K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)
![]() Ensign McKenzy quickly has the door un-powered and the safety interlocks undone. Grrazz open the small eregency panel and adjusts a lever, then assists ensign Ivrytaa Zh'rerik (A female Andorian) with the pair just as quickly pulls the doors open with their physiques...not bothering to wait for the laborious process of 'cranking' the large, solid blast door aside. With enough of a gap for an 'average' humanoid to fit Grrazz indicates them all to enter. Leaving the Sergeant on point guard at the door Grrazz begins to take inventory of the myriad crates, reading their tags with their PADD. "The ship is new and there are many drills being undertaken in preparation for departure." Grrazz begins to speak to the remaining assembled Marines. "But, things seem to be stampeding out of control instead of being exercises..." Grrazz indicates for crates to begin being removed from their racking. As the Marines jump to, he brings McKenzy aside and shows the junior the screen, tapping deftly at its surface with a claw. "Your insight?" Grrazz asks, even as they relinquish the large PADD into the human's hands. McKenzy peers at the read out for a moment, watching the data scroll for a time until the recording reaches its end and resets. "Ah!" She exclaims, halting the display and adjusting the image, "That is a 'Logic bomb'." She changes the read out to loop at that certain point "See? This code suddenly unpacks and 'bam' begins setting off things all over the place....hmmm..." McKenzy scrutinizes the display more intensely. "That's.. odd.. It's Terran type..." She muses. One of the other Marines, a large male human, stops lifting -much to the grunted charring of the Andorian woman helping move the crate- at the comment. Why 'Human'?" He asks, a belligerent tone in his voice. McKenzy's attention remains fixed upon the screen, adjusting images and views even as she replies, "Hmm? Oh, it's like a lot of subtle things. Like, the way a species developed language.. or run or hold things. It's something that's kind of unlearned as part of Star Fleet training so as to better get an idea as to what other cultures are thinking or how they might react. So hominid Human's all tend to 'think' in a certain way. It's just a part of our biology. This carries over into a lot of the 'basic' programming languages. It's like a Vulcan can just simply 'Do' certain binaric things better than others." She shrugs, looking to Grrazz, "That's the weird thing. If you're going to drop code into the isolinear workings of a Star Fleet ship..." McKenzies voice trails off as she quickly begins to tap away at the screen. "It's a hide..." Grrazz rumbles, then looks at the non-comprehensions of those around him. " 'Trojan'." McKenzy informs every one. "Something put in so as to hide something... else..." She shakes her head, "Near enough example to most. Basically... we've got a lot of different...things... now running through the computer system." She again pauses the display and shows something to Grrazz. "See? The ship's computer is doing a good job of finding and editing the corrupting code... But who ever set this off? They know how Sta Fleet computers work. The Miyazaki is new, she's not been thoroughly integrated." McKenzy looks first at Grrazz and then the rest of her squad. "What ever this thing is? Miyazaki is going to lose against it." ![]()
K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)
![]() A maintenance panel on deck three slides open and then the furred form of Lt Commander Grrazz fluidly slides out. As the large framed, almost two meter tall alien rises to their full height with the sound of some one else coming through the maintenance Jefferey tube behind them, it would seem the K'Zin can easily slip though spaces barely wider then their head. The Sargent emerges a few moments later, patting their uniform and hair back into place. Grrazz waits for but a moment as the other officer 'straightens up', using the time to get their bearings. The pair quickly move on and after rounding a couple of corners meet a squad of ship's Marines coming the others way. "Atten-SHUN!" Barks the Sargent and the four others straining instantly has them responding. Grrazz steps forwards to show their rank badge. "Fall in, follow me, quick time." The K'Zint's voice rumbles as they give orders, turning the group of six begin at a brisk walk towards the supply/cargo bay they'd previously mentioned to their Sergeant. It takes a few detours, as some of the emergency doors are not re-opening after the computer';s drill has closed them, to reach their destination. Upon approaching the door Lt Commander Grrazz's order does not meet with the computer accepting. Grrazz stares at the portal for a moment. "Ensign McKenzy?" Grrazz intones. "Sir!" The smallest of the squad, a Terran female, snaps to attention. "Bypass the door's protocols. Shut down it's power feed. Enable emergency access." Grrazz orders, even as they move towards a panel with red warning symbols and letters highlighting it from the rest of the corridor walls. "Aye Sir!" The Marine quickly moves to the doors smaller maintenance panel and with a deft twist and tug has it off before peering inside. Grrazz, meanwhile, is taking the other Marine's comm badges and passing them one by one over their PADD. Grrazz re-iterates to them what was said to the Sergeant about what they are doing. ![]()
