
Fellfire's page

113 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.

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Jason, I have recently decided that I need an android sniper girl with a rail gun rifle in my life. I just got an email shilling Dead Vault Descent and the upcoming Aethera campaign setting. What can you tell me about the tech contained therein? I need a HUD. And a surveillance drone. It has been a couple weeks since I have needed your legendary customer service. Sell me.

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Welp, looks like you got me next week too.

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Jason, I once again require your Legendary Customer Service. Please check your mail. Thanks.

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Hey Forrest. Just checked out your patreon and I've got a quick question. Any work being done on UnSoulknives? If there was a timetable that is something I could get on board with.

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Jason, your website hates me. I just ordered Doomguard and recieved a purchase receipt, but no download link. Please check your email.

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Jason Nelson wrote:
Fellfire wrote:
That is a sexy cover you got on the Doomguard there. It was not on my list of priorities, but I might need a look.
That's what Liz said. Sexy half-orc beefcake for the cover? CHECK!

Look at the size of that cod-piece! Is it true what they say about half-orcs?

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Agreed. Equal benefit, if any, could be achieved by biting their own fingernails, or perhaps a large bowl of Jell-O.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I love pangolins! They are also the world's most illegally trafficked mammal.

Do you own one?

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Polacantus, nodosaur, ankylosaur. Boring overgrown armored sheeps. Does anybody love the armadillo or the pangolin? The meatosaurus' is where it's at.

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That is a sexy cover you got on the Doomguard there. It was not on my list of priorities, but I might need a look.

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Another excellent, and long overdue (sorry End, you're the man), review for Legendary Assassins. Congrats to you and the team.

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Seems alright now. It was unavailable, for me, throughout the afternoon. Thanks.

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Jason, your website seems to be down.

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Jason, how long before I can get my special advance copy of LK2?

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I can confirm this. Extremely helpful. Timely too.

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mdt wrote:
Fellfire wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
I've since kicked it back into place. Apologies for the inconvenience all!
Might I suggest kicking it a little more gently?

Might want to double check the post times on posts before you reply. That particular post was posted Jun 20, 2016, 12:52 pm.

This thread got necro'd from the last time this happened.

Humor much?

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Chris Lambertz wrote:
I've since kicked it back into place. Apologies for the inconvenience all!

Might I suggest kicking it a little more gently?

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Thanks, Rysky. That explains my lack of. Sadly, I do not own a nex-gen system yet, but that looks pretty hot. What a great job it must be where playing video games and reading comics can be considered research.

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cloakable wrote:
Madokar Valortouched wrote:
Fellfire wrote:
I would say, yes. Lycanthropy is extremely virulent. It can be transmitted through sexual contact.
Where did you get that from?
Probably Laurell K. Hamilton.

I believe it was Van Richten's Guide to Werebeasts which I still consider the go to source for all things lycanthrope.

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I would like to see Paizo wheedle, cajole, purchase or beat the rights for Age of Worms out of wotsee.

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One sure way to end up with an irate player at your table is to mess with their ill-gotten gains, particularly if you are singling out one character. Bad idea.

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Glad I saw this thread and I hope it does not get locked. I seek suggestions on how to tastefully and respectfully roleplay an effeminate male homosexual character without being offensive or overly flamboyant.