Cannon Golem

Midrealm DM's page

115 posts (117 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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*BOOM-de-ada BOOM*

SirUrza wrote:
Submit stuff to Kobold Quarterly.

I guess I'll try that route, thank you

Mike McArtor wrote:

Also, putting this post is two places is kinda not cool. ;)

My apologies,

I wasn't sure which category it fit under best, so I chose to post both to make sure. I will avoid double-posting in the future.
Do you forsee any way in the future to submit material that is not a contest? I have some good ideas for monsters, but in the last RPG superstar contest I didn't make it past the first round, as it was about magic items. I'm don't think I'm very good with those, and have little experience in that field. I also never could find out why it was rejected, if it was the concept, price, etc. So I have no idea what to area to improve upon in the future.

I just want to submit some ideas, have someone look at them and say 'yes, we like' it or 'no we can't take it, because...'

I am kind of frustrated at this point because just prior to the ending of Dragon I had finally had some ideas accepted, and even had a full article scheduled to be printed (it was pulled from the magazine to make room for other material due to the cancelation of Dragon)

With the cancelation of Dragon, Paizo announced that they would be in need of new monsters, so I was very optimistic about the direction Paizo was headed, its been almost a year now and I am still waiting for a chance to submit some of these ideas.

With the contest format, rank novices are pitted against experienced writers. I won't delude myself, most things I come up with won't be able to compete with people who do this for a living. I work both a full-time job and a part-time jobs and work on gaming materials in my spare time, but had hoped to make some headway in the field. I guess I would like any idea I have to be judged on its own merits not compared against something else, there will always be something better in any situation.

Finally no one has been able to explain to me, if Paizo handled submissions in the past, why has the way its done been changed? I understood at first, as it was a new venture, but at this point it seems everything should be settled down enough to return to the previous way. Again, maybe my lack of experience here is causing me to not see the a bigger issue at hand.

Thank you for your attention, and again my apologies for any breach of etiquette.

Rift wrote:

I have gotten myself into a bit of a situation and I've coming looking for wisdom from the good forum folk at Paizo.

Now there is a problem that I thought I could handle but it has clearly gone above my head and it is making me doubt my own decisions namely; taxes. Is there a fast and hard rule for determining taxes for cities and villages? How do you deal with toll on roads and rivers? How much income do mines generate? Do you tax individual goods or just lump it all together? If there's a book or something like it that deals with these matters then I'd like to know and I'll see about getting it into my collection as soon as possible.

Well it all depends on how complex v. simple you want to make it.

The following table is an abreviated form I use assigning a numerical value to social standing. I would guess in your situation your Pcs are around 13 to 15. Social standings have different monthly upkeep based on their expected expenses (see variant: upkeep 3.5 DMG p 130)

Peasants (Lower Class„o some Serfs, most Freemen)
3 Poor farmer, craftsman, or professional 10gp
4 Successful farmer or entertainer 15gp
5 Wealthy farmer or entertainer 20gp
6 Successful craftsman or professional 25gp
Middle Class (some Freemen, most Citizens)
7 Poor soldier or merchant Page 30gp
8 Poor scholar or clergy Squire, Esquire 40gp
9 Successful soldier or merchant Armiger 50gp
10 Successful professional, scholar, or clergy Chevalier 75gp
11 Wealthy soldier or merchant Knight, Sir or Madam / Mistress 100gp
12 Wealthy professional, scholar, or clergy Baronet, Thane or Dame 150gp
Upper Class (some Citizens, Most Nobility)
13 Improverished official or nobility* Baron or Baroness 250gp
14 Successful official or nobility* Earl / Viscount or Marem / Viscountess 500gp
15 Wealthy official or nobility* Count or Countess 1,000gp
* May instead be a constable, sheriff, mayor, military officer, magistrate, or similar official.
Titled Nobility - must be Titled Nobility
16 Improverished titled nobility Marquis or Marchioness 2,000gp
17 Successful titled nobility Duke or Duchess 5,000gp
18 Wealthy titled nobility Arch Duke or Duchess 10,000gp
High Nobility normally NPCs only
19 Ordinary king or other supreme ruler High Prince or Princess 20,000gp
20 Successful king or other supreme ruler King or Queen 30,000gp
21 Wealthy king or other supreme ruler High King or Queen 40,000gp
22 Emperor or other ruler of many kings Emperor or Empress 50,000gp

