
Evil Midnight Lurker's page

2,370 posts (2,373 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Is there a map of the larger Otari region that shows the locations in Troubles? ...Honestly my big problem with using this in conjunction with Gauntlight is that Gauntlight is twenty minutes walk north of town, so it makes little sense for a group exploring it to want a base that is three hours walk away.

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Finally <3

...will Merisiel be working on "acquiring" a shipment of Sun Orchid Elixir or some other longevity magic? I want these two to have a long happy life together.

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...godsdamnit, Mengkare.

"We burn the present for the sake of a brighter future and act surprised when all it holds is ash!!" --Forge, Paranatural

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Am I missing something, or is there no map of the Parchlands at all? I was really looking forward to a glimpse off the Inner Sea border. :(

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Cthulhudrew wrote:
I was hoping for a snark. :(

Legendary Games wrote up the Boojum as a mythic Tane in their Mythic Bestiary (it might also be in one of their minis, I forget). The Snark is a powered down variety.

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Thule is a fantasy past of Earth (it's Greenland seen with west at the top of the map, and mostly ice-free), so maybe some time- and galaxy-crossing adventures?

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Rysky wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
...I had to cut so much from that Sellen River article. ;_; (It's a really really really big river, you guys.)

Ish okay Liz, we'll always love our... wait, what's the Ronin equivalent for a Gninja?


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Marc Radle wrote:


Options for PDF of both versions and Print/PDF of both versions just added!

And pledge upped, thanks! :)

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Wannabe Demon Lord wrote:
Surprised I don't see an obvious Mothra expy. Yarthoon is the closest, resembling her larva.

Mothra is Desna, complete with singing fairy girls.

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Give me a both-pdf pledge level and I'll up my pledge and help equalize...

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QuidEst wrote:
General prestige class feats? I'm sensing using spell casting advancement for Kineticist blast damage, Witch hex DCs, and other things like that.

What I want is a generic "Extra Prestige Class Feature" feat.

If you have at least one ability from a pick-one-every-x-levels list from a prestige class, pick another such ability for which you have the prerequisites.

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"Not baked goods, Arthur."

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No no no no no... guys, Nethys is Nyarlathotep in a Two-Face mask!

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Gnomes at last!

I'm still backing "they're actually humanoid data interfaces through which the Eldest can spy on Golarion for their own entertainment, and being boring gets them deactivated." :D

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TimD wrote:
Davia D wrote:
Starfinder is just clear proof of Paizo secretly being taken over by NASA astronauts.
Disagree - clearly this is actually a Nemesis plot.

No, it's obviously a Mender Silos counterplot.

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Simeon wrote:
My question is what the hell are they doing with the Starstone? That's unlimited energy with the ability to make gods. That would be a hell of a thing to deal with.

My take: Starstone Cathedral is still there.

So is the bottomless pit around it.

The pit does not exit out of the station.

13 people marked this as a favorite.

...An adamantine golem is described as being made of adamantine. How does this not mean that it can bypass DR/adamantine?

If I had an adamantine sword, and the DM ruled that just because it was made of adamantine didn't mean that it could bypass DR/adamantine, I would ragequit on the spot.

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There are rules somewhere noting that you can see light sources at a very great distance.

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Damn, JJ, you never told us Shensen was a Solar Exalted! :D

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UnArcaneElection wrote:

^Actually, did Aroden become divine because of the Starstone, or was he already divine when he raised it, and maybe even completed the forging of its divinity-granting powers?

I think the official word is "because of the Starstone; anything in print to the contrary should be ignored." But we'll find out more soon.

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Mr. Bubbles wrote:
And at the end of it all, at the dawn of a new Age, he left. Can you really say he died? How? How does a god die and ensure their divinity can no longer grant spells? It didn't stop Acavna, it didn't stop Lissala, but why did it stop Aroden?

Lissala isn't dead. Like, seriously, canonically, she's not dead at all. She just wandered off, like Towelie.

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Imbicatus wrote:
I just looked this up and read it for the first time. Not bad for the meat of the story, but damn, I hate having to wade through Lovecraft's racism.

Is that the one where the horrifying shocker twist ending is that the lady had an ever so slight trace of African ancestry?

Because... yeah.

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Dragon78 wrote:
"In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight...."

In the spaceship, the silver spaceship, the lion waves goodbye...

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I was a charter subscriber, but had to quit for a couple years early on for financial reasons. :(

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Taking another look at Holomog's traits, it's too bad you can't take more than one Faith trait. Imagine an Asmodeus-worshipping lawful good cleric... casting word of chaos. And adding the good descriptor to it.

It'd make Azzy's head explode. :D

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Simeon wrote:

There's also mention of a city-state called Three Craters, in the Land of Northern Lakes which is described as "a mostly-barren landscape pitted

with crater lakes, strange geological formations, and
specks of monster-infested forests where the residents
dig into the earth to mine precious metals, highly pure
iron, and skymetals."

Called it two years ago! :D

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page 49 wrote:
Segada purchased these metal machines from the city-state of Three Craters in the Land of Northern Lakes far to the east—a mostly-barren landscape pitted with crater lakes, strange geological formations, and specks of monster-infested forests where the residents dig into the earth to mine precious metals, highly pure iron, and skymetals.

