![]() I've been looking over the Master Spy prestige class and I suspect it might be replicable using abilities from the unchained rogue and Eldrich Heritage Rakshasa. Master of disguise and quick change get surpassed by the disguise skill unlock and the quick disguise rogue talent.
Features I haven't been able to replicate without magic: concealed thoughts (bluff skill unlock falls short), mask alignment, shift alignment, fool casting (great for an npc, but for a player? Maybe against vampires.) hidden mind, and assumption.
Has anyone ever used the master spy as a PC? ![]()
![]() Nobody else is reading over the cavalier I see. Emissary got the wrong fix. The capstone ability still gets replaced, although no longer at 17th, now at twenty. The problem is that the final instalment of Tactician doesn't get switched out. Errata the errata please! That particular ability still floats there doing nothing. Also, I think switching out supreme charge is against the spirit of the class. ![]()
![]() A wand of Silent Image is one of the trickiest things you can have in the right hands. If you're DMing, maybe throw a wand of that spell with seven charges on it into the dropped loot and see if they get used well. Minor image kicks it up a notch. Easy suggestions: mimic obscuring mist, create walls or false floors over pits and drops, use it while invisible to create false threat, enclose a combatant inside a barrel with a diminutive glowing fey floating in front of him. (That last will trigger a save,the others not necessarily right away.) Otherwise, wand of acid arrow is a personal fave, esp against wizards. ![]()
![]() For a long while now, I've wanted to make a Surfer themed halfling. Slipstream being the spell of choice obviously, I'm intending to go with the Seaborn wildblood of the aquatic bloodline. Themes: NG, surfer/stone, lots of water based spells. In addition to the bloodline spells, Hydraulic Torrent and perhaps Touch of the Sea. Going to play it in PFS. Faction suggestions? Spell suggestions? Particularly for first and second level spells. In combat will probably end up being more buffing or battlefield control than straight up damage. All the usual first level spells don't really fit the theme, (mage armor, magic missile, etc) so other ideas are welcome. Thanks for the assistance. ![]()
![]() Thanks for all the advice, you groovy cats. A gold star for Cartmanbeck for that... character? And to WWJ for the complete list. I'm only going to 12th, but that list makes lawful look like the way to go. For the practical purposes of actually making this dude, I'll probably just stick with Fighter, Barb, Cav and Ranger as their first two levels function the best... if'n I can figure out a way to make the ranger bonus feat function in heavy armor, or trade it away in such away that I won't lose favored enemy. If'n I can't, I'll take gunslinger levels in their stead, or keep the ranger levels and swap the Fighter to Lore Warden. ![]()
![]() As a thought experiment and potential PFS build, I'm trying to mix every full BAB class together one level at a time. I can't figure out how to go above 6th very easily. Preferably using hardbooks only as I'm sure it'd be plenty easy with splats. Human
1. Fighter (Unbreakable), Feats: Power Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Diehard, Endurance
I could also take a bard level at 6th and then qualify for the Battle Herald, which would push Stalwart Defender to 9th, but I wouldn't actually have full BAB. If I pick up weapon finesse and Mobility I could go Duelist, but the class features aren't likely to do anything for this build. Anything for 6th level? Suggestions for beyond Stalwart Defender? If I'm not going through the prestige classes, I could just take second levels of each and that would take me to ten. If I went Lawful, I'd be skipping Barbarian, but pick up Paladin and potentially Monk, although it's also a pseudo full babber. ![]()
![]() I made a goblin alchemist with Explosive Missile and a +1 distance heavy crossbow. The advantage of the Exploding Missile discover is that you get to load the weapon as a part of a standard action, meaning you don't need to invest feats into your crossbow any more than you would with other ranged feats. (Read: Rapid Reload.) With Explosive Missile, Immolation Bombs, a Distance weapon, and targeted bomb admixture, you'd be doing 1d10/1d8 + 1d6 + INTx2 on the first shot, then, 1d6+Int over the consecutive rounds while being 240 feet away in the first range increment. You can shoot them a few more times while they're still trying to get to you. Granted, this doesn't have that much of an effect in close quarters and I have since rebuilt the goblin (as the party doesn't need more ranged capability.) I just liked it because it allowed me to use a crossbow more efficiently than most at minimum cost of feats. ![]()
![]() If your fighter got an extra move action at 5th level, what would that change? If that move became an extra standard at 10th? Then, an additional move/standard at 15th and 20th. Caveat: No casting spells/sla's. Using potions probably okay. Of course you need five levels of fighter under your belt so any spells you have might not be that great, but racial SLA's are a thing. At 5th level, you get something like spring attack built in, or you can take your full attack. Come 10th level, you can Vital strike, move, and vital strike again. You could still full attack, but you should probably waste your extra actions if you take any full round actions. A 20th level fighter that could move standard standard (-5) standard (-10) or full attack for -0, -5, -10, -15 sounds pretty potent. Game breakingly so? Well, they're not able to use those standard actions as world-bendingly as a wizard can. In terms of game balance? That would require playtesting. It needn't be limited to the fighter. All characters could get extra actions as per leveling, tied to BAB. Martials = more actions per round. Casters = more potent single actions. Getting rid of the necessity of the full attack changes things allowing for greater cinema, but occurs at such a grounded base to the rules that it would have to be rewritten. It's a change that couldn't be implemented any time soon. ![]()
![]() I'm brewing up an alchemist for a home game and have come to the Ultimate Equipment and... wow! Lots to choose from. Poisoner's Gloves: A must have. Full attack with combined extract infusions on allies? Yes please! The Lawful-Evil personality will have a fun time with that. Poisoner's Jacket, Lesser: Probably not as good in a level ten game, and I'm not especially focused on poisoning, but it is flavorful. Large Scorpion Venom is decent nice way to take out low strength casters. Pays for itself ~20 doses later. Vest of Stable Mutagen: I will probably want this after I've picked up greater mutagen at 12th. Until then, it's a tad pricey. And a question, which is better? Or both? Boro Bead: It's pearl of power for potions! (Well, infusions really.) Preserving Flask: It's like and extra spell per day if you have downtime. Kinda like a staff for an alchemist I suppose. Beads would probably be better if we don't have much downtime, while Flasks would be better if I'm not going through my entire list in the course of a day or if there's plenty of time with which to do it. If I use a Bead on a Flask...? Some notes on the character: It's dex based, going for a high AC, flight via the Beastmorph archetype... and it's a Goblin. Bombs are my main mode of attack, but I would like to get in there with claws once in a while, even if only for 1d6+2d4 plus Mighty Fist properties. Any suggestions? Agile isn't allowed or I wouldn't be asking.
