
Hawkson's page

160 posts. Alias of Viper22.

How does Shifter’s Fury work outside of wildshape?? Does the shifter still attack with 2 claws or one.

"When she does so, all her other natural attacks count as secondary attacks and don’t benefit from shifter’s claws."

This line sounds like 1 claw attack, because shifter’s claws give you the claws to begin with & now you secondary attacks "don’t benefit from shifter’s claws."

Has any one converted the Dagger Claws ability form the Daggerspell Shaper PrC (3.5 Complete Adv) into something a Shifter could substitute into? Like an archtype ability? What could this archtype do / look like?

"Animal companions with more than one
natural attack and only primary natural attacks can’t take
a companion archetype that trades out Multiattack." for the Ultimate Wilderness pg. 186 Companion archtypes.

So if I understand this line correctly an cat (big or small) cannot take archtypes like Bully, Bodyguard, Daredevil, or Wrecker, Because they trade out multiattack & all their attacks are prinary. WHY??? These all fit my thinking of the cat companions anyway.
Muliattack is already a wasted ability for them (unless I have missed something). Anybody else see this or am I just crazy?

I have both a Pathfinder RPG Subscription & Pathfinder Comic Subscription & have a question about both.

First: Book of the Damned IS part of the RPG line right? If so It never showed up on my subscription page nor have I received a copy (physical or digital)? What is the delay??

Second: At GenCon I was able to pick up issue 3 of runescares however I have not gotten issue 2. And on my subscription page, my side cart has issue 2, 3, & 5. But not 4??

I'm a little confused & concerned???

Correct me if I'm wrong but the "Spells per Day" section of Class Features it does not require your to add the levels to an arcane caster class? Requirements for the class aside, could you have a "Divine" Trickster, adding the +10 levels to a divine class?

Does this count as "Animal Companion" for class/feat/anything prerequisites. Looking at nature warden for a gestalt 20+ (Epic) game & the animal companion is the only thing I don't directly have.

Say I Have a Single Class Ranger (Beastmaster) as one side (Side A), & other Side (Side B) is Monk/Fighter/Prestige Class's. Can I use Mammonth rider & add it's levels to one of the beastmaster animals? Can I take Nature Warden (on the B Side that has no spell casting using the ranger caster level to get in) & not gain the caster levels?

I realize that the more animals I have the "less money the Ranger will have" but I play for fun not power. And I know that this is all up to the GM but thought I would ask you all what you think.


Are there any feats / ability's or other things that would let a mount charge & attack one target & the rider jump off in mid-charge (or some other point) to attack another? Is this covered by a CMB roll? If so what one? How can I pull this off?

O.K. BBT we'll try this board.

Should a Gestalt Druid / Ranger get the animal companion from BOTH sides? 1 at full Druid Level & one at Ranger Level - 3?

Should a Gestalt Druid / Ranger get the animal companion from BOTH sides. Or can a Gestalt Fighter Mammoth Rider / Ranger (Beast Master) Be able to add the Mammoth Rider PrC to one of his Beast Master animals.

Can a Storm Druid that gets the Air & Weather domains multiclass as a Cleric & gain the same two domains or the subdomains? I know that the druid or cleric "side" can not take the weather (domain) & storm (subdomain of weather), but can both classes have weather and/or storm & air and/or cloud? I see nothing against this.

Are there any non-wildshape options around?

Other than SGG Guide to Air Magic (have it & love it but need more non-wildshape)

Dragon Style

Benefit: While using this style, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against sleep effects, paralysis effects, and stunning effects. You ignore difficult terrain when you charge, run, or withdraw. You can also charge through squares that contain allies. Further, you can add 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus on the damage roll for your first unarmed strike on a given round.

Dragon Ferocity

Benefit: While using Dragon Style, you gain a bonus on unarmed strike damage rolls equal to half your Strength bonus. When you score a critical hit or a successful Stunning Fist attempt against an opponent while using this style, that opponent is also shaken for a number of rounds equal to 1d4 + your Strength bonus.

If you have both does the 1st attack add 2x str & all other attacks add 1.5 str, or do all attacks deal 1.5 str.

