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Rear Admiral Charles DuPont looked at his collection of model starships sitting in a display case. A memory of his son, now a successful Starfleet officer made him smile and chuckle. When he was a young boy, he insisted on playing with the models, and got angry when the admiral forbid it.
"But father", the boy said, angry:"toys should be played with, not looked at".
He returned to the present and took another look at the stack of dossiers on his table. He could, of course, read all that on his terminal or a padd, but he preferred the feel of paper in his hands, and the slight crunching while the page is being turned.
The time has come. He adjusted his uniform, making sure that his rank pips were in place and looked at his reflection on the table surface.
I'm old, he thought Let's get this over with
He adjusted the stack of dossiers on the table, aligning them all and cleared his throat. He was about to press his comm badge and call out to his secretary when a ringing sound came from the door of his office.
"Come", he said in a serious voice.

Veradiran |

"Ltn. Commander Veradiran is here sir." The voice says from the box.
Upon being told to enter, the Vulcan enters. His tall frame, unlike most Vulcans, appears muscled, as if he worked out daily. A small greenish scar can just be seen at his temple, peeking out from behind white hair. Green eyes look out from under heavy boned ridges.
He steps in, wearing a black and gold uniform. "Ltn. Commander Veradiran, reporting as ordered, Admiral." He says in a deep rumbling voice. He takes an official attention position, but there's something relaxed about his posture, even at attention. His mouth is softened, not the hard line most Vulcan's take.

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Admiral DuPont points to a chair in front of his table.
"Please, Lieutenant Commander, have a seat."
He looks at the stacks of dossiers on the table and picks out third one from the top. Placing it in the middle of the table, he puts his elbows on it and meshes his fingers together.
"I've been given a task, Ltn. Commander. One that I hold very dear to my heart. One that goes to the very tenets of Starfleet. Exploration. I'm to put together a crew, give them a ship and send them off into the unknown. Your name came up, with recommendations from your previous commanding officers. An especially glowing one from your last Captain, who said that you're one of the finest officers he's worked with. And that you're definitely command material."
He paused for a moment, letting it all sink in and then continued
"A first officer's post on a refitted Akira-class starship is yours if you so desire. Personally, I believe it would be quite a feather in your cap. Especially if the crew discovers something important. What do you think about it?"

Veradiran |

The Vulcan takes a seat, as directed, and listens attentively. "Permission to be frank, Admiral?"
Assuming the above is granted...
The Vulcan relaxes in his seat, and smiles. "I don't think anyone who joins Starfleet doesn't want to be assigned an exploration mission. I am somewhat surprised at the ship class, however, Akira's are Heavy Cruisers with a heavy weapons payload and little civilian living space, designed for rapid response. I don't think I've heard of any Starfleet ships assigned to exploration, since they retired the old Enterprise class and it's predecessor, the Constitution class ships, that were so heavily armed. Is this exploration mission directed toward an area that we have some feeling is inherently more dangerous than a standard exploration tour?"

Captain Sanron Cahr |

Came into Star Fleet command offices in New San-Francisco.
"Floor 130 Captain, Meeting Room 11, Ill tell Admiral DuPont's PC your on our way up"
He smiled at her and walked over to the turbo lifts. His trip and been mostly sleep and replicator food. He had signed off as commanding officer of the USS Windwood, after its tour was over, He has recommended his 1st officer for A command post, young smart and well liked, but did not expect that she would be given his command. Well that was fine, they may be offering that post at the Star feel Academy he had been after for a while. But Admiral DuPont was not linked to recruitment at the Academy, he was more main stream fleet. So Sanron had no real idea why he had been called into this meeting. His record as clean-ish, yes he came close to braking the 1st contact rules on the last trip but that was more a misunderstanding than anything. Advanced races selling warp ships to pre warp cultures was a big no no, but some did it and he had just come up at the bad end of such a rouge deal. Some quick thinking and use of sleep gas and ended that little problem.
The lift opened and he steeped into the Admiral offices.
"Well I'm fashionably late so lets see what they have for me this time"
As he walked to the door it chimed, telling those inside he was outside,
he said his name.
"Captain Sanron Cahr for Admiral DuPont's Briefing"

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DuPont listened to Veradiran, arching his eyebrow when he saw a smile on the vulcan's face.
He nodded solemnly.
"It is very possible that you'll encounter opposition or dangers on your voyage. This Akira has been refitted for exploration, without removing any of the armaments, it hasn't been easy, and you'll have to fabricate quantum torpedoes on the spot, but there are several excellent science labs, biolabs and other facilities you'll need to perform this journey."
The admiral got up from his seat and walked to the window, hands at the back.
"What do you know about the gamma queadrant, Lieutenant commander?"
At that exact time, the door opened and Sanron walked in announcing himself.
Admiral jumped a little, smiled pleasantly and extended a hand of greeting to the captain.
"Captain" he said,"Welcome to the meeting. Please, take a seat. I was just in the midst of discussing your new mission with your first officer
He inclined his head towards the vulcan and smiled. Waiting for the exchange of pleasantries to end, he continued where he left off.
"Gentlemen, what do you know about the gamma quadrant?"