I have more details about the rights of each social calss and what the monthly fee pays for, but won't post here at this time (unless you request it, of course).
In addition - a character can make an influence roll (1d20 + social standing + charisma modifier) for various reasons.
Benefits for aristocracy/nobility include: influence NPC attitude, monthly stipend, requisition ability, land grants, etc. Bat as far as taxes go..
Aristocracy, Social Standing 9+, Character Level 9th
Special: Your character cannot gain the full benefits of taxation for social standing 13 or higher without having a keep or stronghold of some sort (housing a small garrison of at least twenty soldiers, initiates, or acolytes, a full domestic staff, and living quarters for you). However, if these conditions are not met, you may still collect a normal stipend and normal taxes for social 12.
You may collect taxes 1/month with an influence check, DC 20
For social standing 9-12, you gain 10 gp times your social standing, at 13 you gain 200 gp; at 14 gain 500 gp; then 1000 gp; 2000 gp; 5000 gp; 10000 gp; for social 15 to 18. In addition you gain an additiona 10 gp per point by which you beat the DC, (this increases to 20 gp, 50 gp and 100 gp at social 16 through 18 respectively). This is net taxes after paying for all civil expenses, (soldiers,road upkeep, tax collectors, etc.)
A character with social 15 and avg charisma on a roll of 10, should collect 1050 gp in taxes. His upkeep (all personal expenses including food, housing, servants, etc) runs 1000 gp per month. So the character pays for all his upkeep and still has 50 gp left over to show for it.

This assumes a 'fair' tax rate - A DM could allow more money for higher taxes or for reduced civil expenses (not maintaining a city guard, or letting the streets go into disrepair), but the character runs the risk of being hated by his people and any other sociao-economic problems from such decisions (this would mostly be ad-hoc by the DM). Also the character does not need to personally be around, the taxes can be collected even if the character is away on adventure.

Finally some 'real world' facts I dug up when researching this. Take these with a grain of salt as I didn't dig to deep into it.


Approximately 40% of the land in any village, town, or city is dedicated to farming and agriculture in order to meet the needs of its own population. Towns which export such commodities may have considerably higher percentage of farmland. Some towns may import foods in order to support their own populace, in which case the population density may increase.
Tax income generated monthly is an amount of gp equal to 30% of the population. However, the ruling forces must also pay for support of the militia, guard, and other civic figures and projects, etc. roughly 40% of the taxes collected from a thorp or hamlet are spent on such projects. In a metropolitan area this rises to as much as 80%, the numbers given in the above table reflect the net taxes collected after paying for all such projects. Some nobles may share control of regions.

Lastly the Stronghold Builders Guidebook (while not 3.5) is a good resource for building castles, keeps, etc. And has some information on income from natural resources mines, etc. (If I am not mistaken)

Now that Paizo has their own RPG system, surely they will start accepting submissions again, yes?

Now that Paizo has their own RPG system - surely they will start accepting submissions again, yes?

KnightErrantJR wrote:

Forget the pregenerated characters! When do we get the freakin' guns?

Heh - just before Dragon went away I had a whole article on magic spells designed to use in a campaign with guns, it was scheduled to be printed and everything, But when the license was pulled, it was pushed to the wayside to make room for more important matters.

Gary Teter wrote:

What part of Pathfinder do you want to know more about?

And should this be a multiple-choice poll?

