skills Acrobatics +9, Diplomacy +0 (-5 to improve other creatures' attitudes towards you), Escape Artist +9, Intimidate +0 (-5 to improve other creatures' attitudes towards you), Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (engineering) +5, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +6, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (nature) +9, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (planes) +9, Knowledge (religion) +9, Perception +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Spellcraft to identify magic item properties
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan, Thassilonian
SQ condescending, elven magic
Other Gear 40 gp
Special Abilities
Condescending -5 to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks to improve others' attitudes toward you.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.
Flurry of Blows (Unchained) (Ex) As full-rd action, gain extra attacks with unarmed strike/monk weapons.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Stunning Fist (1/day, DC 12) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at https://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
I'm aware that those stats aren't ideal, I'm probably putting more into INT than I should, not enough into CON. But that's part of the idea. He knows all the things, but has also spent most of his time in a library, so he's still got elf CON. So, what are some more feats I should take (beyond Weapon Finesse, obviously). I know Kirin Style is widely considered subpar, but given the massive bonuses I'll be getting to knowledges, it might be worth it for me. Probably Accomplished Sneak Attacker, eventually. Equipment? Ki Powers? Style Strikes? More ways to make an INT-heavy melee build viable? Possibly a dip into Investigator (especially Cryptid Scholar, given my high WIS and desire to use Knowledges)? If I don't go Kirin Style, my normal default is probably launching my AC into the stratosphere with Crane style, but are there other, better options?
Hey y’all, I’m running the Emerald Spire for a group of friends. We’re still on Splinterden right now, but in reading ahead I notice that on Level 10: The Magma Vault, the dragons’ hoard includes a copy of the diabolic chapter of the Book of the Damned. My players are competent enough that I don’t doubt they’ll get it out of the locked case, and even though artifacts are hard to identify I suspect they’ll figure it out, or at least figure out that it’s a powerful artifact. The party is mostly good-aligned, no evil members, so I doubt they’re going to want to keep it. So…what do they do with it? If I haven’t read far enough ahead and they need it at a lower level, just say so. But if not? Obviously, artifacts don’t have prices per se, and even if they did no one in Fort Inevitable could afford it. I’m sure the Hellknights would simply confiscate it if they knew about it (and I’m equally sure my players will not be telling them about it). It occurred to me to have an Exscinder Archon show up and insist that they turn it over for proper disposal (he will, of course, compensate them fairly and they will have Heaven’s thanks etc etc)…and then a similarly-powerful devil pop in and say “Screw those guys, Hell will give you a much better deal”, make them choose which force to align themselves with (they’re mostly Good, but they’re also greedy adventurers, so that might be a real decision). If I go that route, what would be fair compensation? Obviously I don’t want to break WBL, but the BotD has arguably done that already.
I guess they could try feeding it to one of the proteins a few levels later, but since they don’t have the other chapters that’s basically pointless, and even if they find out what it is they may not discover how to destroy it. And I’m not sure they’re capital-G Good enough to destroy an artifact they could profit from.
I occasionally see a Scion thread 'round these parts, but it's been ages. Anyone down for it? I've read through the core books, but never actually been able to play with anyone (mentioned the possibility with my in-person group once, no one seemed interested). It seems like a really fun concept. I should probably note that I'm asking to play, not GM. Having never actually played, GMing would be well beyond me atm.
