DungeonmasterCal |
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DungeonmasterCal wrote:That's really unfair. Polacanthus was a really cool looking beastie.I know, RIGHT? I thought, "Um, shouldn't you be happy that I'm going above and beyond the bare minimum and doing my own research to learn even more about this subject?"
I remember being a wee lad (just after the meteor hit) looking at some pictures of dinosaurs in a grade school textbook. Polacanthus was one of the ones in the book. To this day nodosaurs and ankylosaurs remain some of my favorites.

Ben Walklate |
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I can tell you about Ultimate Strongholds!
1) The Downtime Rules. So, you use downtime to make your building, but what if you wanted to... make it out of adamantine? Magical glass? Make it able to fly? Teleport? What capital and how much do those cost? What about cheaper interior walls but very secure exterior walls?
2) How easy is it destroy that building? How about with siege weapons? What if there's a defensive wall?
3) You built an amazing castle and... the generic castle from Ultimate Campaign doesn't quite cut it in terms of the building's effect on the kingdom. Would you like some rules to tweak the kingdom modifiers?
4) I wanna build a castle outside a settlement! Not a fort, and I don't want to create a whole new settlement for this, but I want an actual castle across that canyon. What does that cost?
A lot of it is inspired by the old 3E Stronghold Builder's Guidebook (which I'm very carefully not taking off the shelf), but as I hope you can see is designed to integrate with Ultimate Campaign in some depth.

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Jason Nelson wrote:*fistbump*
Chemlak wrote:Favourite Star Wars movie?Return of the Jedi. Not even kidding.
Seconded! That was the first Star Wars movie I ever saw (I was 7 and too much of a scaredy-cat to join my brother when my dad showed us the trilogy, until his excited synopses and reassurances that it wasn't that scary, I joined them and my life was changed forever!).
So what's these Ultimate Armies and Strongholds people are talking about? Are they official Pathfinder books or a third-party project?

Ben Walklate |
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I'm far more interested in Ultimate Armies!
Me too!
No, that sounds wrong.
I've been looking forward to Ultimate Armies since it was first announced and I can't wait to see it. I'm excited for Ultimate Strongholds because it's something I can get my own design teeth into. I'm excited for Ultimate Armies as a fan.

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Jason Nelson wrote:Look at the size of that cod-piece! Is it true what they say about half-orcs?Fellfire wrote:That is a sexy cover you got on the Doomguard there. It was not on my list of priorities, but I might need a look.That's what Liz said. Sexy half-orc beefcake for the cover? CHECK!

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I can tell you about Ultimate Strongholds!
1) The Downtime Rules. So, you use downtime to make your building, but what if you wanted to... make it out of adamantine? Magical glass? Make it able to fly? Teleport? What capital and how much do those cost? What about cheaper interior walls but very secure exterior walls?
2) How easy is it destroy that building? How about with siege weapons? What if there's a defensive wall?
3) You built an amazing castle and... the generic castle from Ultimate Campaign doesn't quite cut it in terms of the building's effect on the kingdom. Would you like some rules to tweak the kingdom modifiers?
4) I wanna build a castle outside a settlement! Not a fort, and I don't want to create a whole new settlement for this, but I want an actual castle across that canyon. What does that cost?
A lot of it is inspired by the old 3E Stronghold Builder's Guidebook (which I'm very carefully not taking off the shelf), but as I hope you can see is designed to integrate with Ultimate Campaign in some depth.
Sounds great! Is there an ETA for this? I ask because I'm currently in book 4 of Kingmaker and have a lot of army/siege/war stuff coming up.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:I'm far more interested in Ultimate Armies!Me too!
No, that sounds wrong.
I've been looking forward to Ultimate Armies since it was first announced and I can't wait to see it. I'm excited for Ultimate Strongholds because it's something I can get my own design teeth into. I'm excited for Ultimate Armies as a fan.
If only there were someone to tell us about Ultimate Armies...

