Ricle Peakes

GM Allegro's page

10 posts. Alias of eriktd.


Sounds good to me! Let's re-evaluate how the money feels at the end of book 1 and then we can adjust as needed. It's pretty easy to explain a sudden economy shift between adventures. :)

Yes, but that's a lot harder to calculate. :P Also, that doesn't account for Automatic Bonus Progression, does it?

Is that significantly different from reducing loot to almost nothing though? :) The major benefit to this system would be that it is relatively easy to calculate. Starting gold should be similarly increased so that the character has the opportunity to buy gear.

I was giving this some thought last night. Something I did in a previous solo campaign that I thought worked really well was I simply multiplied the cost of everything new or crafted by 5, but kept the resale value of items the same. That way the character got all the loot and I didn't have to do much adjusting. It does make found magic items like scrolls and wands more valuable, since selling them makes less of a profit. With ABP a lot of items disappear, and since you're supposed to halve the wealth characters receive, maybe it would work to increase the cost multiplier to 10?

Character looks great! Amusingly, there is an NPC described in Longacre who is specifically a seller of sham potions. Let's say that Sameen simply takes his place, so your concept doesn't overlap with him? Here's the text from his description:

14. Odmer’s Tonics: The painting of a rainbow-hued imp exploding from a bottle makes the gaudy wheeled storefront of Elish Odmer (NE male human alchemistAPG 3), normally parked in one of Longacre’s town squares, look like the cart of a common snake oil salesman. And that’s exactly what it is. Elish Odmer claims to have ties directly to the Nine Wonders Conglomerate, a Thuvian corporation dedicated to bringing the secrets of their mystical medicines and revolutionary tinctures to the world at large. Few believe the Nine Wonders even exist, and everyone in Longacre knows the story of how Odmer was banned from town for a year after brewing a batch of bad moonshine in Natisha Howell’s bathtub. Regardless of the shyster’s reputation, he’s a charming flatterer who occasionally has useful items on hand. Most of Odmer’s brightly colored bottles are junk, but anyone who succeeds at a DC 12 Craft (alchemy) or Knowledge (arcana) check can find any alchemical item with a cost of less than 75 gp in stock

Feel free to adapt any of this to your own background, or discard it as you like. You can have your own cart that isn't as obviously a fake if you like. Or if you prefer, you can have a working relationship with Odmer, some kind of shared swindle or an apprenticeship or something like that.

Heh, how do you figure out starting wealth in Johnsonfinder?

Sure, no worries! I think you should take two traits rather than just one, because there should be something tying the character to Cheliax and the setting. I'd love it if that were one of the campaign traits from the Player's Guide, but it's not required if none of them really work for you. In that case we can brainstorm some better options.

Once you've got some of your character background worked out, we can discuss how to get started. :) As it says in the Player Guide, you should know Cimri Staelish, who is a human rogue that has some local fame in Longacre for being a troublemaker and for the Sheriff being her aunt.

Here's the discussion thread.