Thanks for the assistance. Edit: Oh, PS. I have the Leadership feat. It gets me a 7th level Goblin Gunslinger (made by the GM, have no control over the build and will not be accompanying me through all missions, but occasionally will.) If you have any suggestion for 'quipment I can give to him, that's cool too. ![]()
![]() When I started out my 2nd PFS character it was a Druid, but by 2nd level I decided I would try a Ranger. Well, I didn't really have a roleplay hook for it and it's fallen well behind. So, I'm retraining it to be a Druid again. Human
These can't change.
He's at 3rd level, so he's taking one Druid level and then retraining the rest. I get a feat for 3rd, and then it will take me until the end of 4th level to retrain any other feats: Quickdraw. Currently I'm thinking of Improved Initiative as my 3rd level feat. I'm looking at the Bear Shaman (Ferocity Sub of Strength) to augment my spellcasting and because I like bears [and hate cats]. Unfortunately the lack of WIS means my original Spellcaster idea is moot. Flavor stuff not likely to change: 60 year old human hunter worshiper of Pharasma and hates undead. Story to go with retraining: While calling my animal companion as a part of my druidic initiations I was assaulted by a Bear. We fought and I ended up slaying it. I had his pelt turned into a cloak and use it to perform my magics; transforming part way into a bear, casting my domain spells, etc. It could also be a Wolf Shaman with the Liberation domain. (Entangle spell + freedom of movement like effects -> Happy good times?) I wouldn't get the same attacks. Was thinking of going for TWF and using bite with a Sheleighleigh (sp?) quarterstaff, but that wouldn't hit until level 5 and I couldn't use my level ability bump for Wis. Of course, if anyone has any other mechanical ideas I'd like to hear 'em. Won't be taking an animal companion. ![]()
![]() I have a PFS Ranger that I'm bored to death of and it's sitting mothballed. I have come up with a concept I could conceivably use now, and I'm looking at retraining it. This comes with a few questions. General background: Two levels of Ranger, just hitting 3rd, but haven't played the third level yet. Am I Third level for the purposes of retraining or can I retrain before applying the XP from a new sheet? I assume 3rd and as such will pay the three levels of gold per level. God and Domain: I am becoming an animal shaman with the Ferocity Subdomain of Strength, do I need to worship a God with that subdomain? If yes, my current iteration of the character worships Pharasma... can I change that? I'd prefer to run the Green Faith if anything.
Traits: I have a Pharasma religion trait. I am completely OK with it sitting around being useless, but is there anything I can do about that? If not, so be it. Thankfully I'm NG so I don't have to change my alignment... not sure how that would work. Useless Feats: Could I take Spell Focus (Conjuration) as a 3rd level feat and retrain one of my first level feats to Augment Summoning later on or is that a faux pas? I can't find prohibition by RAW.
Human Feat?: Oh no! I just thought of this. Is my Human feat a Race Trait or is it still a feat? Do I retrain it as a feat or a racial ability? No Favored Class Bonus: It seems I cannot retrain my favoured class. Fine by me, although I'd like to if I could. Skills: Reading the retraining rules, it appears that I get to retrain all of my skills ranks from Ranger. Is this correct? Thank you for your patience. ![]()
![]() Well, aside from the fact I probably will be animating the dead at some point, yes I'd prefer not to use the evil descriptor. (I wonder what *good* purposes you could set the dead to. Farming skeletons? Zombeasts of burden? Evil in nature but not in use.) There's also the Occult patron, which ignores Animate Dead, but does get Black Tentacles. I get to keep detect and command undead. Unfortunately Twilight Knife is probably useless, but so is Contagion for most purposes. Edit: I guess Black Tentacles is already a witch spell, so Plague patron still reigns supreme. ![]()
![]() I'm not particularly interested in the Slumber hex as it's too good. Spammable. Broken even. I think Evil Eye/Misfortune looks like more fun. Scar hex: Absolutely! Merciful heavens! The hexes I need: Evil Eye, Cackle, Misfortune, and at some point Flight.
![]() Ooh! Staring contest with a rat!
Show don't tell might be hard for me as I tend to beat a concept to death pretty quickly. I also like the name Scotoboros the Totally Not Evil. I think I'll just leave it at that, and then do all this evil sounding stuff. I just like the idea of getting indignant at people calling me evil, to the point where I made it a part of my name. (Which actually has the opposite of the desired effect. Perhaps I aught to dump wisdom...) In terms of animating and controlling undead, I was thinking... "Oh, Mr. Fluffypants here told me about how cast raise dead! Does anyone have any onyx? No. That's okay, I'll just bleed some out." *hastur hastur hastur* "A SKELETON?!~ Mr. Fluffypants, what have you done!" I'm pretty sold on Witch. I lose out on a lot of the poweful debuffs... but I can cackle, which makes me look so evil. And I can use the Totally Not Evil Eye. I can also get an extra hex for 6th and 12th. Most of the really evil looking spells hit at the higher levels. Swarm Skin for example. Skinsend is really, really gross too, and thankfully only 2nd level though I'm not sure if I should actually use it. Bein' so dangerous and all. Vomit Swarm: Now THERE's an evil looking spell. Oh I am so using that. Sleep and Ill Omen: Dandy first level spells that require some form of material component I can waste some blood to cast, should I desire. Sleep would look particularly menacing. That effectively means I'd get only one spell per day, so I don't think I'll do it often. Perhaps I can just go through the motions of casting Blood Money and "just" deal 1d6 nonlethal to myself somehow. GM approval required I suppose. I'll probably take the Plague patron, unless there's a more evil one. ![]()
![]() NOTE: If you're easily bored, skip to the bottom. I have a character concept for a Gnome spellcaster that does things that make him look evil all the time... but he ain't evil! He's probably not good, but he's not evil. I'm having a hard time deciding whether to go Wizard or Witch. Taking the fell magic alternate racial ability for certain. I would probably like to have a little rat familiar that is "possessing" me and tricking me into making my magic look evil. I might like to animate dead at some point. Mostly I'm aimed at the spell Blood Money. It doesn't actually have the Evil descriptor, although it looks REALLY, REALLY EVIL when you actually go to use it. I would like to use it to cast spells with even negligible material components, just for the sheer shock value. When I finally use it for it's broken purpose, it will be a little more worn in. If anyone ever points out that I could just use a spell component pouch in character, I'll blame the misinformation on my pet rat. Before casting a spell, I'd say stuff like, "Just a reminder, I'm not evil!... *cuts hand and stares off into the distance chanting in a different voice* BY THE POWER OF THE UNKNOWN MASTERS, I TAKE YOUR SIGHT!" *Glitterdust* I'm probably leaning towards witch as most of it's flavor stuff is TOTALLY evil sounding. (Cackling madly whilst someone suffocates? That looks SO evil.) It won't benefit as much from blood money, but that doesn't really matter.
