
Eryx_UK's page

Organized Play Member. 381 posts. 119 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 29 Organized Play characters.


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Antipaladin - We don't allow evil PCs.
Investigator - Not really suitable for a typical PF campaign.
Ninja - No idea why.
Occult classes - once or twice but for the most part the players i know are not so interested in the psychic systems.
Samuari - No idea why.
Shaman - Would rather play the Witch class.
Shifter - No one has had change to try one.
Vigilante - Pointless in a regular PF style campaign.

Even if it couldn't be a physical book I would certainly buy something like this (and a feats version) if it was released as a PDF.

Feet and inches is a lot easier to work in than metres. I don't really understand why anyone would want to work in metres.

PF1 and PF2. Simples.

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Samy wrote:
Bryan Bagnas wrote:
I still don't understand what they are trying to fix with a second edition.

I absolutely understand.

1) They feel that the CRB is very badly organized and doesn't read well to people new to the game. Witness Strategy Guide as their stopgap measure to try to address that.

2) They feel that there are a lot of mechanics that have been introduced after the CRB that really *should* be in the CRB, like swift/immediate actions, traits, archetypes. They want to rewrite the CRB so that these very basic components of gameplay are introduced in the most core book. (Or made obsolete, as in action economy.)

3) They feel that they have accumulated a ton of FAQs on post-it notes over the years that aren't available in print anywhere, and re-doing the CRB gives the opportunity to incorporate all these FAQs and clarifications.

All of which could just be put into a new printing of the CRB. Call it PF2 if you will. It still doesn't need a new rules set.

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I was really hoping we would have had a hardcover guide to Tian and at least a gaz for Arcadia.

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I will be sticking to PF1.

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I loved Dungeons & Dragons. I played 1st ed through 3.5 but 4E killed that game for me by destroying the game system. Pathfinder, being a continuation of what I feel is the best system for the game (personal bias and all) is the game that I love. I love all the so called sacred cows, including the Vancian magic system.

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Here is the issue for me... I don't mind a new edition. I object to a change of rules and a change of rules that invalidates an entire collection of books.

Take a look at Call of Cthulhu. The game system is the same as it was when the game was first released back in the early 80's. CoC has a strong following just like D&D and Pathfinder. It shows quite clearly that game doesn't need to change it's system. That has always been the problem with D&D in the last twenty years. Each change of edition since 2nd has invalidated the previous edition when all it needed was an update on the current rules.

As for the collection of books, I'm not prepared to buy a whole new game system - and let's be honest here, that is what PF2 is - when the current rules system is perfectly fine.

Good luck to Paizo in this endeavour but I won't be with them. I shall stick to PF1 as my fantasy game of choice.

Grenadier. It seems to be, for me at least, the best way to make use of the character's abilities.

All characters need some level of optimization to do their job in the party. The problem comes when a player goes too far and it spoils the game for the other players and/or the GM. I'd personally much rather players didn't overdo it and just played a simple optimized character.

Thank you.

Dragonchess Player wrote:
Also, there's another limitation: Multiple ships means the need for multiple crew members in the pilot, gunner, etc. roles; you have to actually be on the ship to fill a role during combat!

I was thinking of a party with one bigger ship and a pilot character in their own one man fighter.

We have had a question pop up in tonight's Runelords game.

The wizard cast Fire Snake at three targets. The first had natural spell resistance and the spell failed to breach it. The question we can't have is, does the spell continue on to hit the remaining targets or does SR stop it?

I must have missed that. Thanks. I'll take another look.

I'm currently toying with the following idea.

Sargasso in Space.
Something in deep space has the ability to disrupt active drift engines, ripping those ships out of that reality and draining their energy. Those ships find themselves in a graveyard of ships both ancient and modern. The party's ship is ripped out into this Sargasso and they have to try and find the cause before their ship loses all power and becomes their tomb.

Perhaps some ships have survivors or descendants of those whose ships were trapped here. Perhaps one has an alien threat on board, sleeping until the party disturb it. Maybe one is run by robots who decide that the party are the perfect replacement parts for their ship (ripping off a Doctor Who episode for that one admittedly), but somewhere is the source of the Sargasso.

What cool ideas are you fine folks working on?

Sorry if this seems like a silly question but after reading the rulebook twice I can't see that this is covered.

It is assumed that a patron gives a ship to the party and as they level they get to spend BP to enhance the ship, right? What happens if you have a character, say a pilot, who wants their own fighter? Would only that character get to spend BP on it or would you allow the party to spend on it splitting the points across both ships as they see fit?

wraithstrike wrote:
Almost never. I don't think most GM's even want to do it. I did it twice as a GM. Every other attempt was stopped by people moving or schedule changes.

I'd like to run it but even with extensive GM experience I find it very hard to come up with scenarios, encounters and environments that aren't run roughshod over by the powerful characters. Presumably because it doesn't happen often enough to get experienced at running such high level games.

