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![]() Welcome to a Land in Shadows. The Gods are distant powers. There are hidden worlds, magic is real, and mortals live many lives. Science and technology have made great strides (clockworks, steam power, railroads, firearms, etc), despite the world being filled with terrible monsters. And last and certainly not least - the Empire burns as the shadow of the Demon Lord spreads across the lands. As the Demon Lord's influence grows stronger, the fabric of sanity subtly fades. ------------------------------- Welcome to Shadow of the Demon Lord, a dark and gritty fantasy horror. This system is an amalgamation of Warhammer Fantasy and D&D 5e. Written by Robert Schwalb and published by Schwalb Entertainment. I'm Elsine. Hi. I’ll be GMing! In this game, we will watch people rise from humble beginnings to try to challenge the horrors of the night… or die trying. You do not have to own the book. You do not have to know how to play. Its a fairly intuitive system, and I’ll walk you through it Character death should be expected, although through clever play and a bit of luck, you may survive. My first game had zero deaths! You could survive, too. • If this is your first time playing Demon Lord with me, start at Spoiler 1, below.
Spoiler 1 - If you have never played before, read this:
Shadow of the Demon Lord is a dark and gritty fantasy horror RPG akin to 5e, with several important changes.
First, you start as a Level 0 Character, choosing only your race and background. Next, it's even simpler, with uncontested challenges being Pass, Fail, at DC 10. There are no skills; instead you have professions which grants an area of knowledge that you can apply during the game. There is no alignment in this game, though Corruption does serve that purpose somewhat Dice: The only dice used in this game are a d20 and a d6. (and a d3, but that’s only two dice-shapes IRL) Ability Scores: Your race determines your ability scores, and you can modify them by a single instance of +1 for -1. (i.e. I could decide I want an extra clever changeling, and downgrade my Will by 1 (to 9) to up my Intellect by 1 (to 1)) Classes and Levels: After each adventure, you level up. At Level 1, you pick your Novice Class (Warrior, Rogue, Wizard, Priest). At Level 3, you pick your Expert Class (one of 16, no pre-reqs), and at Level 7 you pick your Master Class (one of 64, no pre-reqs). Having no pre-reqs means you can hyper-focus or mix and match as you see fit. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and all classes are fairly well balanced. You can't make a bad choice, so play what sounds fun. While there are no pre-reqs for picking a class, the classes you choose should be based on the story and the actions you took during play. If you spent the entire game hitting things with a big stick and not attempting or engaging in any magic whatsoever, then you'd need a really good reason why you chose "Wizard" for your class. If you talk with me a little about a path you want, I will find a way to introduce some hooks for you. Hit Points: Are called Health in this game. They are gained by Race and Class. Unconscious is called "Incapacitated." That's your 0 HP mark. Taking damage equal to your max HP in one hit is instant death. Otherwise you roll Fate Rolls (d6) which have a chance to heal, pass out, or die. You also have a Healing Rate. This is how much you heal after a night’s rest, a healing potion, or some special ability or spell. Skills: Skills don't exist in this game as defined by D&D or Pathfinder. Instead, you have Professions. Whenever you think your profession can aid you in a task, ask me about it. You'll add one or more Boons to your roll, if they don’t let you succeed outright. Boons and Banes: During play, difficulty will be set by a Bane and advantages by a Boon. They're a d6, and they add or subtract to your d20 roll. They cancel each other out, but they stack (3 Bane and 4 Boon = 1 Boon total). When stacking, you only pick the highest roll, you don't add the rolls together. Ability Scores: Strength, Agility, Intellect, Will. That's it! Your starting set is determined by your race, modified slightly by you as detailed above. Your class then modifies it further as you level. Your ability Score Modifier is “Ability Score - 10.” So an 11 Strength is +1, 12 is +2, and so on. Insanity: This determines how psychologically instable you are, and as you gain lots of it you could develop quirks or even go Mad. Insanity increases when you see something horrific and you fail a Will challenge roll. Corruption: This is gained by doing evil things, learning evil Traditions of magic, or learning evil spells. Increased corruption can physically alter your appearance, and enough of it can make it so you auto die when you become incapacitated (0 HP). These are called Marks of Darkness. Power Score: This determines what level spell you can cast, and how many times per day you can cast it. It's gained by picking up spell casting classes. Rolls: These are either opposed or not. If opposed, its an attack roll targeting a stat on someone else (for example, lying to someone is likely an intellect attack against an opponent’s intellect). Unopposed are like skill checks or ability checks, and are either Auto Pass, Auto Fail, or DC 10. There's no other DC than 10, ever, though a task may have associated Boons or Banes For anything else, please ask. Or we'll go over the rule as needed in game. :) Proceed to Spoiler 2.
