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Computer beeps and whirrs.
Science labs have been having various issues from power failures to equipment malfunctions and workplace accidents starting at 0800 hours today. Reports stopped at the chief science officer."
Main science lab, dubbed D-17 is in turmoil. People of various races, almost all dressed in science green and a few in engineering gold milling about ignoring him. Hands full of various equipment. Just as he enters, a panel falls of a wall and sparks come out.
"Oh DAMN IT!" he can hear an irritated cry. Unmistakeably the voice from the comm.
A tall, beautiful woman walks towards him, holding a handfull of padds and rapidly giving orders to people.
"Lieutenant Kara Andros, sir. How may I help you. As you can see, I've got my hands full. And two thirds of my staff are not here yet. And Engineering has sent only a few people. I'm getting less and less hopeful about this mission."

Veradiran |

Veradiran looks around, and then clears his throat loudly. "Attention! Officer on deck! Everyone STOP what you are doing immediately." He makes sure he has everyone's attention, before continuing. "Senior Chief Morgan, Chief Tolbits, shut down everything in the area, all systems. I will not have the Captain seeing the ship looking as if it's a prop set on a Keystone Kops holodeck program. Everyone else stay away from anything with power until things are powered down. Once we have things powered down, Senior Chief, Chief, I want the power relays checked and rechecked until we can be sure that we will have steady uninterrupted power to the labs. Then, and only then, will we begin bringing up laboratory systems in an orderly and controlled manner." His voice cuts through the room like a vibroblade.
He taps his comm badge. "Ltn. Grraazz, I need you to immediately release any and all of your security personnel with at least a Level 3 Rating in emergency damage control procedures. Redeploy off duty personnel to onduty as needed to cover the losses. Deploy them to Deck 17 and have them report to me please."
He taps the comm badge again. "Master Chief McGuillicutty? I need any flight technicians you can release for emergency repair duty without delaying your own preparations."
The Master Chief responds. "Things are going good here, I can send up 3, maybe 4. I can pull a few on duty if you need them as well?"
"Yes, Master Chief, I think that would be best. Please send them to Deck 17." The vulcan responds.
"Yes sir, on their way."
Veradiran then turns to the Chief Science Officer as things calm down as power begins to go down all over the sciences labs, and emergency panels begin to glow with dull orange light. "Ltn. Andros, I think you and I need to talk in private for a moment or two, in your office?" He says evenly in a calm voice.

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She seems taken aback for a moment.
"Yes, of course, sir. Follow me."
She takes him to her office and offers him a seat. She heaves herself into her chair with a heavy sigh.
"One posting that had everything in working order. Just one. I assume you are here to tell me what I did wrong?"

Veradiran |

Veradiran takes a seat. "Wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't. But I don't plan on lecturing you. I'm most concerned about the fact you didn't bump known issues up the chain of command. I can't pull rank to get you more resources if I don't know the problem is there. A hastily constructed science bay on a military ship that doesn't work because it was rushed into place, combined with an understaff science department, is not your fault." He says, but then holds up a finger. "Now, having said that, what is your fault is trying to take care of it without pushing it up the ladder. That's what the ladder's for, so crap can be pushed up it. It's much better to push the crap up, than to wait for it to rain down on you."
Veradiran shakes his head. "Now, to get things fixed, we use scientific rigor, shut it all down, fix the biggest issues first, see what's causing a cascade effect, and move on. That means power first, then the ancillary systems that use the most power, shield emitters, particle filters, and so on. Then, we move on to the mundane items, lights, replicators, and so on. Then we clean up, make everything look nice. Then we spend a day making sure we've got all the bugs out, and if things look good, we move on to activating the big expensive science equipment, tachyon microscopes, positronic neural net analyzers, and so forth. When we leave, we leave smiling, and you start issuing orders. Everyone sees us both smiling, and nobody thinks you got dressed down. Which is true, this isn't a dress down, this is us working together to get the job done."