K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)
![]() Sorry for late post. Grrazz' ear flicks up as their comm badge tweets and the orders arrive from Ltn Commander Veradiran. As the message sinks in Grrazz again immediately stops in their tracks, though they raise a hand which closes into a fist. The Marine, who's been trailing the big feline, training kicks in and she immediately turns to cover her commander's back as Grrazz pulls out their large PADD and begins tapping away quickly upon its face with their claws. "Sargent?" Grrazz asks slightly distractedly, "Sir?!" She replies instantly, her voice framing a question even as her eyes scan for anything which might be a threat that her senior officer has seemingly indicated. "Your comm badge." Grrazz orders, simply putting out a paw into which the Sergeant un-clips said item and hands it to Grrazz. They waste no time and place it upon a small, blinking square on the PADD's screen. "Ship's systems have been compromised," Grrazz informs her, "While there are many drills and such shake downs happening... systems are becoming more erratic, possibly indicating enemy action." Grrazz is scanning the display on their PADD, even as claws tap away madly at the screen. After but a moment Grrazz hands back the Sergeant's comm's badge, placing theirs on the same blinking square and continuing to tap away. "I've taken yours and now my badge off the system... for what that's worth.. and tied them directly into each other. We have to reach..." Grrazz squints at the display, lowering the PADD so that the Sergeant can look at it's screen as well. "This squad here... Numbered four... Ensign McKenzy is our assigned ELINT specialist. We hook up with her and then proceed to...." Grrazz slides the screen's display to another part of the ship,"Here. Secure storage room 47/12B." Grrazz shifts the display and looks to the Sargent. "Best path to McKenzy?" Grrazz asks the Seargeant as she's had more time to acclimatize the the ship's lay out than Grrazz's self. After a few moments of sliding the display about, and noting the time/date stamp as to when the incoming data stream was frozen from the ship's computer the Seargeant quickly traces a route. "These corridors.... this Jeffry's tube. Should drop us down.. here." She nods and Grrazz nods as well, accepting her recommendations, turning they head off in the indicated direction. ![]()
K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)
![]() As they continue to stalk towards their destination (Marine in tow or not) Grrazz's ears fold flat and they shake their head, tapping their comm's badge they speak, K'Zint: They finish with a sigh even as they continue onwards. "Computer? Addendum to orders regarding Marine details. Doors are to remain closed for a maximum of ten minutes... or until closest Marines have moves ten meters away from said closed doors..." ![]()
K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)
![]() Grrazz ears snap up as their comms badge tweets. Coming to another swift halt they listen intently to Lieutenant Veradian's information... even as they bring their PADD up, beginning to tap out sequences on its screen. A fuzzy deck-plan of the Miyazaki appears in isometric view on the display. "Computer? overlay current Marines position on display." Grrazz waits patiently for the image to adjust. "Computer, high light runabout....Pipsqueak..." The K'zint's ears lower at some aspect of the name as they wait for the screen to change again. When the various dots and smudges appear Grrazz adjusts the focus with a claw slid across the display. "Computer, open comms to team... allocated...five." Grrazz waits for the acknowledging tweet before giving calm orders, even as they tap away at the screen to bring up more information. "Troops (Sadly, I am terrible at creating names and am slightly pressed for time. Insert four NPC marine names here). This is Commander Grrazz. You are hereby ordered to forgo current operations and report to hangar bay...six and the shuttle craft their in, designated 'Pipsqueak'. Craft and contents are to be treated as minor, level 1 bio hazard. Use force field adjustments to enact emergency containment procedures as necessary. Await Medical's arrival and assist them as best you can." Grrazz ears flick as they continue to deliver their instructions. "Once testing and scanning is complete. If the crate is safe for humanoid consumption," Again the K'Zint's features wrinkle as if smelling something, "Your squad are to move it to the lounge and store it in the secure storage room, strapped down, and then log into the consumables database. Packing information is on the crate. Please alert Ensign Stoval that you will be taking over for him, and that he relieved of guard