Veradiran |

"The Gamma Quadrant is a human originated term referring to a section of the galaxy that, if it were split into roughly four equal portions like a pie, would be the 'slice' between the Alpha and Delta quadrants. We have recently gained limited contact with the quadrant via the B'joran Wormhole. I would assume the exploration mission is into the Gamma Quadrant?"
The man frowns and steeples his fingers in thought. "You said the ship was heavily refitted. Refitting one with up to date science and exploratory equipment while retaining offensive weaponry and defensive capabilities would have been difficult in the extreme, and likely more expensive than using an existing exploration design, or even using an older exploration ship such as pulling an Enterprise or even a Constitution class out of 'mothballs' I believe is the human term. Given that and that the weaponry has been kept in tact, that leads me to believe we have good evidence that space in the Gamma Quadrant may be significantly more hostile than we expect. It's almost a return to the exploration methods of the early Federation."
Edited based on updated timeline

Captain Sanron Cahr |

Sanron walked in and after the Admiral has introduced them both handshakes the Admiral and did the Vulcan hand signal of greeting his new 1st officer.
"Please carry on Number 1, I've already read some of the Admiral introduction notes."
He takes a seat, places his small case by his side and takes out a data pad reading it quickly.
Then brings up some images on the screens in the briefing room.
Live feed of their ship in space dock
akira Class diagrams
Flight Bays
Long range Scout

Lt. Martine Landen |
Martine tugged at her uniform for what seemed to be the twentieth time, going over her notes in her head as the turbolift rose to floor 130. The next generation of Starfleet R&D, she thought. Smaller, more specialized ships. Shame that the brass thinks the Defiant wasn't worth further development, though.
The turbolift door opened, allowing Martine to step out into the corridor. To one side, running down the length of the corridor, was a series of paintings depicting various starships. As Martine walked past, the blonde paused to admire a painting labeled "Odyssey NX-13 | Capt. Edward L. Landen, Commanding Officer | Launched August 8, 2159" before continuing on her way. It only took her a minute to reach the admiral's office; she pressed the doorbell and waited for the admiral to announce himself.
"Sir? Lieutenant Martine Landen," she said. "I'm here for Admiral DuPont's briefing."

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The door opened and a young woman walked in and reported for duty. Admiral nodded and greeted her with a smile.
"Please, have a seat lieutenant. I know that this meeting was a bit impromptu, so we'll talk about some specifics of the mission before other people arrive, then I'll give you the talk"
He turns towards Sanron
Captain, say hello to your chief engineer. Lt. Landen comes highly recommended by her former commanding officer, Captain Alenko of USS Pillar. She served there with distinction and I pulled a few favors to get her in your crew.

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Admiral turns his attention to Veradiran.
"You're right Lt. Commander. I would have been easier to pull out an old constitution class out of mothballs or assign you on a galaxy class starship. Although I thing that the crew of the Enterprise would have fits that we didn't send them"
He chuckles a little
"But, aside from this being a bit on the down low, you're also going into potential enemy territory, and the Enterprise is needed along the neutral zone.
That is why we refitted this Akira for exploration while leaving all the armaments, and upgrading some.
You're the first ship to try out our new quantum torpedos. They have been field tested, don't worry. And you'll be able to fabricate photon torpedos if you so desire.
His face and voice became grim
"And also, since this is potentially a really dangerous mission, a crew complement of 500 compared to 3000 including families...it's really a no brainer."

Captain Sanron Cahr |

Nods and adds to his crew
"Also we will have a number of Auxiliary craft that I hope will aid us in our trip."
He brings up images of the craft now on fly throw deck 12.
2x Danube_class Run about's, 6x Venture Class Scouts [20m long]
14x Starfleet fighter. 10x Federation Shuttle craft, 6x Shuttlepods
and 10 x work bees.
"With less crew and civilians some of the space saved has been altered in to science labs and fabrication units."
A list of labs comes up.
"Tactical also will have three helms, one main 2 back ups and a dedicated Holo deck for combat sim's."
More images,
"I have also asked that the main computer be beefed up. With remote craft and drone control, be sim units."
More images
"We will be trying out not only new hardware but also new tactics and proceeders."
He then looks back at the Admiral, for his comments.

Veradiran |

Veradiran looks at the modifications, and rubs his chin. "If it's not too late, I would also suggest extra food stores. If we're using the wormhole at Bajor, we have no guarantee it won't turn unstable. I'd rather not find out on our way back to get supplies that it's moved. We have a smaller than expected crew, if we pack up the extra escape pods with nutrient packs for the synthesizers, we could add an extra couple of months of food supplies without endangering our crew, especially if we unload them first." He touches the scout ships and runabouts. "Each of these have cargo holds, and I suggest we fill them up with spare parts. Mixing the craft gives us a tactical advantage, but a logistics complication, because we now need replacement parts for more varied craft."