Hey y’all. My group recently finished a Starfinder campaign and our normal GM asked someone else to take a turn. I’ve run a few one-shots for some of these players (3 of the 5) that have gone reasonably well, and decided to try my hand at something longer, so I’m going to run The Dragon’s Demand. It’ll be easily the longest thing I’ve run (the others were, like, The Scarlet Sun and a couple of PFS modules as random one-shots), so I figured I’d ask around. General advice as well as anything specific to the module would be great. Of the 5, 2 have played a fair amount of PF1, another a little bit, and the other two (the ones I’ve yet to GM for) none at all. Our group has tended to play more 5E. I’ve already made one probable misstep: I basically dropped a link to Archives of Nethys in our Discord chat and was like “Here’s the general thrust of what we’re doing, I wouldn’t play a Gunslinger or Merfolk, etc, given that they don’t really fit the adventure, but I’m not really going to go through and ban stuff either. Except Sacred Geometry, don’t take that. Knock yourselves out.” So of course one of the players, who’s known for being a bit of a power gamer, comes back saying he wants to play a Synthesist Summoner. I said yeah that’s fine, knowing from PBP recruitments that a lot of GMs ban them. So hopefully that won’t be too much of a headache, but I should probably also think more carefully next time. Any anti-Synthesist tactics are appreciated, though I’m trying not to modify things too much. Oddly, the guy that wants to play a Synthesist is one of the ones with no PF1 experience to my knowledge. It wouldn’t shock me if he just googled “powerful Pathfinder classes” or something. I doubt he found it by accident. Stats are 4d6 drop the lowest (I suppose that may help a bit, since the Synth can’t try and take all 8s in physical stats, though I’m sure he’ll put his high rolls in mental stats). I should perhaps note that I’m not trying be to be super-tough on them, I just don’t want one guy to steamroll everything and hog all the spotlight. The rest of the party isn’t set yet, we went over some things last week, the office Session 0 will be this week then we’ll start next week. I know our normal GM’s wife is playing a healer, as is usual for her (Cleric I believe, she said something about picking Domains). Our normal GM mentioned having a bunch of the knowledge skills, so he’s probably either playing something Roguish or a Wizard, not sure which. The normal GM’s brother is playing a Shifter, and I have no idea what the fifth player is playing, though I won’t be shocked if it’s a Catfolk. In our first two campaigns together he played a Tabaxi and a Leonin.
(Sorry, couldn't figure out a word for Advice that started with B.)
So, my Discord gaming group is starting up a Starfinder campaign (something Homebrew the GM is cooking up, all we know right now is that it's supposed to be a bit Firefly-esque and we're starting in prison.) Had Session 0 wednesday and the party is as follows:
Uplifted Bear Soldier-Blitz (Me)
Skittermander Operative-Ghost (because really, who expects a Skittermander to be the spy?)
Ysoki Mechanic w/drone
Damaya Lashunta Technomancer (Ace Pilot theme, has said he plans to be more a support caster than a blaster, also likely to be the primary pilot once we get a ship)
Human (IIRC) Mystic (has said she's going to be the healer, IIRC she's picked a theme and/or archetype to boost that)
IIRC only the GM and Mystic have played Starfinder before, though I'm reasonably familiar.
Initially, I was going to lean hard into SPEED!, just race around charging everything I could, took Fleet as my first feat (60 feet base speed!). Stats 14/14/14/13/8/10 (Scholar theme, wanting to model him a bit on Beast from X-Men-brutal in combat but can also write a peer-reviewed article on, in this case, genetics). Figured Improved Init at 2, Toughness at 3, IUS at 4, Climbing master at 5 (Now I can charge 120 ft/round straight up walls! Muwhahaha!), maybe Wrathful Warrior for my second style, Unarmed Mauler for my first gear boost.
But then I did some more thinking, and for the party's primary melee my STR is kind low, and Fleet limits you to light armor. I'm probably going to want heavy armor. Maybe powered armor. So...maybe modify my stats to something like 18/12/12/13/8/10? Go ahead and pick up Improved Init at 1? Maybe take the Powered Armor Jockey archetype and the Nimble Juggernaut gear boost (at 7) to let me use my full speed in armor? Probably Melee Striker for my first gear boost since I'll have more STR to take advantage of. But do I want to boost STR that much if I'm angling for power armor? I'm pretty sure my GM will let me wait to 6 to decide if I'm taking the archetype, so I could keep the high STR and just use heavy armor.
My regular group is diverting out of our campaign for a one-shot while one of our members goes on vacation. The GM for this one-shot is a wily old hand who’s been playing and GMing since D&D 1e. Pretty much all he’s told us is that we’ll be hunting a dragon. He mentioned that the scenario he had ready was easy to convert to PF1e (I’m guessing it’s written in 3.5, that’s what he prefers playing), and called for four 12th level characters, but since there’s only three of us we should make 13th level characters instead. That’s about all I know. You should be able to extrapolate from there ther rough power of the dragon we should expect. As I said, our GM’s crafty. I was just discussing with the others a story he told us about running a dragon fight years ago in another edition where a Red Dragon had been burning towns, stealing gold, eating maidens, etc etc, and the heroes got all tooled up with Protection from Fire spells, Cold blasts, etc etc, and only after they were in its lair did they learn they were actually facing a Blue Dragon that had been using magic to hide its true nature. I fully expect those sorts of shenanigans. One player is going to play a gunslinger, the other a buffer of some sort (though one still able to melee in a pinch, exact class wasn’t specified yet), and I’m thinking a magus, but I’m open to other possibilities. Some options are pretty obvious: scroll of True Seeing, Dragonfoe Amulet, Dragon Bane weapon, Dragon Defiant armor, resist energy, etc. But lots of y’all have played this game much more than me. So how would you build a Dragonslayer? To reiterate, 13th level, standard WBL (pregame crafting allowed, though), ability score array of 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, all official PF1e options are on the table. (Try to stick to PC races though, no monster PC or templates. I’m not looking to get *too* crazy). I’m open to any level of help, from “make sure and take this one somewhat-obscure spell” up to a full statblock, lol.