Captain Sanron Cahr |

Was login at a screen, on it was a Starfleet records officer.
"and this astrean supply depo has them"
The older man smiled.
"Yes they where sent there my mistake two years ago, Starfleet never got around to shipping them back, I checked, they are all but forgotten, best chance you have Si, so the price."
sanron smiled back.
"all right you off fox, name it."
"use of you London apartment until, you get your sorry ass back. Don't worry I'll restock the wine."
"Done, Boris, and water my plants, I'll miss our meals but you know what missions are like"
The other man looked sad for a moment,
"Just come back ok, Jill will worry about you, and the kids, will good look, and call when you can."
The comma link went dead, he keyed in another link, this time a young woman.
"Ensign Hernia star fleet stores gamma 129 how can I help you."
He looked at his pad to get the full info.
"Ensign Hernia, this is Captain Sanron Cahr, of the USS Miyazaki, currently in space dock above you. I want you to find your relief, then personally go hunt down a container numbered AGg-345-gH grab it, right away, then yet yourself and it onto the roof of your building and wait for our runabout to come pick you both up. You are to stay with that shipment container until it's here and with my enganering department is that understood. The is a priority order, o and pack for a trip, if you don't want to spend the rest of your life looking at shipment boxs in a warehouse, why don't you fined a reason to still be on my ship when we undock. You may find the trip interesting."
She looked shocked then worried, then exsited Then rushed off as the screen as it went dead.
He keyed in another link.
"Engineering this is the caption, I have found us some galexy class rated dilthem crystals, don't ask how, just know an ensign Hernaj will be arriving with them in the next few hours."
Then another
"Flight chef I need a runabout to go pickup a shipment for engineering ASAP, here are the coordinates, it will be with one Ensign Hernaj, pick up both, this is top priority do I make myself clear."
He sat back a moment, right now the next problem,

NPC - MDT's Voice |

"Yes Captain, I'll have someone on it as soon as possible. Do you need a combat certified pilot, or just a warm body to sit in the seat? Certified pilots I'm out of, our figher jocks are on DS9. Warm bodies I have a few who can babysit a runabout. The only two combat certified pilots on the ship right now are myself and Ltn. Commander Veradiran."

Captain Sanron Cahr |

"Three, you have me as well. I'm also combat certified and combat expiranced. But all I need a good flyer , it's a ferry trip, some dilithem crystals we need badly, I want to have them on ship before Starfleet knows we just reqestioned them, alright have the runabout ready I'll be there shortly,, I want an ensign, with me."
Gets up and heads to the Turbo lift, as he dos he taps his comms insignia.
"Commander Veradiran, you have command of the ship, computer record this, Inumber one, I going to have to make a short trip down to earth, to get something, yes I know it's irregular but, this is something I best do, to get past paperwork. If you need me I will be reachable. "
Coming out onto the fight deck he heads to the runabout.
There waiting is the flight chef and an ensign,
"Right, let's get this done, Ensign cooper right, time for a flying class, ever done a free fall drop before, well now you can say you have,"
Sanron jumps into the flight seat and checks over the systems, ensign cooper dos his best to keep up. A few minutes later the runaround departs the shuttle bay then drops like a stone towards earth and Europe.

NPC - MDT's Voice |

"Sorry to correct you Captain, but you're specifically listed out as unavailable for combat flight patrol duties, as the Captain, and thus while you are combat experienced, your combat certification was revoked when you became Captain of the ship. It will auto-reinstate if you ever step down, of course. But I don't think running a milk run to pick up something is a combat patrol, so I can give you a runabout." The Master Chief's voice is amused. "But if you ever try to go out on combat patrol, I'll sick the first officer on you sir, ever so politely and under regs, of course. Pipsqueak just got finished being given the once over by security and my techs, and got greenlighted. It's in landing bay 4. Enjoy your flight, Captain. I'll send Ensign Cooper down."

