Ramona Avandth

Erryn Canmore's page

452 posts. Organized Play character for Losonti.

Liberty's Edge

So, regarding scrolls, the CRB says the following:

Any physical material components and costs are provided when a scroll is created, so you don’t need to provide them when Casting a Spell from a scroll.

Very clear and straightforward, but it did make me wonder about spells like raise dead, where the cost of the components changes depending on the level of the target. How much does a standard scroll of raise dead cost? Do you have to buy it with a specific value of diamonds included (meaning costs can range from 500 to 75,200 gp)? What about one you find or are given, how do you determine how many diamonds are embedded in it?

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

Welcome! Before we get started in earnest, there's one last bit of character creation we need to do: each character's ties.

This is going to take some work, and probably a bit of back and forth between everyone, so I recommend that each of you read the backstories of your fellow crew members for some inspiration. I would like each of you to have ties to at least 2 other crew members. These ties don't need to be particularly close (maybe you simply worked for the same employer for a long time, and haven't even met previous to this adventure) but they should help establish some connection and common ground. The pair might even have bad blood, as long as it won't be disruptive to play.

Here are a few baseline things that all your characters know:
1) All 1.5 million people on Eros Station were killed by a previously unknown bioweapon called the protomolecule, and the asteroid was on a collision course with Earth before being diverted to impact on Venus.
2) The LDSS Nauvoo, still under construction at the time, was commandeered for use as a relativistic weapon against Eros. For some reason, the ship missed and is currently flying ballistic out of the solar system.
3) Tensions between Earth and Mars are the highest they've been in generations.

By the time we start, all of you are already on Tycho Station, the largest mobile shipyard in the solar system, and the Belt headquarters of the Earther corporation Tycho Manufacturing and Engineering Concern. It was also the construction site of the Nauvoo. Why you are there is up to you, as long as it leaves you open to accepting a missing persons contract from the Mormon Church.

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

Welcome! Please dot in here and then report to the discussion thread.

Note: This post, and the campaign that goes along with it, will contain spoilers for Leviathan Wakes, the first novel of The Expanse series, and for the TV show as well through the first 1.5 seasons. We're not going to be replaying the books or anything, but suffice to say there are some events that have too big an impact to go unmentioned elsewhere in the solar system.

Welcome to the future, and the next stage of human history, spreading out into the solar system towards the distant stars: welcome to The Expanse. In the 23rd Century, humanity has long since left the cradle of Earth to colonize the solar system. Now an independent Mars vies with old Earth for political power and influence while the settled asteroid belt and the moon systems of Jupiter and Saturn supply the inner planets with the resources they so desperately need. The people of the Belt and the Outer Planets—the Belters—labor and chafe under the rule of the Inners, and unbeknownst to humanity, history is taking a most unexpected turn.

What is The Expanse?:
The Expanse is a science fiction universe created by James S.A. Corey (the pen name of Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck) starting with the novel Leviathan Wakes in 2011 and progressing through seven other novels and various novellas and short stories (see The Expanse Fiction sidebar). In the future, humanity has spread throughout the solar system using the energy-efficient Epstein Drive, colonizing Mars, the asteroid belt, and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. An unsteady peace exists between the United Nations of Earth and the Martian Congressional Republic, a balance upset by the events of the first novel.

The Expanse series focuses on the lives and adventures of the crew of the Rocinante, a repurposed military ship, as they become entangled with significant events in human history. It also takes in the sweep of events on a larger scale from the points of view of other characters in the solar system. Although The Expanse is “hard” science fiction in terms of extrapolating technology and dealing with the realities of orbital mechanics, space travel, and living in non-terrestrial environments, it also features epic science fiction speculation in terms of ancient alien artifacts which change the course of human history.

In the wake of the Eros incident, somebody is snatching up scientists connected to the LDSS Nauvoo, the Mormon generation ship that was intended for the Tau Ceti system before it was repurposed into an asteroid-killing kinetic weapon. The players are a small time mercenary outfit, private investigation agency, or simply know the right people, and get offered a job by the Mormon Church to find out what's happened to their wayward researchers.

We'll be using Green Ronin's The Expanse RPG, which is based off the Adventure Game Engine (AGE). Rather than using the d20 and its small army of dice, it uses a roll of one to three d6s for everything. One of the dice is called the "stunt" die, and is used for using various special abilities/actions called, appropriately, stunts. On a table this one would be a different color than the others, but for here I think we'll just have the 3rd die in any 3d6 stand in for it.