How to contribute ideas - I've been waiting to contribute stuff ever since dragon went belly-up. I understand the RPG superstar contest took alot of resources and such. But can we at least get an expected date on when submissions will be accepted again? Rough guess? Anything?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chris Mortika wrote:
In one of the playtester reports for Wolfgang Baur's Open Design "Empire of the Ghouls", there was a paladin whose name was pronounced "Tee-AT-eh-mee." Spelled just like it sounds, Teatime.

Probably stolen from Terry Pratchett's book _Hogfather_

= Thats where I took it from for my Warforged Artificer, Mr. Teatime

Honorable Mentions:
Ventura - My character needed an alias so I came up with this one on the spur of the moment by rearange letters in 'Adventure' - 'Ed Ventura' was the full name. I loved the name and used it as an alias over and over again, until six months later the movie _Ace Ventura_ came out, kinda ruined the name for me.
Nalliam Vore - (Human Druid, anagram of 'Animal Lover')

Runners up:
Daboh (pronounced Day-Bow) an archer was my first character, not the worst name, but not great.
Latnem Retsim (Psionic character - read it backwards. Same player as Nailliam above)
Ahoonda Hinda (Spellcaster from an arctic barbarian tribe)
Simian (this wasn't too bad until the party started calling him Simian, the monkey boy)

Kneebasher Thunderguts - (Dwarven Fighter)
Marvin the Mad - (Earth Genasi Barbarian)
and our favorite

The player who made Ralph was Ralph in every campaign...
Star Wars - a wookie named Ralph
D&D - a barabrian named Ralph
Traveler - a gunner named Ralph
He did compromise once and make a character named Phlar

GrinningBuddha wrote:

Diviner's Chalk

I like the flavor, but it seems expensive and I don't quite get the Modify Memory component. I like the item overall.

Cost issue seems to be a consensus, I suppose..

Diviner’s Chalk can be used twenty times before its magic is expended and it crumbles to dust.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Clairvoyance, Modify Memory; Price 3,750 gp.

...might have been better, it really is an esoteric item. So would be used infrequently enough that 20 (or even 10) uses would probably last an entire campaign.

At any rate Modify Memory is a component because it lets you treat the subject of a scrying spell as being more familiar. So the chalk alters your memory of the subject accordingly. A weak excuse mayber, but I couldn't find any spell that makes something 'more familiar.'

Thanks for the feedback

Well as long as you are doing this ...

Diviner's Chalk


An amorous bard found himself desiring a way to spy on the husbands of his paramours. He developed this chalk, and used it to mark their belongings. To his shame, it has found deep popularity with assassins.

Appearing as a normal piece of chalk of any color this item has a unique ability. As a standard action you may inscribe a personal rune or mark upon any object. The location of an object marked by you is considered to have been studied for the purposes of Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, and other spells that rely on location familiarity (including Dimension Door and Teleport). In addition, if you cast Scrying or Greater Scrying on a creature carrying the object, your knowledge of that creature increases by one category (from none to secondhand for example).
The marks made by Diviner’s Chalk are nearly invisible and remain potent for 1d4+1 weeks, though they can be identified, detected, dispelled and disabled in the same manner and difficulty as a Glyph of Warding. Diviner’s Chalk can be used fifty times before its magic is expended and it crumbles to dust.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Clairvoyance, Modify Memory; Price 9,450 gp.

I would say that had I not been under a 200 word limit I would have better described the identification, etc of the mark.

I have browsed through the boards and I personally would like to know from the judges there honest opinion of my item.

I tried to let it go, because if I had submitted through normal venues all I would get in response was a rejected e-mail anyway.

But somehow, I can't seem to put myself at ease, maybe its because of the forum here. At any rate, if any judge would care to comment on their thoughts on the Diviner's Chalk item


An amorous bard found himself desiring a way to spy on the husbands of his paramours. He developed this chalk, and used it to mark their belongings. To his shame, it has found deep popularity with assassins.