Kasia Wey |

Kasia approaches the secretary, tucking her bangs behind her ears and forcing a smile that she hopes makes up for her nervousness. "Kasia Wey - I believe the Admiral is expecting me?"
The secretary nods, smiling back somewhat more genuinely, perhaps remembering the nervousness she felt herself, or at least understanding it. Kasia begins to feel more relaxed, and as the secretary reaches for her comm, Kasia reaches out a hand to stop her. "Give me one second, yeah?"
"Several lifetimes and still nervous. Pull it together, Wey." She mutters to herself. Taking a deep breath, she counts to three and exhales. It was all the time she ever allowed herself. "Okay." She nods to the secretary, with a more confident smile. "Let's meet the crew."
Stepping through the door, she is taken aback by the number of people already waiting and lets out a small curse at being late, before remembering herself. Trying not to look embarrassed, she snaps to attention. "Kasia Wey reporting for duty."

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Admiral listens intently, nodding to himself.
"Your concerns have been noted. We anticipated most, like extra food and spare parts.
Captain, your requests have been accepted and added to the ship.
Two more things are on the line. One, a pretty small matter of naming the ship. We decided to let her crew do the honors of giving her a name."
Kassia enters and announces herself. Admiral apporaches her and greets her warmly.
"Ah the doctor is here. Please, welcome Lt. Commander Wey to our fold. She did a few rounds at starfleet medical and caught the eye of the former chief surgeon there, Dr Crusher with whom you may be familiar with. She recommended Dr. Wey for the mission. Please, Doctor, take a seat."
He turns towards the viewscreen and presses a button on his table. A 3D map of the galaxy appears on-screen. An area encompassing roughly a quarter of the galaxy is highlighted red.
"Gamma quadrant. With all it's wanders and dangers. But you won't be going through the Bajoran wormhole to enter it. It is too dangerous on the other side already. Peace with Cardassians is on a thin thread and we suspect that they are not the only threat.
A small scout vessel discovered what is most probably a stable wormhole, beyond Deep Space 9. Several weeks of warp travel away. You will use that wormhole.
We're pretty certain that it leads to the outer part of the gamma quadrant. Away from known threats, but leading to god knows what unknown ones.
So, first part of your mission is simple. Get to Deep Space 9. Resupply there. You will also get some duty officers and NCOs there, mostly science staff. Then proceed to the new wormhole. We dubbed it wormhole 243. Not inspired I know. But numbers get lost more easily when intercepted by spies.
Along the way to the wormhole, you will start your exploration mission by charting that part of the beta quadrant which is largely unexplored and sending reports via subspace till you reach the wormhole. Then you'll go through it, leaving a subspace bouy at the entrance and the exit of the wormhole. And hope that it is not one-way.
After that I expect a weekly report of your findings and encounters. If you don't report for a month, we'll consider the mission a failure, and send help through the wormhole.
Any questions?"

Veradiran |

"If we are leaving buoys, we will be advertising the wormholes presence as they will need to transit it to communicate, which will make the wormhole pulse, which can be detected at a major distance..." He pauses. "Admiral, if I might ask... what is your security clearance? And the clearance of those in the room?"
Unless the GM objects, Veldarin will suggest the ship install one of the Pathfinder Prototypes, and that a second be dropped through the Bajoran wormhole and left in some out of the way system somewhere. The Pathfinder project was designed to allow communications one-way over galactic distances. Having a few prototypes set up would allow a monthly report home over the relays, as they slowly recharged for the massive subspace broadcast, and would be very secure. Plus it would fit the type of testing, where you're using prototypes that can talk to each other first, then moving on to long range one-way communications. This works better if 2370 is just a rough number, and not exact. Say, 2374.

