Star Trek Officer's log

Game Master Hama

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Male Betazoid Star Fleet Command track [Rank: Captain]

An ensign come up with it and a pen like plasma cutter.

Captain Cahr smiles to his command team.

"Well we are one shot but she would be on ship now. If you have any thing to do or being up from the surface or do you have 24 hours until lurch. I recommend you head to you command areas, meet your teams and get to know them. Lt, Landen I want a full ships systems check, Number one, I want and command over view of our crew and assets. You recommend more food stocks and hard to make spear parts. Please look into that, send requisition requests to the Admirals office. Lt Grrazz I want a report on our fighter wing and your team. If your short something you think you will need contact Number one and ask him to put a request for you. Commander Wey Full report on our crew, get all needed vaccine's as well. We have a diverse crew lets not have them giving each other conditions. We will have a command meeting at 19:00:00 hours. Any Questions or comments?"

Kasia watches the exchange between Veradiran and the Captain with a degree of curiosity. Without knowing what has been said, she knows enough about Vulcan's to be intrigued by the number of expressions occurring on Veradiran's face. She makes a mental note to talk to him about it at a more opportune time, imagining that there would be lots of time.

She nods to Lt. Grrazz, pleased to have a stronger security force aboard than was customary. Going into the unknown was certainly appealing, but she wasn't dumb enough to want to go without caution or protection.

As they are teleported to the observation deck, Kasia's eyes go wide with excitement and surprise. For being a retrofitted battleship, the newly named Miyazaki was a thing of beauty. She looked sleek and fast and powerful all at once. A grind spreads across Kasia's face as she gazes out at the ship. "Hello, Miyazaki." She says softly. She doesn't look away until the Captain begins to give orders, at which point she goes back to being business.

"Yes, Sir." She nods. After a brief pause, she opens her mouth again. "I'm also somewhat versed in multiple scientific disciplines." With a grin, she gives herself a few taps on the side of the head, near her temple and at the edge of her spots. "One of the perks, you know. If I have a chance after reviewing the crew's medical records, I'd love to take a look through our new equipment, make sure we have everything we might need?"

K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)

So much posting! :)


Hama wrote:

He turns towards them just as Grrazz enters. His face turns up in a smile.

"Ah, Lt Grazz. I was wondering when you will come. Officers, please welcome Lieutenant Grazz, Federation Marine corps. As you're going into the unknown, we've deemed that a standard security contingent wouldn't be enough, so we decided to send a company of Federation marines with you.
Lieutenant comes highly recommended, and is one of the rare few K'Zint within Starfleet
While on the ship, Marines will do training exercises and complement the security crew. They are fully within your chain of command Captain. As a highly accomplished combatant, Grrazz will join every away mission you do, and if necessary, will bring along a few marines as well."

The almost two meter tall stands in the doorway for what might be considered a brief amount of time, the large golden eyes fully sweeping the room, its contents and its occupants, before the feline gives the Admiral a formal bowing if its large furred head and gracefully for a creature that weighs in at just over a half metric ton of muscle, bone and sinew. That Grrazz does so almost silently is of possible interest to the more gentle beings present.

Captain Sanron Cahr wrote:

... Gets up and greets Grrazz as he comes in, as the admial talks he shows Grrazz to a large custom made chair. Retaking his own he says after the Admiral has done.

"Welcome Lieutenant Grrazz, I am sorry but it was I who requested you be seconded to my crew and our Marines. I hope you do not mind. I wanted as much diversity as possible."

He then fills Lieutenant Grrazz on what has been discuses so far.

Grrazz posture hunches slightly as they lean closer to listen to the captain's comments on the coming voyage as they are brought up to speed on what has been revealed so far. The ears upon the Kzin's head unfurling in seeming interest even as a large claw deftly taps at the large data-pad held gently in the other paw.... At the Captain's comment of the transfer Grrazz straightens, the ears fold flatter against the skull and Grrazz nods,

"I thank you for the opportunity. My promotion after the Pergellus encounter has... moved me away from the USS Hanover."

Veradiran wrote:
Veradarin turns to Grrazz, and gives an incline of his head. "Lieutenant, I have not yet met a Kzin. I believe I pronounced the accepted singular nomenclature correctly, even if I am not using the proper racial reference. I look forward to the opportunity to learn your language, if you are willing to teach it."

Grrazz again nods semi-formally in return to Veradiran, replying in a deep calm tone, though the words have slight accents created by the architecture of the fangs within the Kzin's muzzle.

"The K'Zint Hegemony is not a large amount of Federation space, even to this age," Grrazz says, "Experiencing different cultures and such exchanges is always of interest."

Upon standing and the group shifting form the meeting room to the observation bay Grrazz stands motionless surveying the scene before them. Grrazz halts a little ways behind the captain and watches the unfolding proceedings calmly. At the Captain's comment of time to departure Grrazz nods and quickly and silently stalks into the ship, lifting their data-pad to use it to navigate on their way to what ever destination they have in mind.

Proceeding to Cargo bay 3 and the heavy transporter there. :)

Male Betazoid Star Fleet Command track [Rank: Captain]
Kasia Wey wrote:
"I'm also somewhat versed in multiple scientific disciplines. One of the perks, you know. If I have a chance after reviewing the crew's medical records, I'd love to take a look through our new equipment, make sure we have everything we might need?"