Captain Sanron Cahr |

looks at Ensign Cooper as he put the runabout in a power dive.
"In a full planet landing under combat situations your life expectancy is is directly related to how long you stay in the air, so a power drop get you down fast. Keep and eye on hull temperature Ensign and stop looked so worried, our shields are holding and we are with in speck for this craft, just but in speck. Now under fire you would have to jink your way down, risky but but can save you life. Now we are getting close to our level off point, With some drift to the left"
The Runabout started to pull up and the skim over the land.
"Right get to the back hatch, we will be going in hot, no dust down then, help load. An Ensign Hernaj will be.. There that building, ok here we go."
The Runabout pulled up and slowed, as it did the side door opened.
Sanron brought the craft in and landed on the roof.
Ensign cooper was out the door and helping Hernaj bring the grav-pallets on even before Sharon taking a call from ground control.
"Unauthorized Shuttle be divested you are in a restricted area, please identify state why you have entered it, if you are in difficulty and need assistance, emergency services can be with you in under 12 minuets."
"Ground control this is Captain Cahr of the USS Miyazaki we are having a miner problem with out main drive stabilizer, being delft with, should be air born again with in two. Repeat we will have it all under control in under 5. We need to reboot our systems, been told it should be all corrected shortly."
he flicked off the comms.
"Are we done yet."
Cooper came back. Last one now sir, we need to tie them off and then we will be fine.
"Ok get back there and get to it, close the door we are lifting off now"
He powered up the impulse and lifted off going up.
"Ensigns s our cargo secure?"
"aye aye sir, came to voices back"
"Right get yourselves sat down and hold on. This is going to be a fast ride back."
he powered her up then and flicked comms back on.
"Ground control, this is Captain Cahr, we have out systems back on line and well within limits, heading back to give this tub and once over, out."

Veradiran |

Once he's done talking to the Science Officer, Veradiran contacts Ltn. Landen.
"Ltn. Landen, this is Ltn. Commander Veradiran. The science labs on Deck 17 are experiencing cascade electrical failures that are causing unsafe work environments. I was unaware of the scope of issues, and I am unsure if the level of issue reached you or not. I wanted to alert you that I've authorized all marines with Emergency Damage Control be released from security duty to assist the engineers you assigned, and requested some additional resources from the Flight Deck to add to the body count. I know you're up to your elbows in issues from engineering if the fire warning that flashed on my personal comm unit is correct. This is an informational contact, so you are aware of the issues. I suspect the rush to retrofit the ship, and re-run the power conduits has introduced instability in the ships's power grid. This is no reflection on you or your crew. However, I want every single issue documented as thoroughly as possible. Someone signed off on these modifications as being complete and ready for duty, and when I find that person, I am going to personally push for disciplinary action, up to and including demotion or even prison time if injuries have occurred."

Lt. Martine Landen |
"Well, thank you, Commander," Martine replied. "So far one minor injury, but I'll keep you posted."
She looked to her PADD. Malfunctioning replicators, power fluctuations, fire suppressant system malfunction, improper dilithium crystal installation, possible neural gelpack issues... She suspected that simply writing "*EVERYTHING*" on the PADD would not be up to Veradiran's (or hers, or Starfleet's) standards, so she decided to note everything on the PADD as carefully as she could, including Flores's minor burn.

Captain Sanron Cahr |

"Flight control this is Ensign Hernaj on the runabout with Captain Cahr, please have the shuttle bay emergency crew ready we are... Carrhhhey eeerrr kissshhhhh errrr..."
Then static, as the runabout lines up for entry it larches to one side as one of its impulse cells stops working. The pilot just gets it lined up as it hits the deck and skids into the emergency netting.
As the crash crew moves in the side door opens and out staggers Captain cahr and the two Ensigns, pushing the dalithem crystal boxes. smoke pours out behind them. As a medic runs up he takes there comms-Badge.
"Computer place Commander Veradirans, head of security and engineering on group secure link"
"Number 1, security and engineering, this is under security portal Alpha 2, I have very good reason to believe our ships current problems are no accident. After just finding a deliberately placed saboteur device on the run about I just used. Someone on this ship is working to stop us. The device was joy rigged by the look of it and hastily made. This may be a bit of luck for us, even if it did nearly cost me self and of my crew's lives, he. I don't think they expect me to take a run about out, so they took the risk to harm me, this has made them show their hand. I need not say but I want them found and I want to know who is behind this. There must be clues or some evidence pointing to the culprit, find it, go over every broken system on this ship again, find them and then find the saboteur. If you need me ill be in sick bay, you have your orders, Cahr out"
He sounds angry and under control, the Captain is not a happy man.