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I'd certainly like a hardcover copy as I missed the initial release.

Not very often. Most campaigns seem to wrap up around 16th. Reign of Winter AP (which I played in) and Mummy's Mask AP (which I ran) last year were both stretched out allow the players to reach 20th because we don't get to do it very often.

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I'm still waiting for hardcover guides to Tian Xia, Southern Garund, Arcadia and the gap between the Inner Sea and Tian Xia, so I imagine we won't see any other campaign settings yet.

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Starfinder is a nice rules set but I don't want Pathfinder to go the same way.

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Maybe not quite what you are looking for here but I'd like to see add-on packs that cover more monsters from the bestiaries, magical items, barriers, generic locations and so forth. Basically stuff you can add to your game.

I've played the games but I'd like the game to be more open. In fact i'd like to sort of run the PFACG like Pathfinder itself and create my own campaigns/adventures. Adding extra card packs of things that could be used as such or just added in to enhance the games would be nice.

I was replacing them with regular halflings.

You use the Cavalier's initiative.

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We have an on going joke in my group that hobgoblins are just goblins in hobnail boots.

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Daemon. It's just the old English spelling but still pronounced demon.

The idea is to write up a description of the classes as they fit in a game world. Not the class descriptions and mechanics but what the class... I guess... "represents".

One of my players mailed this as a basic idea:

"Rangers are almost bounty hunters. They excel at hunting things, whatever species it may be. They are also not exclusively found in the wild, but urban areas as well. They are quickly able to adapt and use their surroundings to their advantage, but do not form a bond with it.

A hunter on the other hand, is a person who forms a close bond with nature and animals. So much so that he is able to exhibit the traits of animals. He is a warrior of nature and generally found most commonly there."

It's good but I want to be able to go beyond that and actually be able do a write up.

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For some time now I've been pondering re-writing and overhauling the old Dragonlance setting to be a more traditional but romanticised fantasy setting. It won't bare too much resemblance to the old setting but I think I could make it more interesting.

Something of an odd question. What is the "in world" difference between a Ranger and a Hunter? How would you differentiate them in a game world when they are fairly similar to one enough in concept?

I'm trying to come up with a decent description of how the classes would be in the world I am designing but both seem so similar that I'm having trouble.

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You can play whatever you want but I have always found that you need certain roles to properly have a balanced party. A good GM will always balance a scenario or campaign to accommodate whatever the players bring.

My personal preferred 4 player party build would be:

* A dedicated melee combatant. Two in a 5 player party.
* Scout/trap finder/trap remover. Preferably a rogue but other characters such as ranger can fit the role. Should be built for ranged combat as well.
* Healer/buffer. I prefer cleric for this role but the life oracle does the job extremely well too.
* Arcane caster and knowledge character.

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A nice wartime adventure path.

Against the Dark Tapestry.

Definitely some deep space exploration.

I don't worry about it too much. Unless there is some special plot reason I assume that each morning they get the chance to replace/change their spells without a problem.

taks wrote:
Eryx_UK wrote:

Having read but not run the Giantslayer AP it looks to suffer the same problems.
Naw, there's plenty of time after the first book. The problem is lack of access to populated areas. In the first book, there is literally nowhere to go even if you make time. In the second and third books, you have to detour, but you get access to a large city in both cases. We won't get to the fourth book till December, so I don't have detailed knowledge on it, yet.

That's good to know. Thanks.

zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Eryx_UK wrote:
Other than wrapping up at higher levels the only thing that I would like to see different in future AP's is time for downtime and the opportunity to actually shop. AP's seem to be rather fast paced with little time built in for the characters to do their own thing or craft items. There also seems to be little opportunity to buy and sell easily. It is something that I think my group has felt while playing several AP's over the last few years.
That rather depends on which AP, and even on which moment in the AP you're talking about. Kingmaker, Jade Regent, and Hell's Rebels spring to mind as APs with lots of built-in downtime, though e.g. A Song of Silver and Sound of a Thousand Screams ramp up the pace for a while. On the other hand, Second Darkness has the PCs in a hurry over at least the last three books.

I'm currently on my third attempt to play through Rise of the Runelords. In each attempt we have found it very difficult to fit any downtime in and especially early on there is next to no time for buying and selling.

Same thing can be said for the others that I have played and completed: Legacy of Fire and Reign of Winter. When I ran Mummy's Mask there was plenty of time early on for downtime but not later in the campaign, but there was opportunity to buy and sell.

Having read but not run the Giantslayer AP it looks to suffer the same problems.

I don't think they are too long but then I'd like to play one that went from 1st level all the way up to 20th rather than petering out mid teens.

I have noticed however, that the middle sections of most published AP's don't quite work very well and slow down the pace a little too much might help explain why they may feel like they drag out.

