Armistril's Shield

GMTrex's page

6,382 posts. Alias of Andrew Trexler.

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Varisian Illusionist Loremaster 15 HP 145*/131 | AC 17 Tch 12 FF 15 | F+16 R+13 W+18 | CMD 17 | Perc +21 | Init +8
Per Diem:
Ring: Unused | Pearl 1st/2nd/3rd: N/N/N| Kimono: Unused | Extend 3/3 | Quicken 3/3 | Staff 10/10 | Blinding Ray 15/15

The Untethered Harbor is a small island in a mist-shrouded sea. The island is dotted with bright little meadows, tall trees bearing ample fruits and nuts, and clean streams of water that flow from a spring near its center and on over small waterfalls and into little pools. A small stone house sits by the spring, its walls lined with bookshelves, and numerous covered workbenches can be found in various glades and clearings. The night on this island lasts only two hours, while the day lasts twenty-two, and each season lasts only a third as long as on Golarion. Anyone who passes through the fogbank around the island eventually breaks through the mist, only to find themselves back at the island. The entirety of the Untethered Harbor feels to be a place of peace and learning, and any with evil in their hearts who travel there find it unwelcoming.

* * *

In the Untethered Harbor lies a room unlike any other. Even when not present, Raen's intensity hangs in the air. Artifacts mundane and fantastic fill the room, albeit in a well organized fashion. For years now Raen has spent time each day within the room. A presence unknown, abstracted, brooding secret, looks over the contents. Two items in particular stand out.

The first is a massive piece of stone. Upon the stone is a spiral of writing. The spiral takes up the entire stone, spanning a diameter twice the height of a man. The Jotun letters have faded slightly, as the stone is so old that the exhale of Groetius has begun to take its toll. For this is The Tale of the Deathless Frost. It is not a replica.

The other is a notebook, well constructed, but well worn. The left hand page contains a genealogical tree. The hand is not Raen's. The names and notation are written in Hallit. The right hand page contains numerous notes, these in Raen's own hand. There is name upon this page, circled with a question mark next to it. The name is Ilivorr Karanasi. From the mark is an arrow leading to another circled term, Frozen Tears.

Here Raen continues the search for answers. And here Raen will find them...

* * *

Some time after the events at Zephyr Hall, Raen settles into something of routine in her private demesne. Perhaps out of habit, from long months of adventuring in much more deadly locales, she weaves several spells each "morning" that grant her the powers of flight, darksight, great health, secret armor, and even a feeling for when anyone might manage to look over her shoulder. Overland Flight, Darkvision, False Life, Mage Armor, and Detect Scrying. The bulk of her days she spends about the island, studying and reading, crafting and tinkering, gardening and harvesting. For her short nights, she sets an Alarm before taking her rest in a bower among the limbs of her largest fruit tree.

On most days, she chooses one of her old companions to check in on, weaves an image of their likeness, and opens a window to their presence in her mind. Silent Image plus Greater Scrying on Doxon, Hamilton, Ushyle, Vael, or Whistle Pig on each weekday. Effective Will DC 28. On other days, she uses the same magicks to keep tabs on her enemies.

On occasion, usually in the early "spring" and "autumn" -- only once every two weeks, in Raen's world -- she returns briefly to the Material Plane for a closer look at old connections, or else for raw materials or new spells she might need. On these days, she prepares a slightly different suite of spells; somewhat more teleportation magic and somewhat less divination, among other adjustments. With each journey, she puts in place a Contingency: should she ever be rendered helpless, dying, or dead, a Teleport spell shall take her to Torag's Forge in the Mindspin Mountains. With each journey, her confidence grows that her old companions have found their new paths, and will tread them well.

In concert, a conviction that she must meet with unfinished business grows too.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

The journey begins with discussion.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

You hold in your hands a potent document. It reads:

Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, and granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg's Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed this 24th day of Calistril, under the watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

A discussion thread that WILL be used for its intended purpose. NO EXCEPTIONS. Rulebreakers will be punished with reminders.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Having responded to his supercilious summons, a team of peerless Pathfinders now sits in a private conference room at the Grand Lodge across from the enigmatic druid known only as Osprey. "I've summoned you here to perform a task of dire necessity. An influential, uh, venture-captain has been afflicted with a terrible curse, and we can’t seem to break it. I’ve done extensive research and believe I know what needs to be done, however. I’ve collected humors from a number of vile creatures, all with supernatural shape-shifting properties, and hope they can be utilized to revert our dear associate to her rightful form. One of these reagents—the yellow bile of a doppelganger -- I entrusted to an old..."