Veradiran |

Veradiran takes the confidential connection in private. "Yes Captain, if I might suggest, we should not broadcast this. I suggest we announce that we are delaying the launch by 12 hours to deal with a faulty power grid on Deck 17, and that in order to make effective use of the time, we are planning a series of drills. Start with emergency medical drill, then a simulated toxin leak, then a simulated infiltration by Romulan operatives." He mentally calculates. "The first two should take no more than half an hour. We contact two members of the crew, and inform them on secure channel they are 'Romulan Agents'. While everyone is trying to catch the Romulan Agents, they may catch our intruder. Plus it gives us an excuse to lock everything down, and deploy security throughout the ship. Finally, we can prevent everyone from entering or leaving the ship, as part of the drill."

Captain Sanron Cahr |

Thinks for a moment, it was a sound plan and he could think of now other that would cover what they needed better.
"Agreed, I am also going to contact Starfleet security down below and ask for a full background check. It could be one of the techs working n the ship never left or we have a crew member who is no who they say they are. Alright Number one, put your plan into action and we will see if it shakes anything lose. You could start with records and any images of who was on that runabout, out infiltrator risked a lot to try and kill me, they may have slipped up and left foot prints."
This was the best he could do, with the situation. Now to make a ship wide call and tell every one the good news. But 1st a call to Starfleet.
A short while later Captan Cahr informs the crew the delay and the drills to me done while engineering and the space dock crews worked.

Veradiran |

Veradiran taps his comm badge off, and thinks. The Runabout is already in the hands of the Security Chief, so he begins on tracking down life forms and crew. He'll leave it to the Chief of Engineering to deal with portions of the ship where sensors can't reach, or where the sensors can't get a good reading currently.
He accesses the computer, and has himself listed as a 'casualty' in all of the 'drills'.
He then begins to make his way among the crew. He attaches his personal padd device to his wrist, and sets it's projection software to broadcast holographic data directly into his eye, so he can see it but no-one else can. Once done, he brings up an internal scan of every life form on the ship, and begins moving around. Each life form he stops and addresses them by name (based on the entry that comes up on his display), asks something about their history from the file, shakes a hand, grips an arm, or otherwise comes into physical contact with them. Anyone who answers without issue, and who he can pick up surface thoughts and/or normal emotions from on physical contact, he marks off his list.
Anyone he can't get a reading on, or who refuses a touch, or misses an answer, goes onto a short list. Those who speak a language that is native to them that he speaks, he speaks to them in their native language. Those who have a native language he doesn't speak, he asks them to give him some basic pointers on their language.

Rai Zon |

Long range shuttlecraft Eagle from USS Dominion requesting permission to dock and drop off personnel transfer to USS Miyazaki
The shuttle pilot Ensign Rogers calls out requesting permission and smiles to Lt Commander Rai Zon who he smiled to telling him he would miss serving with him and wishing him an excellent new assignment

NPC - MDT's Voice |

"This is Master Chief McGuillicutty, Eagle. You are denied permission to dock. Repeat, you are denied permission to dock. We are currently undergoing security drills. You'll have to dock with the station first, all cargo has to be transshipped to the station first. Personnel can be beamed to a security cell and screened before arrival. Sorry folks, but I'm not going to get our first officer and captain both ticked off with me. I know what a ticked off Captain looks like, and it's not worth it. Advise whether your passenger wants to partake in the security drill, or wait it out on the station."

Rai Zon |

Master Chief this is Eagle, Personnel will use transporter from station and participate in security drill Lt Commander Zon answers the comm and then has Ensign rogers beam him to the station where he checks in and then prepares he and his luggage and has himself beamed a second time to the security holding cell when permission is given saying
Lt Commander Rai Zon requesting permission to board

Star Trek GM 2 |

Security crews are sweeping the decks one at a time, in the Jeffry tubes, Eng and security teams work, Crew are takin into meeting rooms and questioned.
Images of the hanger bay are sent to Veradiran they clearly show a number of techs working on the runabout. He pulls there names of who was on the runabout after the Captains flight plans where logged.
1: McRill Ensign R [Crew] [Power linkage replacement]
2: Unknown....
3: Ships Technician D Cooperlow [Station Crew] [Doing a systems check]
4: LS Technicians[Eng Dep] Willams O and Kalino C, [On Ship] Carrying off to large Filters cases to hold 7
5: then the Captain and crew of one ensign.
Tracing the footage back it looks oddly like the unknown tech came out of a ships Bee on the same deck, walked to the run about but never came back out again.