Grrazz |

Captain's log, Star date 47327.3
While on a routine mission to study stellar corona fluctuations, we have been contacted by Star Fleet and ordered to change course to the mining colony on Minkeb IV. Star Fleet has reported that regular communications with the colony has ceased. We are now on route at warp factor 7. I have asked the senior staff to prepare briefings on possible scenarios. Lieutenant’s Eshcarr, engineering and Fl'yer, medical have suggested that since the planet is a type K that perhaps some sort of malfunction in the colonies life support is to blame. I have them working on altering some of the ship's shuttles to act as emergency generators that can be quickly patched into the colonies life support system when we arrive so that local systems can be restored as quickly as possible.
The jury rigging will not work for long, but Chief Engineer Eshcarr assures me it should work quite well enough to take loading off the Hanover's life support since logs indicate a population of almost 600 people on the planet. A number which, should worse come to worse, severely tax the ships' systems in the event of the colonies systems having failed.
Captain's log, Star date 47328.5
We arrived within the system of Minkeb prime and dropped out of warp while still near the boundaries of the solar plane. I'd instructed Navigation to have us arrive so that our modified solar corona sensors would be in a position so that we could measure the solar wind's trail from Minkeb IV and hence possibly get an early clue as to the colonies situation. The mining operation should have left trace elements within the planet's atmosphere 'tail' and any drop in out put from suspended operations would be track-able as we drew closer.
Sensors almost immediately, however, detected something completely different than what we'd expected upon arrival. Where our reading should have indicated a heavily industrialized, type K planet. Instead our reading indicated a type L environment who's atmosphere measured closely to a temperature of 39.1 °C (102.38 °F), 92% relative humidity, an atmospheric pressure of approximately 102 kPa.
Chief science officer, Lieutenant Kel'arran, quickly brought up a corresponding reference which could explain how a type K planetoid could so quickly be terra-formed into a type L. Which gives us an unsettling solution to the colonies silence. I concurred with her assessment and ordered an immediate course heading. We exited the system at warp 7 on a heading of 337-mark-0.
We have a head start aiming at the nearby star identified as Pergellus. A blue super giant. Sensors indicate a warp signature closing dead astern, closing at warp 7.5, I haven't bothered to hail the signal and hope the plans I and my senior officers have worked up give us a better than average fighting chance against our pursuers.
Captain's log, Supplemental 47328.12
Sensors identified the closing ship as a Borg sphere. Chief Eshcarr made the comment that we weren't enough interest to rate a cube, I replied that such if for the better and worse. The better our chance of surviving the coming encounter, the worse because there is most definitely still a Borg cube either still at Minkeb IV or, fates forbid, moving off to assimilate some thing or some where else.
True to previous encounters with the race, the sphere continued to match and better our attempts at accelerating away from them. I halted out final warp speed at warp 8.5. We used the ensuing seven hours enacting a myriad number of procedures for when the sphere over took us.
By the time the Borg vessel came to be stationed roughly off our Port side we'd dropped out of warp. Our starboard nacelle had been venting emergency coolant for some distance and we were adjusting a lateral drift due to it.
We began to enact our initial contact plan.
Upon the Borg hailing us, there was no change from any previous communications with the species, we reacted promptly.
I identified myself as acting Captain Dayjem and that our systems had suffered under the forced acceleration trying to escape them and hence where in it would take a few moment to comply with the lowering of our shields as per the Borg's request and that we would do so in approximately six minutes.
I am really not sure if the pause in communication with the speaking drone was caused by surprise at such an event... or if they were simply taking some sort of additional time processing this new seeming data.
The sphere attempted to scan us, however Chief Kel'arran's shield adjustments made that impossible in the time we'd specified. At six minutes, twenty three seconds, we did indeed lower our shields as promised. Sensors immediately reported transporter signals from the sphere. We were ready and reacted immediately. Tactical fired a maximum salvo of torpedoes, while we utilized the cargo transporters as well as our run-about's cargo transporters to add additional ordinance into the barrage. In all we off loaded a third of our ammunition within a few seconds. A wide spread of photon, quantum and polaron warheads.
The small mix of quantum torpedoes with pretty much half out stock of photon torpedoes was aimed at causing surface disruption to their sensors. I was more relying on the timed nature of the polaron torpedoes to reap the most havoc on the sphere.
Chief tactical officer Rortag had assisted Chief Eshcarr in lacing the polaron warheads with traces of replicated trilithium. The resultant 'salting' of the Borg sphere with such an element inhibited their power distribution and hence slowed their repair regeneration. We were simply trying to buy more time to reach the nearby Pergellus.
As the shields dropped and our salvos flew, our anti-boarding defense went into action. Our venting induced drift had slowly brought our bow head onto the sphere and now we pumped power through the main deflector dish, modulated with fluctuations of yet more polaron and graviton pulses to inhibit accurate teleporting signals. I hope we scattered a large amount of their incoming teleport streams.
The damned Borg adapted some-what quicker than expected and three drones almost instantly managed to materialize on the bridge. We'd expected such, but their accuracy at pin-pointing crew positions still took us some what by surprise.
Ensign Grazz reacted blindingly fast. With a single pouncing leap they'd managed to put themselves behind the Drone which had been placed to assimilate myself, the Borg obviously seeking to take the most senior officer and hence the most data, taking a hold and with a deft tap to their communicator Ensign Grazz initiated an emergency teleport of their own, taking the treat away with them. The remaining two were quickly cut down with combined phaser fire and shots from Ensign Delgrad's hastily build disruptor. Drones can adapt quickly, but not quickly enough to very dissimilar energy types.
Sensors and the trace program Ensign Grazz had set up quickly found the valiant grappler floating outside the ship. The Ensign had been exposed to vacuum for a few minutes when returned within the hull. Upon rising from the bridge floor and brushing the ice condensation from themselves, they insisted there was no real injury. Medical wasn't going to argue right then and there and my estimation about how tough Kzin't are increased dramatically.
Ensign Grazz simply reported they'd successfully taken the Borge Drone into a secure hold, transported into space and thence the crew-member had simply 'kicked' the drone away from both themselves and the Hanover and, in the process, getting themselves back, closer to the rescuing teleporter. Before offering a respectful bow and proceeding off to assist the rest of the tactical members in continuing to prepare the ship's defense.
With the emergent Drones dealt with and the sphere staggered, we are now on course at maximum warp for Pergellus. We are engaged in a duel pitting energy totals and aggregate mass of the USS Hanover against that of a Borge sphere double our size. I hope the place in which I chose to fight is going to work.
I hope my first post meets with approval.