The druid's face twists in discomfort. "Let’s call her an ‘acquaintance,’ shall we? Her name is Eya Uygroulis, though she is often better known as the Phitoness of Axioms, and she’s an extremely powerful seer. She was to prepare the reagent for the forthcoming reversion ritual and deliver it here three days hence; I have heard nothing from her and the prepared reagent is nowhere to be found."

"Eya lives alone in a sacred hermitage high in the Mindspin Mountains, along the border between Nidal and Molthune. I need you to travel there immediately to speak with her, but be subtle with your investigations. She’s a wily one, and quite powerful. Find out why she hasn’t sent the reagent and what I must do to earn her cooperation." Osprey's expression turns sour once again. "She and I have a ‘history,’ and I fear she may ask more than I can deliver. You are authorized to do whatever you may do within your own means to persuade her to cooperate. If something’s happened to her, of course, I ask that you do your best to ensure her safety, but your priority is the reagent."

Osprey comes to an abrupt halt, staring intently in the direction of the assembled adventurers.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

A thread for the discussing of things. Welcome, players! Please post:

Day Job Roll (roll if you've got one)
Initiative Mod +X
Perception Mod +X
Confirm your character is Core-only: Yes/No

Please post in the Gameplay thread (preferably in-character) to add this to your Campaigns.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

A summons is posted in most places about the grounds of the Grand Lodge of Absalom, instructing all available Pathfinders to gather outside the front gates of Skyreach in the early morn.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Welcome, welcome! We'll be underway once everyone checks in over in the Gameplay thread. In the meantime, please post:

Character Name:
Initiative: +X
Perception: +X
Day Job: roll if applicable

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

The light from the rising sun performs a splendid dance upon the windows of Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch’s Magnimarian manor house as she pours the coffee. Her young servant brings in a platter of fine pastries and well-ripened fruits, setting it within easy reach before withdrawing quietly.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Welcome, welcome! We'll be underway once everyone checks in over in the Gameplay thread. In the meantime, please post:

Character Name:
Initiative: +X
Perception: +X
Day Job: roll if applicable

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

The light from the rising sun performs a splendid dance upon the windows of Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch’s Magnimarian manor house as she pours the coffee. Her young servant brings in a platter of fine pastries and well-ripened fruits, setting them within easy reach before withdrawing quietly.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

A thread for discussion of the ancient anguishes. And other things, I suppose.

Please post:

Character Name:
Day Job: (go ahead and roll)
Initiative Mod: +X
Perception Mod: +X

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

A letter nailed to the board of the Flaxseed Lodge in Cassomir calls for a team of Pathfinders to the Winding Road Lodge outside Katapesh. The next boat bound for the distant trade city leaves on tomorrow's morning tide.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

A thread for discussion of the perils portended. And other things, I suppose.

Please post:

Character Name:
Day Job: (go ahead and roll)
Initiative Mod: +X
Perception Mod: +X

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Nailed to the board in the Flaxseed Lodge's lounge is a letter from Venture-Captain Shiela Heidmarch, calling a team of Pathfinders to Varisia with haste. The next ship leaves on the tide's turning in two hours.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Welcome all! I'm looking forward to running this adventure. As we are aiming to finish before Game Day V starts on August 27th, I need everyone to commit to posting twice per day (or at least keeping pace with me) including weekends. I plan to post once around 7am and once around 9pm US Central time. If all goes well, this will be brief and fun run.

Please post:

Character Name:
Day Job: (go ahead and roll)
Initiative Mod: +X
Perception Mod: +X

Any questions, ask!

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

The air grows still as Hamshanks rolls into a meeting room deep inside the Pathfinder Lodge in Cassomir, his jowls flowing and his enormous axe clanking against his thigh. The man’s black eyes scan the room. "You lot?" Hamshanks spits. "Well, maybe you’ll surprise me. Your boat leaves in an hour, so I’ll be brief. One of the Society’s contacts in Andoran sent us an interesting little nugget this morning. A druid named Hemzel swept into Augustana’s Civic Library last week, demanding his right of research. Our contact learned that Hemzel acquired a lorestone from somewhere in the Verduran Forest. Heard of such a thing?" Hamshanks pauses expectantly and spits again. "Of course not. Heard of druids, at least? And their crazy stone circles? Well thank Gorum for that. Lorestones are somehow connected to them -- supposedly they can bestow you with all of the knowledge of the druids. We’d like to know how, so we want that stone and you’re going to get it for us.