Other than wrapping up at higher levels the only thing that I would like to see different in future AP's is time for downtime and the opportunity to actually shop. AP's seem to be rather fast paced with little time built in for the characters to do their own thing or craft items. There also seems to be little opportunity to buy and sell easily. It is something that I think my group has felt while playing several AP's over the last few years.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Hythlodeus wrote:
so, after ten pages and many moons of discussion, do we have a consensus yet?
Age of Worms!

I can only hope!

I prefer 20 points. 15 points is definitely too low but I find 25 just pushes over into the slightly too good range. Playing PFS has made me prefer the middle range.

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I never touch third party products. There are gems amongst them I am sure but I remember the great bloat of third edition D&D. These days I prefer to stick to purely Paizo for my books.

Now that said, I do think that at the moment there are too many books out of Pathfinder and more constantly adding to the mechanically bloat of rules, spells, feats and the like. I personally would much rather see Paizo focus on the campaign setting rather than more and more rule books. We still need countries, continents and the bits in between fleshed out in further detail not just the Inner Sea Region.

Would this help from the FAQ?

Two-Handed Weapons: What kind of action is it to remove your hand from a two-handed weapon or re-grab it with both hands?
Both are free actions. For example, a wizard wielding a quarterstaff can let go of the weapon with one hand as a free action, cast a spell as a standard action, and grasp the weapon again with that hand as a free action; this means the wizard is still able to make attacks of opportunity with the weapon (which requires using two hands).

As with any free action, the GM may decide a reasonable limit to how many times per round you can release and re-grasp the weapon (one release and re-grasp per round is fair).

posted March 2013

Random thought but would Still Spell work?

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Several years ago before my group got into Pathfinder we had a 3rd ed D&D group going. One of the players who joined us (a friend of mine before he took up gaming) was what the rest of us at the table called an over-optimiser. We don't play especially optimised characters, especially at the time, but he could only play characters that were as powerful and as strong as he could make. It got to a point where no one else at the table was happy with his style of play compared to our own.

We spoke to him away from the table and simply asked if he could tone his characters down and better match the rest of us (GM included). His reaction was simply a massive rant about how the rest of us played c**p characters and how we were forcing him to waste his time playing something he wouldn't enjoy. It caused a lot of grief and bad feeling but ultimately real world events caused him to leave the game before we had to say anything for the betterment of our game.

My point is, and I raised it with him at the time, was that if a player joins a group they should play to that group's play style. If the group doesn't over-optimise and/or the GM can't handle it then you need to either play down or, quite frankly, find another group. It's not fair to force players on either side of the problem into a play that they don't enjoy.

My personal opinion is that everyone in a group should share a similar play style if everyone is to enjoy the game.

Could you use Spellstrike to put a touch spell into the weapon and on the following round attack with it, or does the spell have to be used on the same round?

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I'm holding my breath for something like Ultimate Archetypes. A nice big hardcover book with a load of new archetypes for each class thus far published.

Ultimate Campaign has largely been a waste of time for me. I don't like the drawbacks mechanics, and I just cannot get my head around how the buildings/business thing is supposed to work. If my players have a downtime opportunity I prefer to let them tell me what they want to do and I'll either decide what happens or maybe make it into a short scenario.

Ultimate Intrigue and Ultimate Horror are on my shelves waiting to be read but from what I gather flicking through there are elements that might see use in my games once I have time to examine them more deeply.

Background Skills from Unchained are probably the most used change to the standard rules in my games.

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Hybrid classes.

Attacks of Opportunity (or at least find another way to handle it).

Grapple rules (and do new ones that don't need a PHD in nuclear physics to work out).

I'm still working on the detailed back story but here is what I am thinking of playing. Basic idea is that he remembers working in his lab, something about a strange woman asking for help and then waking up in an asylum beaten black and blue.

Malik Korai
Male half-elf alchemist 1
CG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
HP 8 (1d8)
Sanity 43, threshhold 3, edge 21
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20) or
quarterstaff +1 (1d6+1)
Ranged bomb +3 (1d6+3 Fire)
Special Attacks bomb 4/day (1d6+3 fire, DC 13)
Alchemist Extracts Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st—cure light wounds, firebelly (DC 14)
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Amateur Investigator[ACG], Brew Potion, Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Throw Anything
Traits enduring mutagen, pugnacious
Skills Craft (alchemy) +7 (+8 to create alchemical items), Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (nature) +7, Perception +8, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +7, Use Magic Device +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Vudrani
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +1), elf blood, human alchemist, mutagen (+4/-2, +2 natural armor, 10 minutes)
Other Gear dagger, quarterstaff, alchemist starting formula book, alchemy crafting kit[APG], bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, masterwork backpack[APG], mess kit[UE], pot, soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 59 gp
Extracts in book: Bomber's Eye, Cure Light Wounds, Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, Firebelly and Jump.

Bandw2 wrote:
don't roleplay on stats, stats only limit how often you succeed not what you actually try to do.

This! Stats are only a mechanic to dice rolls. Play the character how you want.

It's the ye olde spelling for demon so it's pronounced the same.

They need to hurry up and release the rest of the RotRL chapters?

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