Veradiran |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The vulcan nods. "Prior to this assignment, I was assigned to Project Pathfinder. As the Admiral may know, although I'm not sure others do, the USS Voyager was not destroyed, but instead was swept into the Delta Quadrant. Project Pathfinder has been attempting to create micro-wormholes to re-open contact with Voyager. This is proceeding, and within another year or two, we might be able to. However, part of the research required testing, and to test, we built a small handful of Pathfinder Prototypes, automated systems that could act as relays. Originally we had thought we might need to have Voyager build such relays as they traveled and send them on ahead at maximum warp on runabouts. However, we think we've bypassed that. The relays are built, and work.. for a certain definition of work. They can only reach approximately 10,000 light years, and only for 10 minute windows every 30 standard days. If we seeded one through the Bajor wormhole, and took one with us, we could communicate to the Bajor wormhole from the other side of the Gamma Quadrant, about once a month, as the relay rebuilt it's charge. We could then drop a relay near our wormhole exit, to send our communications to the Bajor relay. We already have ships transiting the Bajor wormhole regularly, having them pick up and relay our communications would allow us to send our reports back much more quietly than the buoys would. The buoys could then be a backup mechanism for communications, should the relays be found or break."

Kasia Wey |

Kasia smiles at the Admiral, smiling larger as she's able to slide into a seat and not be the center of attention. She nods silently at the other gathered members as she takes her seat. While she's intending to remain silent for the briefing, her ears perk up at mention of them going to Deep Space Nine.
Listening to the Vulcan's plan, she finds herself feeling impressed. Dr. Crusher had been right - this was indeed going to prove to be an interesting mission. "With respect, sir," She looks towards the Admiral, "Waiting an entire month between a missed report and sending help sounds risky. The mission being what it is, and where it is, it seems that any missed report is likely the result of some catastrophe. It isn't to say that I don't have full faith in the crew, and naturally, I'll do what I can to ensure everyone remains in one piece." She smiles slightly, "But that is a long time to be out of reach."

Lt. Martine Landen |
Martine beamed with pride at Captain Cahr's praise, returning his handshake firmly. She returned Veradiran's nod, then tuned back to the Admiral's briefing. Further greetings would have to wait until afterwards, it seemed...
"I, uh, I have to agree with Doctor Wey," Martine replied. "One overdue report could mean that anyone Starfleet sends will just find what's left of an Akira... especially if we're going into the Gamma Quadrant." The wheels were already spinning in her head: She'd need a complete schematic of the Akira-class's power distribution schematics, along with the warp coil diagrams and readouts.
She smiled slightly at the old wisdom, Engineering is just knowing which rules to break. "Admiral, if you don't mind my asking... just what sort of danger can we expect in the Gamma Quadrant? Besides the obvious, of course."

Captain Sanron Cahr |

Stands comes over and takes her hand, picking up her discomfort with his native empathy he says trying to relax her.
"Good to have you on the crew commander Wey, I'm
Captain Sanron Cahr. Take a seat and just add in comment when you feel its impotent."
He gave her a wide smile.
He retakes his and hears out his 1st officer suggestions.
Captain Cahr pulled out another data pad from his small breaf case and with out a word slides it over to Lt Landen.
On it was displayed the complete schematic of their Akira-class's power distribution schematics, along with the warp coil diagrams and readouts.
He then gos back to hearing out the others.

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Admiral listened to questions and suggestions, smiling slightly. This is why he picked out the crew that he did. They were already good even though nobody worked with one another before.
"What other dangers? I have no idea. It is a completely unexplored part of the galaxy. Use your imagination, and still, your imagination might be found lacking.
As for Project Pathfinder, it is a good idea Lt Commander. I will requisition several relays. You will, of course, still drop comm buoys on designated distances, but keep them inactive, in case that the relays fail.
As for your concerns, Dr Wey. I think I have the solution. It might be a bit expensive for Starfleet, but I honestly don't care when there's safety of my officers involved. You will drop four relays at designated spots, and use one every week. That will fix the problem of waiting a month.
Akira's are tough ships officers. They just rolled off the assembly line and we're giving you one that is very much not like the others. I know why I picked you. I'm sure that you'll make the federation proud."