Star Trek GM 2 |

Master Chief this is Eagle, Personnel will use transporter from station and participate in security drill Lt Commander Zon answers the comm and then has Ensign rogers beam him to the station where he checks in and then prepares he and his luggage and has himself beamed a second time to the security holding cell when permission is given saying
Lt Commander Rai Zon requesting permission to board
A member of security nods but says v the glass scream.
"Granted soon as we scan you. Its a full security and bio drill, sorry"
He says with a half smile of 'well dems the rules'
Your scanned for a while and even samples are taken.
Then asked a lot of questions while being monitored.
"Ok your free to report to your station, good to have you on board. O and we are on full lockdown so no sight seeing or you will be back here. Sorry again, it's just our Captain seems to be drill mad"

Lt. Martine Landen |
She had to lock herself in the chief engineer's office to take the comm from Captain Cahr; once he and Veradiran said their pieces, Martine was just as angry as the captain was. A saboteur? Here? she thought. Who'd know about our mission, though? And who would it be? The blonde would have rather chalked the Miyazaki's problems to refit-induced incompetence.
Still, all she could do at this point was get the ship up and running, and keep an eye out for the saboteur.

Rai Zon |

Lt Commander Zon gets first to his room dropping off his luggage and then uploads his dosier for the captain and first officer and logs on duty upon the ship, and then gets dressed in duty uniform and heads down to the science bay, where he finds everything in complete disarray.
Rai gets each member of the science team organized and uses his old skills in damage control and systems repair to start reassembling and repairing the science lab

Veradiran |

Grrazz |

Sorry for late post.
Grrazz' ear flicks up as their comm badge tweets and the orders arrive from Ltn Commander Veradiran. As the message sinks in Grrazz again immediately stops in their tracks, though they raise a hand which closes into a fist. The Marine, who's been trailing the big feline, training kicks in and she immediately turns to cover her commander's back as Grrazz pulls out their large PADD and begins tapping away quickly upon its face with their claws.
"Sargent?" Grrazz asks slightly distractedly,
"Sir?!" She replies instantly, her voice framing a question even as her eyes scan for anything which might be a threat that her senior officer has seemingly indicated.
"Your comm badge." Grrazz orders, simply putting out a paw into which the Sergeant un-clips said item and hands it to Grrazz. They waste no time and place it upon a small, blinking square on the PADD's screen.
"Ship's systems have been compromised," Grrazz informs her, "While there are many drills and such shake downs happening... systems are becoming more erratic, possibly indicating enemy action." Grrazz is scanning the display on their PADD, even as claws tap away madly at the screen. After but a moment Grrazz hands back the Sergeant's comm's badge, placing theirs on the same blinking square and continuing to tap away.
"I've taken yours and now my badge off the system... for what that's worth.. and tied them directly into each other. We have to reach..." Grrazz squints at the display, lowering the PADD so that the Sergeant can look at it's screen as well.
"This squad here... Numbered four... Ensign McKenzy is our assigned ELINT specialist. We hook up with her and then proceed to...." Grrazz slides the screen's display to another part of the ship,"Here. Secure storage room 47/12B." Grrazz shifts the display and looks to the Sargent.
"Best path to McKenzy?" Grrazz asks the Seargeant as she's had more time to acclimatize the the ship's lay out than Grrazz's self. After a few moments of sliding the display about, and noting the time/date stamp as to when the incoming data stream was frozen from the ship's computer the Seargeant quickly traces a route.
"These corridors.... this Jeffry's tube. Should drop us down.. here." She nods and Grrazz nods as well, accepting her recommendations, turning they head off in the indicated direction.