Edit: Our buffer says she’s taking Craft Wondrous and Scribe Scroll. The three of us will be talking through things together while we build, so feel free to give me advice to pass along to them.
Ok, so, I sometimes run one-shots with my groups to relieve one of our two normal GMs, but I’m thinking I may step up and run a campaign when we finish Mummy’s Mask. Pathfinder’s what I know best, and running an AP is definitely preferable to trying to work up my own campaign. One issue our GM is dealing with this campaign is that we’ve, uh, kinda gone off the rails and broken WBL. We’re almost more a wandering magic shop than an adventuring party. One of the other players (our old hand, who’s played and GMed since 1e) is playing a crafter wizard and we’ve ended up delaying progress for weeks while he enchants stuff to sell to the rich of whatever town we’re currently in, etc. Our cleric and my alchemist have contributed as well, to a lesser extent (you just can’t make as much money selling potions as you can with Craft Wondrous. lol) So…what’s a good AP for a new GM, preferably one with a strong “we need to do this now” drive and/or one where you spend a lot of time away from civilization, to help me keep them on the rails. Our current GM has Rise of the Runelords and Reign of Wonter that he could loan me, though IIRC he and his wife (also in the group) have played arise before, so I kinda want to stay away from it. RoW might be a good one. I know Ironfang Invasion spends a lot of time in the wilderness. Also Giantslayer, IIRC? Other suggestions would be welcome.
(Mods, if there’s a better place for this please do move it.)
Is there a way to turn yourself into one of the “other” dragon type creatures? I mean, the Form of the Dragon spells work for Chromatic or Metallic, Form of the Alien Dragon for esoteric or outer dragons, Form of the Exotic Dragon for imperial or primal. That’s all well and good. But what if I want to become a pseudodragon and four around Korvosa with my little friends, or become a Dragon Turtle and screw with some pirates, etc etc? Is there a way to turn into one of the “other” dragon type creatures (short of a wish or miracle)?
So my regular group only has three players, and we’ve been constantly beset by “Well, if you had a wizard...” or “No one has Track, right?” Every other session or so. It’s all in good fun, but after a near-TPK (only the cleric survived, and he’s not high enough level to cast resurrection) we decided on a restart, and I floated the idea of gestalt, so that we could be sure all the roles were covered. DM oked it, but has basically said “That’s enough special stuff”, so we’re pretty much SRD-only for options. One player’s playing a Ranger/Wizard, another a Monk/Rogue (he wanted to try Monk, figured this was a good chance), and I’m playing a Paladin/Cleric. I’ve played Pathfinder Paladins and 5e Paladins, but not yet played one in 3.5, and someone had to play the cleric, right? Ok, maybe not, but full Divine casting and whatnot goes a long way to shoring up the Paladin, and it makes thematic sense. Stats will be rolled 4d6 drop the lowest or 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, our choice. We make heavy use of the RL-pantheons, and I’m thinking a Dwarven Paladin of Hephaestus. I can already see that MAD and lack of skills are going to hurt, but...at least there’s only so many good feats for Paladins in the SRD? I will be leaning into the Paladin side, just taking Cleric to cover it when we inevitably need some Cleric-only thing. So...build advice?
So, I’m DMing Pathfinder for a friend’s birthday in a few weeks. The group are experienced gamers: one’s an old hand who’s been playing since 1st Ed D&D and isn’t fond of anything past 3.5 (he’s our normal DM, but is DMing our normal weekly game the next night, we didn’t want to ask him to do double duty). 2 of the others are not quite so experienced, but have played and DMed for years, from 3.5 to 5 and Pathfinder. The last guy is new to Pathfinder, but has played various editions of D&D for years. I don’t really have time to do a full module (probably 5-6 hours of actual gameplay). So I’m thinking about doing Dawn of the Scarlet Sun, since it’s shorter than most modules. Given that it’s rather notoriously difficult and I only have 4 players, what adjustments should I be making? Levelling them up to 7, maybe? Giving them higher than standard wealth? Also, is this particular module *too* short? Should I slip in a random encounter or two (maybe on a night where the ambush doesn’t catch the real murderer, but they get tangled up with some random street toughs or something)?