Spoiler 2 - New Players and Those Without the Core Book:
Character Creation is easy. Use Spoiler 11 as a character sheet to plug into your alias when you're ready.
Follow these steps: Pick a race: Human, Changeling, Clockwork, Dwarf, Goblin, or Orc Your race will determine your starting stats, with some modification by you. Roll randomly to get background, appearance, and other starting characteristics as described. I encourage you to use what you roll, but I’ll be flexible, and let you “Nudge” the die +-1, so you don’t get a character you absolutely hate. If you don't have the book, I'll tell you what results you get (if it is a d20 roll, it will likely b 3 choices, with the one you’ve actually rolled Bolded.) If you do, feel free to look them up on your own If this game starts at higher than Level 0, then do all this first and the instructions for your other levels will come later. If you want a Human, proceed to Spoiler 3.
If you're not sure, roll a d6.
Spoiler 3 - Human:
Humans are a diverse people encompassing numerous civilizations, cultures, and ethnicities. They are the dominant people in the world.
Ability Score: S10, A10, I10, W10. +1 to one. (You may also take a -1 for a +1, once).
Write up a story or explanation for how all these fit together (this can be done before or after the Questionnaire). This does not need to be more than a paragraph. Go to Spoiler 10 - Questionnaire and answer the questions.
Spoiler 4 - Changeling:
Changelings conceal their hideous forms behind identities stolen from other creatures so they can move more freely through the lands.
Faerie create changelings to conceal the absence of children they steal. They construct a changeling from natural materials and use magic to give it the appearance of the missing child. The magic often fades after a few weeks, but sometimes it lingers and lets the changeling grow up to become a real person. Many Masks: Changelings can use their magical natures to adopt the forms of anyone they see. They assume different forms to conceal their true natures, forms most deem hideous and unsettling. When stripped of their disguises, changelings look like humanoids formed from dirt, sticks, and rocks, with glowing green eyes set in otherwise featureless faces. Changelings in their natural forms stand 5 feet tall and weigh 90 pounds. Changeable Identities: Constantly changing identities has a deleterious effect on changeling personalities. Most mimic the attitudes and outlooks of the people around them, having no particular views themselves or, if they have them, burying them so deep they cannot remember who they started out being or what they hope to become. Ability Score: S9, A10, I10, W10. (You may take a -1 for +1, once).
Immune: Damage from disease; charmed, diseased
Steal Identity: You can use an action to alter your appearance to match that of a target living creature you can see within short range. The target must be Size 1 or 1/2 and have a humanoid shape of flesh and blood. Your body changes so you look like the target, though your clothing and possessions remain unchanged. The effect lasts until you use this talent again. If you become incapacitated or touch an object made from iron, you immediately revert to your normal appearance. True Age: Roll 3d6
Profession 1: 1d6, then 1d20
Write up a story or explanation for how all these fit together (this can be done before or after the Questionnaire). This does not need to be more than a paragraph. Go to Spoiler 10 - Questionnaire and answer the questions Spoiler 5 - Clockwork:
Clockworks are mechanical people made from metal plating, gears, wires, bits of spring, and cogs to which is bound a soul plucked from the Underworld. The magic binding the soul tethers it to the clockwork but allows it to manipulate the body only while its internal mechanisms are moving. All clockworks have keys somewhere on their body and while wound up, they move, think, and act like creatures. Should the key wind down, a clockwork becomes dormant—an insensate object.