Lt. John Holder |

Lt. John Holder makes his way across the airlock to the USS Miyazaki. He takes a deep breath before letting his feet touch the ship. A small smile spreads across his face as he feels at home again for the first time in years.
His hand lifts hand to the nearest console. "Computer, what is Captain Cahr's location?" As soon as he has a location, he makes his way to the Captain first thing.

Rai Zon |

Lt Andros you need to get the damned debuffer for the Tachyon Beam calibrated, Photonic studies get me reading on shock wave and recharge
Another panel goes flying off a wall and in the midst of rewiring D 17 Rai Zon continues to call out orders
Astrometrics get the scanners sync'd for particle traces and anomalies, and assist engineering in recharge time on those warp engines; and for gods sake get those hazard emitters routed through the hull correctly!
Rai yanks out the feedback pulse wiring starting to rewire it properly
Geology get the electro gravitic field inductor fixed pronto its on its last leg and I dont feel like floating; research get on the shield regenerator and reduce 15 seconds from shield regen and work on the stasisnfield
As each assigment is made people run out of the room to work with engineering and soon just Lt Andros and Rai Zon are left in the room trying to get it uo and running comms coming alive as the various scientists report progress

Rai Zon |

engineering and first officer, this is Science. We are reading gravitic field damage and recommend immediate action. Gravity is already registering a point zero three variance from normal and climbing Rai taps the comm turning it off waiting for reply

Star Trek GM 2 |

Lt. John Holder makes his way across the airlock to the USS Miyazaki. He takes a deep breath before letting his feet touch the ship. A small smile spreads across his face as he feels at home again for the first time in years.
His hand lifts hand to the nearest console. "Computer, what is Captain Cahr's location?" As soon as he has a location, he makes his way to the Captain first thing.
The computers female sounding voice comes back at once.
"The Captain is in In his ready room"

Star Trek GM 2 |

engineering and first officer, this is Science. We are reading gravitic field damage and recommend immediate action. Gravity is already registering a point zero three variance from normal and climbing Rai taps the comm turning it off waiting for reply
Just as you off your comms a call comes in.
"Sir this is Ensign breen down in the Gemological lab, we just go her to check out stowed systems and well Sir it looks like someone has been tampering with our specimen transporter and computer system, should we inform someone? or did you ask for this, its just we where told there was a drill on, and don't know if we should touch anything."

Veradiran |

"Ensign Breen, we are in a full drill, so please treat it as a serious drill. Ltn. Grraaz will send someone down to secure the lab, and Engineering will send someone to investigate the transporter logs."
"Ltn. Commander Zon, please reduce gravity to 0.7 standard to relieve the strain, and commence repairs. Document everything, if the shipyard didn't do their job, I want it documented."
Veraderin then orders the computer to override all transporters on the ship, including those on runabouts, and shut them down as part of the drill, and report that they are offline as part of the drill. Only the Captain or Himself or the Chief Medical Officer (for medical emergencies) can override that order.

Rai Zon |

Rai opens a secure com channel to the first officer and says
Sir, reducing gravity will increase the issue. I will attempt to increase the gravity to keep us all on the deck but as the gravitical stabilizer decreases it will place increased stress on the hull. We have about six hours before the reduction becomes to much to compensate
Rai then opens a channel to Gemological and says search for whose code was used to enter the computer system and run where the specimen transporter was set and what it was used to transport and have that ready for engineering before their arrival and start effecting repairs assisting engineering ensuring repair logs for every thing

Veradiran |

Veriderin grimaces. "Yes, I understand, Ltn. Zon. I am concerned that there is a chance that increasing the gravitational matrix will have a catastrophic effect if the stabilizer suddenly returns to full functionality. Imagine if you have set the generators to 3G's to compensate, and then the stabilizer suddenly engages at full power. We will go from perhaps half a G to 3Gs. While my body is certainly capable of handling that gravity, most of the crew is not, and even I am not equipped for sudden changes in gravity. I would much rather secure for zero-G operations than chance a rapid increase in gravity."