I know some might recommend playing a Society scenario instead, and I’m not necessarily opposed, but I don’t really know where to start with those, haven’t really played much if any society play.
(TPTB: This may fit better in a different subforum, feel free to move it.)
So, about the abolitionist dragon Sonthonax. Is his name taken from the French commissioner Leger-Felicite Sonthonax who emancipated the slaves in Haiti? I mean, that can’t be coincidence, right?
Hey folks, my RL group is about to start up a new campaign. We've jumped around a bit, 3.5, Mutants & Masterminds, GURPS, etc, but this is going to be a 3.5 campaign in a homebrew world. 3 players, I'm wanting to play a Duskblade. Never played one before, but I like gishes and it seems like one of the better ways to play one in an edition that doesn't have the Magus or Warpriest. The other two are a monk (again, player figured he'd try a class he'd never played) and...something else. Probably with some healing, he's mentioned Bard and Druid as possibilities. Just us 3. I floated the idea of a DMPC to open up some options, but the others wan to hoard all the gold and XP. We're dragons, I guess. lol Anyway, having never played one, and played more PF1 than 3.5, I figured I'd ask for some advice. I'm not necessarily going for the most mechanically powerful options, but I also don't want to get too silly. Our GM likes to push us pretty hard. GM gave us the option of 4d6 drop the lowest or, after we rolled, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8. We all took the set array, I think. I did. I'm thinking elf, which I know isn't necessarily the most optimized to the class, but I like elves, and Duskblade fairly screams Elf! to me, in part because they invented it in the fluff, in part because it just seems like something that fits a race know for their wizards that are also all proficient with rapiers and longswords. So the big question, strength or dex based? I know that it's harder to be dex-based in 3.5 than pathfinder, but I'm leaning that way because elf. Once I grit through the first couple of levels, being able to channel spell damage ought to add plenty of damage potential, I don't *need* strength. But then again, strength-based is a simpler build that doesn't require weapon finesse. I'm definitely planning to pick up Knowledge Devotion at 3rd. Haven't planned too far beyond that. Here's the stat arrays I'm considering (and first feat):
I also like being able to shift my 18 into INT for the extra skill points, spell DC, etc on the Dex build. But then again, +4 to damage (plus power attack) from level 1 is pretty nice. But so is the better AC of a high Dex. I don't know how high the game will go, potentially 20 I guess. So advice for diverting into PrCs or something later on is appreciated, but I'd like to get a fair amount of Duskblade under my feet first. Also, I've got 150 GP to start. I'm thinking chain shirt, buckler, sword (rapier or longsword depending on build) and...whatever random stuff I can afford with what's left. Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Bomb threats?
It's been a while since I saw an HV recruitment offered. Anyone else got the itch to play the bad guys? Unfortunately, I'm no GM. But surely I'm not the only one out there who'd like to play the Dark Side.
As the title says. Odd question, maybe, so let me explain a bit: I'm looking for a roguish sneak-and-stab type character, and it occurred to me that that there's some really great revelations for that sort of build in the Shadow mystery, like Cloak of Darkness or Pierce the Shadows. But I'm really not looking to be a 9th-level caster for this build (I almost never play full casters, really). The closest approximation I know is to go Inquisitor and stack the Sanctified Slayer and Ravener Hunter archetypes, but that comes with some pretty specific fluff, and would require GM fiat to access the Shadow Mystery (I'm not really clear on the rhyme or reason for the ones the archetype can take. Shadow seems pretty thematic, but whatever). Is there anything closer than that? (And before anyone says it yes, I know there's probably other magical ways that would be as effective as the Shadow Mystery for the specific sort of build, but that was just an example, I'm also interested in the concept of non-Oracles with Mysteries more broadly)
I feel like someone’s probably thought of this before, but couldn’t find it searching the subforum. So. Thoughts? Given the particulars of the campaign I feel like this could be amazing. If I had the experience (and the books) I’d look to run it myself, but I don’t. If there’s sufficient interest, would anyone think about GMing such a campaign?
Pretty self-explanatory; we have half-elves and half-orcs, Dhampir, Fetchlings, Aasimar, Tieflings, Ifrits, Oreads, Undine and Sylphs. Humans are remarkable in their ability to hybridize with...just about everyone. So why are there no half-dwarves?