"Good, then if you have the time, please aid 1st officer Veradiran with the extra supply's and allocations. Well now me and the admiral have to go a fit a plaque and place the Captain command protocols on the ships computer, you will at our meeting do yours. Well see you all at 19:00:00. Admiral shall we?"

Escorts the admiral onto the ship.

GM is it ok if we list NPCs and then have them added to the crew list, I think we will have have crew linked to us and it would be fun if we made them to suit play in our areas.

The ensign with the plaque was also carry a case of belongs with the captains name on and a cage with a odd looking Blue cat in.

"Your with us Ensign Winsly"

The young human male ensign followed then as they went into the ship.

Male Vulcan (Separatist) Rank (Ltn. Commander)

Veradiran takes his hand held pad out of a pouch at his waist, and checks a few notes. "If you'll excuse me? It appears our Tactical Officer has not yet arrived. I will take over her duties until she arrives. Wouldn't want us to go off to the Gamma Quadrant with Caramel Torpedoes instead of Quantum Torpedoes just because someone mis-typed a requisition order." He gives a small smile the rest of the crew. "I'd just like to say, before I go, that I look forward to serving with you all. If you ever need my help, either on or off the record, my office door is always open." He takes a few steps, and then pauses. "I can't say the same for my quarters, but the office door is always open."

Veradiran then heads up to the bridge to the Tactical station and begins going over the ship's readyness reports, the weapons diagnostics, and defensive readouts. When done, he goes to each of the weapon systems in turn and manually confirms the tactical station was correct, and then checks the shield emitters, the deflector dish readings, and finally checks the comm systems.

Sovereign Court

Male Dwarf IT Engineer 1

It's ok to have your fave personalized NPCs, I approve :)

Also, now would be a perfect time for ensign Sciller to arrive

Male Betazoid Star Fleet Command track [Rank: Captain]

Veradiran's comm bage blips its the Captain.

"Number one, I want you to put a requisition in for the essential parts necessary to fabricate, 28 more star-fleet fighters. The core parts that would be hard to fabricate. Do the best you can. Also have you found our missing crew member yet?"

Male Vulcan (Separatist) Rank (Ltn. Commander)

Veradiran grunts, being torso deep inside the deflector shield. "Nothing yet, Captain. Weapons check out, as does the bridge tactical system, and the diagnostics on the weapons. Currently checking shields and deflector system. I've put in a request to have the sensor array double checked manually. When I'm done here, I need to check the comm system, and then will proceed to the hanger deck and discuss where to put parts and what parts we'll need with the flight deck officer to see what components our nanofactory can't replicate, or at least what raw materials may be hard to find. The nanofactories they put in to produce quantum torpedoes can do double duty manufacturing flight parts, if they have the proper raw materials. Things like Iron and Aluminum and other basic materials we should be able to find in abundance, even if we have to send the bees out to do some asteroid mining. I'm more concerned about the rarer elements and secondary and tertiary elements*, which are much more of an issue to replicate. Raw materials would also be easier to store than finished parts. So, my suggestion is enough finished parts to build 4 complete new fighters, and the rest in Raw Material. If we're losing fighters so fast we can't replicate the additional parts from raw materials, I suspect we'll be too busy to build the replacement fighters."


Secondary Elements are elements on the secondary element table, a extenion of the classic element table. Dilithium is the most widely known and used element of this high-particle table. Secondary elements are not normally stable in standard space time, and are only stable near natural tears in the space time continuum such as worm holes, cosmic strings, black holes, and other natural phenomena that destabilize classic space/time.

Tertiary elements, such as Trilithium, are not stable in classical space/time and require special subspace fields to be kept stable.

Male Betazoid Star Fleet Command track [Rank: Captain]

He spoke as he stood in the turbo lift.

"Understood number one, I have an idea, as we will be docking at DS9 to peck up the rest of our crew, it may be a good idea to look at what we can get from merchants there. They seem to trade in Secondary Elements and there shipment. Lets see if we can get that number up past four. Also the Arrowhead runabout will be picked up now at DS9, it will meet us there now. If you have any problems I am on the flight deck talking to the flight commander Grishum and her pilots. Carh out."

Then stepped out on to deck 12 and the hanger pays.

Male Vulcan (Separatist) Rank (Ltn. Commander)

"Apologies Captain, just confirming. I was suggesting enough raw parts to build 4 fighters from scratch, and dedicating the rest of our repair part storage space to as much Raw Materials for fabrication as we could fit in. You'd prefer to increase the raw parts at the expense of raw materials/ That can certainly be done of course, up to whatever number of raw parts you'd prefer over fabricated parts. Is there a specific target number? Until I discuss it with the flight chief, I'm afraid I'm not sure how much space we actually have for parts storage. I'm assuming we'll need to do something similar with the other flight systems, which complicates our logistics, as the runabouts, bees, shuttles, and scout ships all use different parts. The more we fabricate parts on the fly as needed, the more raw materials we can pack in, at the expense of making it take longer to repair/rebuild parasite craft. We can strike any balance the Captain wishes, I just need a target to balance against."

Female Human Starfleet Lieutenant [Engineering Track]

A fresh new ship, to Martine, meant only fresh new problems. She looked at the schematics from the PADD that Captain Cahr had given her during the briefing, then compared it to a readout on the master systems display in Engineering. "Power distribution reads nominal. I'll go greenlight that," she said half to herself. Two engineering teams, Starfleet promised. I didn't know one and a half of them were still on Deep Space Nine...