"Unfortunately, the Society is not a friend to Hemzel. He’s the self-declared protector of the Verduran Forest inside Andoran’s borders and some of our more eager explorers have angered him and his little band of gnomes. He’s sworn a blood feud with the Pathfinders.

“Break out your skills of persuasion and get me that lorestone. Do what you need to -- sweep the floors or plant some trees for the old man. Something nice -- let him know we’re there to study and not to slash and burn."

"Right. That's enough chit-chat. Do what you need to do and get to the Gozreh's Thunder down by the docks. The tide won't be waiting if you're late."

Please check in over in the Discussion thread as well. We'll start as soon as everyone arrives.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

A thread for discussing the enlightenment found within the Temple.

A reminder that this is a Core game. Please post:

Character name:
Day Job: (if applicable)
Initiative: +X
Perception: +X
Sense Motive: +X
Fort Save: +X
Will Save: +X

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

A fire crackles merrily in the hearth of a small sitting room somewhere in the bowels of Skyreach. The busy noise of Absalom's thronging streets remains but a vague afterthought whispering in through the open window, which lets in the pleasant sunlight of an early spring morning. The comfortable chairs of this room are, as of yet, unattended.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Welcome all to the Year of the Shadow Lodge special!

Before we begin, please post the following information here:

Character Name
Day Job (if applicable)
Initiative Mod +X
Perception Mod +X

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

The step off the wharf brings the brisk reminder of every Pathfinder's second home. The smell of Absalom air rushes the nostrils, the sights and sounds of the busy Docks district already leaving the thoughts of the ship far behind. The great Irorium looms in the distance of the Foreign Quarter, but there are a hundred thronged streets filled with jubilant revelers between here and there. A stop at the Lodge first to pay respects at the Wall of Names? To the Coins, to spend on that which could not be bought in the field? To the Temple of Cayden Cailean for a quick ale and some good cheer?

But then again, perhaps all the good seats will be taken...

Welcome, welcome! The games will officially begin in a week's time. In the meantime, please check into the Discussion thread and feel free to post in-character here.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

A Discussion thread, designed mostly for discussing things.

Please post the following here:

Day Job Roll: (if applicable)
Initiative Mod:
Perception Mod:

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

The rowboat Boom has commandeered is cramped and wet. Her furious splashing with the oars doesn't help much with the wetness, either, but it does send the boat clipping along at a prodigious rate.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

A Discussion thread, designed mostly for discussing things.

Please post the following here:

Day Job Roll: (if applicable)
Initiative Mod:
Perception Mod:

Grand Lodge

Tiefling Alchemist 9 / Barbarian (Urban) 1 HP 104/104 | AC 21 FF 17 Tch 15 | CMD 24 (25 v grapple) | F+14 R+13 W+6 | Perc+9 | Init+4
Per Diem:
Bombs 18/18 | Rage 13/13 | Wings 9/9 | Formulae [3rd] 5/5 [2nd] 6/6 [1st] 7/7

Boom accompanies her clutch of Absalom-bound agents to Cassomir's docks, clearly relishing the salty sea air. "SO!" she booms, "What made you decide to be a Pathfinder?! Hee hee, did you come across a PATH?!" Boom giggles furiously at her own terrible joke.

"I haven't seen any of you much at the Lodge! Must be new. Or new-ish! Hee, NEWSH! Any of you done a Confirmation yet? Field Commissions?!?!" The excitement in her voice is so effervescent you can almost hear the bubbles popping. "I DID!!!"

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

A thread for discussing the echoes inside my head and other things.

Your six weeks of travel involve many stops in many cities, and you have plenty of opportunity to purchase whatever you might need.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12



Six weeks ago, a team of Pathfinders was gathered at the Sothis Pathfinder Lodge in Osirion and ordered to travel far to the north into the decidedly unfriendly Hold of Belkzen. Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir gave the team two missions: first, to uncover the whereabouts of a Pathfinder delver named Heralt who was last seen working out of a hidden Chelish fort called Skull Hill, and second, to investigate claims in a long-ago published volume of the Pathfinder Chronicles that a lost tomb rests beneath the fort’s timber tower--a tomb that holds the body of Akila, a legendary Osirian sorceress, and her magic ring that was said to have brought death to Skull Hill the day Akila was laid to rest.