Rai Zon |

Sir, Ive had an idea, if we pull out of space dock we can use quarter impulse jets or maneuver jets and spin the ship like old earth space docks did to create a gravity well and give us more time to fix the issue before critial failure Rai taps his com and speaks ona closed channel to the first officer again

Star Trek GM 2 |

John makes his way to the nearest turbolift and rides it up to the captain's ready room.
The Computers voice comes on as the lift stops
turbolifts are now inactive
Your on level 5 you make you way to a Jeffery tube and unlock the panel as you pull it back your meet with the site of a crew man working on a power conduit to the AG, its seems shocked to see you for a moment then smiles.
"Want to get past"
He moves aside,
as you pass him you not he has very few tools and has on the uniform of security.

Rai Zon |

Sir, the station won't have anything to do with a ship in security lock down, so I ruled out tractor beam or extending their gravity well, a matter of fact I am surprised we havent been towed or ordered out
Rai clicks the com again and then continues to rewire D 17

Star Trek GM 2 |

Rai then opens a channel to Gemological and says search for whose code was used to enter the computer system and run where the specimen transporter was set and what it was used to transport and have that ready for engineering before their arrival and start effecting repairs assisting engineering ensuring repair logs for every thing
Zon a short while later a team from your Linguistics lab contacts you. They have been in lock down for hours.
"Sir, I'm sorry to disturb you, we where kind of board here so we asked for a task, Bio asked us to double check their original data from the blood wine bottle scans. and well they where fine but we think we have found something else, The scanning lab missed it as they where looking for Bio hazards. At 1st we thought it was nothing, but it seems to be some form of code hidden in the design labeling of the bottles, its very complex and image based, we have decoded some, it seems to be complete schematics of the ship with places marked as 'Vantric' It's a kardashian word for vulnerable sir. Sir is this part of the drill? and should we keep on decoding?"

Star Trek GM 2 |

Rai then opens a channel to Gemological and says search for whose code was used to enter the computer system and run where the specimen transporter was set and what it was used to transport and have that ready for engineering before their arrival and start effecting repairs assisting engineering ensuring repair logs for every thing
they come back fast
"Sir it was Commander Veradirans code sir"

Grrazz |

A maintenance panel on deck three slides open and then the furred form of Lt Commander Grrazz fluidly slides out. As the large framed, almost two meter tall alien rises to their full height with the sound of some one else coming through the maintenance Jefferey tube behind them, it would seem the K'Zin can easily slip though spaces barely wider then their head. The Sargent emerges a few moments later, patting their uniform and hair back into place.
Grrazz waits for but a moment as the other officer 'straightens up', using the time to get their bearings. The pair quickly move on and after rounding a couple of corners meet a squad of ship's Marines coming the others way.
"Atten-SHUN!" Barks the Sargent and the four others straining instantly has them responding. Grrazz steps forwards to show their rank badge.
"Fall in, follow me, quick time." The K'Zint's voice rumbles as they give orders, turning the group of six begin at a brisk walk towards the supply/cargo bay they'd previously mentioned to their Sergeant.
It takes a few detours, as some of the emergency doors are not re-opening after the computer';s drill has closed them, to reach their destination. Upon approaching the door Lt Commander Grrazz's order does not meet with the computer accepting. Grrazz stares at the portal for a moment.
"Ensign McKenzy?" Grrazz intones.
"Sir!" The smallest of the squad, a Terran female, snaps to attention.
"Bypass the door's protocols. Shut down it's power feed. Enable emergency access." Grrazz orders, even as they move towards a panel with red warning symbols and letters highlighting it from the rest of the corridor walls.
"Aye Sir!" The Marine quickly moves to the doors smaller maintenance panel and with a deft twist and tug has it off before peering inside.
Grrazz, meanwhile, is taking the other Marine's comm badges and passing them one by one over their PADD. Grrazz re-iterates to them what was said to the Sergeant about what they are doing.

Veradiran |

Veradiran grimaces. "Ltn. Zon, I'm not suggesting the station use it's tractor beams. I'm suggesting we have several tugs spin the ship on their tractor beams. Imagine the ship is a model, and the tractor beams are strings. The tugs would be the rod the strings are attached to. Do you understand now?"