The Miyazaki's life support systems checked out, and other than an easily-fixed fluctuation in the starboard impulse engine, most of the systems checked out. Martine's biggest concern was the computer system-- she knew Starfleet was experimenting with bioneural gel packs in their newer ships; everyone who worked with them attested that they worked better, but the lieutenant preferred isolinear chips and ODN relays.

"Okay, let's test this computer out. I don't think any of us want the computer acting up mid-mission, so I'm going to give it a few unusual commands," Martine said out loud to a small handful of yellow-clad engineers. "Computer, set course for Qo'NoS. Warp nine."

"Unable to comply. Helm and navigation controls inaccessible from Main Engineering," the computer replied.

"Good. Computer, replicate one type III phaser rifle in Engineering's main fabrication replicator."

"Unable to comply. Type III phaser rifles currently restricted to ship security teams."

Martine nodded, despite the computer's inability to see her. Tapping her combadge, she said, "Landen to Cahr. I'm testing the ship's computer out- I'm not too sold on these bioneural systems yet. Please keep me informed if anything unusual happens on the bridge."

Male Betazoid Star Fleet Command track [Rank: Captain]

he stops and talks.

"Arr what I meant was the parts that would be hard for us to make while on our mission, not so worried about raw parts but yes set the raw parts target at four fighter. I would the like us to have the hard to make parts for another 24 if possible, let me know your views. My aim to it have the possibility of another two flight wing should we need them. I know it may not be possible but I want to know if we could if needs be. Even one wing would help."

Male Vulcan (Separatist) Rank (Ltn. Commander)

Finishing up with the Captain, Veradiran contacts Lt. Martine. "Lt. Sorry to bother you, Commander Veradiran here. You should have a signed off work order from me for the weapons systems, and I've just finished the deflector array and shield generators. All systems are green, confirmed with a manual review inside the guts as well. Nothing came up unusual. I'm about to review the comm arrays. I had requested a physical inspection of the sensor array from your department. I wanted to make sure you were aware of it, I realize you're understaffed at the moment, and I'd have done the sensor array myself, but I'm not rated on sensors, only weapons and comm systems. Given we'll be traveling crew light to DS9, I'd appreciate it if you could prioritize the sensors, life support, and warp drive. I'm sure you already are, but I'd like all of those systems double checked manually as well. I realize it's more work, but I never trust the computer to know that it's broken, any more than I would trust a doctor to know his own health needs." He smiles as he wriggles out of the deflector array, his face smeared with grease and his hands grimy.

Male Vulcan (Separatist) Rank (Ltn. Commander)
Captain Sanron Cahr wrote:

he stops and talks.

"Arr what I meant was the parts that would be hard for us to make while on our mission, not so worried about raw parts but yes set the raw parts target at four fighter. I would the like us to have the hard to make parts for another 24 if possible, let me know your views. My aim to it have the possibility of another two flight wing should we need them. I know it may not be possible but I want to know if we could if needs be. Even one wing would help."

"Ah, of course captain. Perhaps it might be better to set targets by percentage then. I'll work up something with the flight officer shortly, as soon as I finish digging into the comm arrays."

K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)

At work.

Grrazz has little in the way of immediate equipment to bring aboard. Though they will be requesting space for a good amount of finicky, hard to quickly replicate weapon (Personal) parts. If such and space/volume allows.(^_^)

They will also be seeing Officerc staff and engineering about possible deflector dish modifications.

Sovereign Court

Male Dwarf IT Engineer 1

@ Martine

An ensign with the golden shirt approaches her holding a PADD.
"Ma'am, I need you to look at this. I've checked it several times but it reads the same. The lattices in the dilithium crystals are poorly formed. They'll do the job while we're at warp 3 or less, but if we go higher, I cannot guarantee a stable warp field, or a stable matter-antimatter reaction. I just checked. Of six crates of dilithium, four are like this. Inferior stock, meant for cargo trawlers who go warp 2.5. Somebody's made a mistake."

A young vulcan ensign with a red shirt approaches him holding a padd.
"Sir, i must inform you that..." he trails off for a moment looking at Veradiran's features and then continues as nothing happened in their familiar, brisk fashion:" Somebody left a crate of klingon bloodwine in the cargo hold of the roundabout. What should I do with it?"

A human female, dressed in a Starfleet marine's uniform salutes him as he rounds a corner.
"Sir! the company is ready for inspection, sir!"

Male Vulcan (Separatist) Rank (Ltn. Commander)

Veradiran sighs. "I suspect it is a gift from the Admiral, or to the Admiral, or from the Captain, or to the Captain. However, standard security protocols apply. Full scan the crate, assume it's contraband or a security breech for now. Seal off the runabout until I track down the truth. However, keep all security scrutiny out of sight. If it is contraband, I want to make sure we catch whoever smuggled it aboard. If it's legit, we don't want to embarrass the officer who didn't put paperwork in on it, no doubt via an oversight." He takes out his personal device, and links to the ship's system, double checking there's nothing in it about Klingon Bloodwine.

If nothing is found, he'll nod at the ensign. "Good work, Ensign... Stoval, I believe? I'll let you know what to do with it beyond securing the runabout it's in as soon as I know something."

When the ensign leaves, he steps into an alcove, and taps his communicator... Wait to make sure there's nothing in the ship's logs about it or the runabout, and then contact the Captain and Admiral.

