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![]() I always thought that getting a subscription PDF prior to the street date was something that usually happened but not a guarantee nor an official benefit from Paizo. But I just filled out the AP survey they sent out, and one of the questions was: "How important are the benefits for Adventure Path subscriptions to you?" And one of the options for me to rank was: "Free PDF before street date" Which made me wonder if they changed their policy or was the survey option not to be taken as a literal benefit? ![]()
![]() Has anyone run into a player taking the Godless Healing/Mortal Healing feat chain?
Would it even be possible to get any advantage from Mortal healing if you cast Divine spells? Mortal Healing says you must follow the laws of Mortality, and the laws of Mortality says for its Anathema: solicit or receive divine or religious aid. And casting divine spells seems to break this rule. Any thoughts? ![]()
![]() I understand that in the main structure, the stairs down in area A12 were hidden well, and that the entrance under the dock may have been hard to spot.
Anyway, just wondering if I missed an explanation. ![]()
![]() I have a player who use a Summoner, and i was trying to understand how they get spells. As I understand it, at level 4 the summoner should have 3-1st level spells known and 2-2nd level spells. Giving the maximum of 5 spells. At level-5 it says you add 2 level-3 spells, (bringing you to 7 spells known) BUT that you lose your lowest level of spell slots and 2 spells form the repertoire. So i assume the 2 you lose would be 1st level spells. So now that leaves me with 2-3rd, 2-2nd and 1 useless 1st level spell known. What are you supposed to do with the spells of levels you can't cast anymore? Do you have to have a useless spell until level 6 where it says you can swap spells then? Hopefully this makes sense, I am sure there's a thread a couldn't find or maybe a better explanation in the book someone could point me to. ![]()
![]() Hello please cancel my "Adventure Path" and "Lost Omens" subscriptions.
Please keep my "Adventure" and "Rulebook" subscription ACTIVE. thanks! (hopefully this can be handled before october stuff goes out.) ![]()
![]() Has there been an errata for Bestiary-1 yet? I noticed the ghost special ability "frightful moan" uses 2-actions on page 166. While the 2 stat blocks on page 167 both have frightful moan as a 1-action ability. So one of these must be wrong? Or are these 2 SPECIFIC ghosts an exception to the general rule of a 2-action frightful moan? ![]()
![]() It says if you successfully overcharge a wand, it becomes broken.
On a related note, if the wand is "destroyed" does this mean it is gone for good, or is there a specific game definition of "destroyed" that means something different? ![]()
![]() I am usually fairly rules savvy, but am having a problem wrapping my head around how to use Counterspell. I guess the main thing is when interpreting the degrees of success, How do I determine what my "effect's counteract level" is? Nowhere that i see does it spell out what MY counteract level is, I only see how to determine the counteract level of the target effect. Is it 1 since the counterspell reaction is a level 1 feat? Do I use the level of the spell or spell slot that I am expending to try to counterspell? (if so where does it say this?) Do I use my character level? Along the same lines, If i use Dispell Magic to counteract it seems my counteract level would always be 2, since it's a 2nd level spell. And thus would only ever be able to dispell up to 5th level spells on a crit success? It seems like this new mechanic could have used an example or 2, but I know they only had so much space. ![]()
![]() I am just starting to wrap my head around the different notations for heightening spells. Sometimes there is a + followed by a number, and sometimes there is a specific level listed. So for the shield spell they list improvements for heightening for 3rd,5th,7th, 9th level.
![]() Is it possible to ONLY have a "striking" rune on a weapon without having a "potency" rune?
The same question would also apply to Armor having ONLY a "resilient" rune without a potency rune. ![]()
![]() I know there are discounts on PF1 stuff, but every starfinder and PF2 product is also showing a discounted sale price. Maybe I'm wrong but are you guys really selling everything at a discount, even before it's released? If not, you should fix this, because people will expect you to honor the prices displayed on your site. ![]()
![]() The word Incredible sounds really cool and i thought well it must be better than plain old improved initiative from PF1, until you see you get a measly +1 to init, which seems like a cruel joke. I realize that every +1 is way more precious in PF2, but really, bumping it to +2 or have it scale with level to some extent surely wouldn't break the math? Maybe just keep it as called improved initiative, and expectations won't be dashed by the name. ![]()
![]() I was reading the sample vehicle chase on page 287. The enemies were riding on basic-enercycles (with 7hp and hardness 5).