I'm still seeing dots next to threads I've posted in, but the normal notifications next to the thread title showing how many new posts since I last looked have disappeared, apparently forum-wide (I checked several I've posted in recently). Even in my Campaigns tab, where I know for sure there are a couple of threads that had new posts this morning, there's no notifications anymore. I actually first noticed this there, when I went to catch up on said threads. So...did I hit a wrong button? I don't remember turning notifications off, but maybe I did so accidentally? Is this some sort of internal forum hiccup on y'all's end?
So I want to play a warpriest of Milani in this AP. What archetype should I pick? If it helps, I'm planning on playing a Devilspawn Tiefling (+2CON, +2WIS, -2CHA) Rolled Stats as follows, can be assigned however: 17, 14, 14, 13, 13, 13.
Liberty's Blade jumps out at me immediately. You lose very little, one blessing and a reduced-power Channel Energy(which you shouldn't be using much anyway) and in return you can channel to do more damage vs. devils, and you get devilbane and devil-defiant as options for sacred weapon/armor. In this AP, it seems really thematic and unusually powerful.
Sacred Fist is another that stuck out to me. It's a pretty big alteration, but running around unarmored and fighting with your fists seems like it'd make sneaking around under the Dottari's nose a lot easier than if you're running around in chainmail with a morningstar.
Champion of the Faith is suggested in the Player's Guide. I'm open to the idea if anyone wants to make a case, but the archetype has never impressed me overmuch.
I guess Cult Leader or Proselytizer might make some thematic sense, but...eh. Neither one seems that interesting to me.
I'm thinking about trying to go into Sentinel or Exalted eventually, take that into consideration as well.
It's not an uncommon combo, true, but I didn't want to cast Reanimate Thread on someone else's. Seemed rude. So, I'm wanting to create a Barbarian/Druid Gestalt. The 'civilized' will feel nature's wrath, and all that. I'm trying to keep this fairly general, something that could be tailored to a range of APs and build guidelines, so keep that in mind. Now, let's talk archetypes.
Seems like this might be one good location for the Savage Barbarian archetype; Druids get limited armor choices anyway, and even that is useless in Wild Shape until you get Wild armor, etc. So why not dump it for more natural armor and dodge bonuses? Is there an issue here, like it not stacking with NA gained in wildshape? Invulnerable Rager also seems like a good choice. Sure, you can hit me, my AC isn't that high because Druid, but I'm going to keep coming because DR. Mooncursed seems thematic for skinwalkers (one of my favorite races), but I'd rather be able to pick which animal form I rage in, thanks.
Druid Archetypes? Race is up in the air, but I really like Skinwalkers, so Mooncaller seems natural with the lycanthropic connection. But the DR doesn't stack with Barbarian DR. Goliath Druid seems like it could be fun. A raging Goliath Druid is going to outclass a Titan Mauler in so many ways it isn't funny (of course, that archetype is pretty lacklusetr, and at any rate a gestalt gharacter should outclass a single-classed one). I'm one of those odd people that still like Prestige classes, so World Walker seems like a good choice if I want to go Nature Warden.
Speaking of race, what are some you like for this combo? Other thoughts, questions, comments, bomb threats?
I've got this gestalt Sorcerer(Sage)/Unchained Rogue(Phantom Thief) build for a Skulls & Shackles campaign. Details are in the profile of this alias. It's already submitted, so I probably can't make more than minor tweaks to the existing crunch, but I'm looking for advice going forward. I definitely want to PrC Arcane Trickster on the Sorc side, this being gestalt, being able to be an Arcane Trickster with 20 caster levels and full 9th level spellcasting will be nice. I went Sage in part because of the skill point synergy with Rogue, and partly because I prefer smart characters to charming ones, in case anyone's wondering. The GM has confirmed he will allow a prestige class on each side of the gestalt, so I am open to suggestions for the Rogue side. Duelist was the first thing that occurred to me, to add some Melee power just in case, but Shadowdancer also comes to mind as an intriguing possibility. As a rapier-wielding Besmaran, I guess I could take Deification Obedience and go Sentinel. But anyway, like I said, I'd appreciate advice going forward, I tend to play more straight gish-type characters like Magi and Warpriests, skill monkey and full caster are both roles I have less experience with.
Mods, feel free to move this if it fits somewhere else better.