Ben Walklate |
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Ben Walklate wrote:Sounds great! Is there an ETA for this? I ask because I'm currently in book 4 of Kingmaker and have a lot of army/siege/war stuff coming up.I can tell you about Ultimate Strongholds!
1) The Downtime Rules. So, you use downtime to make your building, but what if you wanted to... make it out of adamantine? Magical glass? Make it able to fly? Teleport? What capital and how much do those cost? What about cheaper interior walls but very secure exterior walls?
2) How easy is it destroy that building? How about with siege weapons? What if there's a defensive wall?
3) You built an amazing castle and... the generic castle from Ultimate Campaign doesn't quite cut it in terms of the building's effect on the kingdom. Would you like some rules to tweak the kingdom modifiers?
4) I wanna build a castle outside a settlement! Not a fort, and I don't want to create a whole new settlement for this, but I want an actual castle across that canyon. What does that cost?
A lot of it is inspired by the old 3E Stronghold Builder's Guidebook (which I'm very carefully not taking off the shelf), but as I hope you can see is designed to integrate with Ultimate Campaign in some depth.
PMing: This is Jason's thread, not mine, and I'm sure he won't mind me hopping in every now and then to be helpful, but it's not about me and my work.

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Callous Jack wrote:PMing: This is Jason's thread, not mine, and I'm sure he won't mind me hopping in every now and then to be helpful, but it's not about me and my work.Ben Walklate wrote:Sounds great! Is there an ETA for this? I ask because I'm currently in book 4 of Kingmaker and have a lot of army/siege/war stuff coming up.I can tell you about Ultimate Strongholds!
1) The Downtime Rules. So, you use downtime to make your building, but what if you wanted to... make it out of adamantine? Magical glass? Make it able to fly? Teleport? What capital and how much do those cost? What about cheaper interior walls but very secure exterior walls?
2) How easy is it destroy that building? How about with siege weapons? What if there's a defensive wall?
3) You built an amazing castle and... the generic castle from Ultimate Campaign doesn't quite cut it in terms of the building's effect on the kingdom. Would you like some rules to tweak the kingdom modifiers?
4) I wanna build a castle outside a settlement! Not a fort, and I don't want to create a whole new settlement for this, but I want an actual castle across that canyon. What does that cost?
A lot of it is inspired by the old 3E Stronghold Builder's Guidebook (which I'm very carefully not taking off the shelf), but as I hope you can see is designed to integrate with Ultimate Campaign in some depth.
Hop away!

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Ben Walklate wrote:DungeonmasterCal wrote:I'm far more interested in Ultimate Armies!Me too!
No, that sounds wrong.
I've been looking forward to Ultimate Armies since it was first announced and I can't wait to see it. I'm excited for Ultimate Strongholds because it's something I can get my own design teeth into. I'm excited for Ultimate Armies as a fan.
If only there were someone to tell us about Ultimate Armies...
The key elements, in their various stages of completion thus far, are:
1. The troop template and rules for converting individual creatures to troops to armies.
2. A bestiary of ready-made troops
3. A mercenary group generator.
4. There's at least one other section that I'm not remembering off the top of my head.

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Callous Jack wrote:Ben Walklate wrote:DungeonmasterCal wrote:I'm far more interested in Ultimate Armies!Me too!
No, that sounds wrong.
I've been looking forward to Ultimate Armies since it was first announced and I can't wait to see it. I'm excited for Ultimate Strongholds because it's something I can get my own design teeth into. I'm excited for Ultimate Armies as a fan.
If only there were someone to tell us about Ultimate Armies...
The key elements, in their various stages of completion thus far, are:
1. The troop template and rules for converting individual creatures to troops to armies.
2. A bestiary of ready-made troops
3. A mercenary group generator.
4. There's at least one other section that I'm not remembering off the top of my head.
It might be Birthright-style battlefield magic. Or mythic mass combat. Or both. :)

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So what's these Ultimate Armies and Strongholds people are talking about? Are they official Pathfinder books or a third-party project?
I don't mean to be rude but, I think my question got missed...

Ben Walklate |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Third party. They're part of the Legendary Games Ultimate Plug-ins line, which started with Ultimate Rulership (practically a must-have expansion to the Ultimate Campaign kingdom rules), and continued with Ultimate Battle and Ultimate War, all of which Jason wrote. Then there's Ultimate Commander, which presents a base class with a troop-like companion class feature (it's seriously good). Ultimate Factions by yours truly finishes off the kingdom-based Ultimate series so far (lest we forget the a-a-a-amazing Ultimate Relationships and its extensions, by Mark Seifter, but they're party/individual social scale, not kingdom).
Ultimate Armies has been on the cards for a looooong time. A really long time. I believe Jason is getting closer to finishing it. It's a book about armies (look up Jason's "what's in it" post for way better details than I can give). Until I dreamt up Ultimate Factions, it might even have been the anticipated end-point of the series. Then people in some forum threads started asking for a Stronghold Builder's Guidebook type book to fill out the kingdom rules, which I realised I could expand the downtime rules to do that idea justice, and Jason said it sounded like a good idea with some demand. So I'm doing Ultimate Strongholds. (No pressure...)

