
Ember1's page

Organized Play Member. 23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


It's hard to give specifics since 2e content hasn't followed up much on the events of Tyrant's Grasp. But from what we do know he seems to be building up his forces on the Isle of Terror while letting his lieutenants fortify holdings in Lastwall/The Gravelands. We have a piece of art from Book of the Dead which depicts him making a replica of Gallowspire over the Wizard King's Pit. Otherwise he seems to be scheming, having written off the Starstone as an infeasible path to divinity.

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Saedar wrote:
Or: Undeath was always a possibility and points to a fundamental "flaw" in the cycle of souls. Urgathoa was simply the first to stumble into it that we know of. She didn't create undeath; she discovered it and chained it for her own pleasure.

Building on this makes me think this interpretation could have something to do with Eternity's Doorstep. A cycle repeating slowly dying to a fundamental flaw since the true creators have already left and forgotten The Universe.

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I'm interested to hear about the elemental lords of these new planes. Given that they wanted to stay out of the conflict from the "core" planes it might make sense for their lords to be lawful and chaotic not good and evil.

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Everything! Joking aside the Eye of Dread is something that I've always held fondly. I love Ustalav and it's gothic/cosmic horror inspirations. I love the direction Paizo is taking the orcs of Belkzen in 2e. I love undead so the Gravelands is a wonderful playground to put whatever monstrosities I want in there. In addition I'm currently running an open world game set in the region, so every bit of information I could get would be useful. Names of orc Holds, names and levels of notable undead in the Gravelands, the political dynamics in Ustalav. The only things that I wouldn't be able to make much use out of would be things about Molthune, Nirmathas, and Oprak, and even then I read through Ironfang Invasion and intend to run it, so getting more info on that region and more context on characters is nice.

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I personally have been interested in the premise of Brevoy for quite some time. While LO:Absalom has given plenty of resources for a very in depth politics first campaign, I am still very much craving for Brevoy content. I would be happy to get an in depth look at the cultures of Rostland and Issia as well as of each of the major houses and maybe even some of the more minor houses. On top of that I would be interested in any new locations in the region. Dungeons, towns, miscellaneous adventure ideas, all perfect for the sandbox mercenary company campaign I've had sitting in the back of my head for years.

How has preparation for Paizocon gone this year?

Do you have any ideas on the fate of the Key of Geb that was mentioned in AP #141 now that Gallowspire is gone? It feels like a very big loose thread that was set and hasn't had any follow up yet.


The Nightwave is a massive sea leviathan form of the shadowy undead. Their angler fish form does the opposite of alighting the depths, though, as all water around them is affected by chilling darkness (along with the usual entropic negative damage aura).

With jaws that have Improved Grab and Swallow Whole, the fish is already seeming a tough foe, but it also drains any living creature it swallows for temporary Hit Points. They also have an underwater Trample that swallows anyone who critically fails their save, so even keeping distance might not save you. The Nightwave might prefer to pin you with a tooth rather than swallow you however, immobilizing and causing a chunk of bleed damage. If you have the audacity to cut your way out of the insides (or critically hit with a slicing weapon), it can spray its black blood across you for negative damage. Lastly, it carries some negative energy spells for when it can't get close.

Is the Nightwave still able to swim though the air at incredible speed like in 1e?

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Andru C Watkins wrote:
If I preorder the book now, is the date in the description for when it expects to ship from the warehouse or when it will arrive to your address?

Dec 22nd is the street date and should be when things are shipped out to non-subscribers.

I'm getting worried as we get closer to subscription products being shipped that Strength of Thousands book 2 has never been in my sidecart. Is there a reason for this that I'm missing?

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I hope I'm not the only one that's been having ideas of using this as a launching point for a globe spanning campaign. It has so many loose threads at the end of the module that could lead all over the place.

I've been looking at taking this all over the inner sea. From an asylum in Cheliax to Ustalav and Osirian. Even taking some stuff from LO: Mwangi Expanse and the Pathfinder Playtest. This is excellent GM fuel!