After weeks aboard a smelly Katapeshi galley crossing the Inner Sea, winding up the Sellen River, bravely traversing stormy Lake Encarthan, slipping up The Path, and finally docking in Vigil, the Pathfinders then crossed the Belkzen frontier into a region the orcs call the Skittering Mounds, carefully avoiding orcish patrols. Now they stand atop a ridge overlooking a low river valley and stare down at the fort called Skull Hill.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Welcome back, all! Please post:

Character Name
Character Level
Day Job

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

The stifling heat of the afternoon sun in Sothis blankets the landscape. Ahead, the Sothis Pathfinder lodge, the Sandswept Hall, rises above the surrounding market stalls and tents of this small Sothis bazaar.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

A Discussion thread for discussing and such.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Even in these wee hours of the morning, the sounds of reveling throughout the Grand Lodge are growing louder. Arliss Hall is busier than seemingly ever before, and the pre-Convocation parties never really stopped last night.

Gameplay thread for dotting and such! This game is part of PbP Gameday IV and will begin officially November 5th.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Cayden Cailean has blessed this thread for drinking, cussing, and discourse.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

This game is being run as a part of PbP Gameday IV and will begin September 19th.

The missive from Osprey is as vague as ever:

The Grog Pit. Sundown. Ask for Gris.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Hail! I have answered Deussu's call for a GM to run a new game for this group of adventurers. Two questions:

What level(s)?
Any specific requests?

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

The fire cracks merrily in the hearth, providing a welcome and cosy warmth throughout this small library nestled in the heart of Skyreach...

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Miaka, Drystan, Isabella, and Grenda find themselves in Venture-Captain Hestia Themis's office in Cassomir yet again, wondering what the heck has gone wrong this time...

We'll get started once everyone dots the thread.

The tabs lie! This is no recruitment thread! Below is the in media res late-beginning-ish of Kargen and Oriandor's Rahadoumi Adventure!

Kargen and Oriandor finish a tasty lunch, smacking their lips and draining the last of the wine. Separated from their party, they nevertheless have a plan!

Where to first?

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Hi everybody! I'm Andrew. I've gamed with some of you before, some I haven't yet had the pleasure. I'm looking forward to running your adventure!

This will be a Normal Mode PFS (not Core) game. We'll be starting as soon as folks are ready. Upkeep business:

1. This will be a party of 4 players at subtier 5-6. Please post here with the following info:

Character Name
Day Job roll (if applicable)
Initiative Mod +X
Perception Mod +X

2. If you haven't done so already, please put a few of your stats into your character subheading. Please include current/total hit points, armor class (all three), CMD, saving throw modifiers, initiative modifier, and perception modifier. Feel free to add other stuff, such as per diem spells or ki points or expendable other resources.

2. On your character's page, please include a stat block or link or some other arrangement so that I can find your character's full stats in some fashion. Stat block is easiest for me but if you have a preferred arrangement (such as a link to your character sheet), that's fine too.

3. Introduce yourselves and your characters in-character in the gameplay thread. Thanks for getting us started on that!

Secondly, a few basic expectations:

1. A quick-moving thread is more fun for everyone. Please post at least once per day, and the more the merrier. Take your time and roleplay your hearts out, but do post regularly and keep the game moving. I'll make sure to do the same. If you know you'll be unable to post for a while, please let us all know here and consider giving march orders to the party (especially if we're in combat) and know that the game will likely still keep moving.

2. I've gotten pretty familiar with the PFS/Pathfinder rules over the years, but obviously I haven't dealt regularly with every class or situation. So if you are concerned that I've messed up somewhere in a way that really impacts gameplay (which is entirely possible), please feel free to raise the issue here in the Discussion thread or privately and I'll do my best to correct the issue. It's all about learning!

3. Please pay attention to text formatting and the thread tabs. Use Gameplay for gameplay and Discussion for non-gameplay discussion. Use the [b] tag and quotes for in-character speech and the [ooc] tag for out-of-character commentary. Use spoiler tags when necessary and open them only when appropriate.

4. Initiative! I've fiddled with a few different initiative systems and I think I've found one I like--you can act when your name is bolded at the bottom of my most recent initiative post. If you need to post out of turn due to limited internet access later or something similar, please put your whole turn in a spoiler so that everyone else (including me) can ignore it until it's your turn.

5. If you cast a spell on a baddie, please tell me the save and DC as appropriate so that I don't have to try to dig it out of your statblock. Same goes for other similar effects.

