CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn throws up a protective barrier between Khaul and the enormous...thing, then increases her blessed aura yet again. Flat check: 1d20 ⇒ 8
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn keeps pace with Khaul and Liam, bringing her blessings with her. "Your comrades have fallen! Give up!!" she shouts, locking eyes with the closest fetchling. Demoralize Green: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 ◆ Stride
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Thanks, Khaul! Medic archetype lets me ignore someone's immunity to my Battle Medicine once a day, so I can use it on you again, but I think Quickblade hasn't used it on you yet so he might be a better choice. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn strides forward to catch up with Khaul, bringing her growing aura of bless to include the two frontliners. ◆ Stride
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn invokes her deity's blessing, enhancing the attacks of her allies, then advances a step closer to the battle. ◆◆ Cast bless, 5-foot emanation.
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Quickblade, would you be all right with letting me handle the Treat Wounds first? I've got Continual Recovery, so that will let us work on folks in quick succession instead of having to wait an hour to try again. Likewise, Erryn gets to work treating the party's burns, scrapes, and other injuries. 40 minutes of Treat Wounds: Treat Wounds for Ezran, DC 20: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Healing: 2d8 + 15 ⇒ (2, 3) + 15 = 20 Treat Wounds for Erryn, DC 20: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
Treat Wounds for Khaul, DC 20: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Treat Wounds for Liam, DC 15: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn throws another bit of mental pain at the sole remaining shadow drake, then flattens herself against a nearby wall. ◆◆ Cast daze for 4 damage, DC 19 basic Will.
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn darts out from behind cover, hoping to get to Liam in time for her magic to do its work. Heal, level 2: 2d8 + 16 ⇒ (1, 3) + 16 = 20 ◆ Stride
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn digs a small vial out of a pouch and drinks it one gulp, relieved by the sudden warmth that comes with it. She then takes aim at the mind of the closer of the "shadow drakes" with a basic spell. Battle Medicine on Self, DC 20: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22
◆ Battle Medicine on Self.
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Reflex #1: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 13
Erryn, looking significantly the worse for wear, tightens her grip on her rapier as she begins shaking from the sudden cold. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn ducks back behind Khaul's armored bulk, and wracks her brain trying to figure out what the hell she just saw. "Three creatures around the corner. They look like small dragons, but I really hope that's not what we're up against." Stride back, Recall Knowledge to try and identify the biggest one. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Cursing under her breath, Erryn darts forward to get a look around the corner. I'd like to Stride to my current position and see what's around the corner before taking the rest of my turn. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() I'll take the healing potion on offer from earlier. "More to the point," Erryn adds, "threatening the books is foolish. Books can be repaired or even replaced. A person cannot be replaced. For your own sake, throw down your weapons." ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Apologies, everyone. Got really sick over the weekend (still am) and it was pretty hard to muster the energy to do much but sleep. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Content to stay where she is, Erryn reaches out with an assault on the final foe's mind, trying to overwhelm his senses. Cast daze, 4 damage with a basic DC 19 Will save (stunned 1 on a crit failure). ◆◆ Cast daze.
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn suddenly appears behind Khaul, slapping a foul smelling poultice onto one of his injuries that immediately staunches the bleeding and dulls the pain. "Steady, now," she says, and gives him a reassuring pat on the shoulder before stepping back and raising her shield again.
◆ Stride
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Still holding her protective spell in place, Erryn turns her attention to one of the intruders who seems reluctant to join the fray. "Whatever you're here for, you won't find it. You can either throw down your weapons and live, or be cut down where you stand." Intimidation vs Red: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 ◆ Cast shield.
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Her training taking over, Erryn draws her rapier immediately before running after the others. The sudden (but not unexpected) appearance of the enemy brings Erryn skidding to a halt, and she conjures a protective shield into place even as she hurls a wave of negative energy as a follow-up to Quickblade's feinting attack. Harm vs Blue, DC 19 basic Fort: 2d10 ⇒ (7, 6) = 13 ◆ Cast shield, AC 18 Hardness 5.
