
Fayries's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 398 posts. 1 review. 1 list. No wishlists.


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This is still an issue, and it appears the French post office is no longer willing to accommodate missing paperwork:

Vous devriez contacter votre expéditeur pour le remboursement, car celui-ci n'a pas fait le nécessaire au niveau de la saisie pour nous indiquer le paiement IOSS (tva importation).
You should contact your sender for the refund, as they did not take the necessary steps at the time of entry to indicate the IOSS (import VAT) payment.

I have contacted Paizo customer service, but I expect it would be a smoother experience for everybody if this issue was finally ironed out – the import regulations and IOSS were put in place on July 1st, 2021, after all…

Cori Marie wrote:
You have to email Customer Service to add to a generated order

Ah. Thanks!

It's been a while since I've been a subscriber. In the past, once the subscription order had been generated, it was possible to add other items to that order and save on shipping. Is this still possible?

At the moment, though my February subscription order has been generated, I can't add anything to it. (During checkout, under the big "2 Shipping" button, the "Change Shipping Details" button only lets me sidecart items, or ship them on their own.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Seeing how Ultimate Equipment and Ultimate Magic pocket editions are now "Unavailable", I guess now's the time to decide if First Edition pocket editions will get a reprint.

Will they?

Any chance these will get back in stock? (They are still available from Q-Workshop's web site.)

Steve Geddes wrote:
[…] and the shift from books to PDFs in the Pathfinder Tales line.

Did I miss something? The Pathfinder Tales line has been rebooted?

The Pathfinder Tales Web Fiction landing page is currently empty.


Is there a reason the "First Ten Shipping" (Paizo will pay the first $10 in shipping and handling for any shipment of products totalling $100 or more.) did not trigger for this order?


I received this order today, by way of three cardboard envelopes. Two of them perfectly protected their content, but the third envelope was bent and crushed.

As a result, “Pathfinder Adventure Path #157: Devil at the Dreaming Palace (Agents of Edgewatch 1 of 6)” arrived damaged and I would like to have a remplacement kindly sent my way.

However, since this copy was already a replacement issue, it is alright if you prefer to issue a refund/store credit and I will try to buy it locally. (The original arrived damaged way back in July 2020, but the replacement was only sent a few weeks ago because of the Customer Service email backlog; every book in my subscription arrived in good condition since then.)


My March subscription left the Paizo warehouse on March, 13 and arrived here in France on May, 13. It usually arrives in 2-4 weeks.

So things have slowed, but at least for me they were not lost.


I just made order #7734471 for a hardcover book that will travel overseas. As I would hate to receive and return a damaged book, I would be really thankful if you could add a note for the warehouse staff to pack it with corner shock protectors.

You did that for me a year ago for order #7877661 and that book arrived in pristine condition. Fingers crossed for this one to arrive in the same fine condition.


Thank you for taking the time to describe the measures that have been taken in the office and the warehouse to ensure the safety of your employees.

This is sadly missing from most of the online venues that are still operating here in France. As a result, I have cut down on most non-essential things until the end of the crisis.

I sent an email on July, 24 regarding the damaged Pathfinder AP #145 book I had received (a photo was included), and kindly requesting a replacement copy with my next subscription shipment.

I got no answer to that email. Can I still get a replacement or has there been a change in policy regarding damaged items? Thanks!

Vic Wertz wrote:
Added cards that refer to Blessing of the Gods.

I think ally Avimar Sorrinash (4) should be added to that cards.

Did we get the base set and deck lists somewhere that I missed, or are we still waiting for them?

Edit: Humph… In fact we have the lists for everything but deck 6 (it's located on each product's page).

I unsubscribed from the Adventure Card Game line in early August, and immediately resubscribed (order #4031827), starting with the Character Add-On Deck (with the intention of skipping the Base Set that I'll buy locally).

The Character Add-On Deck is in my sidecart, and I suppose this is fine. However, checking the "My Subscriptions" page, I see the Base Set is scheduled to ship with my next shipment. Is this some kind of display issue (maybe affecting other customers who interrupted their subscription), or is it something I should bring to Customer Service for you to fix?

There's the new Ship's Cabin location in this scenario.

Ship's Cabin, At This Location wrote:
After you play a card that has the Fire trait, you are dealt 1d4 Fire damage.

Do you agree that, as written, character's powers do not cause Fire damage in the Ship's Cabin?