TL;DR 5/- So, which spells sound or appear to be the most evil, vile things ever, especially the lower leveled ones? Any that have interesting material components I could bleed out with blood money? Which class looks the more evil, witch or necromancy wizard? Also, which would be the more fun to roleplay in your honest opinion?
![]() If you're comparing Vimes' charisma to Carrot's, you're not doing it fairly. ANYONE is going to have their charisma pale in comparison to a six foot four dwarf with a panache for languages, the law, knowing damn near everybody, interesting hobbies (and 'specially the uninteresting ones)... Vimes definitely has Wisdom in spades. Carrot has had a Wisdom dump-stat, not sure if that holds as true anymore. If you could drop the magic from most of the characters, Carrot holds truest to Paladin without any of the spells. Vimes has favoured enemy Human, Dwarf (after Thud), and sense motive as a class skill. His favoured terrain is urban (cardboard soled boots to feel the cobblestones; He knows where he with his eyes closed.) Dirty trick feats (he lights a match with his eyes closed and then strikes the highwaymen when they're blinded in 5th Elephant.) You'd need custom races to get the Discworld trolls. Spoiler: Discworld Troll Abilities: +2 Str, -2 Int, +2 Cha. Discworld trolls are strong and imposing, but slow witted at room temperature. Silicon Brain: Discworld trolls do not need to make fortitude saves in cold environments. In temperatures below freezing, a discworld troll gets a +4 bonus on all intelligence based skill checks and can make knowledge checks untrained. In hot temperatures above 100*F, a Discowrld troll failing his fortitude save takes 2 points of Intelligence damage that can't be healed until in a protected environment. Diamond Teeth: Discworld trolls begin play with 3d10g worth of diamond teeth. Each tooth is worth 1g. A troll can remove any number of them himself by hitting himself with his slam attack. This attack deals double damage. Otherwise, they can only be removed as a part of a coup de grace that does not kill the troll. Slam attack: If a discworld troll has at least one hand free, he can make a slam attack. This attack deals 1d10 plus one and a half times the trolls strength modifier. If the troll is holding any manufactured weapons, this attack only applies its strength modifier and is made with a -5 penalty on the attack roll. Large Size: They're big! (Was gonna make it hit die dependant, but why bother.) Slow Speed: 20' move speed, no encumbrance as per dwarves. Oversized Weapons: Discworld Trolls can wield weapons as though they were one size category larger. They take no penalty wielding weapons sized appropriately. They can also carry large sized siege weapons as ranged weapons at a -4 penalty on attack rolls. Trolls are always proficient with clubs, greatclubs, and grappled humanoids at least one size category smaller than they are. (Treat as club if small or greatclub if medium.) Mineral Composition: Discworld Trolls are composed of minerals found in the location near their birthplace. Discworld trolls are immune to poison not specially aimed at troll, and have DR 10/- against nonlethal damage. With some feats for other mineral types Alternate racial features: Urban Troll: Trolls born in urban environments develop differently relative to those born in more traditional environments. They are composed of common building elements, such as brick, concrete, cobblestone. These trolls are medium sized, have a 30' move speed not subject to encumbrance. They gain a bite attack that deals 1d6 damage and ignores hardness. This ability replaces large size, slow speed, and slam attack.
![]() As a custom class, Rincewind should be a rogue with the eidolon class feature instead of sneak attack progression. Otherwise a straight up summoner would be fine, so long as you don't actually use the spells. Having 10 charisma could help with that. (Although rincewind would actually have more, methinks.) Nanny Ogg is the only witch who really feels witchy, as she's the only one with a proper familiar. (He's an old softie, really.) Granny doesn't have the familiar, nor does she really use hexes. You could get away with Angua being a druid using wild shape ifn' you aren't going down the actual werewolf pipeline. Vimes is an urban ranger, methinks. He knows the city. He'll need Greater Dirty Trick as well. Carrot is absolutely a paladin in terms of his social graces, but he gets no mechanical benefit. Cassanunda is probably a bard of some kind. Susan would be a Sorcerer. Invisibility is at a high priority. Undead bloodline is highly probable, although not a perfect fit. The Patrician is the ultimate DM NPC. ![]()
![]() Given that there are so many personal targeted buff spells on the cleric list it would be nice if there was a way to spread those around. Like an aura effect or something. Get buffed up and anyone with in 10-15-20 feet or what have you gains the benefits of that spell. Perhaps the distance increases with caster level or a feat of some sort. So for example, a Priest casts Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, and Comprehend Languages. Somehow, everyone with in a certain distance gets +1/+1 Hit/DMG, +2AC vs evil, and can understand what the goblins are saying. If cure light wounds could have even a partial effect within that radius it would make combat healing far more viable an option. I certainly agree that more spell slots would be warranted. As many or perhaps more than the sorcerer per level. ![]()
![]() That luck ability is crazy powerful if it has no limit. Why would I activate anything else as a swift if I can have two rolls to hit? Swift action saving throws are rare also, so Immediate may be necessary. Either it needs to deplete a resource (IE, once per day per type of roll), or it should only apply to one. It could also only work under specific circumstances so as not to make it so spammable. "Once per minute as a swift or immediate action..." would be fine. ![]()
![]() A (hopefully) simple question. If I'm throwing a splash weapon and miss, it deals splash damage randomly, possibly including a PC. If there exists a chance that some direct action I take could harm another PC, could a player veto that action declaring PVP? Even the Precise Bombs discovery doesn't give a 100% guarantee that I won't hurt an ally. I would like for Bombs to be my primary combat tactic. I don't want to get any allies in trouble. ![]()