Sovereign Court

Male Dwarf IT Engineer 1

Computer chirps for a brief moment and then responds "The klingon bloodwine was forgotten on the roundabout which was then reassigned to USS Miyazaki before it could be cleaned." some more chirping "As of now it belongs to nobody"

Male Vulcan (Separatist) Rank (Ltn. Commander)

Veradiran raises an eyebrow. "Odd."

He thinks, then contacts the Captain. "Captain Cahr, we have a small issue. Some class 3 intoxicants were left on a runabout while it was assigned elsewhere, and the runabout was then assigned to us. Computer records indicate it's now unowned as a result. I suggest subjecting it to a full security and health scan, and if it's still safe for consumption, adding it to the ship's stores in the Lounge." He pauses just long enough for the captain to become curious what it is. "One crate of Klingon Bloodwine, it appears. Shall I have our medical section perform a full scan on it? Or perhaps space it?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Smart 2

"Cargo trawlers?!"

Martine took the PADD from the ensign, looking down at it. She bit her lip in frustration as she read the manifest. "Thanks, Ensign... Landen to Captain Cahr. There's been a mix-up with Supply. Four crates of dilithium meant for the... Shooting Star found their way aboard. I they've got four of ours."

K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)
Hama wrote:


A human female, dressed in a Starfleet marine's uniform salutes him as he rounds a corner.
"Sir! the company is ready for inspection, sir!"

Grrazz comes to an amazingly quick halt for a being of such mass as the Marine appears in their view. Rising to their full height, Grrazz looks down their muzzle at the Marine then withdraws the large, ruggediezed PADD from the pouch hung from their sash and consults its screen.

"We are still in dock, yes?" Grrazz asks, an ear and eyebrow raising to highlight that it is a question, then continuing before the Marine can reply. "So, for now we shall not be formal. We shall be productive." Grrazz glances at the corridor around them.

"This ship is to be our terrain of choice, we should begin learning it as soon as possible. Assign the troops into squads of four. Instruct them to make good speed to cargo bay three to assemble and meet myself there." Grrazz stares intently at the Marine, checking her rank pips (Assuming she is Grrazz 2nd in comand), lifting a hand/paw with one finger raised (But claw sheathed) to impress a point.

"This is not a race. This is not competition. Learning is an important part of combat. You may choose three Marines as your squad... or you may accompany me. Your decision." Grrazz doesn't wait for the Marine's answer, simply resuming their pace towards their destination of cargo bay three.

Grrazz taps the communicator on their sash and begins speaking in K'zint to the ship's computer.

K'zint (For the DM and Engineering):

"Computer. Mark location of ship's Marine compliment. When groups of four are evident, assign ascending numbers to said groups. Generate random number algorithms and allocate one to each group. Random digits range between one and eight. Cycle the count ever thirty seconds. When a random generator produces a one, close the nearest blast door in the group's path of travel which is between their current location and cargo bay three.

Assign a standard engineering code to each door closing as in 'Maintenance beyond', 'System test' etc. Safety protocols are not to be altered.

Doors are not to close in the presence of engineering or medical crew. No personnel are to be physical impacted by closing doors. Any deviation in the last will result in the primary processing matrices being personally investigated by over seven hundred kilograms of K'zint.

Forward a copy of these commands to Chief of engineering for their review.

With a glance over their shoulder Grrazz notes to see if the Marine female is following or has gone to personally give orders to the compliment.

Male Betazoid Star Fleet Command track [Rank: Captain]
Veradiran wrote:

Veradiran raises an eyebrow. "Odd."

He thinks, then contacts the Captain. "Captain Cahr, we have a small issue. Some class 3 intoxicants were left on a runabout while it was assigned elsewhere, and the runabout was then assigned to us. Computer records indicate it's now unowned as a result. I suggest subjecting it to a full security and health scan, and if it's still safe for consumption, adding it to the ship's stores in the Lounge." He pauses just long enough for the captain to become curious what it is. "One crate of Klingon Bloodwine, it appears. Shall I have our medical section perform a full scan on it? Or perhaps space it?"

"This could be a good chance for us to test our security teams, number one, lets have it treated as a level one unknown hazard, containment fields the works. off to the labs with it and tested. Also have security give the runabout the once over for other hidden contraband or other hazards. As for what we do with it ofter, well I will leave that in your hands."

Male Betazoid Star Fleet Command track [Rank: Captain]
Snorb wrote:

"Cargo trawlers?!"

Martine took the PADD from the ensign, looking down at it. She bit her lip in frustration as she read the manifest. "Thanks, Ensign... Landen to Captain Cahr. There's been a mix-up with Supply. Four crates of dilithium meant for the... Shooting Star found their way aboard. I they've got four of ours."

"I see, this is one for me, ill get onto the admiral and find out how we can rectify this"

He gos off comms for a while, then back.

"A shuttle will be bringing new dilithium from starfleet store, it will be some time today, they will send you an eta, and be in contact, carry on"

Male Vulcan (Separatist) Rank (Ltn. Commander)

Veladarin nods, although the captain can't see. "Very good sir, I'll hand it off to Security then."