6. Have fun and be the awesome Pathfinders you are!

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Having arrived on assignment in Katapesh only days ago, you have received an urgent message from Venture-Captain Wulessa Yuul requesting your immediate presence at her headquarters. Ripped from your previous duties, you anxiously await the Venture-Captain's arrival in a private meeting room of the Farseer Tower.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Hi everybody! I'm Andrew. I've gamed with some of you before, some I haven't yet had the pleasure. I'm looking forward to running your adventure!

This will be a Normal Mode PFS (not Core) game. We'll be starting as soon as folks are ready. Upkeep business:

1. This will be a party of 5 PCs and played at Subtier 5-6.

2. If you haven't done so already, please put a few of your stats into your character subheading. Please include current/total hit points, armor class (all three), CMD, saving throw modifiers, initiative modifier, and perception modifier. Feel free to add other stuff, such as per diem spells or ki points or expendable other resources.

2. On your character's page, please include a stat block or link or some other arrangement so that I can find your character's full stats in some fashion. Stat block is easiest for me but if you have a preferred arrangement (such as a link to your character sheet), that's fine too.

3. Introduce yourselves and your characters in-character in the gameplay thread.

Secondly, a few basic expectations:

1. A quick-moving thread is more fun for everyone. Please post at least once per day, and the more the merrier. Take your time and roleplay your hearts out, but do post regularly and keep the game moving. I'll make sure to do the same. If you know you'll be unable to post for a while, please let us all know here and consider giving march orders to the party (especially if we're in combat) and know that the game will likely still keep moving.

2. I've gotten pretty familiar with the PFS/Pathfinder rules over the years, but obviously I haven't dealt regularly with every class or situation. So if you are concerned that I've messed up somewhere in a way that really impacts gameplay (which is entirely possible), please feel free to raise the issue here in the Discussion thread or privately and I'll do my best to correct the issue. It's all about learning!

3. Please pay attention to text formatting and the thread tabs. Use Gameplay for gameplay and Discussion for non-gameplay discussion. Use the [b] tag and quotes for in-character speech and the [ooc] tag for out-of-character commentary. Use spoiler tags when necessary and open them only when appropriate.

4. Initiative! I've fiddled with a few different initiative systems and I think I've found one I like--you can act when your name is bolded at the bottom of my most recent initiative post. If you need to post out of turn due to limited internet access later or something similar, please put your whole turn in a spoiler so that everyone else (including me) can ignore it until it's your turn.

5. If you cast a spell on a baddie, please tell me the save and DC as appropriate so that I don't have to try to dig it out of your statblock. Same goes for other similar effects.

6. Have fun and be the awesome Pathfinders you are!

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Having arrived on assignment in Katapesh only days ago, you have received an urgent message from Venture-Captain Wulessa Yuul requesting your immediate presence at her headquarters. Ripped from your previous duties, you anxiously await the Venture-Captain's arrival in a private meeting room of the Farseer Tower.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Hi everybody! I'm Andrew. I've gamed with some of you before, some I haven't yet had the pleasure. I'm looking forward to running your adventure!

This will be a Normal Mode PFS (not Core) game. We'll be starting as soon as folks are ready. Upkeep business:

1. Please post here in the Discussion with the following info:

Character Name
Day Job roll (or "No Day Job")
Initiative mod
Perception mod

2. If you haven't done so already, please put a few of your stats into your character subheading. Please include current/total hit points, armor class (all three), CMD, saving throw modifiers, initiative modifier, and perception modifier. Feel free to add other stuff, such as per diem spells or ki points or expendable other resources.

2. On your character's page, please include a stat block or link or some other arrangement so that I can find your character's full stats in some fashion. Stat block is easiest for me but if you have a preferred arrangement (such as a link to your character sheet), that's fine too.

3. Introduce yourselves and your characters in-character in the gameplay thread. Thanks for getting us started on that!

Secondly, a few basic expectations:

1. A quick-moving thread is more fun for everyone. Please post at least once per day, and the more the merrier. Take your time and roleplay your hearts out, but do post regularly and keep the game moving. I'll make sure to do the same. If you know you'll be unable to post for a while, please let us all know here and consider giving march orders to the party (especially if we're in combat) and know that the game will likely still keep moving.

2. I've gotten pretty familiar with the PFS/Pathfinder rules over the years, but obviously I haven't dealt regularly with every class or situation. So if you are concerned that I've messed up somewhere in a way that really impacts gameplay (which is entirely possible), please feel free to raise the issue here in the Discussion thread or privately and I'll do my best to correct the issue. It's all about learning!