![]() @Craft Cheese: Broadly speaking I like it. Monopolizing the swift action prevents it from being too crazy. Good you have as having the Unholy property as of now. It should also overcome alignment DR (as should the one in the playtest methinks) and the Charm ability should only be useable on a creature 1/24hours as per a hex otherwise you just command the big-bad all day. Of the blessings as they stand, I like the Air and Water abilities, although I don't know why not all of the Elemental abilities are symmetrical and Weather gets to fit in where air ought to be. I don't particularly like the ones that have you make a touch attack (Like Repose does), considering you should always have your hands full as a warpriest. Rather, I should say you should expect to have your hands full. If it could activate on a hit or something, forcing a will save and 1/24 hours or something I'd be better with it. I don't want to have the frustration with this class that I have had with the Holy Vindicator. I wanted a Vindicator of Gorum holding a BIG BAD GREATSWORD... but then I felt like I was losing out on a huge boon because I couldn't carry a shield for the Channel bonus to AC at the same time. That character is a battle oracle now. ![]()
![]() Given that clerics and wizards have the same general number of spells per day, a Priest ought to have a sorcerer's number of spell slots per day. Yes/no? As for Armor... I too was thinking general nonproficiency would be fine, but yes, it doesn't have any direct drawback. Faith in the Divine: Priests wearing armor can only cast half as many spells per day as prepared as they defy their god's protection. Doesn't exactly cut it for the evil gods. Armor of Faith: Priests are protected by their god rather than by the works of mortals. Whenever a Priest casts a spell that gives herself a bonus to armor class, no matter the type. Increase that amount by 1 if the priest isn't wearing any armor. At fourth level and every three levels thereafter, this bonus increases by one. Yes, very Monk like, isn't it? Must be the robes. They're contagious. I also think a Priest aught to have a way to cast what would be personal spells on other characters, as so many cleric buffs are self-only, having a half-babber get all those seems like a waste if they can't be used. I mean, certainly by all means waste them. There are plenty of arcane spells that don't make a lot of sense for half-babbers either. It's just that I'd like to see Divine Favour cast on an ally. ![]()
![]() Shadar Aman wrote:
Y'know, that isn't a bad idea. All of these favoured weapons come from table 3-6 of the core rulebook and they come WAY before the Warpriest. Why not give each god a table of favoured weapons the same way Fighters have a table of weapon groups? Each god could have an array of a few select weapons that allow for multiple styles of combat. It would give design another tweak to fix things around. Clerics still maintain their standard favoured weapon, but Warpriests have a much better selection that their church trains for. Clerics get much of the same training, but skip out on the extra stuff to get all those extra spell slots. ;) Another way to do it would be to have specific materials matter, although there aren't as many to tweak things around for design in that case. Cold Iron, Silver, Wood, plain old steel. Mithril and Adamantine put a pretty penny on admission to the class for those that favour those material, so that idea might be dead in the water. Weapon proficiencies could also come part and parcel with different blessings, so a Pharasman Warpriest might get the Mace or Handaxe as additional favoured weapons under the Repose domain. The theivery domain blessing might grant Dagger, Brass Knuckle, and Sap proficiency as favourable. ![]()
![]() I notice that the devs say they're going to make the class about fighting and healing, possibly removing the Channel Energy ability. That's a neat development. I wonder what they have in mind? If they're making the class more WIS based, here's the changes I'd make to my proposed alterations. Favoured Weapon
At first level, a Warpriest becomes proficient in her deity's favoured weapon if she isn't already. She gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls with that weapon. She may use this weapon (and only this weapon) as a divine focus. If the Warpriest does not revere a deity, instead she chooses a simple weapon to receive this bonus (including the ability to use it as a divine focus.) Beginning at 5th level and every four levels thereafter, the Warpriest may choose any weapon with which she is proficient. She gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls with that weapon. In addition, increase the bonus on attack rolls by any previously favored weapon by one. Favoured weapons may be held or wielded as a somatic component to cast spells. Harmless spells that are cast in this way that target the Warpriest treat their caster level as 1 higher, even if other allies are the target of that spell. Energy Burst
When a Warpriest answers her call to arms, her god rewards her devotion in battle. Whenever a Warpriest that can spontaneously cast Cure spells hits an opponent with one of her favoured weapons, as a swift action the Warpriest may force that opponent to make a Will save (DC 10 + Wisdom modifier + Half her warpriest level). Channel resistance applies to this saving throw. If that creature fails, the Warpriest and each ally within 10 feet of the creature struck recovers 1 HP at the end of the Warpriest's turn. Those creatures continue gaining HP at the end of the Warpriest's turn for a number of rounds equal to the Warpriest's Wisdom modifier, whether or not they are still within 10 feet of the original target. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack and no more than one creature can be affected by Energy Burst at any one time. If any Undead opponents are within the range of the energy burst, those creatures each take 1 damage of positive energy at the same time, with no save. If the creature that failed the save is undead, it is also affected. For Warpriests that spontateously cast Inflict spells, instead each living opponent within 10 feet of the creature struck that fails its save (including that creature if it's living) take 1 point of negative energy damage at the end of the Warpriest's turn with no save. Undead within range regain 1 hit point, including the Warpriest if she is undead. Treat this life gain or damage as though it were positive or negative channeled energy respectively. This healing or damage increases by 1 at 5th level and every four levels thereafter. (To a maximum of 5 at 7th level, matching the progression of the favored weapon bonus for the deity's favoured weapon.) Depending on the Warpreist's god and at GM discression, this ability may not function on certain creatures, such as Good outsiders for good aligned creatures or animals for those who follow the Animal domain. With the mock-up of my previous version, this leaves no dead levels (assuming you include gaining a level of spells as not being a dead level) until the Warpriest hits 19th level. This would be an opportune time to have a semi-capstone like the fighter... Energy Blast
At 19th level, the Warpriest may use her Energy Burst as a free action. She may have more than one Energy Burst ability active at one time, but not for the same creature struck. With an ability like this, you are simultaneously encouraged to use your deity's favoured weapon, heal in combat, and REALLY get in there and fight. Swift action might not be necessary. This gives the Warpriest UNLIMITED daily healing so long as they are in combat.