Captain Sanron Cahr |

Looks at his command crew, he was happy, he had been outside the vetting proses, but that was normal for this kind of mission. The USS Stackport was a good ship but he had out grown it. Not on picket duty he was confident it would be fine with his old 1st officer as its Captain. Now his new command team was working well, He could feel the Admiral was pleased. They had some fear, some trepidation but there was a lot of excitement there. Veradiran was hard to read but as a Vulcan he had that cold hard feeling range. He would be a great asset and was already asking the right thing.
"The basic idea with our ship is, where others have used just one mainline ship to explore, we will have a mini fleet of lesser craft with the range and ability to explore close to mother. Safety is paramount, I have studded other Exploration captains and to be frank, the risks they took where close to reckless. One James T Kark comes to mind, reading his service record as both excelirating and terrifying. Know this I am no James T Kark, nor am I a 'Sit back Jack' the rule book is fine with know knowns but unknown unknowns we are going to working things out with, insight, locgic, will, wit and everything we have. We where picked because we have all of these. My hope is with such skills we will find things never before seen by startfleet or any of his races."
His voice is ferm and commanding,

Captain Sanron Cahr |

"well Vulcan humour is good to see number. We all know our roles and the better we do them the better for the crew. Now back to the point, our new ship will be like no other. It was altered for this mission, star fleet learned a lot from its previous deep explorations and that has been feed onto this missions load out. We have better science and research labs. Yes our crew numbers will be low but well within the needs of this mission. Lt. Commander Wey as our chief Medical officer will the latest in medical equipment. Here on these data pads."
He hands out some more, one to each, of his command crew there.
"Is the crew listings for your departments, as you will see a lot of the crew have been cross trained. This was a deliberate diction, it was felt a highly flexible crew would also aid in our adaptability. There is also some undecided crew in some of your area's, please after this meeting review the lists of prospective candidates and put for-would you picked to me and the Admiral."
He gets up and walks over to the screen showing the live feed of their ship.
"We are missing one more here today, but I have been informed they have been indisposed. Now before we go on, We need a name for out star ship, because once we walk out that door well will be her crew. So ideas"

Grrazz |

The ground car slows before turning into the grounds of the complex of buildings housing the ground based, working offices built to house the 'physical' presence of the Federation's Star Fleet. Electronic 'hand shakes' passing between the large van's on board navigation computer and those operating the area's security allowing the vehicle's presence to enter.
Coming to a smooth halt at the circle before the main doors, the large passenger compartment door slides open with but a whisper and a definitely alien presence fluidly steps out. Rising to an impressive almost two meter tall height, the tanned furred alien emits a short 'whuffling' noise from their muzzle, large pink tongue quickly extending to lick at the black triangular nose above the barely hinted at incisors enclosed by the jaws beneath.
Adjusting the thick sash draped over their torso, the hulking feline-oid looks about with large, round golden eyes as they get their bearings before moving with powerful grace towards the main entrance doors. The delivery vehicles smoothly, electrically silent, automated departure drawing no attention compared to the many surreptitious glances the figure which steps into the buildings main foyer garners.
Halting before the buildings information display, the furred alien draws a large, rubber edged, data pad from the pouch hanging at the nadir of the wide sash. Consulting the scrolling letters conjured with the deft tapping of an extended claw the feline compares the text upon the buildings display before moving with purpose to the elevators and joining the beings awaiting the serves the interior travel cars provide. The towering species remains stationary, ears partly folded against the large, elongated skull. Nothing moving but the slow expansion f furred chest and a slight twitching at the long end of the tuff'd tail.
When a car becomes available, the other waiting beings all politely deffer, allowing the great furred bulk to swiftly enter. Some of the more gentle beings emit s suppressed sigh of relief as the doors close upon the larger, predatory form.
On my way up. :)

Veradiran |

"Given the origin of the classes name, I suggest Miyazaki. It has the additional advantage of being untranslatable to aliens via the universal translator, and presumable alien universal translators as well, thus avoiding cultural issues. Naming ships Enterprise and Intrepid is all well and good until we run into a species with cultural baggage around the idea of an enterprise being slave trading, or intrepid meaning lack of concern for others lives."