Now, because The Expanse RPG doesn't have a free online SRD like Pathfinder, and I can't just wholesale post 20 pages from the Core Rulebook here, this recruitment thread is going to be a bit different. I won't expect you to have a fully built character to pitch, since even if you own the book that isn't completely possible (since your character will need some ties to at least some of the rest of the party). That said, you can download the freely available Quickstart PDF from Green Ronin, which has most of the game mechanics in it. It does not have any character creation rules, but there are some 1st level pregens you can take a look at to have an idea of what your finished character will look like.

If you have the Core Rulebook:
Go ahead and make your character using the character creation rules in the book, skipping the Ties part of step 9 (we'll work on that after the crew is selected). Instead of rolling for abilities, we'll use the point buy system: each stat starts at 0, and you have 12 points you can assign however you like. No stat can be higher than 3.

You can also select your social class, background, and profession without needing to roll for it.

If you do NOT have the Core Rulebook:
Please download the Quickstart PDF from Green Ronin. You'll be able to use this to get an idea of how the game plays, and it has descriptions of the various abilities and what they're used for. Each ability starts at 0, and you have 12 points you can assign on a 1-for-1 basis, to a max score of 3 for any given ability.

Beyond that, tell me about who your character is. Where are they from? What's something they're afraid of? Why are they on Tycho Station? You don't have to write a novella, but I'd like this to be at least a few paragraphs.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me, either here or via PM. Recruitment will be open until 11:59pm Central US on January 16th. I'll be selecting between 4 and 6 characters, preferably with at least 1 each from the Belt, Earth, and Mars.

Welcome to the future, and the next stage of human history, spreading out into the solar system towards the distant stars: welcome to The Expanse. In the 23rd Century, humanity has long since left the cradle of Earth to colonize the solar system. Now an independent Mars vies with old Earth for political power and influence while the settled asteroid belt and the moon systems of Jupiter and Saturn supply the inner planets with the resources they so desperately need. The people of the Belt and the Outer Planets—the Belters—labor and chafe under the rule of the Inners, and unbeknownst to humanity, history is taking a most unexpected turn.

What is the Expanse?:
The Expanse is a science fiction universe created by James S.A. Corey (the pen name of Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck) starting with the novel Leviathan Wakes in 2011 and progressing through seven other novels and various novellas and short stories (see The Expanse Fiction sidebar). In the future, humanity has spread throughout the solar system using the energy-efficient Epstein Drive, colonizing Mars, the asteroid belt, and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. An unsteady peace exists between the United Nations of Earth and the Martian Congressional Republic, a balance upset by the events of the first novel.

The Expanse series focuses on the lives and adventures of the crew of the Rocinante, a repurposed military ship, as they become entangled with significant events in human history. It also takes in the sweep of events on a larger scale from the points of view of other characters in the solar system. Although The Expanse is “hard” science fiction in terms of extrapolating technology and dealing with the realities of orbital mechanics, space travel, and living in non-terrestrial environments, it also features epic science fiction speculation in terms of ancient alien artifacts which change the course of human history.

In the wake of the Eros incident, somebody is snatching up scientists connected to the LDSS Nauvoo, the Mormon generation ship that was intended for the Tau Ceti system before being repurposed into an asteroid-killing kinetic weapon. The players are a small time mercenary outfit, private investigation agency, or simply know the right people, and get offered a job by the Mormon Church to find out what's happened to their wayward researchers.

We'll be using Green Ronin's The Expanse RPG, which is based off the Adventure Game Engine (AGE). Rather than using the d20 and its small army of dice, it uses a roll of one to three d6s to resolve various checks. One of the dice is called the "stunt" die, and is used for using various special abilities/actions called, appropriately, stunts. On a table this one would be a different color than the others, but for here I think we'll just have the 3rd die in any 3d6 stand in for it.

I'm posting this to see if there's enough people (4-6) interested in playing a campaign here on the boards. We'll start with the To Sleep, Perchance to Dream module, and if that goes well, we'll continue on through the Abzu's Bounty adventure path. If you're interested but don't have your own copy of the Core Rulebook, don't worry, we can get that taken care of. If you're familiar with The Expanse series, this adventure will begin in between Leviathan Wakes and Caliban's War (or about halfway through season 2 of the tv show).

If enough folks are in, I'll put up a recruitment thread and we'll go from there!

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

Please dot and delete in here, thank you!

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

This is a discussion thread!!

Feel free to dot and delete into the gameplay thread, soon I will have a link for Maps, Loot, and whatever else we might need in the campaign links.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

For over a hundred years, a mysterious violet flame has burned atop Black Hill without failure or interruption. In addition to giving the town of Torch its name, it is one of the few places in the world where skymetal can be easily worked, and the town's entire economy has grown around the unique opportunity granted by this flame.

Now, the fire has gone out, and the town's lifeline with it. But Numeria's true rulers, the Technic League, still demand their taxes, and they are not known for their patience or mercy.