Those of you who don't like the favoured weapon tie in probably won't like it much, although while this model allows a Warpriest of Nethys to use a Greataxe as favoured starting from 5th, you won't get your bonus to hit. But you WILL always get the same amount of Energy Burst. Possible feats include... Spoiler: Improved Energy Burst Prerequisite: Weapon Focus with your deity's favoured weapon, Energy Burst class feature Benefit: Increase the burst area of your Energy Burst ability by 10'. Special: You may take this feat more than once, to a maximum range of 40'. Variable Energy Burst
![]() Scavion wrote: Furthermore, First I'd like to say, wow! I really really like what you've done with that. I'd suggest toning down Favored Weapons to possibly increasing every 6 levels, so it isn't obviously better than a Fighter's Weapon Training. With buffs worked in as well the class also might be a bit too powerful, but it is a most definitely good start! I would say it isn't strictly better as it doesn't apply to damage rolls the way the Fighter ability does and you pick a single weapon as opposed to a whole group of them. Also, if you're using a Greatsword when your favoured weapon aught to be Light Crossbow, you're going to be 1 behind a fighter on BAB alone. All the ability does is match BAB at the levels whre BAB does not increase. You don't get the benefits of extra attacks with BAB progression that a fighter does at the same time. When you cast Divine Power, now you have the same approximate stats and damage output as a fighter, but it cost you a standard action and you can't do that until 10th level. Granted, the Glory pool does throw a wrench in to the works for a few rounds per day. It doesn't scale currently, but it does allow for the use of other abilities. I took the scaling from that ability and moved it into the Favoured Weapon.I'm not entirely happy with the Glory pool. It does much of what I wanted; giving bonuses no matter what your weapons abilities are, be they thrown, double, or light rather than just favoring one handed weapons. I'd prefer to drop the ability entirely actually, but it is quite handy for providing a resource for blessings that should have limited uses in a day. ![]()
![]() I've charted out a revision to the class that has no dead levels, keeps 3/4 BAB, HD, six levels of casting, and the saving throws, cuts a lot of the volume out of the first level dip, restores some of the fighter feel that is missing, and has no dead levels. Flavor Stuff
While some are born to greatness, others must work for it. Warpriests work to earn favor from their deity to grant them blessings in battle. By diligent training of both body and spirit, a Warpriest attunes herself to her god and becomes their weapon in combat. A frequent title of a Warpriest would be the name of their weapon followed by the name of their god, for example, Hammer of Torag or Scimitar of Saranrae. Those that favor a concept may retain similar titles, such as Spear of Justice or Dagger of Lies. Blessings
At first level, second level, and every three levels thereafter, a Warpriest must choose a blessing from among the Blessing Domains offered by her god. She must meet and maintain the requirements from that Blessing Domain. If she violates that blessing domain's tenets, if any, she loses abilities selected from that list until she makes atonement. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you may retrain blessings as a fighter retrains feats. Channel Energy
Mostly as written, except this starts at 1st level and progresses every 3 levels thereafter. If you lose any blessings or your ability to prepare spells, you lose the ability to channel energy until atoned. Favoured Weapon
At first level, a Warpriest is proficient with her deity's favoured weapon if she isn't already. She may use this type of weapon (and only this weapon) as a divine focus for her spells. In addition, she gets a +1 bonus on attack rolls with that weapon. If she doesn't revere a deity, she chooses a simple weapon to receive this bonus (including the ability to use it as a divine focus). At 5th level and every four levels thereafter, a Warpriest may choose to favour an additional weapon she is proficient with and gets a +1 bonus on attack rolls with that weapon. At these levels, the bonus to her previously selected weapons and her god's favored weapon increase by 1. (To a maximum of +5 with her diety's favoured weapon at 17th level.) A Warpriest may use a hand holding one of her favored weapons to provide somatic components for the spells she casts. If she is holding one of those weapons while casting a harmless spell that targets herself, she treats her caster level as 1 higher for all of that spell's level dependent effects, even if she is not the only target. She loses these bonuses when she loses any blessing, but they return upon atonement. Spells/Spontaneous Casting
As written, but including a line about being unable to prepare spells when not with in one step of your god's alignment. Losing Blessings does not cause you to be unable to prepare spells. I would suggest having it be charisma based. Bonus Feats
At 2nd level, 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, a Warpriest gains bonus feats. These feats must be chosen from among those listed as combat feats or those that require Channel Energy as a prerequisite. She must meet the prerequisites for those feats. At 6th, 12th, and 18th level, a Warpriest may retrain one of those feats, so long as they aren't used for prerequisites for other feats or prestige class requirements. Unlike other class features, these feats aren't lost with spells or blessings unless they require one of those features as a prerequisite. Glory Pool
Beginning at 4th level, a Warpriest gains a pool of divine energy she can use to enhance her prowess on the field of battle. When the Warpriest prepares spells, she gains a number of Glory points equal to her Charisma modifier (if positive) plus half her Warpriest level to her Glory pool. As a swift action, a Warpriest may expend a Glory point to give a +1 sacred or profane bonus to all weapon attack and damage rolls made with her favored weapons for one round. Treat damage dealt this round by those weapons as magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Sacred if she channels Positive energy, Profane if she channels negative energy. As an immediate action, a Warpriest may expend a Glory point to give a +1 sacred or profane bonus to her Armor bonus until the start of her next turn. She may use this attack after an attack has been declared, but before the roll has been made and she must be wearing Armor to gain its benefit. Some blessings may add additional abilities to your weapons or armor when this is ability used or add additional uses for Glory points. If any of those blessings are lost or if she loses the ability to prepare spells, she can no longer renew her Glory pool. Martial Perfection
At 20th level, you become a direct conduit of your deity in battle. Any allies within 30 feet that share your faith gain the benefit of any blessing you have active on yourself. You may channel energy as a swift action. You gain DR 10/- as long as you're wearing armor and you can conjure force versions your deity's favored weapons that last for one minute. Treat the critical hit multiplier of your god's favoured weapon as one higher and they aways confirm. (x2 becomes x3.) Sample Blessing Domains
Not all blessing domains will have the same number of blessings available. Big domains with lots of gods, like the alignment domains, protection, charm and knowledge, could get up to five to choose from while something like liberation or repose will only get three to choose from. A warpriest can choose from any list in her deity's portfolio, not just limited to two as a cleric. Those who don't worship a god cannot select from domain blessings that have contrary requirements (such as good and evil). Generally speaking, requirements or limitations imposed by the domain blessing list shouldn't cause conflict within a god's portfolio. I could imagine some of the neutral god's like Pharasma or Gorum may have some conflict to their lists. In those cases, the warpriest should not select blessings from a list that violate tenets of another. (For example, if a death domain blessing allows the raising of a dead servant, while the repose domain precludes such actions.) If they mention a saving throw, it would be 10 + 1/2 Warpiest level + Charisma modifier. Here's some samples. Glory Blessings