duty on the runabout. Finally, please request security to go over the Pipsqueak with utmost care and ensure there is nothing else outstanding on the vessel." Grrazz sighs, "Once the crate is assigned, contact myself again for further instructions." "Computer? Remove Marine detail five from current operating protocol envelope, remove previous computer allocations etc. Parse previous orders, adjust message and forward to Chief medical officer. Inform the Chief that said object is... probably not dangerous, given the Lieutenant Veradiran's requested destination." All the while that Grrazz has been speaking, they have been noting the timer flicking down in a corner of their PADD as they await the computers acknowledging chirp. "Computer? Begin highlighting path from current location to cargo bay three..." And with that the K'Zin is moving forwards. ![]()
K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)
![]() Hama wrote:
Grrazz comes to an amazingly quick halt for a being of such mass as the Marine appears in their view. Rising to their full height, Grrazz looks down their muzzle at the Marine then withdraws the large, ruggediezed PADD from the pouch hung from their sash and consults its screen. "We are still in dock, yes?" Grrazz asks, an ear and eyebrow raising to highlight that it is a question, then continuing before the Marine can reply. "So, for now we shall not be formal. We shall be productive." Grrazz glances at the corridor around them. "This ship is to be our terrain of choice, we should begin learning it as soon as possible. Assign the troops into squads of four. Instruct them to make good speed to cargo bay three to assemble and meet myself there." Grrazz stares intently at the Marine, checking her rank pips (Assuming she is Grrazz 2nd in comand), lifting a hand/paw with one finger raised (But claw sheathed) to impress a point. "This is not a race. This is not competition. Learning is an important part of combat. You may choose three Marines as your squad... or you may accompany me. Your decision." Grrazz doesn't wait for the Marine's answer, simply resuming their pace towards their destination of cargo bay three. Grrazz taps the communicator on their sash and begins speaking in K'zint to the ship's computer. K'zint (For the DM and Engineering):
"Computer. Mark location of ship's Marine compliment. When groups of four are evident, assign ascending numbers to said groups. Generate random number algorithms and allocate one to each group. Random digits range between one and eight. Cycle the count ever thirty seconds. When a random generator produces a one, close the nearest blast door in the group's path of travel which is between their current location and cargo bay three. Assign a standard engineering code to each door closing as in 'Maintenance beyond', 'System test' etc. Safety protocols are not to be altered. Doors are not to close in the presence of engineering or medical crew. No personnel are to be physical impacted by closing doors. Any deviation in the last will result in the primary processing matrices being personally investigated by over seven hundred kilograms of K'zint. Forward a copy of these commands to Chief of engineering for their review. With a glance over their shoulder Grrazz notes to see if the Marine female is following or has gone to personally give orders to the compliment. ![]()
K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)
![]() At work. Grrazz has little in the way of immediate equipment to bring aboard. Though they will be requesting space for a good amount of finicky, hard to quickly replicate weapon (Personal) parts. If such and space/volume allows.(^_^) They will also be seeing Officerc staff and engineering about possible deflector dish modifications. ![]()
K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)
![]() So much posting! :) *DING* Hama wrote:
The almost two meter tall stands in the doorway for what might be considered a brief amount of time, the large golden eyes fully sweeping the room, its contents and its occupants, before the feline gives the Admiral a formal bowing if its large furred head and gracefully for a creature that weighs in at just over a half metric ton of muscle, bone and sinew. That Grrazz does so almost silently is of possible interest to the more gentle beings present. Captain Sanron Cahr wrote:
Grrazz posture hunches slightly as they lean closer to listen to the captain's comments on the coming voyage as they are brought up to speed on what has been revealed so far. The ears upon the Kzin's head unfurling in seeming interest even as a large claw deftly taps at the large data-pad held gently in the other paw.... At the Captain's comment of the transfer Grrazz straightens, the ears fold flatter against the skull and Grrazz nods, "I thank you for the opportunity. My promotion after the Pergellus encounter has... moved me away from the USS Hanover." Veradiran wrote: Veradarin turns to Grrazz, and gives an incline of his head. "Lieutenant, I have not yet met a Kzin. I believe I pronounced the accepted singular nomenclature correctly, even if I am not using the proper racial reference. I look forward to the opportunity to learn your language, if you are willing to teach it." Grrazz again nods semi-formally in return to Veradiran, replying in a deep calm tone, though the words have slight accents created by the architecture of the fangs within the Kzin's muzzle. "The K'Zint Hegemony is not a large amount of Federation space, even to this age," Grrazz says, "Experiencing different cultures and such exchanges is always of interest." Upon standing and the group shifting form the meeting room to the observation bay Grrazz stands motionless surveying the scene before them. Grrazz halts a little ways behind the captain and watches the unfolding proceedings calmly. At the Captain's comment of time to departure Grrazz nods and quickly and silently stalks into the ship, lifting their data-pad to use it to navigate on their way to what ever destination they have in mind. Proceeding to Cargo bay 3 and the heavy transporter there. :) ![]()
K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)
![]() The lift rises smoothly to the designated floor, Grrazz not even noticing the stop until there is a chime and the doors slid open with a whisper. Stepping out into the foyer of the outer office Grrazz steps into the middle of the room with but a few strides, holding forwards their data-pad so that the person behind the desk might interface their terminal and satisfy themselves that the credentials are correct. After but a cursory glance over the data that briefly cascades down her screen the secretary, with a nod, touches a blinking glyph upon her screen and indicates with a slight tilt of her head that the way is open. Grrazz inclines their head back in polite acknowledgement and steps towards the interior door, large padded feet making no sound upon the carpeted flooring of the space. *Ding* ![]()
K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)
![]() The ground car slows before turning into the grounds of the complex of buildings housing the ground based, working offices built to house the 'physical' presence of the Federation's Star Fleet. Electronic 'hand shakes' passing between the large van's on board navigation computer and those operating the area's security allowing the vehicle's presence to enter. Coming to a smooth halt at the circle before the main doors, the large passenger compartment door slides open with but a whisper and a definitely alien presence fluidly steps out. Rising to an impressive almost two meter tall height, the tanned furred alien emits a short 'whuffling' noise from their muzzle, large pink tongue quickly extending to lick at the black triangular nose above the barely hinted at incisors enclosed by the jaws beneath. Adjusting the thick sash draped over their torso, the hulking feline-oid looks about with large, round golden eyes as they get their bearings before moving with powerful grace towards the main entrance doors. The delivery vehicles smoothly, electrically silent, automated departure drawing no attention compared to the many surreptitious glances the figure which steps into the buildings main foyer garners. Halting before the buildings information display, the furred alien draws a large, rubber edged, data pad from the pouch hanging at the nadir of the wide sash. Consulting the scrolling letters conjured with the deft tapping of an extended claw the feline compares the text upon the buildings display before moving with purpose to the elevators and joining the beings awaiting the serves the interior travel cars provide. The towering species remains stationary, ears partly folded against the large, elongated skull. Nothing moving but the slow expansion f furred chest and a slight twitching at the long end of the tuff'd tail. When a car becomes available, the other waiting beings all politely deffer, allowing the great furred bulk to swiftly enter. Some of the more gentle beings emit s suppressed sigh of relief as the doors close upon the larger, predatory form. On my way up. :) ![]()
K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)
![]() ”What has gone before”:
Captain's log, Star date 47327.3 While on a routine mission to study stellar corona fluctuations, we have been contacted by Star Fleet and ordered to change course to the mining colony on Minkeb IV. Star Fleet has reported that regular communications with the colony has ceased. We are now on route at warp factor 7. I have asked the senior staff to prepare briefings on possible scenarios. Lieutenant’s Eshcarr, engineering and Fl'yer, medical have suggested that since the planet is a type K that perhaps some sort of malfunction in the colonies life support is to blame. I have them working on altering some of the ship's shuttles to act as emergency generators that can be quickly patched into the colonies life support system when we arrive so that local systems can be restored as quickly as possible. The jury rigging will not work for long, but Chief Engineer Eshcarr assures me it should work quite well enough to take loading off the Hanover's life support since logs