Ability Score: S9, A8, I9, W9 (You may take a -1 for a +1, once).
Key: You have a key on you somewhere that you can't reach. When it is cranked and turning, you count as a creature and can move and make actions. When it stops, you become an object and cannot move or act (or perceive or talk, it's in "OFF" mode). Your key stops turning when you become incapacitated. It also stops turning at the end any round in which you get a total of 0 or lower on any attack roll or challenge roll. Any creature within reach can spend an action to turn the key and activate you. If you are not incapacitated, you become a creature once more. If you are, roll a d6; on a 4 or higher heal 1 point if damage and become a creature at the end of the round (3 or less does nothing). Mechanical Body: You do not eat, drink, breathe, or age. You cannot be transformed into an undead. You cannot swim (you sink). Repairing Damage: When you're a creature, you heal as any creature. If you're an object, any creature can repair you with a tool kit. At the end of each 4 hours of work, that creature makes an Intellect roll with 1 Bane. On a success, you heal damage equal to your healing Rate. Age: Roll 3d6
Write up a story or explanation for how all these fit together (this can be done before or after the Questionnaire). This does not need to be more than a paragraph. Go to Spoiler 10 - Questionnaire and answer the questions.
Spoiler 6 - Dwarf:
Dwarves are an elder race cursed by the gods for their vanity and doomed to toil and dig in the earth for the treasures they covet.
Things about dwarves: The beard is the thing, for men and women. They're short but dense (physically, but probably also mentally). They're dour and suspicious. Ability Score: S10, A9, I10, W10 (You may take a -1 for a +1, once).
Darksight: You can see in areas obscured by shadows and darkness within Medium Range as if they were lit. Beyond this distance, you treat Darkness as Shadows, and you treat Shadows as Lit. Hated Creature: You have a creature you hate, which grants you 1 Boon on all attack rolls vs that creature type. Robust Constitution: You take half damage from poison, and you make challenge rolls with 1 Boon to avoid or remove poison. Age: Roll 3d6
Write up a story or explanation for how all these fit together (this can be done before or after the Questionnaire). This does not need to be more than a paragraph. Go to Spoiler 10 - Questionnaire and answer the questions.
Spoiler 7 - Goblin:
The Faerie Queen exiled the goblins long ago, for a crime only she remembers. As part of their exile, she stripped them of their immortality and doomed them to live out their days in the mortal world. Goblins have since infiltrated human societies, making their homes in rubbish heaps and sewers where, to everyone’s surprise, they seem quite happy doing the jobs no one else is at all interested in performing. Picking through trash for choice treasures or trawling the fetid waters oozing through the subterranean tunnels for a bit of gold or a dropped coin is all goblins need to keep from making trouble for their neighbors.
Goblins have Bizarre and Varied Appearance, and have weird habits. Ability Score: S8, A12, I10, W9. (You may take a -1 for a +1, once).
Immune: Damage from disease; charmed, diseased
Age: Roll 3d6
Profession 1: 1d6, then 1d20
Write up a story or explanation for how all these fit together (this can be done before or after the Questionnaire). This does not need to be more than a paragraph. Go to Spoiler 10 - Questionnaire and answer the questions. Spoiler 8 - Orc:
Orcs were made from dark magic to be the ultimate slave soldiers in the Empire’s armies. Brutish, strong, and violent, they exceeded expectations and helped their masters conquer the continent. They have recently thrown off their shackles and taken their destiny into their own hands.