Repose Blessings
Good Blessings
Those are a few examples. I think one of the fire blessings should allow for channeling damage as a Fire blast to affect either living or dead. Liberation should have no more than three abilities, but one should grant full movement speed in heavy armor. Sun should allow you to cast light spells at one level higher. I have lots of other ideas, but don't really have the time to type them up now. Problems solved:
I'm pretty sure this will get lost in the noise. I hope it doesn't. I spent quite a bit of time on it, but I'm willing to spend lots more. I won't please everybody, but I think it makes a fair compromise. ![]()
![]() Nobody seemed to notice my earlier post. Currently, rules as written, the Warpriest suffers no ill effects for violating their god's rules. Dip for a level, get weapon focus, "Peace out Lamashtu, I'm going to join team Good as a Paladin. Thanks for the feats!" Continue in whatever your multiclass. Somehow I think Lamashtu might have some beef with that. Which elements vanish upon turning your back on the faith? Just channeling, spells, and blessings or do the bonus feats and magic blades vanish too? ![]()
![]() I don't know if it's been mentioned, but I can't find which class features vanish if you become of an unsuitable alignment to your god. If, for example, a Warpriest of Desna gets converted somehow by Norgorber's followers... what happens? Loss of spells, channels, weapon focus? Immediate flip of Weapon Focus and all those bestow abilities? What happens if you just become true neutral and stop worshiping Desna? There's text that the god influences alignment and all that, I didn't see anything that prohibits it. The cleric has those handy lines spelling out precisely what occurs should they turn their back on their god. (Or draw poorly from the deck of many things, for example.) At least, I presume that's a bug and not a feature. Anywho, if anyone is still reading these things, some simple, suggested changes, keeping most things intact:
0. Spell out what happens if you lose your faith or your alignment flops. 1. Flip the first level bonus feat with Channel Energy. Change the leveling of Channel Energy and the bonus feats accordingly. This leads to some artifactual improvements: You can take Channeling feats starting at first level. Your bonus feat progression hits at key BAB intervals as would a fighter (+1, +6, and +8. You still get your regular feat at +11.) You can take power attack, improved sunder, and improved critical the moment you qualify. 2. Ignore Weapon Focus w/ Favoured as a bonus feat and instead get a +1 bonus on attack rolls with the favoured weapon that increases in increment at the levels where you would normally have a BAB increase (1st, 5th, 9th, etc.) This doesn't NECESSARILY need to come starting at first level, but it does bring back a bit of the fighter feel I think this class needs. You still can hit things with your god's weapon starting at first level (as well as any other martial at least) but you're not taking any other weapon focus feats unless you actually took the feat. Considering you'll get bonus feats soon enough, you can spend those on Weapon Focus if you like. At least, I would prefer if there was an increase as appropriate to full BAB, but you can say, "+1 bonus" and not actually have the whole feat that gives a darn good free prerequisite to dippers. These changes reduce the gains at first level to one level of spells, 1d6 of channeling, +2 to Fort and Will, and full martial proficiency with effectively no BAB loss if the favoured weapon is used, and EWP if the favoured weapon is exotic. The big difference is you don't get two whole feats. Other suggestions that are perhaps more radical...
3. Allow feats that have Channel Energy as a prerequisite to be selected as bonus feats. These feats are often flavorful and sometimes enhance combat ability and allows for greater flexibility in how you want to build your character. I would also be fully behind seeing more channeling feats in this book. :)
4. The Blessings are a neat idea, but they are so mechanically similar to Domains that I'm wondering why I don't just take the domains. I would love to see some stuff similar to the Orders that cavaliers have. Something that spells out a bit of the fluff of the Gods and a few abilities to choose from for customization. This could be a nice place to spell out what happens to an ex-worshiper and make it individual for each god. (Lose powers, Gain scars or auras of dishonor, permanent hangovers, penalties to saving throws, and I'm sure instant death would be in flavor for some of the evil gods; if that seems stringent... they are EVIL gods!) Of course this comes with problems. It reduces backward compatibility with other gods not in the core that don't have these things listed, whereas domains are already listed and you can take the blessing that corresponds with the domain (assuming that is spelled out, which it currently isn't.) 5. Another thing that could be done to differentiate the blessings from domains is to give a broader selection rather than the same limit of two that get better with leveling. Make the abilities similar to rogue talents, magus arcana, or rage powers with two low level concerns and a single high level concern and then allow the warpriest to select from ALL available to their god. But wait, when would you select these? Well, at least one at first level, and then one whenever you would normally get to add enhancement bonuses to your weapon or armor. (The leveling doesn't distribute evenly, but hear me out.) All of those little bonuses you apply to your weapon or armor that are alignment dependant? Make those options you can select out of your alignment blessings. For example: Good Blessing
So yes, I'm suggesting merging the blessings and the sacred weapon/armor abilities with something that increases customization without sacrificing flavor and potency. The above assumes the use of some resource that can be expended, but that needn't be the case if the abilities are low enough in power level and static in their effect. Whatever the abilities are, they can be distributed among the normal domain titles as appropriate to their associated deities. (If it seems limited, keep in mind this is just one possible blessing. Desna for example would be able to choose from under chaos, good, luck, liberation, and travel. Not just from two of them.)
I really like this class' central tenants and want to see it live. As it stands it has something of an identity crisis. Sometimes the combination of two different elements leads to something greater than the sum of its parts. Not necessarily in terms of power or combat prowess, but in terms of flavor and coolness. Fighters are cool. Clerics are cool. I want to be able to say that Warpriests are cool too. ![]()
![]() I second that motion. I don't like that my Trident of Gozreh build can't throw his pointy stick without losing all the weapon buffs. (I do ignore range increments with the Air domain though, which is nice.) I also am not particularly keen on getting no weapon buffs for being true neutral, but eh, I guess neutral gods don't really go to war or something. ![]()
![]() Kairos Dawnfury wrote:
Others are out there playtesting warpriests and I'm just sitting here caster mating. The class is one of the ones I'm interested in. If it must remain as a fighter/cleric, I'd like to have it feel more like an actual fighter and have some full bab and drop the casting down. It's MAD. If it stays as is, the main way I could see it stay un-mad would be to make strength it's casting stat... like dat goan happen. At the end of the day (or high level) you'll need 16 wis to cast your spells, decent strength to stride in combat, decent dex to not get hit, decent con to not fall dead, good wis to cast your spells, and non-dumped cha to use your channels. I have a suspicion therefore that there will be a lot of dumb warpriests.