For example, it is my opinion that Mogmurch's first power:

You may discard a card to add 1d6 (□+1) and the Fire trait to a combat check by a character at your location; if the discarded card has the Alchemical (□ or Attack or Poison) trait, add an additional 1d6.

would not trigger the 1d4 Fire damage.

Rulebook, p.12 wrote:
Remember that each player may not play more than 1 card of each type or use any 1 power more than once during each check, other than cards that can be used each time something particular happens.
Poog's first power wrote:
When another character plays a blessing on your check, after the check she may shuffle 1 random card (□ or 2 random cards) from her discard pile into her deck.

Since Poog's power is a power and not a card, I guess this power can't be used on two different characters on the same check, right?

doejaster wrote:
Since the words "after the check" are present and the blessing was played "on your check", I'm assuming then, that the blessing played is valid to be the random recharged card? In other words, if that player's discard deck was empty, they would effectively be auto-recharging the blessing they just played. Is this correct?

The blessing is indeed a candidate, but be sure to shuffle the card, not recharge it.

From the rulebook :

Feats, p19 of the rulebook wrote:
If there’s more than 1 checkbox associated with a skill, power, or card type, you must check the unchecked box farthest to the left before you can check immediately adjacent boxes. For example, if a skill has boxes labeled +1, +2, and +3, you must check the +1 box before you can check the +2 or +3 box, and you must have checked +1 and +2 before you can check +3. These boxes aren’t cumulative—that is, “+2” replaces “+1,” so they do not add together to make +3.

From the Ak character card :

When you reset your hand, you may treat your hand size as 3, 4, or 5 (□ or 2 or 6) (□ or 1 or 7) until the end of the turn.

So if I get two power feats and check the two boxes for the power listed above, can I treat my hand size as :

(a) 3, 4, 5 or 2 or 6 or 1 or 7 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7)? or
(b) 3, 4, 5 or 1 or 7 (1, 3, 4, 5, or 7)?

By the rulebook, I think it should be (b), but I also think the rulebook example is a bit lacking in complexity, compared to actual situations.

Hopefully you'll be able to move things soon regarding errata and season print-on-demand cards. Proxying is not as fun as drawing the real deal from the location deck.

I'm not sure how you gauge demand or if measuring sales for these POD cards is important, but I thought I'd point out that at the moment, only the most dedicated players can find out about the existing Season of the Shackles cards. For the casual player that comes to and lands on the PACG page looking for Skull & Shackles stuff, the cards are not listed in the Skull & Shackles section (suggestion: list them there), and when going to the Season 0: Season of the Shackles (ACG) link, she'd have to hit the Unavailable tab to get to the Season of the Shackles Cards product page (suggestion: make them "Available Now").

Steve Geddes wrote:

Best selling is a little misleading , IMO. Leaving aside the fact they haven't all been in the market for the same time, they don't necessarily print identical numbers of APs.

I bet they printed more of the later APs than the early ones, for example.

Yes, there's more to it than the raw numbers. For example, I'm old enough a customer to remember that AP #2 The Skinsaw Murders, or Pathfinder Companion Adventurer's Armory, got two print runs. That could explain why there are still copies around, when most of the contemporary releases have been unavailable for a while.

The complete sentence is:

2-4E: A Shadow of Wrath wrote:
When you defeat a monster or acquire a boon, each other character at your location attempts a Wisdom 7 check; you are dealt 1 point of Combat damage for each character that fails.

2-4E: A Shadow of Wrath wrote:
[…] you are dealt 1 point of Combat damage for each character that fails.

Suppose three other characters at my location fail their check. Do I take a) 3 points of Combat damage, or b) 1 point, then 1 point, then 1 point of Combat damage?

We played it as a) and it was hard enough, but I'm wondering if grammatically, we should have played it as b)?

(Armors mitigate a) easily; b)? not that much.)

Of course (it happens each month, after I read one of these blog posts), now I want to subscribe and get the Gunslinger class deck.

Unfortunately, at the moment, the subscription lets you start either with the Goblins or the Warpriest decks. No option to subscribe starting with the Gunslinger.

Sara Marie wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

Is the "class decks deluxe" subscription just the behind-the-scenes way you deal with promo cards or something? There aren't actually two options for that sub, are there?

Edit: wait, they don't come with promo cards, do they? Now I'm even more curious.

Promo cards for the Class Deck Subscription are special for this month, is my understanding. We may or may not occasionally have promo cards for future releases in this line.