Veradiran |

Fairly certain it's less complex than faster than light navigation. :) Just needs 2-3 tugs linked to each other and then using their tractor beams. Nice thing about tug boats, they have engines design for things a hundred times their size. Never, ever, think you can out power a tug boat.

Rai Zon |

Rai considers options for long moments and then makes momentous choices he starts by entering the computer using his command code along with Commander Veridan's which he gets from Geomological and he resets all command codes promptly changing all security access and encrypting in his home language of Caitian using random octahexagon algorithms which he then records on his person secure log book and then promptly removes from the computer hiding them in the physics archives. He then changes all communication frequencies swiftly from standard starfleet to other secure network channels. Finally he has each chief officer hand delivered a new com badge which will monitor the starfleet channels as well as their new channel and then after the time it takes to do this reroute himself calls all chief of staff to a secret meeting in botanical bay three which he orders be empty during the time of meeting sending the message encrypted tp eah chief that they not be followed and that any use of their old command codes will sound a silent alarm on my communicator, finally ordering Geo and linguistics to send all files to him encrypted and then scrub them clean telling no one and adding those to his repair and damages personnel log not connected to the computer

Grrazz |

Ensign McKenzy quickly has the door un-powered and the safety interlocks undone. Grrazz open the small eregency panel and adjusts a lever, then assists ensign Ivrytaa Zh'rerik (A female Andorian) with the pair just as quickly pulls the doors open with their physiques...not bothering to wait for the laborious process of 'cranking' the large, solid blast door aside.
With enough of a gap for an 'average' humanoid to fit Grrazz indicates them all to enter. Leaving the Sergeant on point guard at the door Grrazz begins to take inventory of the myriad crates, reading their tags with their PADD.
"The ship is new and there are many drills being undertaken in preparation for departure." Grrazz begins to speak to the remaining assembled Marines.
"But, things seem to be stampeding out of control instead of being exercises..." Grrazz indicates for crates to begin being removed from their racking. As the Marines jump to, he brings McKenzy aside and shows the junior the screen, tapping deftly at its surface with a claw.
"Your insight?" Grrazz asks, even as they relinquish the large PADD into the human's hands. McKenzy peers at the read out for a moment, watching the data scroll for a time until the recording reaches its end and resets.
"Ah!" She exclaims, halting the display and adjusting the image, "That is a 'Logic bomb'." She changes the read out to loop at that certain point "See? This code suddenly unpacks and 'bam' begins setting off things all over the place....hmmm..." McKenzy scrutinizes the display more intensely.
"That's.. odd.. It's Terran type..." She muses. One of the other Marines, a large male human, stops lifting -much to the grunted charring of the Andorian woman helping move the crate- at the comment.
Why 'Human'?" He asks, a belligerent tone in his voice. McKenzy's attention remains fixed upon the screen, adjusting images and views even as she replies,
"Hmm? Oh, it's like a lot of subtle things. Like, the way a species developed language.. or run or hold things. It's something that's kind of unlearned as part of Star Fleet training so as to better get an idea as to what other cultures are thinking or how they might react. So hominid Human's all tend to 'think' in a certain way. It's just a part of our biology. This carries over into a lot of the 'basic' programming languages. It's like a Vulcan can just simply 'Do' certain binaric things better than others." She shrugs, looking to Grrazz,
"That's the weird thing. If you're going to drop code into the isolinear workings of a Star Fleet ship..." McKenzies voice trails off as she quickly begins to tap away at the screen.
"It's a hide..." Grrazz rumbles, then looks at the non-comprehensions of those around him.
" 'Trojan'." McKenzy informs every one. "Something put in so as to hide something... else..." She shakes her head, "Near enough example to most. Basically... we've got a lot of different...things... now running through the computer system." She again pauses the display and shows something to Grrazz.
"See? The ship's computer is doing a good job of finding and editing the corrupting code... But who ever set this off? They know how Sta Fleet computers work. The Miyazaki is new, she's not been thoroughly integrated." McKenzy looks first at Grrazz and then the rest of her squad. "What ever this thing is? Miyazaki is going to lose against it."