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PC: Narvaskin Tarakona
Class: Bloodrager 1/Sorcerer 4
Adventure: The Skinsaw Murders
Catalst: Graven Guardian of Pazuzu
Story: After the Heroes of Sandpoint learned of the gruesome murders of Banny Harker and Katrine Vinder, they could only think to investigate the home of the horrible murderer who plagued the town only a few years ago. In doing so they found it to be infested with hostile wildlife and demonic servants of Pazuzu. After a few close calls they had cleared the house itself and found a trapdoor leading down into the buried shrine beneath the building. Narvaskin and his wizard companion Nasi descended into the depths. Here ancient guardians lay in wait to defend the unholy site. The harpy-like statues came to life and attacked the two adventurers. Not long after the rest of the party arrived to assist in their fighting retreat, but Narvaskin was brave to take to the front in order to protect his allies. He valued his ally's time and safety over his own and refused healing from Strom, faithful of Desna. This was his last mistake as the unholy guardian moved with supernatural swiftness slashing him to his knees and stabbing down to make sure the job was done.

I remember right around the time SoT was announced there was an interview with one of the authors of the AP. I've been trying to find it, but so far have been unable to.

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WormysQueue wrote:
Seems like 2021 won't be my year because that will be the third AP in a row I'm not that interested in. Though maybe I can turn this into an Acadamae-based AP, which would increase my interest a lot.

Aside from some basic rules structure of a school as an organization I don't think there's going to be much that you'll be able to do with this to that end. My understanding from the announcement stream is that this will be a very heavily Magaambya and Mwangi Expanse focused AP.

Olwen wrote:
It's fine to skip it (although CotCT is an awesome AP!). I played Shattered Star and Return of the Runelords without playing CotCT with my group and it worked fine. There's a couple of places that echo what happens in CotCT in both SS and ReofR but it's really minimum and in the background.

Alright that's good to hear. I was getting a little worried that I would have to run 4 ~1 year long adventures, and I'm not sure enough in myself or my group to be able to stick together long enough to get through 3 APs let alone 4.

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I personally would be very interested in an AP set in Brevoy. Focusing more on the inter-faction conflicts where the party needs to choose what sides to favor. It could lend itself to a better fleshed out system for social maneuvering than War for the Crown did. Or maybe they'd play more into the civil war aspect of things with the party being a group of spies investigating what the other side is doing.

Honestly I'm just desperate for Brevoy lore.

I've been wanting to run the Runelords Trilogy for a while now (Rise, Shattered Star, Return), and I've seen some people say that it works well to run Curse of the Crimson Throne as well. I'm wondering how big the impact is if I run CotCT between Rise and Shattered Star. Would it be confusing for parts of Shattered Star if I don't run Curse, or would I be fine with skipping it.

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Most of the books of Carrion Crown are pretty separate. With the exceptions of Book 6 and the second half of Book 3 you could do pretty well by running any of the adventures and just removing references to the Whispering Way. You do lose some aspects with Book 5 especially if you do that, but it isn't story breaking.

I've been running the Carrion Crown AP online for a few months now, and my players have expressed a desire to continue after the campaign by going through Gallowspire. I've since picked up the Dungeons of Golarion book to get some inspiration for it. I've had a few ideas about things to add, but I'm completely lost on where to begin. I have looked at everything I could think of, (Rule of Fear, Tyrant's Grasp AP, Dungeons of Golarion) but still am stuck on even really starting it.

Gray Warden wrote:
Mhh, I've given it a look and seems very easily abusable.

You have no idea.

One of my players is talking about taking this spell with his Sorcerer, Arcane Trickster, but I'm not sure how the sneak attack interacts with the spell. There are a couple ways I can think to interpret it.

A.) The sneak attack is separate from the spell and it's damage isn't counted for the purposes of Fractions of Heal and Harm.

B.) The sneak attack is considered part of the spell and 25% of it's damage is turned into healing.

I'm leaning towards the first interpretation mostly for balance reasons, but I want to get other opinions first before making a ruling.

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It's a Girl wrote:
Does anyone know what demiplanes are covered in this book?
Todd Stewart wrote:
Yes ;)

Someone that hasn't worked directly on the book, or at least is willing to give more than a snarky answer.

Does anyone know what demiplanes are covered in this book?