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Organized Play Member. 21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Depending on the character jewelry like think bracelets of exotic materials could be a good source of the needle material. Like a Bard with Brackets and mediations.

Cozy Cabin is the type of spell I would want to get into a wand as s soon as I could

But at least that makes it easier to take the adapted line of feats.

If you are nonhuman you can take Adopted Ancestry and get adapted centric to swap for a non cleric attack centric if you think it is worth the general featctax to get it.

So an alt question then is can you take two actions (one of which is command) then your companion followed by your last action.

Wizard while have the disadvantage of being a prep spellcaster foes have the advantage of being able to collect a wide range of spells.

Think of it as wither your allies are in position to react to the block/debuff rather then how long the debuff last for.

I think it is suppose to be a spell attack based spell that is treated like a ranged attack for things like a monk defecting or catching it like they would an arrow.

Level 14 Bards can do the same thing with Smoothing Ballad but 9 at a time plus the Bard.

Speaking of Errata. What is the cost of Healing potion, minor? 3gp like on page 293 or 4gp like on page 536 and page 563?

Do not forget that Leather Armor is minimum Str 10 with a -1 check penalty. So with Str 8 you Halfing would suffer a -1 to str and dex based checks.

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Eltacolibre wrote:

Something that's kinda funny or even crazy to think about a rogue gets to become legendary in 5 skills.

6 legendary skills. 1 at 15,16,17,18,19,20. Total 6.

Bigguyinblack wrote:

And you spend 1 action maintaining the summon and maybe 1 action Inspiring that means you can't cast most cantrips.

Wow I totally missed the fact that summons were sustain spells. That really limits what else you can do on the turns you have the summons act.

"Also a Human Wizard with he adapted magic line of feats can get access to a limited number of cross tradion spell spells. Allowing them to take Summon Fiend."

Opps I made a sleight mistake. I rechecked the human background and saw that I had misrembered the feat. The Adaptive Adept feast that I was referring to earlier only swaps up to a 1st level spell that can not be heightened. So no grabbing summon fiend that way.

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Also a Human Wizard with he adapted magic line of feats can get access to a limited number of cross tradion spell spells. Allowing them to take Summon Fiend.

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Cosmosis wrote:

HELP - I am confused: I am creating a Champion (Liberator) with the Deity's Domain feat at Level 1. The description states to choose of the deity's domains (in my case, Sarenrae) from those listed on page 441, and you gain the initial domain spell as a devotion spell. Okay, easy enough.

I choose "fire" and the initial domain spell is "Fire Ray." But when I go to the spell chapter and look through it to find Fire Ray, it's nowhere to be found. What am I missing here?

Domain spells are Focus spells and are located in the Cleric section of the Focus section (pg. 389)

I did not play 1st Ed Pathfinder but I have D&D. So reading through the Familiar it looks like there is no way outside of a scry spell you see what is around it?

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Iron_Matt17 wrote:
Glimturen Runekeeper wrote:
Iron_Matt17 wrote:
Has the Full Plate armour bonus changed since the Playtest? Is the dex cap still 1 with the clumsy trait? Granting a total of 7 AC?
** spoiler omitted **
Thanks a lot for the answer! So, what is the armour check penalty on Full Plate, and what strength score do you need to negate it? (I'm guessing it's pretty high)

Penalty is -3, Str. 18

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Iron_Matt17 wrote:
Has the Full Plate armour bonus changed since the Playtest? Is the dex cap still 1 with the clumsy trait? Granting a total of 7 AC?

Full Plate Armor is 6 AC with a +0 Dex cap. Its only trait is Bulwark, which gives you a +3 reflex save vs damaging effects (replacing Dex modifier) like Fireball.

Can any other ancestry get a Cantrip?

What stat does the Gnome primal cantrip use? Does it matter if the gnome has a primal class? Gnome Sorcerer vs Druid?