indicate a population of almost 600 people on the planet. A number which, should worse come to worse, severely tax the ships' systems in the event of the colonies systems having failed. Captain's log, Star date 47328.5 We arrived within the system of Minkeb prime and dropped out of warp while still near the boundaries of the solar plane. I'd instructed Navigation to have us arrive so that our modified solar corona sensors would be in a position so that we could measure the solar wind's trail from Minkeb IV and hence possibly get an early clue as to the colonies situation. The mining operation should have left trace elements within the planet's atmosphere 'tail' and any drop in out put from suspended operations would be track-able as we drew closer. Sensors almost immediately, however, detected something completely different than what we'd expected upon arrival. Where our reading should have indicated a heavily industrialized, type K planet. Instead our reading indicated a type L environment who's atmosphere measured closely to a temperature of 39.1 °C (102.38 °F), 92% relative humidity, an atmospheric pressure of approximately 102 kPa. Chief science officer, Lieutenant Kel'arran, quickly brought up a corresponding reference which could explain how a type K planetoid could so quickly be terra-formed into a type L. Which gives us an unsettling solution to the colonies silence. I concurred with her assessment and ordered an immediate course heading. We exited the system at warp 7 on a heading of 337-mark-0. We have a head start aiming at the nearby star identified as Pergellus. A blue super giant. Sensors indicate a warp signature closing dead astern, closing at warp 7.5, I haven't bothered to hail the signal and hope the plans I and my senior officers have worked up give us a better than average fighting chance against our pursuers. Captain's log, Supplemental 47328.12 Sensors identified the closing ship as a Borg sphere. Chief Eshcarr made the comment that we weren't enough interest to rate a cube, I replied that such if for the better and worse. The better our chance of surviving the coming encounter, the worse because there is most definitely still a Borg cube either still at Minkeb IV or, fates forbid, moving off to assimilate some thing or some where else. True to previous encounters with the race, the sphere continued to match and better our attempts at accelerating away from them. I halted out final warp speed at warp 8.5. We used the ensuing seven hours enacting a myriad number of procedures for when the sphere over took us. By the time the Borg vessel came to be stationed roughly off our Port side we'd dropped out of warp. Our starboard nacelle had been venting emergency coolant for some distance and we were adjusting a lateral drift due to it. We began to enact our initial contact plan. Upon the Borg hailing us, there was no change from any previous communications with the species, we reacted promptly. I identified myself as acting Captain Dayjem and that our systems had suffered under the forced acceleration trying to escape them and hence where in it would take a few moment to comply with the lowering of our shields as per the Borg's request and that we would do so in approximately six minutes. I am really not sure if the pause in communication with the speaking drone was caused by surprise at such an event... or if they were simply taking some sort of additional time processing this new seeming data. The sphere attempted to scan us, however Chief Kel'arran's shield adjustments made that impossible in the time we'd specified. At six minutes, twenty three seconds, we did indeed lower our shields as promised. Sensors immediately reported transporter signals from the sphere. We were ready and reacted immediately. Tactical fired a maximum salvo of torpedoes, while we utilized the cargo transporters as well as our run-about's cargo transporters to add additional ordinance into the barrage. In all we off loaded a third of our ammunition within a few seconds. A wide spread of photon, quantum and polaron warheads. The small mix of quantum torpedoes with pretty much half out stock of photon torpedoes was aimed at causing surface disruption to their sensors. I was more relying on the timed nature of the polaron torpedoes to reap the most havoc on the sphere. Chief tactical officer Rortag had assisted Chief Eshcarr in lacing the polaron warheads with traces of replicated trilithium. The resultant 'salting' of the Borg sphere with such an element inhibited their power distribution and hence slowed their repair regeneration. We were simply trying to buy more time to reach the nearby Pergellus. As the shields dropped and our salvos flew, our anti-boarding defense went into action. Our venting induced drift had slowly brought our bow head onto the sphere and now we pumped power through the main deflector dish, modulated with fluctuations of yet more polaron and graviton pulses to inhibit accurate teleporting signals. I hope we scattered a large amount of their incoming teleport streams. The damned Borg adapted some-what quicker