Grimm, the Hunter's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Candlejake.

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The Exemplar has lots of cool Ikons and i really like the modularity of the class but there is an ability that stood out to me. The Transcendence ability from the Victors Wreath worn Ikon "One Moment till Glory"

Playtest wrote:

You rally your allies, carrying them from the brink

of disaster to the verge of victory. Each ally in your aura
immediately makes a new saving throw with a +2 status
bonus against one ongoing negative effect or condition
they are currently affected by, even if that effect would not
normally allow a new saving throw.

So at first this seemed very useful to me in combat. Your ally gets hit with a nasty spell, say they crit fail against overwhelming presence. You give them another save with a +2 even if the effect doesnt normally grant one. Or you free them of being slowed or paralyzed or stunned.

But ongoing negative effect is not clearly defined, right? Curses, sicknesses and poisons would also fall under that. This ability would practically negate all long term negative effects like curses and illnesses completely since you can just roll a lot out of combat.


Hey Guys,

A question since i'm Running Pathfinder Society i wanted to ask how exactly that works with the level up.

I know you dont really use your PFS chars for this, but do you have to use the Premades for Society play?

And how do you handle the level up mid session?


With Impossible lands the Jalmeri Heavenseeker dedication finally got an update and is no longer OP. It has also been declared legal for society play.

Boons for the Ancestries of Lost Omens Impossible Lands have already been added but I cant find a boon for the Heavenseeker archetype. (Or the other archetype in that book for that matter)

Is that something that normally takes longer? Is there a way to access it without a boon, since it is uncommon?

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Just started the last book of EC and some of my group are already pretty hype to play the "magic school" adventure.
I have already read through kindled magic and it does look fun.

My main question would be if the AP is also fun for a group that is less roleplay focused. The AP gets recommended often for groups that prefer to err heavy on the roleplay side.

We do roleplay some times and i like to speak as the villains but it really isnt the strong suit of either me or my players. For example they will roleplay with me speaking an NPC but very rarely among each other.

I worry that SoT is more for groups that have fun fully roleplaying an hour of shopping or basically play more like an improv group with occasional dice rolling.

Any light RP dms here that still enjoyed SoT? Are combats in this AP still fun?

Now that im building a Gunslinger Pistolero for PFS i again stumbled upon something.
Now Guns cost a lot of money so pricing is kinda tight at character creation. Im building a Pistolero, and while they will be dual wielding eventually i wanted to start off with just onehanding a pistol.

Now on first glance the dueling pistol seems the best deal as in damage dice for a pistol. That thing costs 12 gold though, so if you want an adventurers pack and some ammo, you actually cant even buy leather armor. Its not a huge deal though, that gets solved after the first session and thankfully, come level 2, a +1 slide pistol isnt more expensive than a +1 dagger.

But then i saw the Clad Pistol, which i previously ignored since my character wont be a dwarf. Its pretty much a cheaper dueling pistol with more range though! It doesnt have concealable but i take 20 feet range over that.
Does an ancestry trait even disallow you from usign it as another race? I mean, if its uncommon, sure you gotta unlock it via ancestry feats but gunslinger gets access to all uncommon firearms anyways. Aside from the common courtesy of explaining why the f!~@ your character has a clan pistol whats keeping people from just going for that option?

Im still probably gonna go with the dueling pistol, since a non dwarf running around with a clan pistol seems weird to me but the pricing and range difference just caught my attention

The feat gives you Formulas for gadgets, upgrading with your crafting proficiency in number. But it doesnt say anywhere what level of gadgets you can craft. Logically they have to be maximum your level, but it doesnt even say that. And many feats like this, like the alchemy feats, give you a Max level of items you can create, like "half your level" or "level -3"

Was this an oversight or am i missing something

I played some PFS yesterday for the first time with a very friendly group and a great and fun GM. My character is an inexorable Iron Magus with a Halberd and i rolled horribly that session, not landing a single spellstrike, but at least landing some normal blows.

In the last fight of the scenario i wanted to use Spellstrike with the Gouging Claw cantrip. The GM stopped me and told me he cant imagine Gouging Claw with the Halberd at 10 feet because the spell specifically mentions transforming your Arm into a claw and striking with it. I did argue that Gouging Claw is specifically mentioned in SoM as a cantrip you can spellstrike with, but that wasn't his problem with it. He argued that while you can definately spellstrike with it, he would say you can only do so when the enemy is in reach of your unarmed strikes, since the spell specifically mentions transforming your hand. I and another player argued for the weapon transforming into the claw, or the claw appearing as a spectral thing, but he said the spell is too specifically described as transforming a limb.

Now i dont want to discredit the GM or anything, he was great and pretty lenient otherwhise.

But i'd like some extra input on your thoughts on using gouging claw with a halberd at 10 feet range, or even with a ranged weapon. How would you handle it?

