Cayden Cailean

Ferlintokezeirquizes's page

24 posts. Alias of gran rey de los mono.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Also, I ordered a love seat.

What did you order it to do?

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captain yesterday wrote:

New title at work!

Lead Foreman of Natural Stone, Hardscapes, and Concept Design.

Call the others "dumbass" and threaten to put your foot in their asses, and you could become "Red Foreman of Natural Stone, Hardscapes, and Concept Design".

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Secrets of a World-Class Procrastinator, a book I'm going to write eventually.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Have I mentioned the couple I knew that did a couple cos-play of luke and leia... I was like guys you know they are....

The ultimate couple? Yeah, they knew.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I think next time I go camping I'll just rent a hotel room.

Gonna pitch a tent in the lobby?

Triantohername wrote:
Don't go to a goblin mechanic. Their skills come up a bit short. also explosions lot's of explosions.

But they're soooo cheap. I mean, they'll usually work just for the chance to kill a dog.

Hmm...Nekkid goblin mechanics, eh? Yep. That checks out.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
No amount of rules finagling solves that issue.
Which is why I step outside the rules and just refuse to play with them.
Not gonna lie, TOZ, a long time back I saw you give that exact advice yeaaaaars ago and it was the best advice I've found on these boards: drop toxic players.
Look, sometimes my mercurial nature lands on the right idea. It's a roll of the dice but it happens.
The more you post the more I realize how well that Cayden avatar fits.
My alignment is Lawful Chaotic.

My alignment is off. I need to get to the mechanic.

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Woran wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

This will get Vanykrye and Woran going:

Customer: For security concerns, we don't want to use Customer ID for the import, so we're using Customer Name.
Support: OK. We support that. So, what's the problem?
Customer: We have multiple people with the same name and we need to distinguish them.
Support: So, how about using some kind of ID to distinguish them?
Customer: We don't want to do that because of security concerns. What else do you have?

Er... I dunno? Make sure your customers all have different names?

I'm just going to curl up in a ball over here.

Does anyone remember the rules to Woranball? It's been a while since I've played.

Clever girl.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pyromaniac wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
I thought you said they called you Doctor Evil.
They call me a lot of things...
There are some who call him... Tim.

Others call him ... when they want to have a good time.

Very_Simple_Commoner wrote:
Schmorgan Heckengaard wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
hmm Is it bad that my ideal wedding would be a giant D&D Larp?



Look here now boi we don't take kindly to people that don't take kindly to Nerds around these parts. Ya hear Smorz heck-nard?

*throws bean bags*

Lighting bolt! Lightning bolt!!

Selene Spires wrote:
Hello everyone...anybody out there?

Nobody here but us chickens.

Cluck, cluck.


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Just a Mort wrote:

I'm left on my own for the weekend. My aunt is doing emergency nephew sitting and my BF is busy. Now what should I be doing...?

It'll probably involve some version of going out, but where?

Go otter chasing. They'd love it.

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If you need help pronouncing it, here is some help.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Applying for a case manager job tonight. I am tired of this place so I'm ready for anything else.

I just wanted to say "Good luck. We're all counting on you."

Gilgamesh the Great wrote:
A fight you say? Stupendous! Let us fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men!

What about men who dress like ladies? Can we fight like them? Or do they fight too dirty?

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

We can't expect a Canadian rock band to be masters of American literature.

They're Canadian. I don't know any Mexican literature just because I'm north of them.

But nobody would question an American rock song about the day of the dead or chupacabra.

I think you mean "chalupacobra".

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Happy Wednesday all

Another morning, another session on the Stairmaster

It is dark dark dark outside

Dark. Like my soul. In winter. At night.

Scared Table wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Dr. Doommaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I tried to be a waiter, but I'm too independent. I take orders from no one.
DOOM demands you get new material.
Fine. I'll go to Joanne tomorrow and get new material. What am I making, anyways? Drapes? Tablecloth? A frilly summer frock?
I.. If.. It wasn't to much trouble I would like a cloth.

That is a lot of trouble. Maybe I'll just get you a dust ruffle.

Triantohername wrote:

No man can be my equal!

(Yeah you get ninjaed and have to delete your post!)

No man can be my equal!

*reposts because f##$ it*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
... Wait a minute... was that the real TOZ back their for a sec?

There is no TOZ, only Zuul.

Triantohername wrote:
Ferlintokezeirquizes wrote:
Trinam wrote:
Babe: Pig on the Internet wrote:
QuadOmegaZero wrote:
Triantohername wrote:
Hey ain't nothing like a tri party because a tri party don't stop. plus I'm pretty sure it has 3 sides.
It’s not sixteen tozes, it’s four four tozes.

There can be only one!!!

*runs away whimpering*

Breaking out the highlander... nice. *plays Queen's Princes of the universe*

*checks if he has the blood of kings inside him*

Trinam wrote:
Babe: Pig on the Internet wrote:
QuadOmegaZero wrote:
Triantohername wrote:
Hey ain't nothing like a tri party because a tri party don't stop. plus I'm pretty sure it has 3 sides.
It’s not sixteen tozes, it’s four four tozes.

There can be only one!!!

*runs away whimpering*

Who are you people, and why have you stolen my face?!?!