So what am I missing? Can someone point me to a rule I missed somewhere that allowed the PCs to seemingly bypass hardness in the example? The examples of play can be crucial to understanding some of the rules and how they behave in-play, and it would be a shame if there are errors in these. ![]()
![]() Does the ability to treat BAB=Level happen at level 1? or at level 3? The first sentence is clear that you get profiencies right away at level 1. The second sentence is clear that you get specialization at 3rd. It is unclear to me whether the next sentence is also abilities that come online at 3rd level. Or if they are active from the beginning. ![]()
![]() For the Saboteur mechanic, why do they suggest to take skill focus as feats for Computers and Engineering? Skill focus gives insight bonus. You already get increasing insight bonuses to those skills via the "bypass" class feature. And once you hit level-9 those skill focus feats become useless. Did they really intend for both of those bonuses to be "insight"? ![]()
![]() I am a bit confused about calculating the Escape-Artist or Strength check for an Entangling Infusion. Entangling Infusion:
Your kinetic blast surrounds your foes in elemental matter. Whenever a blast with this infusion deals damage to a foe, that foe becomes entangled for 1 minute. The foe can remove this condition as a standard action with a successful Escape Artist or Strength check (with the same DC as for saves against your kinetic blast) or by dealing an amount of damage to the entangling matter equal to double your kineticist level (the matter has hardness 0). If the foe was already entangled by this infusion and fails its save against a second instance of this infusion, the increased amount of elemental matter fuses to the ground, causing the foe to be rooted in place as though anchored to an immobile object. I don't see anywhere under the "kinetic blast" feature that references a save. In fact I thought that kinetic blasts do not have saves at all. The "wild talents" class feature says : "Unless otherwise noted, the DC for a saving throw against a wild talent is equal to 10 + the wild talent's effective spell level + the kineticist's Constitution modifier" So would the wording in entangling-infusion override this since it is "otherwise noted"? In the "infusions" class feature it says: "The DC for a save against an infusion is based on the associated kinetic blast's effective spell level, not the level of the infusion." So even though infusions are also wild-talents I guess they do not follow the convention laid out in the 'wild-talent' section? So if I am a level 10 kineticist with a 22 constitution, what would be the DC against my entangling infusion (and I guess also the DC to remove the entangled condition)? Is it 10+5+6=21 ? Another question or advice. Since it says in the 'infusion" section: " If a target succeeds and a successful save negates the infusion's effects, the entire kinetic blast is negated"., Are these infusions even worth taking? I mean you have to roll to hit AND spend 2 burn and it all can go to waste if they make their save. Seems like a big gamble. ![]()
![]() The spell is as follows (bolding mine): SYNAPTIC PULSE
What is psychic shriek? And what is its range? Is it possible that the spell was originally called psychic shriek in development, but the name changed, but they forgot to change the spell description? Anyone know? ![]()
![]() Is there anyway possible to actually get an infusion talent (besides level-1 talents) at the level you qualify for it? It seems at class level-4, I qualify for level 2 infusions, but can't actually select one until level 5. And for level-3 infusion talents (which requires class level-6), you can't actually get one until level 9, at which point you'd probably select a level-4 talent anyhow. I see that if you pick your original element as your expanded element, you can get a level-3 talent at class level-7, but that really hampers the versatility and flavor of having 2 elements. Even the feat, Extra Wild Talent, (which require you to be level 6, but you don't get feats at level 6, so really you'd be level 7) has a restriction of talents being 2 levels lower than your highest. So youd have to be level 10 (really level-11 since you dont get feats at 10) in order to get a level-3 talent. I must be missing something obvious, because I am confused at how this class is constructed. You should be able to actually acquire and actually use the features of your class WHEN you qualify to use those features, right? ![]()
![]() Mutagen wrote:
So my question is do I need any sort of specific equipment to create mutagens? Mainly, I envision being on an all-day dungeon crawl, and my first mutagens expires, so I want to make a new one. I get it takes 1-hour to brew, but do I need any specific equipment to lug around (portable alchemist lab?) to brew this on-the-go? ![]()
![]() The wail ability of the banshee is:
Wail (Su) Once per minute, a banshee may wail as a full-round action. The wail lasts until the beginning of her next turn. All creatures within 40 feet of the banshee when she begins her wail, as well as all creatures that end their turn within that radius, must make a DC 23 Fortitude save. (This save is only required once per wail.) Creatures under the effects of a fear effect take a –4 penalty on this save. Creatures that make their save are sickened for 1d6 rounds. Those that fail take 140 points of damage (as if affected by a CL 14 wail of the banshee). If a wailing banshee is damaged during a wail, she must make a Will save (DC 15 + damage taken) to maintain the wail; otherwise it ends. This is a sonic death effect. Banshee wails are supernaturally powerful, and penetrate the effect of any spell of 3rd level or lower that creates silence. The save DC is Charisma-based. The spell Wail of the Banshee is:
Wail of the Banshee:
School necromancy [death, sonic]; Level sorcerer/wizard 9 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target one living creature/level within a 40-ft.-radius spread Duration instantaneous Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes When you cast this spell, you emit a terrible, soul-chilling scream that possibly kills creatures that hear it (except for yourself). The spell affects up to one creature per caster level, inflicting 10 points of damage per caster level. Creatures closest to the point of origin are affected first. The Wail ability specifically refers to the spell, AND the spell only does 1 packet of damage (it only affects multiple creatures if there is damage "left-over" after it kills the closest creature). So does the creature ability apply full-damage to EACH creature or does it only affect more than 1 creature if there is damage "left-over" like the spell? ![]()