Captain Sanron Cahr |

As no other says anything he concludes "Then it is decided or ship will be The USS Miyazaki, if that is fine with you Admiral. I don't think we have a ship of that name in the fleet."
makes a note in the ships log, giving its name.
"So now lets talk about knowns, We are headed into the Gamma quadrant, computer bring or Gamma quadrant"
The Screen change and a number of star fleet star maps are now show, the computers womans voice says.
"The Gamma Quadrant Star fleet designation for one-quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy. This quadrant was adjacent to the Alpha Quadrant and to the Delta Quadrant. One-quarter of the galactic core was located in this quadrant. The Denkiri Arm was located in this quadrant..."
He stops it.
"We will be fine with just the images for now computer. List human
Archaeologist Vash."
Again the computers voice.
"Sara L Vash, Earth Archaeologist trained under Dr. Samuel Estragon while he searched for Tox Uthat. After his death in the 2360s Vash continued her own research. There is then a number of reports of her actions from Captain Jean-Luc Picard, USS Enterprise-D. One report states embarked with a Q on a galaxy wide trip of Archaeological sites. She next appears in the records in reports form DS9 where.."
Again he stops the computer.
"List Vash, references to Gamma Quadrant"
"Vash commented that some of the cultures she had encountered in the Gamma Quadrant had histories spanning millions of years. She believed the Hur'q originated from the quadrant, Also she calmed the Iconians were able to settle the world of Vandros IV, on the edge of the Gamma Quadrant, by means of their system of gateways. She also stated that a power known as The Dominion was established approximately 10,000 years ago. A galactic power located between 40,000 and 50,000 light years from the galactic core in the Gamma Quadrant."
"Thank you computer, list linked races know to the Dominion"
[i]"Studies have shown The Dominion incorporates as suspected vast number of planets, taking their resident species into its military and civilian ranks, including: known races, Jem'Hadar, Vorta, Hunters, Skrreea, Karemma, Dosi, Little is known of the Dominion's inner workings, other than the fact that the Jem'Hadar and Vorta fulfill the main military and administrative roles respectively."[i]
Again he stops it.
"Thank you computer, So this is my biggest worry, The Dominion and its agent races. Our hope is we may be past there range but they have a very long one. I want you all to get up to speed with all that is known about the Gamma Quadrant, we have time, look outside star fleet records, any and everything even mythic stuff form other races."
He looks at Veradiran
"and I know Vulcan has sent ships out there, its records my hold more data."

Veradiran |

"Entirely possible, Captain. I suggest the Admiral send a request to Vulcan for their information." He gives a grin. "I doubt any request by me or my clan would be looked at for at least a decade, perhaps two." He then continues in a different language.
"Do not let appearances deceive Captain, it bodes ill for our future if you are so easily misled by a pair of pointy ears." Despite the calm exterior, the Vulcan goes through a few seconds of towering murderous rage, although nothing of it seems to so much as display in his voice or on his features. The rage quickly drops down to outrage, then to anger, then to a mild resentment... over time, it will dissapate.

Grrazz |

The lift rises smoothly to the designated floor, Grrazz not even noticing the stop until there is a chime and the doors slid open with a whisper.
Stepping out into the foyer of the outer office Grrazz steps into the middle of the room with but a few strides, holding forwards their data-pad so that the person behind the desk might interface their terminal and satisfy themselves that the credentials are correct.
After but a cursory glance over the data that briefly cascades down her screen the secretary, with a nod, touches a blinking glyph upon her screen and indicates with a slight tilt of her head that the way is open.
Grrazz inclines their head back in polite acknowledgement and steps towards the interior door, large padded feet making no sound upon the carpeted flooring of the space.

Lt. Martine Landen |
"The Dominion..."
Martine gulped. What little she knew of the Dominion, and of the Jem'Hadar, had come second-hand. What she did know wasn't comforting: Soldiers as tough as a Klingon, capable of breaching shields, willing to suicide run into a retreating enemy just to watch it burn.
She had heard what happened to the Odyssey. It struck a bit close to home, knowing what had happened to her ancestor and his Odyssey.

Captain Sanron Cahr |

Looks at Veradiran.
"I think we need to have a meeting after this one where you clue me into your personal history. The last thing I want on my ship is a Vulcan acting like a Romulan. Do I make myself clear, I want to know why you have such anger issues and what you are doing to deal with them."
he then looks back to Lt Landen.
"Yes the Dominion, it seems they have designs on our worlds and space. Part of our remit its intelligence gathering, on the Dominion but more, there enemy's in Gamma, no one gets this big and powerful with theses kinds of tactics with out upsetting others. My hope is the enemy of my enemy and so on."

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Admiral listens to the exchange frowning slightly.
"USS Miyazaki then. I will instruct the paint crew to begin immediately"
He presses a few buttons and then his com badge.
" Bening, it's DuPont. Yes, the name. Miyazaki. Yes, Japaneze. 20th Century artis I think. Yes. Now."
He turns towards them just as Grrazz enters. His face turns up in a smile.
"Ah, Lt Grazz. I was wondering when you will come. Officers, please welcome Lieutenant Grazz, Federation Marine corps. As you're going into the unknown, we've deemed that a standard security contingent wouldn't be enough, so we decided to send a company of Federation marines with you.
Lieutenant comes highly recommended, and is one of the rare few K'Zint within Starfleet
While on the ship, Marines will do training exercises and complement the security crew. They are fully within your chain of command Captain. As a highly accomplished combatant, Grrazz will join every away mission you do, and if necessary, will bring along a few marines as well."