Welcome to the recruitment for my Iron Gods campaign! I love Pathfinder, but I have a particular fondness for blending fantasy and sci-fi, with the Recluce series being one of my favorite universes ever since I was a kid. To me, there's nothing cooler than fighting a giant scorpion robot with a big freakin' sword.

Let's get started! First off, my expectations for me and my players.

1) At least 1 post each weekday, plus at least 1 over the weekend.
2) Clear communication. If something is bothering you, just let me know, privately if that makes you more comfortable.
3) A cooperative attitude!

My plan is for a party of 4 players. One spot is spoken for already (their character is a Brawler, if that factors in to your decision).

Here's the guidelines for your character submission:

1) You will begin at level 1.
2) 20 point buy.
3) Non-evil alignment.
4) Races: Core, plus Aasimar, Androids, Changelings, Tieflings, and Orcs. Other races are not necessarily banned, but will be on a case by case basis. An important note: if you play an Orc, add a +2 to any ability score rather than the usual +4 to Str and -2 to all mental stats.
5) Classes: Any Paizo, other than Chained Summoner.
5a) If you want to play a 3rd party class or archetype, I will consider it. It will need to be one I can look over without purchasing, like if it's listed on d20PFSRD, but feel free to make your case.
6) 2 traits, one of which should be from the Iron Gods Player's Guide. You may take a Drawback for a 3rd trait, though it should be one that can have a significant mechanical or narrative effect.
7) You may either roll for gold or take the average.
8) Max HP for first level, then half rounded up from then on.
9) We will be using Elephant in the Room and Background Skills.
10) In a separate spoiler, please write a background for your character. At least 2 paragraphs, but try to keep the length reasonable.

Some additional considerations:
1) If you would like to submit a writing sample or an example of your posting style from any games you have played it, feel free to do so! It's not required, though.
2) Tell me about your build! If it's something I've never seen before, or even just one that gets under utilized, it's more likely to grab my attention.

You do not need to create an alias in order to make a submission.

Submissions will be accepted until 11:59PM US Central on Nov 4th, with selections being made shortly thereafter.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

While the ancient stone door is stubborn and refuses to surrender to any single assailant, the combined efforts of Greta and Junior soon triumph over their adversary.

A stone bench lines the southern wall of the chamber within. At the far side of the room, a basin of water sits atop a stone pedestal, while another stone door engraved with an image of a hammer stands to the north.

Anevia looks inside with an expression of sadness, before limping her way over to the bench and sitting down. "My leg's acting up, just need a bit of rest," she says.

In the cavern beyond, Horgus begins heading toward the now opened doorway, his fear overcome by his curiosity.

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

Welcome! Up at the top of the page you'll see (at the time of this writing) two links. One is an exact copy of your loot list from the previous incarnation, while the other is for the maps and handouts. I made some changes there, but did my best to place your tokens in the same spots. Because the first three areas are on the same page, each one is slightly smaller but it should result in a less pixelated image.

You can zoom in on the slide for easier control of your token by press Ctrl + Alt + =.
You can zoom out with Ctrl + Alt + -.

I've got two requests, neither of which have to be done right away. First off are taglines. I would appreciate it if everyone could have their taglines formatted like Massielo's. The alternating colors aren't necessary, but having all the essential stuff in a consistent format will help me out.

Second, for our prepared casters, if you can have a spoiler at the top of your profile that has the spells you've prepared for the day, that would also be appreciated. As you cast spells, just strike them out. Mention any slots you've left empty as well.

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

Please dot and delete in here. Thanks!

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

Welcome! Please dot yourselves into the gameplay thread, and post your character details here so it's easy for me to pull them together at the end.

PFS #:
Advancement Speed:
Day Job:

I will try to post at least once each weekday and once each weekend, but may post more as life allows or as is needed, like if a combat is moving quickly or there's a lot of back and forth with an NPC. Let me know if you expect to be absent for more than a day or so, and I'll do the same.

We won't be getting started right away because we'll still need to fill some empty spots, but hopefully will be ready this weekend. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

Please dot and delete in here. Thanks!

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

Welcome, and thanks for being part of my first foray into running a PFS scenario! Please dot yourselves into the gameplay thread, and post your character details here so it's easy for me to pull them together at the end.

PFS #:
Advancement Speed:
Day Job:

I will post at least once each weekday and once each weekend, but may post more as life allows or as is needed, like if a combat is moving quickly or there's a lot of back and forth with an NPC. Let me know if you expect to be absent for more than a day or so, and I'll do the same.

I'm still putting the slides page together for all of you but expect to have that done and the introductory post up either tonight or tomorrow. Please let me know if you have any questions!