He contacts Grrazz on the commlink. "Ltn. Grrazz? There is a crate on the Runabout Pipsqueak. Please send some guards to take it into custody. I want it treated as if it might be a level 1 biohazard, type unknown. Ensure it is delivered to a quarantine container in Medical, and alert the Chief Medical Officer to perform test to ensure it is safe. Have someone wait with the doctor until the testing is complete. If the crate is safe for humanoid consumption, your security personnel are to take it to the lounge and store it in the secure storage room, strapped down, and then log into the consumables database. Packing information is on the crate. Alert Ensign Stoval that you will be taking over for him, and that he relieved of guard duty on the runabout. Finally, please have a security detail go over the Pipsqueak with utmost care and ensure there is no other contraband on the ship, and that it is in good repair."

K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)

Grrazz ears snap up as their comms badge tweets. Coming to another swift halt they listen intently to Lieutenant Veradian's information... even as they bring their PADD up, beginning to tap out sequences on its screen. A fuzzy deck-plan of the Miyazaki appears in isometric view on the display.

"Computer? overlay current Marines position on display." Grrazz waits patiently for the image to adjust.

"Computer, high light runabout....Pipsqueak..." The K'zint's ears lower at some aspect of the name as they wait for the screen to change again. When the various dots and smudges appear Grrazz adjusts the focus with a claw slid across the display.

"Computer, open comms to team... allocated...five." Grrazz waits for the acknowledging tweet before giving calm orders, even as they tap away at the screen to bring up more information. "Troops (Sadly, I am terrible at creating names and am slightly pressed for time. Insert four NPC marine names here). This is Commander Grrazz. You are hereby ordered to forgo current operations and report to hangar bay...six and the shuttle craft their in, designated 'Pipsqueak'. Craft and contents are to be treated as minor, level 1 bio hazard. Use force field adjustments to enact emergency containment procedures as necessary. Await Medical's arrival and assist them as best you can." Grrazz ears flick as they continue to deliver their instructions.

"Once testing and scanning is complete. If the crate is safe for humanoid consumption," Again the K'Zint's features wrinkle as if smelling something, "Your squad are to move it to the lounge and store it in the secure storage room, strapped down, and then log into the consumables database. Packing information is on the crate. Please alert Ensign Stoval that you will be taking over for him, and that he relieved of guard duty on the runabout. Finally, please request security to go over the Pipsqueak with utmost care and ensure there is nothing else outstanding on the vessel." Grrazz sighs,

"Once the crate is assigned, contact myself again for further instructions."

"Computer? Remove Marine detail five from current operating protocol envelope, remove previous computer allocations etc. Parse previous orders, adjust message and forward to Chief medical officer. Inform the Chief that said object is... probably not dangerous, given the Lieutenant Veradiran's requested destination." All the while that Grrazz has been speaking, they have been noting the timer flicking down in a corner of their PADD as they await the computers acknowledging chirp.

"Computer? Begin highlighting path from current location to cargo bay three..." And with that the K'Zin is moving forwards.

Male Betazoid Star Fleet Command track [Rank: Captain]

Sits back and rests a moment, it had not taken long to unpack, and his cat was off now looking around its new home. There had been a steady stream of visitors and comms calls. Now he could have a moment to reflect. Walking over to his replicator he said.

"Italian Caffé-latte hot"

There was a soft sound as the replicator made his drink.
What came into being was how ever not what he asked for.
There was a mug all right but inside was a red sticky mess.
He placed his finger in it, took a dab and tasted it.

He tabbed his comms badge.

"Engineering, can you explain why my replicator just made me a mug of hot strawberry Jam in place of Coffee?"

Female Human Starfleet Lieutenant [Engineering Track]

"Jam? Oh, God."

Martine walked up to a replicator, barely glancing down at the new message that appeared on her PADD from Grrazz. Maybe it's just the captain's replicator.

"Iced tea, unsweetened," she said. The replicator chirped, whirred, and within seconds, a cocktail glass formed within the sconce, filled nearly to the brim with what looked to be liquefied caramel.

".....Maybe it's just these two replicators," Martine grumbled. "Captain, it's not just you- the replicator systems seem to be on the blink. I'll get that hammered out before we leave dock. Wouldn't do for the replicators to create self-sealing stembolts when we need hull plating."

There was the sound of a loud spark, then a surprised shout from one of the yellowsuits, followed by a quick whiff of ozone. Martine looked over to see one of the diagnostic displays blink on and off. Tapping her combadge again, she said, "Landen to bridge. Maybe I should forgo visiting the officers' quarters for the time being and just set up a sleeping bag in the chief engineer's office..."

Male Vulcan (Separatist) Rank (Ltn. Commander)

Veradiran checks over the comm systems, finds that they are working within expected parameters, and then goes down to the flight deck. He checks his hand held personal comp*, and pulls up an image of the Flight Chief. Finding her nearby, wearing a pressurized flight suit, he walks over.

"Master Chief McGuillicutty? A pleasure to meet you." He holds out her hand, and receives a double take before the woman accepts the handshake.

"You must be Commander Veradiran, pleasure to meet you sir." She responds formally.

"Indeed, I look forward to working with you. I had decent ratings as a pilot in the Academy, and before, so I expect you'll have to chase me out of the fighter bay regularly. I promise not to hold it against you on your fitness reviews... much..." He gives the woman a grin, and get's another double take.

"Well, I can't really blame you sir, they are sweet little craft. No offense sir, but you are Vulcan, aren't you?"