Veradiran |

"Captain, if they weren't being controlled, everyone in the room would be dead. You are simply experiencing what all Vulcans deal with all the time. There are two ways to handle such emotion, control, or denial. You have only met those who deny their emotions. I am not a Romulan, and accusing me of acting like one, as you can feel, sends me into a murderous rage. I simply don't allow the emotions to take control. I acknowledge them, but they are not in control. Humans, and to some extent, most Federation species, have trouble controlling their emotions. My clan has always embraced our emotions. One cannot deny something so primal in one's personality without seriously harming one's psyche. Most Vulcans you have met are, quite frankly, psychically damaged and wounded. I assure you, my emotions will not take control unless I allow them to, and I only allow them to when it makes sense for them to take control."
Veradarin turns to Grrazz, and gives an incline of his head. "Lieutenant, I have not yet met a Kzin. I believe I pronounced the accepted singular nomenclature correctly, even if I am not using the proper racial reference. I look forward to the opportunity to learn your language, if you are willing to teach it."

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The admiral stands at his desk looking them over.
"Well, I think that we should go look at her. Whoever hasn't arrived yet can join us up there. Please stand up."
He taps his comm badge again
"Chief Suron, six to beam up. Primary observation please."
A cascade of brilliant light starts playing around the admiral and everyone else. The office begins to fade around them and a new location starts to fade in. After a moment they are no longer in the office but standing in a stark room, one wall made of transparent metal, looking over a starship.
It is a beautiful ship, colored a light blue with dark blue highlights, hundreds of lights showing windows.
Both nacelles give off a soft glow and you can see construction crews swarming around the ship, making finishing touches.
A transparent umbilical is connected with the starboard airlock, a throng of people in construction uniforms leaving the ship. On the port side, another umbilical is filled with people of all species wearing Starfleet uniforms, entering the ship.
At the top of the saucer section, you can see a shuttle just flying off after finishing painting a name.
USS MIYAZAKI NCC-421987 can be clearly seen, illuminated by the reflector. Two reflectors illuminate a Starfleet symbol painted on both port and starboard sides.
Admiral looks at the crew, with just a hint of a smile.
"She's brand new. Don't scratch the paint. It's still fresh."

Captain Sanron Cahr |

Looks at his number one, with a hard cold look.
Then says in English to Veradiran.
"As I made clear number one, we will talk more on this in another meeting, for now lets get back to our mission briefing."
@Lieutenant Grrazz
Then the door chimes and he gets up and greets Grrazz as he comes in, as the admial talks he shows grrazz to a large custom made chair. Retaking his own he says after the Admiral has done.
"Welcome Lieutenant Grrazz, I am sorry but it was I who requested you be seconded to my crew and our Marines. I hope you do not mind. I wanted as much diversity as possible."
He then fills Lieutenant Grrazz on what has been discuses so far.
Smiles at the admirals comment then looks out his new command, He says jokingly.
"She's a beautiful looking ship aright, lets hope we can live up to her expectations"
His Uniform shows is rank and for a moment he touches his command pips.
Its seems to be some kind of lucky habit.

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DuPont looks at the ship, smiling gently.
Sanron can feel regret and sadness passing through his mind that was under iron discipline till that moment.
He sighs morosely.
"I wish I was the one being assigned this mission. I miss the captain's chair. A desk job is not all that fancy to be honest. I envy you all. I know you'll make me proud."

Captain Sanron Cahr |

"Well let me make you feel a little better Admiral, I bit of you will be going with us."
Cahr opens his case and brings out a bottle of champaign.
"I was told it was an Earth tradition for someone of note to Ceremonially launch a new ship. I was told you would need this Admiral."
He handed the bottle to the Admiral.
"I also took the liberty of having a place to do this laid out at the end of the Embarkation tube Admiral."
"We also have a plaque you will need to sign, and it will be placed on the bridge. So would you be so kind as to do the honours"
He says this with a big grin.
"So shall we"
He indicates to the tube,

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DuPont hefts the bottle.
"A good year. I'd rather drink it with you. But let's give this lady the honorable departure she deserves, shall we?"
They approach the end of the embarkation tube.
"To Miyazaki and her crew. May their voyage be safe and full of wonder"
He hefts the bottle once more and tosses it through a small hole in the tube, closed with a force field, towards the ship, it making a glittering arc through the air before finally smashing against the hull champagne flying everywhere, turning into glittering crystals making a small rainbow play along the hull. Slowly, the glass and the crystals spread out away from the ship.
"Now where is that plaque?"