Appearing as a normal piece of chalk of any color this item has a unique ability. As a standard action you may inscribe a personal rune or mark upon any object. The location of an object marked by you is considered to have been studied for the purposes of Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, and other spells that rely on location familiarity (including Dimension Door and Teleport). In addition, if you cast Scrying or Greater Scrying on a creature carrying the object, your knowledge of that creature increases by one category (from none to secondhand for example).
The marks made by Diviner’s Chalk are nearly invisible and remain potent for 1d4+1 weeks, though they can be identified, detected, dispelled and disabled in the same manner and difficulty as a Glyph of Warding. Diviner’s Chalk can be used fifty times before its magic is expended and it crumbles to dust.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Clairvoyance, Modify Memory; Price 9,450 gp.

Patrick Walsh wrote:

I like the idea, but how is it different from the arcane mark spell and why is that spell not included as a spell needed to create the item?

EDIT: is the spell arcane mark? I remember it as wizard's mark, but that was definitely an earlier version.

I don't know of a Wizard Mark, but if Arcane Mark is what you are thinking of. Arcane mark doesn't allow you any benifts to scrying or teleportation.

If you arcane mark an item and someone carries it away, you chances of teleporting to the location of the object are low.

The reason Arcane Mark isn't a prerequisite is that Arcane Mark isn't a bard spell and this was crafted by a bard.
Also I was at 199 words, arcane mark would have made it 201 and was essentially not needed for the effect of the item.

TwilightKing wrote:

Well, here is mine.

Gloves of the Badger
To be quite honest, I am not a master of magic items (i'm more of a monster masher ;) )
So feel free to shower me with praise, or stone me with ridicule.

Honestly I think they are nice, but overcosted as it.

I would add some stonecunning type abilities (similar to the Belt of Dwarvenkind).
Finally the wearer needs some way to navigate while burrowing, perhaps gaining tremorsense while burrowing or something.

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:

Pocket Orrery

EDIT: my item is spookily like Sebatian's, which probably did neither of us any good. I'm also disturbed that my mind works along the same lines as his.

Heh -

You don't know the half of it -
My wife suggested a coin that stopped time long enough for you to escape, I toyed with the idea and decided it would be too complex to get in under 200 words.

But we were pretty close to having another 'time stop' device.

I feel I'm better at Creature design than Item design -
But I would like opinions on this one...

Diviner’s Chalk
An amorous bard found himself desiring a way to spy on the husbands of his paramours. He developed this chalk, and used it to mark their belongings. To his shame, it has found deep popularity with assassins.

Appearing as a normal piece of chalk of any color this item has a unique ability. As a standard action you may inscribe a personal rune or mark upon any object. The location of an object marked by you is considered to have been studied for the purposes of Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, and other spells that rely on location familiarity (including Dimension Door and Teleport). In addition, if you cast Scrying or Greater Scrying on a creature carrying the object, your knowledge of that creature increases by one category (from none to secondhand for example).
The marks made by Diviner’s Chalk are nearly invisible and remain potent for 1d4+1 weeks, though they can be identified, detected, dispelled and disabled in the same manner and difficulty as a Glyph of Warding. Diviner’s Chalk can be used fifty times before its magic is expended and it crumbles to dust.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Clairvoyance, Modify Memory; Price 9,450 gp.

I would have liked to go into more detail on the identification, detection, and dispelling of the marks. But was trying to keep it under 200 words.


Erik Mona wrote:
I hate to be a stickler, Wolf, but in fact an item like this is _good_ for the game, since player characters are expected to get items that go up in value as they progress through the levels. A +3 glaive is seldom of use to anyone, but its gp value remains the same. Essentially, by putting an item like this into an encounter you're 99% of the time penalizing the characters with something that is (in trade) worth half its value.

But if players get to keep 100% of the expected GP value per encounter (as listed in the DM's Guide) they will quickly exceede their expected standard character wealth per level.

It is built into the game that they will get only about 50% of the gp value of the swag they take.