He laughs. "Different clan than the ones you're used to. Suffice it to say we're a bit less iron rod up our butts, I believe is the human expression. Don't worry though, I'm used to the question. Now, if you don't mind, I actually, unfortunately, do have official business. The captain would like us to figure out a way to make ourselves as flexible as possible. I believe we currently are carrying replacement parts for all the flight units?"

The Master Chief grimaces. "Well, we're supposed to be, but the shipments haven't arrived yet. I got enough raw parts to build 5 new fighters, one runabout, and 3 bees. I got enough parts to do routine maintenance on the scout ships, but not build one from scratch. Considering their size and complexity, I was never fond of the idea of building one from scratch anyway. You need a dry dock for something that big."

Veradiran nods. "Well, that may work out better anyway. As you know, we have two nanofactories that were put in to build new torpedoes as we deplete our resources. Those nanofactories could just as easily build replacement parts if we have the right raw resources. I believe, and the Captain approves, that we should limit raw parts to enough to do emergency repairs and maybe one or possibly two full builds, then manufacture what we need from raw material. We can store a lot more raw material than parts, and replenish raw materials in the Gamma Quadrant as well. However, you and I need to hammer out exactly what we need, how much to dedicate to hard to manufacture parts, and work out gathering the raw materials as well."

The Master Chief nods, enthusiastically. "I like that a lot better! I've been worried about how many different flight and engine systems we have. You just can't mount runabout systems on a fighter, or vice versa, plus the bees and scout ships. Let's go to my office sir, and get to work on that."

Veradiran motions for the Master Chief to lead the way, and they go off to work and hammer out details for the next few hours.

Ten minutes later, Martine gets a comm call. "Ltn. Landon? Would you please look into why my Orion Black Tea is Terran Black Liquorice? I suspect there is an issue with voice recognition or translator system. I was able to get a glass of tea by manually inputting the correct index code for the tea."


Veradiran uses a non-fleet issue personal comp. It is approved for use by Starfleet Personnel, but is significantly more powerful than the standard PADD units. It is also extremely compact, and utilizes a mixture of isolinere circuitry and the new gel circuitry components. The devise weighs approximately one pound, and folds up like a clam shell for minimal space requirements. It is capable of displaying data on a small 2x2 cm screen, or as is the more common method of use, emitting pulses of light that are directed directly into the eyes of it's user, causing as much as 50% of the user's visual range to be used as a display surface. It is capable of reading facial expressions and hand motions, and responding to them. It has a learning capacity, to become more and more tightly integrated to it's primary user. It can also extend bracing from it's frame to wrap around the user's wrist, turning it into a worn comp unit.

K'Zint | Starfleet Leutenant | Tactical (Ships' Marines)

As they continue to stalk towards their destination (Marine in tow or not) Grrazz's ears fold flat and they shake their head, tapping their comm's badge they speak,


"Computer? Addendum to orders regarding Marine details. Doors are to remain closed for a maximum of ten minutes... or until closest Marines have moves ten meters away from said closed doors..."

They finish with a sigh even as they continue onwards.

Male Betazoid Star Fleet Command track [Rank: Captain]

"Your command and override codes have now been set, Voice and Biometics locks are now in place Captain Sanron Cahr"

The female computer voice said.

"Good, now computer, what is your autonomy setting?"

Again the voice.

"Starfleet recommended setting for this class of ship"

he took out a data wafer and placed it in a slot.

"Computer please read the data wafer I have just inserted in may desk, and acknowledge please"

The computer took a moment then said.

"Acknowledged Captain, data has been read."

He sat back.

"Please place the data under Captain command files access code Alpha one Seven Apple Tuesday bark file Name new views"

Again the computer.

"Acknowledged Captain"

"Now please show me the astrogation crew files and the shipment roster updates."

He then sat back and working waited for the meeting with his officers at 19:00:00

Female Human Starfleet Lieutenant [Engineering Track]

"There may be, sir," Martine replied. "Flores, give me a hand here with this computer. We'll have to go into the replicator's voice recognition system and go through it module by module."

Sovereign Court

Male Dwarf IT Engineer 1

Suddenly there is a shower of sparks a scream and an acrid smell of ozone.
Flores gets up, face a little covered in soot but no worse for wear.

Three panels stand ajar, smoke pouring from them isolinear chips broken and charred spilled everywhere on the floor. Suddenly, an alarm sounds and the sprinkler system activates, pouring fire retardant everywhere. Green foam covering anything.

Female Human Science Ensign

The shuttle makes a full circle around the newly christened Miyazaki, and Bambi watches intently through the windows as the pilot treats her to an external tour of her next posting. Eventually, it's over, however, and the shuttle lands at one of the Akira-class' shuttle bays. Bambi hoists a cylindrical bag over her shoulder, and steps out of the shuttle, and onto the ship proper. Well, here I am, she thinks to herself. Very late, bute she's finally on board.

Making her way through the corridors, she's nearby just when the fire alarm goes off near Landen and Flores. As they are recovering from the event, Bambi stands in the doorway, pointedly making sure she stays just far enough from the happenings that the fire retardant coverage stops literally less than a foot from her.

She's tiny, at around five feet tall, give or take an inch or two, and with the blonde pigtails at both sides of her head, she may not look fully adult. Nonetheless, she's dressed in a regulation skant, science blue, and with a rank pip indicating that she's an honest to god officer. "Ew", she just intones, looking at the mess of fire retardant all over, and not stepping into it to offer to help anyone up. Instead, she blows a big sphere of pink bubblegum, watching Landen and Flores over it, until it POPs, and she gathers it back into her mouth.