I have a PC w/ the Fey Creature temp. She gains SR = 11 + CR. What is her SR? Does the CR Adj add to this? I cannot find anything in any book or online. My Perception (Search) Check Failed. :)

"Alternatively, bracers of armor can be enchanted with
armor special abilities. See Table 3–3: Armor Special Abilities
for a list of abilities. Special abilities usually count as
additional bonuses for determining the market value of an
item, but do not improve AC. Bracers of armor cannot have a
modified bonus (armor bonus plus armor special ability bonus
equivalents) higher than +8. Bracers of armor must have at
least a +1 armor bonus to grant an armor special ability.
Bracers of armor cannot have any armor special abilities
that add a flat gp amount to their cost.

"The wearer of brawling armor gains a +2 bonus on unarmed
attack and damage rolls, including combat maneuver checks
made to grapple. Her unarmed strikes count as magic
weapons for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction.
These bonuses do not apply to natural weapons. This special
ability does not prevent the wearer’s unarmed strikes from
provoking attacks of opportunity or make the wearer’s
unarmed strikes count as armed attacks. The brawling ability
can be applied only to light armor.

Can you put this on a set of bracers? Do that count as light armor?

GREAT BOOK!!!! love it, ranger is my favorite class. But I saw not questions board about this one yet so...

Ranger Talents:
Additional Animal Companion (Ex): With this ability you may select an additional animal companion.
What Level is the druid level of this companion??

Additional Favored Enemy You have additional favored enemies.
Prerequisite: Favored enemy class feature.
Benefit: You may choose one additional favored enemy.
All bonuses are at the normal base amounts but may be
increased following the favored enemy ability rules.

Additional Favored Terrain
You have additional favored terrains.
Prerequisite: Favored terrain class feature.
Benefi t: You may choose one additional favored terrain.
All bonuses are at the normal base amounts but
may be increased following the favored terrain ability
Do you gain these at +2 & gain no other +2 to add to another, but can go to +4 +6 etc. at the Ranger Level you gain normally one??

Coordinated Companion, Greater Animal Companion, Improved Animal Companion, Invulnerable Animal Companion, & Increased Devotion
For Beastmasters (APG) & Packlords (UM?) do these feats apply to ALL of their animals or do you need to take them for each companion?

Can we have a Spell-Less Beastmaster (APG) Ranger?? If so what druid level are the animal companion??


Does / Should the "Terrain Bond" of the Guide work with the "Favored Community" of the Urban Ranger? The two have no cross feature problems, the "Name" of one changed but still works the same (Some skill changes)?

Super Genius games Guide to Air Magic has a Non-wild shape Druid that gets an ability called Storm Mastery. This ability is 14 different Spell-Like Ability's that can be used up to 9/day in any combo (at 20th level). The spells follow the weather / cloud domain. Would I need to take Ability Focus (Storm Mastery) gaining a +2 DC all spells or Ability Focus (one of the spells), for a +2 DC on that spell alone?

I would think focus in Storm Mastery because that is the "ability", but a little overpowered?.

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Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A staff magus is
proficient with simple weapons only. He can cast magus
spells while wearing light armor without incurring the
normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane
spellcaster, a magus wearing medium armor or heavy armor
or using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if
the spell in question has a somatic component. A multiclass
magus still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance
for arcane spells received from other classes. This replaces
the normal magus weapon and armor proficiency feature.

Anyone noticed that they are not (by RAW) Proficient in any armor!?
Is the right or any oversight?

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The spell states that it fires your ammo (Arrows & Bolts)as if "firing the necessary ranged weapon". It does not state what ranged weapon, Longbow, shortbow, etc. The spell does not directly state that it uses your weapon just your ammo. For now we are using the casters "on hand weapon" as damage, but what if you are not carrying a bow or crossbow & find a case of magical arrows or bolts, what is the die damage?

Has anyone used any of these feats in Pathfinder? How do you all think they balance out? Should they be used? Do you think Paizo will or should try their own multi-class feats?

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does evasion only protect vs HP damage or any "Reflex for 1/2" damage?

example: Shadow Dragon Breath Weapon, Negative Levels, does an evasion using creature, on a failed save, take all neg levels or no neg levels?

Evasion is unclear in what "Damage".

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Should Spell Focus & Elemental Focus stack? Too me yes. One affects the Spell School the other the Descriptor, two parts of the spell. And you would take 4 feats (Greaters) to gain a +4 DC to said spell types. Anyone?