It's occurred to me recently how similar these classes are, but how completely outclassed the Paladin seems to be. But maybe I'm wrong, I am fairly new to Pathfinder. Let's compare features:
Shared/Analogous features:
Alignment: Paladin must be LG, Warpriest can be anything. Likewise, the Paladin essentially has to worship a LG, NG, or LN god, where the Warpriest can do whatever.
BAB: Paladin wins here, full vs 3/4, but see below
HD: Again, slight advantage Paladin, but see below
Saves: Same
Skills: Same Points, but the Warpriest gets exclusive access to Climb, Intimidate, Knowledge (Engineering), Survival and Swim, where the only thing the Paladin gets that the Warpriest doesn't is Knowledge (nobility).
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Basically the same, but the Warpriest gets automatic proficiency with their deity's favored weapon or IUS as a bonus feat.
Bonus Feats: Tempered Champion gets 5 from a small list of combat feats (and has to focus on his or her deity's favored weapon or its group). Champion of the Faith gets 5 from the full list of combat feats, plus weapon focus, possibly plus IUS (as mentioned above).
Smite: The Paladin can smite earlier (1st level instead of 4th) and can smite more often (maxing out at 7 times instead of 5), but the Warpriest has the option of smiting non-evil foes (though that option must be picked at the first level and can't be changed). Yes, Evil will usually be the best opposed alignment, but not always.
Lay on Hands vs Fervor: LoH will heal more damage, and can add mercies, but Fervor opens up the option of swift action casting, which is a bigger deal most of the time.
Detect Evil/Alignment: Paladin gets it first, but Warpriest's can be more flexible.
Sacred Weapon/Divine Bond:
Paladin's lasts longer, comes on line earlier, and is more flexible. Clear advantage Paladin here.
Other Features:
Auras: A variety of resistances and immunities that vary from pretty awesome to pretty situational.
Channel Energy: A useful group heal, but often won't be worth two mercies.
Holy Champion: nice if you ever get there.
Blessings: Hard to rate as a group, these can provide a huge variety of different bonuses. All in all, they're more flexible but generally less powerful and long-lasting than Paladin's auras. It is a more strategic than tactical flexibility though, since once chosen they can't generally be changed.
Sacred Armor: saves you some gold if nothing else.
Aspect of War: Useful, but not as good as the Paladin's capstone.
Spellcasting: This is the big one. Nothing the Paladin has comes close here.
In the areas that tend to be the most powerful, the Warpriest seems to have all the advantages. The Warpriest's extra bonus feats make it easier to find space for Toughness, which completely erases the HD difference (well, on the average. If you're taking max each level it closes half the gap). The Warpriest's spells have all sorts of insane flexibility. Not the god-like power of a wizard, maybe, but huge nonetheless, even with only six levels of casting. Certainly nothing the Paladin can come close to matching, while the Warpriest can probably pseudo-replicate many of the Paladin's unique features. To cite one example, the Warpriest's BAB deficiency can be made up (and then some) with one swiftcast of Divine Favor/Power (especially if you have the Fate's Favored trait, which you should), with extra damage thrown in as a bonus (more than that once you hit Divine Power). By the time a Warpriest gets sixth level spells, he can do things like banish Outsiders, grant ability bonuses or cure spells to the entire party, summon all sorts of creatures, create a permanent oasis, and so on. Even cantrips are great tools the Paladin can't replicate, things like Create Water, Light, Mending, Detect Magic, etc.
It seems like a Tempered Champion wants to be a Warpriest, with its unique features copying Sacred Weapon's scaling damage increase and more or less replicating a Warpriest's bonus feats, but do a Paladin's Auras and Divine bond come anywhere close to replicating a Warpriest's spells and blessings? Is the Paladin's Channel and Smite worth that much? When would you take the Paladin over the Warpriest?
Hey folks, I'm new (as is surely obvious from my post count, duh). I didn't see any "designated new people thread", so I figured I'd make one. I hope that's ok. (I have been on boards where it was frowned upon, but didn't see anything in the community guidelines or anything)
So anyway. I've read a lot of Pathfinder fiction, I like it a lot. But I've never been much for playing RPGs (mostly because I live in a fairly rural area, there's probably no gaming group of any sort group within a half-hour of me, much less a Pathfinder group specifically). I've read a lot of other universes, Star Wars, Battletech, 40k, Halo, ASoIaF, etc, but am still fairly new to Golarion etc. This seemed like the place to come to learn more. So...how y'all doin'?