Mighty, threatening figures, orcs tower over humans. Most have thick, coarse hair covering their bodies. Some shave their body hair into lewd or grotesque patterns to accentuate their fearsome look. Blotchy skin, bone white to nearly black, blistered and scarred from flaws in the magic that made them gives them a ghastly appearance aided in part by their brutish, exaggerated features. Most orcs have short pug noses and wide mouths filled with sharp teeth and a tusk or two. Orcs stand 6 to 8 feet tall and weigh 200 to 600 pounds. Ability Score: S11, A10, I9, W9. (You may take a -1 for a +1, once).
Age: Roll 3d6
Write up a story or explanation for how all these fit together (this can be done before or after the Questionnaire). This does not need to be more than a paragraph. Go to Spoiler 10 - Questionnaire and answer the questions.
Spoiler 9 - Questionnaire:
Once you have all that, now you must Answer the following Questions (you may choose to do this after you know the results of all the randomness above). 1) How do others make you feel? Do you like being the center of attention or being left alone; is there such a thing as a stranger to you or do you even know what it's like to have a friend. Things like that. 2) Name one thing you value most. Then name one thing you could lose. These could be ideals, physical possessions, relationships, etc.. 3) What do you fear? What do you hate? 4) What do you desire? What do you love? 5) You have (at least) one secret. What is it? 6) Have you done something Notable? What was it? 7) Are you in charge or do you let others take that roll? Do you rebuke authority or revel in it? 8) Do you follow through on your promises and obligations? Or do you delay or avoid? Do you feel guilty when you don't uphold them? 9) What are your opinions on Good and Evil? Do they exist? Or is it all shades of Grey? Where do you see yourself?
Spoiler 10 - Character Sheet Template:
someone has made up a character sheet template for you to copy and paste into your alias profile.
Put the following in specific fields as designated, adjusting as needed for your PC: Race Field: Gender* Ancestry* Path Level | S10, A10, I10, W10 | HP 10\10 | D10 | Move: 10 | Insanity: | Corruption: | Fortune: No | Status: Normal
Occupation: List of Professions. Ex: Academic (War), Martial (Refugee) All other fields: Fill in as you like. Spoiler 11 - Let’s Talk Ground Rules and Expectations:
This game is descriptive and requires players to have input and to be descriptive themselves. I know we all get lost in the single line posts as games go on past a few weeks, but to make this game thrive, we all have to put in some effort.
So based on that, I request that all players strive for the following: Be Excellent to Each Other this is just “don’t be a dick”. Please refrain from using IRL slurs, don’t belittle or mock each other (or me). Keep the vibe kind. Posting Rate. so, I’d like us all to strive for 1+ per day. But I’ll be real, this is 2020, s@&$ is constantly happening. And unfortunately, 16-hour days at work are becoming a bad habit for me. So I’ll ask everyone, myself included, commit to once every two days Give a Heads Up. If you can't post for a period of time - even if it is one day - please tell us! I don’t need to know what’s going on, if you don’t want to say, just a simple “not gonna be able to post today” or ‘This weekend is nuts, please Bot”. its a nice courtesy, and helps us all keep momentum Emotions. Your posts should include the emotions of your characters. How are they feeling at that moment in time? Even if you only have a one liner, please include one emotion in the line. PBP games don’t translate the horror genre very well, so including emotional descriptions in your posts will go a long way to help with the environment of this game. Don’t wait for others to make a decision. I'd prefer it if we weren't all waiting on someone else to make the decision to do something. I’ll play by the “2 people in agreement” rule, where as soon as I see two players agree to a course of action for the group, that’s the direction we’ll go in game. If people start stalling, I'll make Something Bad Happen in game, just so we can bring interest back into the game. Quitting the Game. It’s ok to quit. Any reason is acceptable. Just give us a notice so we’re not waiting on you. Maybe you’re too busy with life, maybe you don’t like the system, maybe you don't like me. It’s ok. Any reason is ok. I can handle criticism and I will accept literally any reason for why you want to leave the game. Just be mature, be an adult, and let the group know you’re bowing out. Just please don’t disappear Lines. Horror, as a Genre, inherently lives in a place that’s close to the edge of acceptable for a lot of people. The descriptions are meant to make us a little uncomfortable, the atmosphere should feel tense and anxious. That said, I have no interest in actually making anyone experience anything more than fun, adrenaline-y, horror movie dread. So If we have “Hard No” on any content, PM me, or mention it in the discussion. Lastly, this is a horror fantasy game. Role-play appropriately. :) Thanks, and I hope we all can have fun! I'm looking for 3-5 Players. ![]()
Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2
![]() Okay, let's start by finishing your character sheets. (look, origin, name, stats, moves. If you have questions or are having trouble deciding, ask, and I or someone else will help.) then do kindly post an official introduction to the group, ad we'll move into strings. ![]()
![]() Dear student We are very pleased to inform you the your application to Lone Oak Academy, class of 2021 Upon review of your application, and supporting documentation, we have decided that you are very well qualified, and exactly the kind of student we look for to continue the Lone Oak tradition of excellence. attached to the letter is a full admissions packet, including how to accept this offer, which we ask you do withing 2 weeks of receiving this letter, our tuition, information about where to purchase uniforms, and the student handbook, which we ask you read thoroughly. once again, congratulations, and we hope to see you on the 30th of August. Elizabeth Sommers, Dean of admissions, Lone Oak Academy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The game is Monsterhearts, the setting: a prestigious private boarding school in a sleepy New England town. you all play teenagers, trying to hide the fact that you are't really human. it is a game about confusion, betrayal, messy sexuality and trying and failing to belong. if you are interested, but unfamiliar with the system, I'll be happy to answer any questions (also, if you just have questions, I'm happy to answer them) also, this game is going to be PG13-R rated. we won't go into explicit detail (like, at all), but the subject of sex and sexuality will come up a lot ![]()
![]() it began when old Mags. When Thomas went up to bring her food, and she wasn't there. Didn't take long to find her... or what was left, at any rate. A sad thing, but it had been a bad winter. A wolf on the outskirts of the village, desperate enough to go after an old lady. but less than a week later, Simon Baker disappeared, after being sent for firewood in the wee hours of the morning. that was a shock. for wolves to go after humans twice in a week, the agreement was that a culling was required, there were too many wolves, and not enough prey. Adam and Hugh strung their bows, took poisons from the herbalist, and went to it. But, the Ward family was when you all knew. all of the family, save Gelbert. attacked in their home, the door not forced, no windows broken, and what Gelbert saw, a wolf the size of a bear, eyes alive with malice. No beast, but a monster, born of dark magic. A werewolf stalks the village ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's the scenario. The system is Burning wheel. I'll get more into character creation once we have a group of players, but the general guide I'll be using is: 4 players, $ life paths, no orcs, 0-1 magic users. Happy to answer questions! ![]()
Legwork: ●○○○○○ | Action: ●●●○○○
![]() so, Char Creation/first sesh has some steps, I'll post them,a nd see how far we are. 0.) Define Corps in progress
then there'll be some worldbuilding For my corp: The Valdize combine, a mineral/Petrochem company, well known for agressively "Protecting their interests" in nations that won't sign over the deeds to any reserves they have. widely believed to conduct Massive industrial espionage, and make liberal use of "Deniable Assets" ![]()
![]() looking for interest in a game of The Sprawl, A PbtA game designed to tell a Cyberpunk story. (On he off chance you don't know what cyberpunk is, here's a page that should help get you oriented) Basic PbtA stuff Rolls:
The PbtA system works on a 2d6+stat rolling system.
stats will go from -2, to +3, and when you roll, your roll will fall into one of 3 categories: a success (10+), where you get what you wanted, and maybe a little more, a partial success (7-9) where you get what you want, but maybe not all of it, or maybe at a cost. Both of these are classified as "Hits", so when a move says"on a hit..." read that as "on a 7+". then there are misses (6-),
Moves are the mechanics that come into play when your characters decide to do something. every move has a "trigger",
and the move comes into play, and you follow its directions (usually, you roll + a stat, and then make some choices, or I offer you choices). there are basic moves, which everyone has, and playbook moves, which are unique to certain characters. Playbooks:
In the simplest Terms, Playbooks are classes.