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The key elements, in their various stages of completion thus far, are:
1. The troop template and rules for converting individual creatures to troops to armies.
2. A bestiary of ready-made troops
3. A mercenary group generator.
4. There's at least one other section that I'm not remembering off the top of my head.
Sounds great, I hope it comes out before my KM campaign is done.
Could you explain more about the "mercenary group generator?"

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What weapon would you say is the best match for something like this thing?

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What weapon would you say is the best match for something like this thing?
I'd go bardiche.

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How much would a hardback of Mythic rewrite rules cost you to make for your Legendary Games label?
A compilation of those rules...asking for a friend.
Do you mean in addition to our existing 3 mythic hardbacks?

Mogloth |
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You don't like coffee or tea? Are you even human?
More seriously, read any good books lately? I'm currently reading the Tarkin novel. And really looking forward to the Thrawn novel.
When you and your friends get together to game, what games do you all typically play?
Do you ever get to go to a convention as a fan? Also, do you ever get invites to be a Guest of Honor at a convention?
What are the top 3 superhero style movies that you are looking forward to this year? For me it's - Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Wonder Woman and Justice League.

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Any new material for Occult Classes (hoping kineticists too)
Legendary Kineticists 2 should be out either this Friday or next Friday.
Occult Archetypes 2 is approaching done-ness as well.
There is some bonus occult material coming up in an unexpected place soon.
We've also started working on a new mythic path specifically for occult characters, tentatively called Path of the Esoteric.

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You don't like coffee or tea? Are you even human?
Bleep bloop bzzrrt. Yes, I too have skin, like you, as all humans do. And oxygen is a thing that I use.
More seriously, read any good books lately? I'm currently reading the Tarkin novel. And really looking forward to the Thrawn novel.
My reading kind of goes in fits and starts. The most recent book I finished was the first Deryni book by Katherine Kurtz. I'd always heard about the saga being a classic but had never read it. Picked them up a few years ago at Powell's in Portland and read the first one last year. It was... okay. I have the next two (the original trilogy) but haven't been super-motivated to read them.
I also finished A Fire On the Deep by Vernor Vinge not that long ago. It was pretty good and a very different style of sci-fi.
I read with my 12-year-old every night - he still likes bedtime stories. :)
We are currently reading The Throne of Fire, book 2 in the Kane Chronicles, which are basically the Egyptian mythology equivalent of the better-known Percy Jackson novels. The author has also done a more recent series that plays with Norse mythology in a similar way. Hey, if your schtick works, keep doing it Rick Riordan. :)
I picked up Ruled Brittania by Harry Turtledove at a used bookstore a few months ago and it's here on my desk waiting for me to start reading it.
When you and your friends get together to game, what games do you all typically play?
Pathfinder. Once in a great while we'll do a board game night and play whatever people want to play.
Do you ever get to go to a convention as a fan?
I guess the first couple of PaizoCons I've been to were as a fan. I did run games (including some on behalf of Paizo staff), but since we started doing print books in 2013 I've always spent a fair bit of time at cons slinging product.
My first GenCon in 2014 I also went as a fan (I think I did one seminar) before doing the booth insanity the last two years.
Also, do you ever get invites to be a Guest of Honor at a convention?
Now and then. I did V-Con in Vancouver, BC some years back, OrcaCon earlier this year, and going to PaizoCon Oz in New Zealand this year as a guest, which is going to be awesome.
What are the top 3 superhero style movies that you are looking forward to this year? For me it's - Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Wonder Woman and Justice League.
1. Thor: Ragnarok
2. Guardians of the Galaxy 23. Probably Wonder Woman/tossup with Logan (the first trailer with Johnny Cash singing "Hurt" was an instant buy-in as a very different kind of supers movie)
Btw, if you haven't seen it yet, the LEGO Batman movie is awesome.