than expected and three drones almost instantly managed to materialize on the bridge. We'd expected such, but their accuracy at pin-pointing crew positions still took us some what by surprise. Ensign Grazz reacted blindingly fast. With a single pouncing leap they'd managed to put themselves behind the Drone which had been placed to assimilate myself, the Borg obviously seeking to take the most senior officer and hence the most data, taking a hold and with a deft tap to their communicator Ensign Grazz initiated an emergency teleport of their own, taking the treat away with them. The remaining two were quickly cut down with combined phaser fire and shots from Ensign Delgrad's hastily build disruptor. Drones can adapt quickly, but not quickly enough to very dissimilar energy types. Sensors and the trace program Ensign Grazz had set up quickly found the valiant grappler floating outside the ship. The Ensign had been exposed to vacuum for a few minutes when returned within the hull. Upon rising from the bridge floor and brushing the ice condensation from themselves, they insisted there was no real injury. Medical wasn't going to argue right then and there and my estimation about how tough Kzin't are increased dramatically. Ensign Grazz simply reported they'd successfully taken the Borge Drone into a secure hold, transported into space and thence the crew-member had simply 'kicked' the drone away from both themselves and the Hanover and, in the process, getting themselves back, closer to the rescuing teleporter. Before offering a respectful bow and proceeding off to assist the rest of the tactical members in continuing to prepare the ship's defense. With the emergent Drones dealt with and the sphere staggered, we are now on course at maximum warp for Pergellus. We are engaged in a duel pitting energy totals and aggregate mass of the USS Hanover against that of a Borge sphere double our size. I hope the place in which I chose to fight is going to work. *Bows* I hope my first post meets with approval. ![]()
K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)
![]() *Bows* Yes, Grazz will be bowing a lot. :) Not making the whole ship bigger. Just a modification to the raised 'Secondary hull' which rises above and behind the main saucer. Hence my examples of the differences between the 'original' NX-01 and the 'Proposed' addition of the 'Refit' illustration. ![]()
K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)
![]() *Bows* I am definitely not wishing to enter into a debate about the worthiness of anything. Lowering the number of fighters (And resultant crew, supplies, maintenance, ready work up etc) and correspondingly increase hangar and deck space for more mission versatile craft I think is a good thing. A larger boat is not averse to being used as a 'Bomber' (Or EWACS, Small replenishment vessel, Pilot rescue etc) I am pointing out 'Versatility' over 'Mission specific'. Also, thoughts on 'expanding' the ship herself? Much cheers to all. ![]()
K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)
![]() I have no real thoughts on the deployment/allocation of 'Ships boats' as it were. Reducing the numbers of fighters does seem like a worth while idea (As the mission is exploration) However a minimum of 14 would be a better number. Twelve is a squadron and two are 'ready repairs'. Looking at the images.. Why might we need the 'Arrowhead/Gryphon' type? Surely the Danube's are good enough? (Also, does any one think Paramount 'cribbed' a little from Space 1999 in the Danube's design?) As for the ship herself? Might a modification of the secondary hull be in order? Not sure how any one is with graphic skills but looking over the ideas between the 'Alternate' NX-01 and the 'Standard' got me thinking of maybe 'beefing up' the raised secondary hull. More space means more science labs etc. Still... what might Grazz know? They're a security grunt, not an engineer. :P ![]()
![]() mdt wrote:
*Bows formally* Thank you for the link and correct spelling. I do much prefer the various book cover illustrations of said species, though. :) Some nice Liz Danforth illustrations here from the 'Ring world' RPG http://www.larryniven.net/rc_sentients.shtml As for the "Captain" problem, though it adds some what to the 'level' of crewing.... An Admiral, for what ever reason, is aboard and over seeing things (Insert DM's nefarious plot hook for more adventure) and hence the 'extra' layer of supervision. So, now the DM gets to 'command' for a while as the player Captain settles in and eventually.... *Ponders just what is in cargo bay 13 and why there are 'Warning'/No unauthorized personnel' signs all over the area...* Looking forwards to serving along side all other gentle-species. *Bows* ![]()
![]() Offering Grrazz as Ensign, Ship's Marines. Kazzinti race. (I do believe there was some talk of Rodenberry allowing Niven and Pournell's race into Star Trek at one point. I know the name is used in Star Fleet Battles) An officer acting in concert with Ensign Samy. Having more than one gold shirt to shoot at on away missions seems like good planning.