3. Please pay attention to text formatting and the thread tabs. Use Gameplay for gameplay and Discussion for non-gameplay discussion. Use the [b] tag and quotes for in-character speech and the [ooc] tag for out-of-character commentary. Use spoiler tags when necessary and open them only when appropriate.

4. Initiative! I've fiddled with a few different initiative systems and I think I've found one I like--you can act when your name is bolded at the bottom of my most recent initiative post. If you need to post out of turn due to limited internet access later or something similar, please put your whole turn in a spoiler so that everyone else (including me) can ignore it until it's your turn.

5. If you cast a spell on a baddie, please tell me the save and DC as appropriate so that I don't have to try to dig it out of your statblock. Same goes for other similar effects.

6. Have fun and be the awesome Pathfinders you are!

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

The cool shade beneath the roof of Manaket's Swordmeet Lodge provides a welcome respite against the dry heat of Rahadoum. Here, incense burns in the corners of this well-adorned meeting room and soft cushioned chairs provide comfortable landing pads for the bottoms of travel-weary Pathfinder bottoms.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Hi everybody! I'm Andrew. I've gamed with some of you before, some I haven't yet had the pleasure. I'm looking forward to running your adventure!

This will be a standard PFS (not Core) game. We'll be starting as soon as folks are ready. Upkeep business:

1. Figure out who you'd like to play with so we can figure out the subtier. It looks pretty solidly 1-2 but just want to check.

2. If you haven't done so already, please put a few of your stats into your character subheading. Please include current/total hit points, armor class (all three), CMD, saving throw modifiers, initiative modifier, and perception modifier. Feel free to add other stuff, such as per diem spells or ki points or expendable other resources.

2. On your character's page, please include a stat block or link or some other arrangement so that I can find your character's full stats in some fashion. Stat block is easiest for me but if you have a preferred arrangement (such as a link to your character sheet), that's fine too.

3. Introduce yourselves and your characters in-character in the gameplay thread. Thanks for getting us started on that!

4. Please post here with:

Character Name
Day Job roll (if applicable)
Initiative mod
Perception mod

Secondly, a few basic expectations:

1. A quick-moving thread is more fun for everyone. Please post at least once per day, and the more the merrier. Take your time and roleplay your hearts out, but do post regularly and keep the game moving. I'll make sure to do the same. If you know you'll be unable to post for a while, please let us all know here and consider giving march orders to the party (especially if we're in combat) and know that the game will likely still keep moving.

2. I've gotten pretty familiar with the PFS/Pathfinder rules over the years, but obviously I haven't dealt regularly with every class or situation. So if you are concerned that I've messed up somewhere in a way that really impacts gameplay (which is entirely possible), please feel free to raise the issue here in the Discussion thread or privately and I'll do my best to correct the issue. It's all about learning!

3. Please pay attention to text formatting and the thread tabs. Use Gameplay for gameplay and Discussion for non-gameplay discussion. Use the [b] tag and quotes for in-character speech and the [ooc] tag for out-of-character commentary. Use spoiler tags when necessary and open them only when appropriate.

4. Initiative! I've fiddled with a few different initiative systems and I think I've found one I like--you can act when your name is bolded at the bottom of my most recent initiative post. If you need to post out of turn due to limited internet access later or something similar, please put your whole turn in a spoiler so that everyone else (including me) can ignore it until it's your turn.

5. If you cast a spell on a baddie, please tell me the save and DC as appropriate so that I don't have to try to dig it out of your statblock. Same goes for other similar effects.

6. Have fun and be the awesome Pathfinders you are!

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

The light coffee served in the Katheer Lodge is a welcome refreshment against the famed heat of the Qadiran sun. Arriving here only days ago from Absalom, the Pathfinders await news of their imminent assignment.

Gameplay thread! Please take a look at the Discussion thread as well.

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

Another short rest at the Cassomir Lodge is soon interrupted...

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

The party takes a well-deserved rest at the Cassomir Lodge... check in!

Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12


Kingmaker Tactical | Strategic | The Marchlands | Campaign Tracking | Liberation Points: 12

In this well-lit hall of Skyreach stand several wooden tables adorned with pastries, fruits, and other delightful breakfast foods, whose pleasant aromas waft through the air as the sun streams in through the skylights.

Check in! If we're quick enough, we can finish by Feb 1st and count this game towards PbP Gameday 3!

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