Sovereign Court

Male Dwarf IT Engineer 1

Veradiran's com badge beeps. "Stoval to Veradiran"

"Sir we've done a preliminary sweep with a handheld tricorder. Everything seems in order. Bloodwine. Twenty years old. no toxins or explosives. Do you want to do a full diagnostic?"

Male Vulcan (Separatist) Rank (Ltn. Commander)

"Yes, treat it as a class one biohazard until we've done a full diagnostic. You can use a transporter to get a drop from each bottle to test separately. Full quarantine." It's likely not dangerous, but the Captain wanted it as a field test, and this is the proper protocols. As much as he is annoyed by the rule book at times, Veradiran still follows it unless he has a good reason not to, and annoyance over a waste of time is not a good reason. "Keep me posted."

He turns back to the Flight Chief. "Excellent, I think this will work, but we'll need to send ahead to DS9 for additional raw materials. Please make the changes we discussed to stores, and arrange to offload the parts we identified as redundant, either here or at DS9."

Once they are done, he contacts the Captain. "Captain? I believe the Flight Chief and I have a solution for the raw materials and hard to manufacture parts. Turns out there are fewer than might have been suspected, mainly due to our having nanofactories on board. We will need to send requests to DS9 to stock up for us as we can't get everything we need in raw materials on base without delaying our departure. I will ask DS9 if they need fighter and runabout parts, and trade them parts for raw materials. If they don't, we'll offload the parts here before we leave. Also, preliminary scans of the bloodwine indicate no danger so far, continuing with Level 1 testing."

Veradiran then sends off a comm to DS9 to see if they are interested in trading parts for raw materials when they come through.

Sovereign Court

Male Dwarf IT Engineer 1

A face of a ferengi appears in on Veradiran's screen, his grin apparent.
"Greetings member of Starfleet" he says in a gravelly voice "What can this humble servant do for you today?"

Male Vulcan (Separatist) Rank (Ltn. Commander)

In a starfleet uniform, or in a civilian uniform?

Sovereign Court

Male Dwarf IT Engineer 1


Male Vulcan (Separatist) Rank (Ltn. Commander)

Veledarin switches to Ferengi

"Ah, yes, thank you sir. My apologies, I had temporarily forgotten DS9 is a civilian station. Could you please connect me to the head of Starfleet procurement for the station..." He double checks his data. "...Senior Chief Petty Officer O'Brien, I believe. Thank you." He gives the Ferengi a bright white smile, knowing that should throw the Ferengi off his stride, especially when combined with fluent Ferengi spoken with politeness.

Female Human Starfleet Lieutenant [Engineering Track]

Martine scraped fire suppressant off her uniform; silently, she prayed that the ship's sonic showers were working. "Flores, you all right?" she asked. "If you've got a burn, get to sickbay. We'll manage 'til you get back."

Flores nodded, and before he could reply, the sound of a faint pop filled the air in Main Engineering. Martine looked over to the source of the sound, raising an eyebrow at the sight of the officer standing just outside of the almost green foam.

"Good afternoon, Ensign!" Martine said, rather cheerfully. "What brings you to Main Engineering?"

Sovereign Court

Male Dwarf IT Engineer 1

The ferengi, a bewildered look on his face nods and presses a few buttons. His face gets replaced by the face of a surly man in his fourties, with golden shoulder pads.

"This is O'Brien. How may I assist you Lt. Commander?"

Female Human Science Ensign

"Just looking around, on my way to my quarters", Bambi answers, and tilts her head slightly at the mess that Lt Landen has found herself in. "Looks like everything isn't exactly ship-shape here. I thought this was a new ship!" she intones in a surprised tone.

Male Betazoid Star Fleet Command track [Rank: Captain]
Veradiran wrote:
"Captain? I believe the Flight Chief and I have a solution for the raw materials and hard to manufacture parts. Turns out there are fewer than might have been suspected, mainly due to our having nanofactories on board. We will need to send requests to DS9 to stock up for us as we can't get everything we need in raw materials on base without delaying our departure. I will ask DS9 if they need fighter and runabout parts, and trade them parts for raw materials. If they don't, we'll offload the parts here before we leave. Also, preliminary scans of the bloodwine indicate no danger so far, continuing with Level 1 testing."


"Carry on number one"

Go's back to the starfleet crew reports he had been reading.

Male Vulcan (Separatist) Rank (Ltn. Commander)

Veraderin adjusts the comm link, engaging the Federation Security Link to encrypt the communications. Once the computer confirms it's secure, he continues. "Greetings, Senior Chief O'Brien. My apologies for comming you without warning. I'm sure you understand how Starfleet is, hurry up and get things done last week. At least when it's not hurry up and wait." He grins. "I'm sure you're aware our ship will be docking there in a couple of weeks, it may not have it's name in your logs yet however. It's the USS Miyazaki, NCC-17032." Or whatever the number actually is if I missed it "We will be taking on crew and supplies. My call is two fold, I want to make sure that the crew are ready or will be ready to be picked up when we arrive, and the same with the supplies. The second reason for the call is to see if there is anything you'd like us to pick up and bring with us for the station. No reason not to use some hanger space to get you things on backorder if we can. Along that line of reasoning, we're also in the situation of having a lot of fighter and runabout parts we won't actually end up needing, and we need a lot more raw material than we were originally supposed to need. So I wanted to see if you need any of those fighter or runabout parts, and how much raw material you can add to our supplies, so I know what we need to try to pull down either here or along the way to make our quotas."