I called it! :D

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Page 21: "Shrine of the Wily Linguist" the heck did that one get through? o.O;

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Typo on page 27, in that same ritual:

Failure A random creature conjurable via summon monster XI appears and attacks all participants for 9 minutes.

Summon monster ELEVEN? Does it bring in the members of Spinal Tap?

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nighttree wrote:
DM Sothal wrote:
Sarkorian God summoning: only mentioned in a small paragraph.
Oh PLEASE tell me your kidding...that was what I was most looking foreword to :( <stomps off to have a tantrum>

This isn't actually true. There's a whole occult ritual from Sarkoris used by god-summoner-types to grant a band of warriors bonuses, at the price of the primary ritualist being possessed by spirits in a somewhat unpleasant fashion.

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Do any of Golarion's philosophies just go all-in and embrace a seven-element system?

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I'm having a problem with this passage from page 183:

"Strix are neither particularly prolific nor long-lived, which keeps their numbers low. A strix couple might have only two children, and many pairings remain childless, ensuring they cherish every member of their society. Such makes each death all the more devastating."

That's not "low numbers," that's "rapid extinction spiral" leading to "why are there still strix at all?"

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Many of us still prefer Exdeath. :)

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archmagi1 wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

As far as we know Norgorber didn't have a sponsor.

There are some secrets that the reaper of reputation must hide from even the developers.

I still say he's four halflings in a trenchco - thud

(seedy hobbit pokes head into screen) Nothin' ta see here, folks. Move along. And don't go askin' the wrong questions, ya got it?

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Erik Mona wrote:

Hope that doesn't come as too big of a disappointment.

Oh, I prefer this one. :D

Does this mean that the effects of the Starstone from Mythic Realms are also in error? Because that has never sat well with me either.

1 person marked this as a favorite. I want to build a boggard mesmerist to throw at my Kingmaker party. :D

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Aroden ascended to divinity but then stuck around as a very active physical god for a long time, which is one of the reasons that humans are the most influential species of the modern era.

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Thanael wrote:
Hermea huh? Now now... I could see Razmiran but Hermea? Occult? Interesting.

Exploring the potential of the eugenically augmented human mind?

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Ylem wrote:

The passage of time doesn't necessarily guarantee technological progress. Look at the technological disparity between the Europeans and the Native Americans when the two cultures met.

In other fictional worlds, such as Middle-earth and Westeros, technology seems to have stalled at the medieval era for thousands of years. No one minds.

And it many be that our technological leaps are the anomaly, perhaps due to outliers like Newton and Einstein.

Everywhere on Earth, at every point in history, humans have advanced as far as possible given the resources available. The Americas came up short on things like domesticable animals and plants, and Australia was even worse; being able to import everything from already-built-up areas just trumped the local developments.

In a world where magic both divine and arcane is a resource, I'd expect patterns to go a bit differently.

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UnArcaneElection wrote:

Just realized that if Nidal has been like it is now for thousands of years (apart from the brief break in which Cheliax controlled it outright), this would be enough generations for significant biological evolution to occur in the people.

That would only work if you assume that there's no significant amount of population shift and outbreeding. Nidal isn't closed to other nations.

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Handaxe Beak wrote:
Hell, you can look at art coming out of Korean churches and see Jesus and his followers represented as Asian people. Not to mention the most popular modern image of Jesus is as a fair-skinned fellow with blue eyes and light brown hair.

In fact, back during the Renaissance nobles used to commission portraits of themselves as Jesus.

The one that caught on? The one whose face is still Jesus today all over the Western World?

Cesare Borgia.

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StarMartyr365 wrote:
Can we get a Sword and Planet AP that we get to battle the Dominion of the Black in the next couple of years?

Legendary Planet, from Legendary Games. Kickstarter just finished successfully, the players guide and prologue adventure are already out.

The bad guys aren't officially the Dominion of the Black, but they seem pretty similar so far.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

I for one hope this adventure path ends with my Brawlbarian punching Cthulhu in his stupid squid face.

I want my heroes to eff the ineffable.

Punch the unpunchable.

Eff the ineffable.

Iä! Iä! Fight the Mythos!

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My problem with the Vigilante is that Paizo has already locked themselves into having a Vigilante base class, and no amount of playtesting will convince me that this is a good idea. It doesn't matter how good the class becomes; it's not something that should be a class. Paizo should have publically playtested the idea before committing themselves to printing it.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

The spam is coming from inside the threads.

Specifically the Legendary Planet kickstarter threads.

IT'S IN THE ROOM! Game over man, game OVER! I ain't even going home in a body bag!

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I want a table of noble titles with clear explanations of where the "para-" stuff fits in.

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Jason Nelson wrote:
Check out the latest update, not just to announce that the 5th Edition version is in layout and should be finished today, but also to get a preview of most of the holy symbols that will be accompanying Sean K Reynolds' article on the gods and goddesses of the Legendary Worlds cosmos!

...Stanford Pines is a god?

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Why are you using a Durkon avatar for an Elan book? ^.^

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Because Pathfinder is 2 better than DC!

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Shikigami and ofuda... instead of "kami medium," why not call this archetype "onmyouji?"

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