At least it should require some sort of craft to use it,
Or the new item must be masterwork and forged on the anvil, not just touch it.

Just IMHO-

gbonehead wrote:

They've said "no" a number of times, in various ways. In my mind that's the most frustrating part of the whole contest: no feedback == no improvment next year.

I think the main concern is their comments may offend some-

If a judge commented..
"What were they thinking on this one? Its like they didn't even read the rules?"

So they were promised that their comments would remain unseen to allow them the freedom to not have to 'sugar-coat' their comments and allow the other judges to see exactly what they think in no uncertain terms.

That being said, I too would like to know how my submission fared.

Watcher! wrote:

Does anybody think it's appropriate to post losing items from Round 1 in the same section as the winners?

Can we legally do that since it is no longer our material to post?

Submissions guidelines and how to contribute ideas to the magazine.
Seriously - its been 6 months since Dragon died, and I've got no one to pitch my awful ideas to.

Mike McArtor wrote:

Quoted for truth. Seriously, guys, give us a chance. We're pulling double duty (at least) right now. We don't have time to be looking at submissions right now.

I promise, pinky swear even, that as soon as we can start taking submissions and as soon as we know how we're going to take submissions, we will let you all know. :)

I hate to beat a dead horse... but it is late November, we have been waiting for submission guidelines since as early as May.

Any word yet? Or at least can you tell us where it will be posted when it finally does come about.... there several dozen threads on the subject.


yahboy wrote:
(somebody give me something to write on, dammit!)

It's 12:00

Can we please end the stressful anxiety now?

RogerC wrote:

While we wait, I thought it might be fun to look at some wondrous items in the SRD as though they were entrants in the contest, and pretend to be judges.

First, some losers:
Bag of Holding: Incredibly popular, but essentially a very prosaic item. The fixed weight is a nice mechanic. The interactions with the Portable Hole are needlessly-convoluted. The aura of conjuration is a bit strange. All in all, I'd say the Handy Haversack is a better superstar. Thumbs down.

I'd have to disagree on some points here.

Firstly I would say that items like the portable hole, handy haversack and bag of holding are simply ways to bypass a game mecahnic (ie Encumbrance). The portable hole by far is the best option as a superstar because it requires more time and space to deploy and use than the others, so at least there is a drawback.
You say that the Haversack is better than the Bag of Holding, yet the haversack states that it 'is like a bag of holding' which means if you eliminate the bag of holding then you must include all the descriptive and restrictive text of the bag of holding in thre haversack description.
Further I would applaud this author for finally putting down a detailed effect of interaction between extradimensional spaces, as the players handbook only states that it is 'hazardous' (PHB p 273 under Rope Trick spell).
I would reject both bag of holding and haversack in favor of the portable hole, but keep the interactions between extradimensional devices, spells, and effects as a standard.
Conjuration makes perfect sense since you are in effect moving an item to another dimensional space. Teleportation effects are conjuration.

RogerC wrote:

And some winners:
Glove of Storing: A good simple idea that is well-implemented. It might be a bit overpriced -- I'd let this into my game priced at one or two thousand, I think. As a DM, I can think of some good uses a villain could put this to. Appeals to a wide variety of character concepts. Thumbs up.

We have to evaluate the items 'as is' so you can't very well state that it is a 'winner', but then state the price would have to be changed. The author placed it at that price, we must evaluate the item based on that.

At its current price it seems a bit off, though since it is useable as a free action I think I can see what the authour was trying for.
I would have to reject this because I don't think the cost effectiveness is truly balanced out. Maybe with some tweaks in either cost or use, but as is - no.

Erik Mona wrote:

Wolf, Clark, and I are currently discussing how to narrow down the 71 items currently in the KEEP folder to the Top 32, and it is looking like it's going to be a fairly difficult task.

Any chance those from the top 71 that don't make the final cut will see light of day? Technically they belog to you guys now, could they be used in future publications?