Others have come to much the same conclusion. This is speculating over entirely new territory, and I'm having fun with it. I do intend to test out the priest, although perhaps I'd better not as I might only give into confirmation bias. I would really like to see something like this in the future. Fully caster focused divine spells. Hey Paizo, there's folk who'll play it! Maybe not in this iteration, but if you build it they will come. ![]()
![]() Priest, Scholar, Philosopher, Archivist, any name should be chosen that really gives an idea as to the role of the character. I think Priest does it best and has minimal change from the proposed Warpriest. (I mean swapping Fighter for Wizard is about as opposite a change as you can get. I refer to this change as to the name only.) A lot of this comes together right out of the box. I'm not sure I'm keen on specialized schools for a cleric spell list. For one, there's no handy index of schools associated which would be off-putting for all but the most die-hard data entry technicians. For another, the arcane spell list was designed more or less with that system in mind and the cleric spell list has an awful lot of conjuration (healing), necromancy, enchantment, and abjuration, but evocation is not nearly as well distributed. A handy list for extra spells per day could come directly from the domains of the gods. As opposed to specializing in a single sect of magic, the proposed priest could select their extra spell per day from among any spell on the god's domain list. This would give about five options per god (not sure how to differentiate between domains and subdomains). For example, a Priest of Desna could take True Strike one day, Remove Fear the next, and Pro: Law the next as their bonus spell. They should probably get all of their associated domain spells per level in their prayer book gratis, plus one or two extras per level as per the wizard. They can ignore the domain powers themselves as so many of them come part and parcel with combat abilities that perhaps would be best avoided and we can focus better on direct spell-casting niche.
Which is the most flavorful casting stat? Int makes sense, because then you could have a person who had deep reverence for their god, but couldn't advocate the faith as a cleric because they didn't have the wisdom for it. They'd use their book-learnin' in its stead. This is soooo far from the Warpriest. I don't think it would happen, but I certainly know a few players who would go for it. ![]()
![]() While it may be too late in the day to get this done, I have to say I like the idea. Another 3/4 BAB cleric among other 3/4 divine casters doesn't exactly stand out. A full BAB or a 1/2 BAB stand out in other ways. So, what would get mixed? The two real choices look like Wizard or Witch. Sorcerer and Cleric feels like the Oracle already. Shaman combines the divine with the witch already, so this leaves wizard as your main choice. Anything else has 3/4 BAB, so where would the loss come from? Wizard/Cleric
I also like the bard idea, but that was done in an archetype already. I like the archetype, though I haven't played it. I really, really like this idea. It's not stepping on anyone's toes. I certainly have seen many a cleric not built for combat, it's true. I have seen a few clerics that like to get in there and hit. The inquisitors do that, and paladins do that obviously. This would give it a really clear niche. Still, prolly to late in the game. ;_; ![]()
![]() TriOmegaZero wrote:
Sheath of Bladestealth. It's a sheath, so if you have quickdraw, you can get your dagger out in the surprise. Not so handy with saps, but there you go. I've been half-heartedly thinking of combining the nonleathal sap-master tree with Order of the Rose Cavalier. It could make for an interesting character. At the very least I could be a one trick pony riding a pony. But really I'd prefer just to go straight up rogue, halfling, core book, core talents, and nuts to all the optimization. I'll take improved feint and I'll have fun with it. Nah, I won't be hitting for scads of damage, but I'll be around to flank and aid another. And as long as I'm around, traps won't stop us. Spoiler: Barnib the Untall
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14 Skills: -Full ranks in Acrobatics, Bluff, Disable, Diplomacy, Escape, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth, UMD -Floating Rank in Climb, Swim, KN: Local, KN: Dungeoneering, Some sort of Day Job (or just Sleight of Hand and take the Thieves Guild vanity) Feat/Talent Tree
And that's all I really need to start with. I might pick up TWF for flanking at 5th. Everything's core friendly, save for the vanity which I believe is a part of the core assumption although I may have the book wrong. Running with a basic halfling too, because it really doesn't matter. I'll have fun with it anyway.
![]() I suppose you mean "while" the sun is up. As long as the sun is up, you will do or will not do something. Must it always be a prohibition; a thing you cannot do, such as eating? That seems more Irori than Iomedae I will watch for your messenger.
I will speak only one word at a time.
I will tithe my findings.
![]() I'm pretty sure I will have fun with my Rogue when I get around to him. I'm having a blast with my bard and the majority of the time I'm doing skills. I wish Rogues got all Knowledge skills in class. If I went Gnome or Elf I could get Breadth of Experience. I suppose Rogues are the streetsmart class as opposed to the booksmart types. ![]()
![]() Minor speech impediments make for excellent tusked creatures. How do you talk if your teeth are too big for your face? Maybe your doubleyou's come out sounding wike Ewmur Fudd becawse yowu can't saiy dem wraight. Maybe you're a Naga and you hiss your Esses with an exssstra ssssbilant. Play with the consonants. Slide you're tongue across your teeth between a SSSSS and a THHHH. Form the W's in the back of the throat rather than with the lips for the Fudd speak. Heck, put pencils in your mouth and speak around them, then make that same voice when not having the pencils there, or at least a version of that voice you can maintain. Watch Cartoons: Cartoon voices convey static things about a character that you may not realize and feed into subconscious stereotypes. They ARE their voice and every voice must be distinct. One of my favourites, Pinky and the Brain. One has a serious, deep voice based on Orson Welles. The other has the fudd-like speech impediment littered with nonsensical verbal clutter. You instantly know who's talking even if you're in another room. I could listen to a radio show with those characters and know what was going on. Imitate them, come up with your own variances. Rolling Rs, Ls: Can you roll your R's? How about L's? How about you D's? (It's possible.) If not, don't worry about it. If you can, cool. At them in when necessary. This falls under lisping, accents, and verbal clutter and works well for Catfolk if you're stereotyping. Plan ahead: How do they sound? If you have a sound in mind, you can create a character to accommodate. Otherwise, if you have a character and you need a voice, look at their facial structure and give them enough distinction to stand on their own. Don't be too afraid to look silly: Experiment. Try to talk using only your lips and no tongue to make all the sounds. How many letters of the alphabet can you get through ventrilloquising using your tongue? These are just silly little ideas that might lead you to something you can talk as for a while. They're silly, but they warm you up. I've come up with characters that way, but the best way I make a character is: Their Laugh: Very few people will laugh in the same way. A pixie will have no trouble laughing, but a serious, serene, necromantic sorceress may choke on her own laugh as it surprises her. I have a character (an actual character, not a character sheet) who's memory phrase is just his laugh. ![]()