A playbook is a collection of moves, choices, and advancements, all within the confines of a central theme. everyone chooses a playbook (except The GM). The Sprawl Playbooks
If you have questions, Ask away! ![]()
Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2
![]() Okay guys, let's start filling in relationships and all that. Also, answer these questions Siphon: Which heroes memories are you still in possession of? Miss Moxie: When Junior force (the team of young Justice Force members) rescued you, their leader, Dante (a pyrokinetic), offered to take you in as a member of their team until they could get yoyu home. why did you decline? Manifest: What did you once enjoy, that your power denies you now? Amir: You had a chance to cut and run, leave everything behind and start anew. what was it, and why didn't you? Kilt!: There are, in Panurgic city, companies that will augment someone, technologically or with gene therapy, to the level of a neo-abled. how do you feel about these? Twitch: you aren't the only showboat hero in town. who have you recently upstaged, and what's their deal? ![]()
![]() Panurgic city saturday night news
After the first "Golden" generation, another shift engulfed the superhuman population, increasing powers, and threats. the new heroes of the so-called "silver generation" did not fight bank robbers and other mere "human" crimes, but instead fought alien invasions, and each other. But, as if to pop the "heroic bubble" the silver generation inhabited, The incident in Boston, where a young Niall Collins, AKA Quintessece, battled with his archnemmesis Psilence for the life of Niall's good friend Samuel Reed. Samuel died in the altercation, in a moment that defined a generation of superheroes, cut off from the almost make-believe world of the previous generations, an cast into the harsh light of day. And at the centre of it all has been Halcyon and Panurgic, Back in the 30's, these were just small towns, but strange concentrations of the superheroic phenomenon have cataputed these two towns into becomeing the shining jewels of the east and west coasts, Halcyon becoming the political centre of superheroics, home of the famous Paragon alliance, and Panurgic city becomeing the place to make a name for ourself, with the headquarters of every influential cape-centric media outlet located in one town. in this game, you will take on the role of a superheroic teen, living their day to day life in Panurgic city, a city centred on superheroes. This campaign will take place in the same universe and continuity as the other masks table (Found here) but willtake place on the west coast, in Panurgic city. Panurgic city is to Halcyon as LA is to DC. Halcyon is the more politically influential, but most cape-media comes from Panurgic. as such, Panurgics Hero and Villain lines are much harder, as the media tries to aggressively categorize everyone. Masks is a game about Teen Superheroes, in equal measure. dealing with problems from both worlds. Fighting supervillains, and fighting with your parents, figuring out how to stop a rampaging robot, and figuring out how to tel someon you like them. okay, onto the system stuff:
The PbtA system works on a 2d6+stat rolling system.
stats will go from -2, to +3, and when you roll, your roll will fall into one of 3 categories: a success (10+), where you get what you wanted, and maybe a little more, a partial success (7-9) where you get what you want, but maybe not all of it, or maybe at a cost. Both of these are classified as "Hits", so when a move says"on a hit..." read that as "on a 7+". then there are misses (6-),
Moves are the mechanics that come into play when your characters decide to do something. every move has a "trigger",
and the move comes into play, and you follow its directions (usually, you roll + a stat, and then make some choices, or I offer you choices). there are basic moves, which everyone has, and playbook moves, which are unique to certain characters. Playbooks:
In the simplest Terms, Playbooks are classes.
A playbook is a collection of moves, choices, and advancements, all within the confines of a central theme. everyone chooses a playbook (except The GM). Section 2: Masks specifically If you already have played Masks! The Next generation, feel free to just create your characters, but do check out the new playbooks. The Stats:
The stats in Masks!, called Labels, are less statements about objective truths (like strength or wisdom would be) and more about how you view yourself, and how the world views you.