Just wondering if not making the final 32 is the end for some items that by your own admission are pretty good.


Ragwaine wrote:
I've got about 1000 words on my new country and I like it even more than the old country I was going to use.

Just curisous how you are working on this without knowing the parameters. Do you know what they will be asking for? Or are you just putting together something and plan to re-work it once you know what they actually want?

Clark Peterson wrote:
That is very true. And I can tell you that at the highest level of judging a good bit of it is subjective. We are doing our very best.

Just wondering what happens to the those that don't make the cut, will they be published on the boards? If not, can an author post his (or her) rejected submission on the board for others to see, or would that be considered some sort of plagarism since the submitted item now belongs to paizo?


Clark Peterson wrote:

Believe me when I tell you that while we have gotten some really good ones there is still room for more. There is still room in the top 32 for a bunch more great items.

Good luck everyone.

So is this a polite way of saying,

"we have gotten some really good ones but the majority just aren't good enough to make the top thirty-two"


Tnemeh wrote:

While I applaud your "Holy Bag Of Holding!" (made me laugh),

Heh heh, thanks

Tnemeh wrote:

I must say that maybe some of us (or at least me) tried to make an item and realized that it didn't have the effect of a specific (or combination) of spells already known.
If items are priced based on spells usually, how could we know how to price it? And even worse yet, I started using a caster character 2 weeks ago, realising that I don't know how to handle those hocussy-pocussy characters, nor the cost for those things. Going straight back to my roguey (rogue, spellthief or scout) characters.

Well, again maybe I am oversimplifying, or maybe I've just never designed something that falls outside the parameters.

But p 285 of the DMg (table 7-33)
pretty much covers anything - or close approximations thereof, some items don't work out quite right, but most items (at least the ones I've checked do).

Also as I understand it, Table 7-33 is in order of application, that is, if you have an item that duplicates a spell effect, (such as a glove of true strike) you would go down the list, in order to find the best fit before resorting to spell/caster level cost.
So an item that duplicates a spell effect that grants an AC bonus would be costed as an AC bonus, not as the cost of the spell/caster combination.

I'm not trying to be a smart-mouth here, I guess I am just trying to understand what types of items are difficult to price? It could be that I just haven't been creative enough to come up with something that doesn't fit somewhat within these parameters.

Jaimsley Cooper wrote:
So, who else went into the realms of the absurd with me and posted a big time item? I tossed out a cool 245,000 g.p. value with my submission. Did anyone actually top that, or did I push the theorhetical limit of what common sense would dictate should get sent in?

Holy Bag of Holding!

What the heck did you do?

Mine came in at right around 10k without using any racial,
class or alignment restrictions.

Isn't anything above 200k getting into epic level anyway?

On a semi-related topic, I've seen dozens of posts where people voice concern over getting the price correct. I've read the rules a dozen times over, and it seems pretty straightforward to me, am I missing something that makes it more complicated?

Eyebite wrote:

Hah! Welcome to the boards.

As an ongoing, semi-inside joke, any time the word smurf is used, a random smurf avatar appears in place of your regular avatar.
Even if you quote someone, if the word smurf appears in the quote, your avatar will change.

Hrmm - I wonder if you created an avatar with smurf in the name, would it change your avatar anytime you posted because of the name?

And I assume it would change anyone who quoted you, since your name would be in the message.


Matrissa the Enchantress wrote:

Well, that's it. Submission signed, sealed and delivered.

(Now I can really start chewing my fingernails in earnest...)

Yeah - I came up with five different items, rejected all of them and threw something else together. I undcerstand why they limit it to one entry per person, but its frustrating thinking, what if I had submitted the other one instead.

Oh well, I am preferring to think positive and taking steps to prepare the next entry (A Country?), I'm not sure what they want, but since (assuming I make it) I will have only five days to work on it, I prefer to get started now.

