Fedorchik1536's page

Organized Play Member. 61 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Garbage-Tier Waifu wrote:

OP, seriously, I've never had a single blaster either in my game nor that I have actually played even come close to one shotting anything. The characters that have put out enough damage to nearly kill a creature has always been martials.

To be honest, my BlockBuster Wizard once almost one-shotted a boss.

spoiler to RotRL:
it was when fire dragon/giants attacked sandpoint.
I made my Knowledge check so I knew that dragon was vulnerable to cold.
It was cold-admixtured intensified empowered specialised fireball.
He failed the save and I was awarded with "F@#$ You!" praise from my DM when I rolled the damage.
Dragon survived that blast and tried to escape, but died round or two later due to lingering Icy Prison damage.

But, honestly, the most deadly tools of that wizard were Icy Prison and Mydriatic Spontaneity.

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Ghoul Sorcerer Bloodline gives you power to grow claws which paralyse on hit. But it never states what is the paralysis DC.

Almost every other Bloodline power states how to determine it's save DC. (The only one other I know that doesn't state it is Beguiling Voice from Maestro Bloodline)

Most of such powers have 10+1/2 Sorc level + Cha mod for DC. But I found that Serpent's Fangs from Serpentine Bloodline bases it's save DC on Constitution Mod. And ghoul's original ability is Con based.

So, how do I determine DC for Ghoul Sorcerer paralysis?

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Recently I noticed that d20pfsrd has new wording for Power Attack, which eliminates light and one-handed weapons from description and deals only with primary and off-hand/secondary attacks.
neat upgrade

But today I suddenly realized one little combo:

Power Attack states:

You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls.

and if you go Dragon Style feat chain, than you can get Dragon Ferocity feat, which states:

While using Dragon Style, [b]increase your Strength bonus on unarmed strike damage rolls by an additional one-half your Strength bonus, to a total of double your Strength bonus on the first attack and 1–½ times your Strength bonus on other attacks.

And monk's unarmed strike is specifically states that it is counted as both natural and manufactured weapon.
Thus, Dragon Ferocity qualifies monk's unarmed strike for +50% damage increase from Power Attack.

So, if I'm reading this right, monks with dragon style should enjoy 1 to 3 exchange ratio for their Power Attacks.

Am I right? Do I miss something?

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wraithstrike wrote:

Is the ranger is archery based have him ready actions to disrupt spells.

Another idea us to try to planar bind something to help you until you complete book 5, and have that be on disruption duty.

Are they teleporting away, healing up and then coming back to fight you again?

I feel incredibly stupid right now. I completely forgot that you can easily counterspell anything by dealing enough damage to the caster.

Thanks for this advice. It really helps xD

They do different things: one was hiding inside solid fog right besides us, some others simply ran away (carrying my precious loot -__-) and some do run-heal-attack-repeat cycles.