![]() Yeah actually. Limber up beforehand. It sounds silly, but muscle tension can inhibit vibration, and vibration is what you're after. Stretch things out, especially the shoulders and arms and the muscles on the side of your neck. If you can move better, your voice will carry better. Otherwise, positioning has its greatest effect on the neck. Most of the changes will come from the mouth, lips and tongue. Anything else in the throat has to be done internally, which you may or may not have the talent to do. Like any muscle, training these things make's them more versatile and will have more brain-space connected to their use resulting in higher degrees of control. Here, try this. I will assume you have the ability to cough. Cough while giving a sustained tone. Now, the cough constricts your throat resonator to a narrow point and closes it off. Now, try almost coughing, get close to fully closed and give your voice a strangled quality. With this new, narrow throat try talking. That's how I get to one of my old man voices. WARNING! WARNING! You will want to warm up your voice before you try mucking around with this or you can lose your voice or otherwise cause discomfort. Say a few tongue twisters at a steadily increasing pace, sing something, (scales, anything), and give heavy voiced sighs for a period of at least five minutes. If you are in public, make sure you wave your hands a lot and jump up and down. (Sorry, a bit of the Gnome coming out there.) Edit: OH! And drink water! ![]()
![]() Start rewarding the improbable. If one of the two other PCs do things that probably aught not work, but you roll with it and something amazing develops, it could go two ways. 1. The Rollplayer begins to follow along and starts to take more risks. 2. The Rollplayer feels left behind and sulks. 2.5 The Rollplayer takes it half way or too far and sulks while trying overly outrageous things. I would take this as a good sign, although it would be frustrating at first. Where things would really work is when he does something in line with what you're after, reward it immediately and with vigor. If his peasant boy gets injured and he leaves battle to go help, BAM! Peasant boy is actually a HAND-WAVEY in disguise. (You'll know best what will work well in your game.) Backstory is sometimes hard for people to do, but future oriented stuff should work. What does Claymore want? Big swords and loot, sure, but what does he WANT that is not material. Infinite wishes? Power beyond reconing? A castle? Heck, sometimes if you want to see what a character is really like, throw them in front of the deck of many things. I was in a game where a character drew the Castle from the deck... and then fell in love with it! The character eventually retired to manage his keep and became an NPC so that's maybe not what you're after, but nonloot nonXP goals can go a long way to help. Some of my character's improbable goals:
Other motivators include the deadly sins, hubris, revenge, collections, obsessions. Etc. But as a rollplayer, you will see greatest effect when his roleplaying is rewarded as much as his rollplaying. He'll have to make the first real move there and that may be out of his comfort zone. I hope you'll consider it okay if that doesn't work for him. Some people enjoy the comfort of rules and may get upset if rules don't exist for what's going on. ![]()
![]() Bam: Everything Anguish said. That's good stuff. I have some voice acting training. I use voices often and have a proclivity for gnomes. (Most readers probably had a fit just then.) If you're just making a hobby of it, there's a few tricks you can do. 1. Practice your range. How low can your voice go. Start as deep as you can go and go as high as you can go. It doesn't have to be a song tone, just a natural voice tone. 2. Resonators. The main voice resonators are the chest, throat, mouth, teeth, nose, sinuses, and skull. Chest resonation leads to deeper booming voices and is often used by men for distances. The throat is probably where your normal speaking voice resonates, sex irrelevant, and for singing. The mouth is a loud, resonator without much force, like Mickey Mouse. (It's also the primary resonator for the Batman voice. Yes, I just tried it, sitting in front of my computer. Voice acting does that to you.) Very common cartoony resonator.
As you go through your range, place a hand over each resonator. You can feel the vibration move. 3. Mouth shape. The lips and tongue as well as the angle of your head over your throat can shape the sound that emerges. (Try this. Grumble a low note sustained, then tilt your head forward and backward. You'll hear changes. You may even stop making tone in some cases if you tilt your head back to far. Neat, huh?)
4. Play. If you're just coming up with a voice for a hobby game and not looking to have it a huge part of your earnings, have fun with it. Go deeper, higher pitched, and you needn't go too cartoony, but play around with the voice and find something that fits. Impersonate people, or try to. Mix tones of voice with resonators. Find a tone and shape it around. 5. Saving a voice. When you find a voice, tie it to a certain phrase or sound effect. For example, if you've found a place where you can make you're voice crack and this is the perfect tone for someone's leadership feat, say, "Would you like fries with that?" over and over in that voice. The two would become interconnected and you can go back to a voice you've used before. This is very handy if you're impersonating voices. If you said, "I'M BATMAN" to get into the Batman voice, you've already done this. 6. Remember to breathe. Don't breathe at the neck or rib cage. Breathe with the belly. You'll get more air. And you'll probably need it if you aren't using your own voice for a period of time. 7. Verbal clutter and tics. Add a sigh. Click your tongue. Give a two-tone laugh like Jimmy Carr. Match these to character and don't mix 'em up. These can go a long way to fleshing out a character. Used too often and they may get stereotypical, but they will be recognizable. There's a reason sitcoms have catch-phrases. In terms of accents, if you don't already have a basic accent impersonating technique, that would probably require a lot of time investment. Best recommendation I have would be to watch movie sources that use the accent and imitate them back into a voice recorder, and then listen to the recordings until you're no longer embarrassed by them. I will warn you, bad accents I react to viscerally. Oh, it hurts so bad! I have to stop writing this now. There's more to say, of course. I have a book in mind, but it's more about doing sound effects. Mouth Sounds by Fred Newman. It comes with a CD.
Anywho, have fun! ![]()
![]() Y'know, in terms of role-play value, I think I like Feinting the best. "You're boots are untied." "Look behind you!" "Excuse me, do you have the time?" 2nd best would be Dirty Trick, but that's a tricky thing to do with a halfling and as you say not great until later level. That would definitely be something I could pour GM credits into. ![]()
![]() Greater Feint: ??? Wow, yup. Completely read that as until the "END" of your next round. Apparently my brain only wants to read things as though they make sense. That would make it only usable during an AOO, which is also highly situational as Rogues have few ways to provoke 'em. So TWFeint has value, at least the improved version does. BigNorseWolf wrote: Dual wielding for backstabs is a trap IME. People keep moving around the map, and killing off the thing you're setting up for, keeping that from happening Seems to me Sneak Attack in general is a trap. It's something you take when you get it, but trying for it every single time is gonna leave you frustrated. If TWF and Feint and all the other things are traps, well, all signs point to Sneak Attack. If the only real combat feat I take is Weapon Finesse, how much can I give my combat ability? Bleeding Attack: One sneak attack is all I need to make my mark. At that point, I can just run away and let 'em bleed out. Assault Leader: So when I finally get to that rare flank and miss my mark, instead of throwing up my hand, the guy who actually can hit and deal lots of damage hits and deals lots of damage. The one/day is probably fine for PFS if Flanks are hard enough to set up as is. Stand Up: This allows you to do the worm across the battlefield. Highly advantageous when combined with Perform (Dance). Does trap making do anything in PFS? I suppose only the core-book traps are allowed if at all.