I hope all of you make it to the next round..
(Err.. actually I only hope 31 of you make it to the next round..
but that seems a rather selfish attitude. :)


Otter77 wrote:

In your above example, it was not as if you player opened up a supplement and said, "Wow! A house owned by the founder of a city. I MUST HAVE IT!!"

Most likely his interest came about due to events that transpired during the campaign.

Oh certainly, and for this contest, functionality is more important than history, but on occasion it does happen that players prefer flavor over function. Rare, but it does happen.

Anyay - I've got to find a way to trim another 31 words from my item, or perhaps just abandon it and go for something simpler.


Serpent wrote:
In short: Backstory is what makes your item cool or badass.
Otter77 wrote:

On this point, I'll have to disagree. While I enjoy the history of items in game, it is the functionality of the item that makes me want to purchase it for my character. When was the last time any of your characters bought or used an item because it had a really cool story?

I had a player in my campaign who had been granted a huge undeveloped tract of land (several acres). He traded it to a local merchant for a tiny house in the warehouse district because the home had once belonged to the original founder of the city.

Clark Peterson wrote:

Hi everyone!

The submissions are flooding in and we love it!
One of the big things that an actual designer has to do is turn in content on time and to specification. Ability to follow instructions is one of the tests here. If you submitted the best sword ever created by man or beast, that isnt following instructions.

I've got an idea, but it started out at almost 400 words, I trimed it down considerably, but still have over 200 words.

If an item is more than 200 words, say 231, would that also be rejected outright? (Technically it isn't following instructions - so I could understand the reasoning)

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

That clause in the rules mainly covers us in the event that we were already working on an item that was thematically similar to your own. Most likely, we will not be using the submission in the future.

IF we used the magic item in the future, the owner would not get paid for it, no. But like I said above, the likelihood that we'd use one of the rejected magic items is incredibly slim and the clause only covers the possibility that we were already working on a similar magic item in current designs.


So If I submitted an idea for the contest, and it were to get me to the next round (ie. it is deemed good enough) by the judges, and I were to make it to the final round, but loose. Every item submitted would becom property of Paizo; but because I lost the final contest I could not gain any compensation if any of these were later published.

Is that, in a nutshell, correct?

Bowhisper wrote:
Should those of us that are currently in round two of the Gamemastery open call wait until the winner of round two is announced before submitting an item for this contest?

I never saw anything about Gamemastery open call contest?

Where is this, and is it too late to get in?

Wondrous Item

How strict is the 'wondrous item' category?
If a person had an idea for a ring, rod, armor, etc.
Would these be rejected outright because they are not technically wondrous items?

For the moment I am assuming any item that cannot be crafted with the Craft Wondrous item feat (ie staves, armor, weapons, rings, rods, wands, potions) will not be accepted. But I would like clarification on this.

Also, will Paizo be accepting general subissions in the future for spells, items, monsters, etc. Or will all submissions now be handled in the 'contest' format?

I have some good (IMHO) ideas for monsters, but I am not sure I will have good enough ideas for the other categories to make it to round four.

Thanks, in advance, for any reply

Mike McArtor wrote:

Oh, but I have to sign in to watch it?
Let me know when it hits YouTube. ;D

Here is something on Youtube - anticipating 4th Edition,

not exactly relevant to the conversation,
but I thought it was amusing.

If the link doesn't work, It can also be accessed by searching 4dventure directly on youtube.

Tatterdemalion wrote:

long answer:
Clearly the corporate environment there places no importance on the people they sell to or work with.
Not to say WotC doesn't have good, hardworking, considerate employees --*<snip>*
short answer:
WotC doesn't care enough -- or at all.

Another comment:

I posted this same message at WotC, or at least tried to. I went beck today to see if I had any response, but could not find the original posting. I tried searching for it, using their search feature, nothing.

I am not sure if I somehow failed to post it properly, If the message is there, but I just can't find it, or if it has been deleted. I am going to try again, hopefully getting a respons from them this time.

