GM WhtKnt's Darkness Within: A Carrion Crown Adventure Path

Game Master WhtKnt

From the whispering shadows of haunted Ustalav an ancient evil rises to grip the world in a new age of horror!

Amid the mists of this land of dark superstition and dread secrets stand both those who would defy the return of evil and those who would seek its terrible favor. Can the heroes discern their allies from their enemies in time to save a tortured realm from a tyrant’s return? Pathfinder’s darkest and most frightening campaign ever sets the heroes against the agents of Golarion’s most notorious villain, the Whispering Tyrant, in a terrifying trek across a land of lurking horror and ancient mysteries.


Cassiel Hawke: HP 31/35; AC 17/10/17; F+8 R+3 W+5; Init +2
Lorant Endronil: HP 10/24; AC 16/11/15; F+1 R+5 W+6; Init +5
Mathus Kohlheim: HP 35/35; AC 15/13/13; F+4 R+8 W+3; Init +3
Judah Locke HP 24/24; AC 15/12/13; F+1 R+3 W+3; Init +2

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Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Lorant recalls the following information:

Schloss Caromarc is the dwelling of Count Alpon Caromarc, the former ruler of Vieland who abdicated his position when the Palatinates threw off the heavy yoke of the aristocracy.

An eccentric recluse, Count Caromarc has built a dwelling that both attracts and deters visitors. Known as the Hanging House, Schloss Caromarc lies to the northeast of Dippelmere Swamp and is actually several buildings built into the walls of a gorge above a waterfall. Although the lower parts of the house are as luxurious as one might find in any city, the further up the gorge one goes, the more treacherous and inhospitable the buildings become.

Paranoid about his experiments and discoveries being stolen, the eccentric Count Caromarc has, it is rumored, trapped parts of his castle to prevent theft, and constructed numerous guardian creatures to serve and protect him.

Male rage 14/14Spell slots Spirit 1/2 Spell slots Bloodrager 2/2 Skinwalker (Fanglord) Urban Bloodrager4 Fractured mind 1HP 49/49AC18/16/12 SavesFort:7 Ref 3 Will 4/8/11 Init +2 Perc6 CMB7/8 CMD19/21[/ooc]

So, assuming hostilities, opfor is constructs, undead, maybe some outsiders, presumably of the lawful kind as only idiots would use demons or daemons to guard things?

Dylan pauses

Lorant, you think you can get us a writ of being allowed to investigate the castle from the judge? Or some official identification as deputees or something? If we run into like, Axis based protection things its really usefull to have such things, if we dont they may just attack or expell us, and we would have to fight them, and thus piss of Axis, and Axis always pays its debts.

If I had a mercenary castle I would absolutely have guard on it with orders to kill or capture intruders on sight.

Male Dhampir Vampire Hunter 5 | HP 34/34
AC 16, T 11, FF 15; Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +6; Init +5; Perception +10

"Would the former Count Caromarc even have the ability to create those kinds of defenses? From what I recall he was an intelligent man, and a scientist, but not a wizard or anything..."

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