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() "As long as you're not waiting on me," says a human woman coming up close behind Quickblade. A bit out of breath, she sketches a bow before introducing herself. "Erryn Canmore. I'm to be your medic, I believe." She smiles, though it doesn't quite reach her eyes. She wears a simple but sturdy looking longcoat, gloves, and a bewildering array of medicinal tools and vials. At her side is a rapier, adorned with a charm that resembles a lotus flower. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Hello! Thanks for holding a spot for me! :) Character: Erryn Canmore
Level: 3
Preferred Exploration Activity: Search
Weird Stuff the GM should know: I have a once per adventure reaction from a previous scenario.
Infernal Detonation:
Infernal Detonations [reaction] Trigger A creature within 30 feet of you targets you or an ally with an attack; Effect The creature takes fire damage equal to 1d6 + your level (basic Reflex save). The DC of the Reflex save is equal to your spell DC or your class DC, whichever is higher. Season 3 scenarios this character has played: None ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Only correction is that my Vigilant Seal reputation should be 31, not 33. I've got 2 Rep from Radiant Oath which always throws off my totals. Other than that, looks great! Thank you so much for running this for us. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17 Erryn sheathes her rapier, surprised at how little fight the creature put up, then scans the courtyard for any other nasty surprises. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn draws her rapier, conjuring a ghostly twin as she does so. It joins in the assault on the monster. Spiritual Weapon: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
◆ Draw rapier. ◆◆ Cast spiritual weapon.
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() "Enough," Erryn says, taking a menacing step forward. "The hour is late, and my patience grows thin. Explain yourself or begone from here." Intimdiation: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Undead Lore for Earn Income DC 15: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 That's a failure, so that gets me 1.6 sp. I am helping a friend who is running for office, so I may be a bit slow the next few days. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() "And what, pray tell, shall you tell the headmaster when they ask what you were doing on the grounds after hours?" Erryn asks, turning to face the creature with a hand on the pommel of her rapier. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Sorry, Razzm! I know you and Jak are pretty hurt as well, but I had to prioritize our two level 1 PCs. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() "I've seen no sign of undead," Erryn agrees, "but someone went through the trouble of making murderous statues." ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn wastes no time, immediately getting to work patching up her fellow agents. Medicine to Treat Wounds for Lohco, DC 15: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
Medicine to Treat Wounds for Boo, DC 15: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn switches her warding spell to Lohco's newest target, then casts shield once again. ◆◆ Cast forbidding ward on Lohco vs Red. ◆ Cast shield. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Cursing her poor preparation, Erryn steps behind Razzm and casts another protective spell. ◆ Step. ◆ Cast shield. ◆ Sustain forbidding ward.
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Reflex: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 Erryn, too focused on Lohco's opponent, is caught completely off guard when another of the statues practically runs her over. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() "Animated models, animated statues," Erryn mutters as she draws her rapier, "Is it dolls next?" With her free hand, she makes a warding gesture in Lohco's direction. ◆ Draw rapier. ◆◆ Cast forbidding ward on Lohco against White. +1 status to your AC and saves against it. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn stands up, embarrassed. "So it is. I just haven't seen one as a pet before." ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn leans down to peer in at the turtle, apparently fascinated by the tiny creature. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn raises a hand in warning, but the goblin is too quick. She instead settles with watching him for any signs of poison. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() As the last of the animate models falls, Erryn allows her spell to fade. She glances about the room, looking for any sign of what attacked them, before attending to Razzm's injuries. Religion: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13 Medicine, DC 20: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() With an effort of will, Erryn feeds more energy into the spell, expanding it to cover more of the party. Only then does she draw her rapier and casts another protective spell. ◆ Increase bless to 10 feet. ◆ Draw rapier. ◆ Cast shield, AC 18 Hardness 5. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Erryn stays close behind Razzm, casting a spell to enhance the attacks of her nearby comrades. ◆ Stride. ◆◆ Cast bless, 5-foot emanation. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Before leaving, something behind one of the couches catches Erryn's eye. She bends down to grab it, and stands up holding a book covering many common phrases and translations in the Mahwek language. "Missing from the library for some time, by the looks of it," she says, brushing the dust from its cover. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() I have to apologize as well. I got sick over the weekend, and got really behind on both work and school, so wasn't able to post in any of my games. ![]()
CG Female Human Cleric 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +11 | Perc: +9, Stealth: +7 | Speed 30ft |Hero Points: 0/3 | Focus Pool: 1/1| Font 2/3 | Reactions: None | Conditions: Bless (25 ft) | Exploration: Search
![]() Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 Erryn tries to find it next, but her search turns up empty as well. |