Personally, im mostly a GM, PFS was my first time as a pf2e player, but when i master, i generally handle spell descriptions as flavour and allow the players to flavour it as they like as long as the mechanic stays the same.

Just trying to get a feel of if this cantrip could become a rules discussion if further PFS games, because then id switch it out for telekinetic projectile, since its only mildly worse.

While reading through monk feats i often ask myself the question "why would i use that instead of Flurry of Blows?". Stuff like One-Inch Punch, Tiger Slash, Wolf Drag are all cool feats but suffer from being inevitably compared to Flurry of Blows.

It is such a good feature for action economy and something monks probably wanna do each turn. So why arent there more Feats that interact with it? I know we have Stunning Fist and Flurry of Maneuvers but this idea was sparked from the jalmeri heavenseeker dedication and the Heavens Thunder archetype feat. And while that feat is pretty busted and will likely get changed it also is something Monks would really love.

Since FoB is so easy on the action economy Monks want something to do with their third action. And while there are many choices it would be cool if there was something that lets them keep up in the damage department with all the other martials. Or generally if there where options that augment the trusty FoB for various occasions.

Im thinking along the lines of 1-action, if your next action is flurry of blows the attacks that you make as part of this action deal an additional X damage.

Or: If your next action is flurry of Blows and both attacks hit the target is knocked prone/deafened/takes a movespeed penalty.

Or: If your next action is flurry of Blows both targeting the same creature and at least one attack hits you can swap places with them.

Or: Dashing strike: If your next action is flurry of Blows and at least two enemies are in 15 feet range of you you can target both of them with each one attack, even if they arent in your normal melee range.

I think feats like this could be fun and make FoB a nice multipurpose tool

I told my players that for my 30th birthday i want to be a player in a one shot. I wanted to give them a pfs scenario to make it easier for them but the beginners box might be an even better fit. Is the adventure one shot style or multiple sessions?

This Archetype was introduced in Agents of Edgewatch - Sixty feet under

It looks really cool and fills a niche for me that path of perfection wasnt able to.

For one it fits my concept of an "eye of the storm" thunderstorm themed dragon monk really well.

Heavens Thunder is visually really cool and also perfectly fills a hole of damage oriented monk for me.

Its a one action ability, reusable that adds electric and sonic damage to unarmed and monk weapon strikes until next turn. I was missing something exactly like this for monk. With Flurry of Blows monks can make two attacks in a single action but since they dont have something to boost MAP (like flurry ranger for example) they generally also dont want to make more attacks. Adding movement to the mix the monk can often have a left over action. One can use that to raise a shield but that is not something that fits my idea of monk personally (and i dont wanna be called a cpt america clone constantly). That is also wy monks gain less from being hasted than other martials since their action economy is so good already. So Heavens Fury is a perfect way for monk to boost damage without raising MAP.

I just love that feat both gameplay and flavour whise.

The problem is its way too f~$@ing strong. It gives a damage bonus bigger than giant barbarian. Seems like most martials would want that. From what i heard it is already on the list for erratas but we know that can take ages.

Is there a way that the feat could be nerfed while still being good for monk? I was thinking either halfing the damage, maybe removing the sonic damage alltogether. Or making it dependent on weapon dice. Adding 1 sonic, 1 electricity per weapon dice, which would result in it being a +4 to damage instead of a +6 and rising slower. Or making it last only until the start of the next turn, not the end of it, so youd have to use it every turn instead of only every other one.

What are your opinions on the archetype? As a gm would you allow it as is? Would you nerf it? Or disallow it alltogether.

I am currently running the Extinction Curse AP for my group. Finally converted them from 5e to Pf2 and so far they enjoy it a lot.

My question is regarding loot in adventure paths. Now an adventure path gives out loot and obviously one can change what is handed out but my question is concerning potency and striking runes.

The first book ends with a big boss fight (severe encounter) at level 4 after which the party reaches level 5. Now the first striking weapon the AP gives out is after this fight. Now my question is if you guys think handing out striking weapons before this fight would make it too easy. From what i understand normally striking weapons are found from level 4 onward. So giving out the first one at the start of level 5 seems a bit late.

My players are mostly pretty casual so i dont think they mind if the fight isnt super dangerous but i also dont want them to stomp it. They are also pretty martial heavy (ranger, dex champion, barbarian, bomber alchemist). So in addition to the question of when to give out striking runes there is also the question on how many.

I know there is an expected loot chart in the crb (i find that chart a bit confusing though) but my question would be if the AP follows it or if it assumes the players use money to buy striking runes or sth.

Basically what ir boils down to is if a severe encounter for level 5 (containing a lvl 5, lvl 2 and lvl 1 creatures) requires striking runes or if it becomes too easy with striking runes.

I also made a reddit post for this and got rather mixed answers ranging from "you dont need striking runes and if you give them out earlier the weapon the boss drops will be less exciting" to "striking runes are expected way earlier and should be given out at in chapter 3" t_in_an_ap_extinction_curse/