This link should be the message:

ManPig wrote:
I checked your profile and noticed you live in Arkansas. I'm in Fort Smith.

Small world aint it!

thanks for the Feat info.

Hey, I know of at least one prestige class that allows a caster to deliver touch spells through their weapon. Is there any feat that can allow a caster to do this? If so, please let me know the sourcebook as well. Thanks!

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:

So I've just finished off Burnt Offerings.

One of the things that really stood out was the stat blocks. Interesting design and it prompted me to go back to my own statblock template and update it.

I could be wrong, but aren't the statblocks just using the Monster Manual IV format? If not it seems darn close.

Bowhisper wrote:

WOTC has released submission guidelines for Dungeon/Dragon submissions, check out their DND homepage and look at the news section....
I would recommend to any freelancer that they become intimately familiar with both the SRD, and Open and Closed game content for any third party distributer before you decide it is OGL.
Do some research, do some homework, when in doubt, make up your own stuff, dont use someone elses. Stick to the SRD is the best advice if you're unsure. Good luck all.

Well said,

I've actiually submitted several querries to WotC but their habit of not responding is irritating. Officially they say if you don't hear anything by x amount of time, assume the piece is rejected.

Ok, but Assume I wait for x time + 1 day and submit it to someone else, and then a few days later WotC contacts me to say they like the idea. Well now I am in a quandry and risk being blackballed because I have submitted the same idea to two different publishing companies.

I don't see why they can't simply e-mail back when they read it to say 'rejected' after all, they are the proponents of the electronic format age. How hard is it to click 'reply' paste a generic 'no thank you' message and click 'send'

I am left playing guesswork as to if they have actually had time to review the materials or if they are backlogged. Did it even get reviewed? What if it were accidentally deleted? It feels much like Schrodinger's cat, the submission which may or may not be at the WotC offices, may or may not be rejected. Unfortunately I have no way to look in the metaphorical box to check.

With Paizo, while they often were delayed, they would alwyas let you know one way or the other.

I went into a bit of a tangent there, but anyway I have a ton of ideas queing up for Pathfinder. Hope to see some guidelines soon. (Don't make me beg, I'll do it!)


SirUrza wrote:

Evil characters don't have redeeming qualities unlike Chaotic good Rogues.

How do you figure that, why can't an evil charater have redeeming qualities?

If I am a elven warlord seeking to dominate the surrounding countryside and wipe out the races of man and dwarf from the lands.
But I care about my fellow elves, particularly the citiens of my realm, is that not a redeeming quality?

It seems rather restrictive to say all eveil characters have no redeeming qualities. When your villain has some redeeming qualities, something that makes the players able to empathize with them, that brings about new levels to the campaign.

Just my $0.02

Gary Teter wrote:

What part of Pathfinder do you want to know more about?

And should this be a multiple-choice poll?

Submissions Please,

Any idea when we can start bombarding (ha ha cannon golem - bombard) you with suggestions?

SirUrza wrote:

So what is that large buckle-like piece called?

It looks like three belts are attached to it..
There is also what looks like there's a top strap that goes over her hips...

Honestly I think the top strap is the only strap attached to the device. I would guess it is a 'girdle' of hardened leather, partially to protect the abdomen of the wearer, but also to cover and protect the buckles from her belts and baldrics preventing them from snagging on items and glinting in the light when moving stealthily.

That is just my opinion though.

PandaGaki wrote:

Well someone had to do it, my wife and I made an mp3 of the goblin song to play during the raid. Don't expect too much of it but I thought why not share it. Made with the freeware program Audacity. Let's just say, knowing my players much hilarity will ensue when we play it and isn't that the goal of the goblins? :)


Not as lyrical as I imagined it would be, but then again it is supposed to be more of a chant. Can't wait to hear more.

P.S. yes - screams make this one better

PandaGaki has recorded an MP3 of the original goblin song

Links can be found on this forum post.

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