I am pretty sure the "Deluxe" you are seeing in the email confirmation is an artifact of how we had to set up the promo cards to go with these items. If I recall correctly the same thing happened with the card game sub when we were mucking around with getting promo cards right for that one when it launched. The tech team has been alerted to look into and fix this display issue.

Sara Marie

Yeah, well… Sometimes from our side the things you do look just a tad… complicated. Maybe you could have sent promo cards will all Goblin decks that left the warehouse with the July subscriptions, regardless of the existence of a Class Deck subscription. In the end, I subscribed to the Class Decks* just for the promo cards, got my box today… and no promo cards!

I'll be sending an e-mail to Customer Service in a few minutes.

(*: I unsubscribed yesterday.)

Did anyone try these? If I were to sleeve only the cards used by my character and leave the rest unsleeved (so I guess that would make 15-25 sleeved cards and 85-95 unsleeved cards), would I be able to fit 2 class decks per box?

What I'm looking for really is a box to archive my class decks, so the question actually is whether I can fit about 220 unsleeved cards in the box.

At the moment, it seems the Pathfinder Advantage doesn't get applied to PACG Adventure #2-4—Wrathworks' Churning Heart. Could someone look into this? Thanks!

Well, in fact it does. It just takes its time to do so.

The new file just got added to the "new products" feed. Did someone do something, or is it some kind of automated process that runs once every day?

Vic Wertz wrote:
Each of the "New Products" and "Upcoming Products" lists also has its own RSS feed—click the little orange RSS icon on the upper right corner of the list—so your RSS reader can notify you when these lists are updated.

This can be very handy, but for reasons you know probably better than me, it sometimes doesn't work. As I mentioned here, the "new" feed for the Rise of the Runelords PACG section (top right of the screen, with the "sharing" buttons) is currently empty, though it appears the most recent PDF adventure is new.

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Adventure 2-4 is now available.

Mmm, yes… Obviously, the "Subscribe to new products in Rise of the Runelords" feed on this page doesn't do what it says it does.

Vic Wertz wrote:
The blog wrote:
Subscription copies of Goblins Fight! will ship with the item Goblin Lockpick and a Blessing of Zogmugot (both Skull & Shackles promos), and Goblins Burn! will ship with the spell Fire Sneeze (a Rise of the Runelords promo) and another Blessing of Zogmugot.

We have made an adjustment to this plan: Instead of sending a second Blessing of Zogmugot with Goblins Burn!, we will instead be sending the RotR promo card Blessing of Zarongel.

To sum up:
• Goblins Fight! gets Goblin Lockpick and Blessing of Zogmugot (both S&S promos)
• Goblins Burn! gets Fire Sneeze and Blessing of Zarongel (both RotR promos).

(This comes from here.)

Is this still happening? If it does, I will probably be subscribing instead of waiting and buying the decks locally.

As a side effect, it makes the Ambush barrier unchallenging : the locations decks contain no monsters.

I went through with my order and the Pathfinder Advantage got applied. Thanks!

For some reason, I no longer see the Pathfinder Advantage applied to prices displayed on the Paizo store, nor does it get applied to the shopping cart.

I'd like to get PACG Adventure #2-2—City of Secrets, but it seems other products are affected too.

During this Scenario wrote:

When you encounter a bane that has the Goblin trait, roll 1d6:

5. The bane is defeated; each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Acid damage.

Do "Before you act…" and "After you act…" effects apply, or do we skip all the way to "Resolve the Encounter"?

I'm tempted to say before/after you act effects apply, but then I'd say you also have to attempt the check (and possibly take damage), even if the bane is automatically defeated when you get to the "Resolve the Encounter" step.

How do you play it?

elcoderdude wrote:
ryric wrote:
Humorously, Gogmurt exploded into a d4 acid damage when I encountered him for the win.
The same thing happened on my solo run. Very anticlimactic.

Yeah, well… I'll take that anytime against encountering Gogmurt at the Goblin Fortress, and rolling a 2 on the goblin chart, making the checks to defeat 22 and 24. We lost.

Andrew L Klein wrote:
Yes but there's also been other discussions where I'm 99.9999% sure Mike or Vic said it's not as strict as your implying it is. It's poorly worded.

As far as I know:

Vic Wertz on Nov 13, 2014 wrote:

There are currently a number of things in discussion about summoning. They're pretty complicates, but I'd expect that rules entry to get an adjustment soonish.

In the meantime, yes, go ahead and let that summoned barrier summon a ship.