Male Betazoid Star Fleet Command track [Rank: Captain]

Sanron was looking at one Crewmen Kilp Bucks in his privet office.
The short Deltan looked around 27 he had no hair and looked a little worried.

"Crewman Buck's"

Sanron said with a smile, he looked down at the Starfleet staff record on his pad.

"It seems there has been a mix up, One Ensign Kilpp Bucks was meant to posted to my crew as a"

he looked at the pad

"living quarters hygiene and environmental maintenance specialist, where as you Crewmen Bucks are a barber and personal hygiene specialist. Now normally I would have you sent back off the ship and have the right crew member sent up."

Crewman Buck shifted while he stood in front of Captain Sanron, now he was worried, there had been a mix up, but what could he do.

"But really I feel crew can do the very hard task of living quarters hygiene on there own and we have engineering for environmental maintenance, but what we don't seem to have is a anyone who can cut hair well."

Crewman Buck's relaxed a little, this was not a telling off after all, could this mean??.

"So I am hereby reassigning you to the USS Miyazaki, NCC-17032 and our mission. Do you agree?

Crewman Buck's give a big grin.

"Yes Captain I would very much like that"

"Good well its all sorted then. Now orders, go fine Ist officer Veradiran and tell him you will need a dedicated room as your salon. We have spear space, so it should not be a problem."

He stood and shock bucks hand, with a smile

"Good to have you on board Bucks, and ill be your 1st customer once you have set up understood, ok your dismissed"

Bucks nodded and left.

Sanron sat back down and started the paperwork.

Sovereign Court

Male Dwarf IT Engineer 1

It's NCC-421987 , my birthday :D

Sovereign Court

Male Dwarf IT Engineer 1


Katelnye's comm badge beeps. "Ensign Sciller, report to the science lab D-17 immediately" in a loud, annoyed female voice.


His comm badge beeps.
"Sir, this is lieutenant Kara Andros chief science officer. One of my ensigns is late. Shall I proceed with the usual disciplinary action or shall we renege it in lieu of all the trouble we've been having in the science labs as of this morning?"


Comm badge. Beep.
"Maam, this is en. Azatok. We're getting power fluctuations all over the ship, they are still not in the red, but we might be having a lot of problems in an hour or two. I don't understand what's wrong. I know this ship has been modified, but I thought that the engineers who worked on it also worked out all the kinks, but it seems they up and left us with half a ship done. I'm not sure that we'll be able to disembark at 1900 hours as predicted. Thank the Taan that the warp core is in tip top shape. Few other systems are. I'd chalk it up to these new gel packs, but I've seen them work."

Male Vulcan (Separatist) Rank (Ltn. Commander)

Veraderin grimaces. "Sorry Senior Chief, my apologies. The ship is still experiencing some technical issues, including the comm badge override during subspace comm calls." He taps the comm badge. "Ltn. Andros, I'm on subspace comm with DS9. I'll be done within 5 minutes. In the meantime, find your ensign, and discipline them if the reason is specious. I'll come down to discuss the issues in the sciences lab, and why I haven't heard about them until now."

He taps the badge again, and returns to O'Brien. "Sorry again. Please continue?"

Sovereign Court

Male Dwarf IT Engineer 1

Veradiran hears a very subdued "Sorry, sir." before the comm badge cuts off.

O'Brien briefly looks to the side from the screen and murmurs something inaudible. A PADD is handed to him and he looks at it pressing a few buttons. His stern expression softens a bit.

"Well, Lieutenant Commander, it seems that we can help each other. Captain Sisko insisted on some replacement parts for our fighters and roundabouts, and it is such a drag to manufacture them. And we also happen to have a large stockpile of raw metals and rare earths you might need to manufacture those parts.
So, any excess parts you have, I'd be happy to take them off your hands. And, of course, fill that empty cargo space with raw materials you might need on your voyage."

He presses a few more buttons and raises an eybebrow.

"Curious. USS Miyazaki, most of the information is classified. Something we can discuss over a pint of Romulan ale when you arrive here?"

Male Vulcan (Separatist) Rank (Ltn. Commander)

Veradiran smiles. "Well, we can certainly do so. It's one of the few drinks that affects Vulcans and Humans equally well." He makes a few notes on his own unit. "Sorry about the classification, again, you know how Starfleet is." He fires off the information about how much room they'll have. "If you think of anything else you'd like us to bring out, Terra Chocolate, for example, or sports equipment, or books, just let me know. It was a pleasure talking to you Senior Chief."

Once the Senior Chief says his goodbyes and the connection dies, he stands up. "Ltn. Andros, my apologies if I snapped at you. I'll be down shortly. It appears the rush job to get us ready for space has left us in no condition to enter space. I'll be down shortly." He checks his pad, then taps his comm unit. "Computer, ship wide communication please."

[bigger]"Ensign Katelyne... Bambi.. Schiller. Report to Ltn. Commander Veradiran in Sciences in 10 minutes. I repeat, Ensign Katelyne Bambi Schiller, report to Ltn. Commander Veradiran in Sciences in 10 minutes."

He then taps the comm badge and heads down toward the Sciences deck. "Computer, what issues have been occurring in the Science Labs, and diagnose where the reports stopped on their way up the command chain to me."

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