Father_Dagon wrote:
Not sure why our whole group only had 21 card decks when everyone else is posting 23.

Maybe you missed the 2 card feats you gain for finishing Adventure 6, and the Adventure Path itself?

Our group of 4 characters follows. Nobody died. As a rule, we do not die (in fact, sometimes we do, but then we just start the Adventure Path over). Cards marked with a * were added at the end of “Last Stand of the Hurricane King”.

Character Name: Alahazra
Role Card: Stargazer
Skill Feats: Wisdom+1, Charisma+4
Power Feats: +1 hand size; Light Armors; You may recharge a card that has the Divine trait to examine the top card of any location deck.; When you use the above power to examine a card from a location deck on your turn, and it is a boon, you may encounter it.; At the end of your turn, you may discard a card that has the Divine trait to add a card that has the Divine trait from your discard pile to your hand (or to allow a character at your location to add a card from his discard pile to his hand).; If your combat check has the Attack trait, add 2 to it. (You may also add the Fire trait.); You gain the skill Perception: Charisma +2.
Card Feats: Spell+3, Armor+1, Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+2
Spells: Aqueous Orb, Black Spot, Blazing Servant, Control Weather, Quickened Ray, Raise Dead, Tsunami, Wall of Fire
Armors: Besmaran Vestments
Items: Crystal of Healing Hands, Jellyfish Cape*, Pearl of Magic
Allies: Audessa Reyquio*, Haneilius Fitch, Lady Agasta Smythee, Old Salt
Blessings: Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Blessing of Geryon, Blessing of Hshurha, Blessing of Kelizandri, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Sivanah

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: Dexterity+4, Intelligence+2
Power Feats: +2 hand size; You may discard a card to add 1d6+3 and the Poison or Fire trait to any combat check at your location; if the discarded card has the Alchemical trait, add an additional 1d12.; When you play a card that has the Alchemical trait and would banish it, you may recharge it instead.; You gain the skills Arcane and Divine equal to your Craft skill while you play or when you would banish a spell that does not have the Attack trait.; When you acquire a boon that has the Alchemical or Liquid trait, you may immediately explore again.
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Armor+1, Item+3, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Crossbow of Retribution, Skyrocket Crossbow, Toxic Blunderbuss +1*
Spells: Skeleton Crew, Telekinesis
Armors: Goblin Buckler Gun*, Sniper’s Studded Leather
Items: Bottled Lightning, Fuse Grenade (x2), Immortal Dreamstone, Impossible Bottle, Potion of Flying, Potion of Healing, Potion of the Ocean, Sniper Goggles
Allies: Dodo, Mogmurch
Blessings: Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Hshurha, Blessing of Sivanah

Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Shield of Gorum
Skill Feats: Strength+4, Constitution+1, Wisdom+1
Power Feats: +2 hand size; When another character attempts any check, you may display any number of blessings and weapons; for each card displayed, add 2 to the check. Return the displayed cards to your hand before you reset it (and at the start of your turn).; Instead of your first exploration on a turn, you may reveal a blessing or armor to choose a character at your location. Shuffle 1d4+2 random cards from her discard pile into her deck, then discard the card you revealed.; When another character at your location is dealt damage, you may reveal an armor to reduce that damage by 1; you may instead discard that armor to reduce the damage by 2.; When a character plays a blessing on your combat or Strength check, that character may recharge a random card from her discard pile; if the played card is Blessing of Gorum, the character may first recharge the blessing.
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Spell+1, Armor+2, Item+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Flaming Falcata +3, Furious Broadsword +2, Icy Boarding Pike +1, Keen Falcata +1, Venomous Pike +2, Zul
Spells: Cure, Instant Armor, Raise Dead*
Armors: Besmaran Vestments, Brine Dragonhide Breastplate, Eel Skin Armor, Fortified Breastplate, Fortified Shell Armor
Items: Besmara’s Tricorne, Hurricane Crown*
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Kelizandri, Blessing of Milani, Pirate’s Favor

Character Name: Valeros
Role Card: Tactician
Skill Feats: Strength+4, Constitution+1, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +2 hand size; Add 1d4+3 to another character’s combat check at your location.; When you would discard a weapon for its power, you may recharge it instead.; You may recharge an ally to add 1 plus its adventure deck number, if any, to your combat (or non-combat) check.
Card Feats: Weapon+3, Armor+1, Item+1, Ally+2, Blessing+1
Weapons: Aiger’s Kiss, Brine’s Sting, Humanbane Gladius +2, Invigorating Kukri +1, Keen Rapier +3, Main-Gauche, Trident +1, Trident +2
Armors: Animated Shield*, Buccaneer’s Breastplate, Hellknight Armor
Items: Masterwork Tools, Ring of the Sea Strider, Skeleton Anchor*
Allies: Alise Grogblud, Avimar Sorrinash, Baby Triceratops, Dindreann, Vailea
Blessings: Blessing of Asmodeus, Blessing of Gorum (x2), Blessing of Norgorber

Fleet: class 0 (Merchantman, Shackles Pirate Ship), class 1 (The Man’s Promise, The Truewind), class 2 (The Devil’s Pallor), class 3 (The Kraken), class 4 (The Wavecrest), class 5 (The Wormwood), class 6 (The Abrogail’s Fury), class 7 (The Deathknell)

Vic Wertz wrote:
Please let me know if you think anything's wrong.

I'm not sure if this is wrong or not (because it didn't go through the usual FAQ process), but Merisiel's Shadow role has been updated in the character sheets, but it never got to the FAQ, though at some point you (Vic) said it would.

Seeing how "The Mighty and the Righteous", adventure 4 of Season of the Righteous, takes place in the Abyss, shouldn't "During this adventure" have something like:

All locations have the Abyssal trait.

("During this adventure" for Adventure Deck 4 "The Midnight Isles" does.)

As is, banes with the Outsider trait are still considered outsiders in some locations during The Mighty and the Righteous.

The "Herald of Iomedae" cohort that features prominently in the first two adventures of Season of the Righteous is written thus:

Display this card next to the blessings deck; banish it at the end of the scenario.

The rulebook tells me (p.22) that banished cohorts are removed from the game.

I have two questions :
1. (This one is really for the team.) Is this working as intended? If I display the Herald of Iomedae first thing of the first turn of the first scenario of the first adventure, the guy will never accompany our heroes again for the rest of the Adventure Path. Right? "Thanks, man, you've really been a lot of help!"
2. How does this work with Organized Play? There's a section in the guide (p.8) that tells you boons that would be removed from the game should be replaced with random boons of the same type, but I couldn't find anything related to removing cohorts from the game.

I'm sure this is the intention. But per the rulebook:


Setting up:

• …
• Build the Location Decks,
• Add Villains and Henchmen,
• …

So after building location decks, all henchmen are still in the box. Per the FAQ, I put them in the Yearning House, and there's no henchman left when I "Add Villains and Henchmen".

Vic Wertz wrote:
Mike Selinker wrote:
Rebel Song wrote:

Is the "Pleasure Center" a location card I should have? Do i treat the scenario card itself as a location? How do I close it?

Should the scenario card instruct to add all extra henchmen to the Yearning House instead?

It should. We hadn't noticed that one. We will fix it.

We have a number of errata to issue for deck 6, but we have always issued errata on release day, which is a week and a half away.

Added to FAQ (along with the other things Mike mentioned).

Regarding the Pleasure Center FAQ: since you add henchmen to the Yearning House "after you build location decks", there's no henchman left when you "Add Villains and Henchmen", right?

So all henchmen are in the Yearning House, the villain is randomly located somewhere (but you know exactly where since the person who's building the scenario knows where she put it), and all locations other than the Yearning House (if they do not house the villain) can't be closed without encountering all the cards.

This looks a bit strange. Should the FAQ start with "After you add Villains and Henchmen" instead of "After you build location decks"?

Please don't delay too much. There might be Holiday gifts in these December orders.

OK. So in the case of 0-3C, when I read:

Treat the henchman Ruffian as if it is the set 2 henchman Scurvy Zombie.

I would use "2" as the bane's adventure deck number for Lirianne's Deadeye power, not "3", even if they're in an adventure deck 3 scenario, right?

(Theryon and I had a disagreement over that number a few posts above.)

Fayries wrote:
I'm sure they will. What I fear is a Class Deck character somewhere down the line having a power that uses a bane's adventure deck number (I thought Feiya already did, but I played her some time ago: she actually uses a boon's adventure deck number).

The issue I raised above has been taken care of, but I thought I should point out that it is not as hypothetical as I wrote earlier.

Skull & Shackles Lirianne with the Deadeye role uses banes's adventure deck numbers :

When you encounter a bane, you may attempt a Perception check with a difficulty of 5 plus the adventure deck number of the bane, if any, to evade it.

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