The five Labels are: Danger: seeing yourself as threatening, strong, bloody-knuckled, and risky. Other people see you as a danger when they think they should steer clear of you because you might bring them harm. You see yourself as a danger when you believe you can take down other dangerous threats, and when you think you yourself are a threat to other people. Freak: seeing yourself as strange, unusual, unique, and powerful. Other people see you as a freak when they think you’re odd, unlike them, something unnatural or outside of their understanding. You see yourself as a freak when you accept and own the things you can do that no one else can, and when you
Savior: seeing yourself as defending, guarding, protecting, and stalwart. Other people see you as a savior when they think of you as noble or selfsacrificing,or a bit overbearing and moralizing. You see yourself as a savior when you think of yourself as a martyr, someone who gladly sacrifices to protect and defend others. Superior: seeing yourself as smart, capable, crafty, and quick. Other people see you as superior when they think you’re the smartest person in the room, an arrogant and egotistical jerk. You see yourself as superior when you think you’re cleverer than everyone else, and when you know exactly what to say to make the people around you do what you want. Mundane: seeing yourself as normal, human, empathetic, and
Shifting Labels:
Every playbook comes with a predetermined set of values for your Labels. You can add +1 to any one Label of your choice, making sure it doesn’t go over +3. You might want to look at the basic moves and your playbook moves to determine what Label you want to add +1 to, but you can also do it just based on your character’s self-image.
Some moves will tell you to shift labels (either a specific one,
Generally, you will shift your own stats when someone else comforts or supports you, and others will shift your stats when they tell you how the world works. If you ever need to shift a Label and can’t (because the Label is at +3 and would shift up, or is at -2 and would shift down), you must mark a condition, GM’s choice. The entire Label shift doesn’t occur—you shift no Label either up or down. The Playbooks:
All the playbooks come with little descriptions, so I'll just put those here. The core Masks are here The Beacon: You don’t have to do this. You could probably have a safe, decent, simple life. It’d be nice, but…come on. Superpowers! Aliens! Wizards! Time travel! You’re out of your depth, but who cares? This is awesome. Everybody should try it. The Bull: You’re big, strong, and tough. You know what fighting really is, and you’re good at it. Sure…you’ve got a soft side, too. But you only show that to the people you care about most. Everybody else? They can eat your fist. The Deliquent: You’ve got these cool powers. But everyone keeps telling you how to use ’em. You know what they need? Someone to give them trouble, to make sure they don’t always get their way.
The Doomed: Something about your powers dooms you. It’s just a matter of time before your doom comes for you. Until then, though...you’ve got a nemesis who needs fighting and a world that needs saving. After all, it’s better to burn out than fade away… Just a note, this characters doom does not, necessarily, mean death. it could be stuff like "being cast adrift on the multiverse", or going over to the dark side." all it means is that you'll never be a hero again. The Janus: Wake up. Breakfast. School. Work. Homework. Sleep. Repeat. It burns you up, being stuck in this life, unable to make a real difference. That is...until you put on the mask. And then, you be someone else: a hero. The Legacy: You’re the latest in a storied heroic lineage, a family that shares a name and a cause. Now, everybody is watching and waiting to see if you’ve got what it takes to uphold that tradition. No pressure, right? The Nova: You’re a font of power. Channel it, and you can remake the world into exactly what you want. Unleash it, and you can do miracles. It’s wonderful...and terrifying. Lose control for even a second, and other people get hurt. The Outsider: You’re not from here. Your home is an amazing place, full of beauty and wonder. But there’s something to them, something special that you’re missing back home. Something…human. So yeah, you’ll be hanging around. At least for now. The Protege: You proved yourself to an experienced hero. They think you’ve got what it takes. They’ve been training you for a while, and now you have to decide...do you want to be them? Or will you find your own path? The Transformed: You can recall a time not too long ago when you looked...normal. When you didn’t feel their stares. When you didn’t hear their gasps. When no one thought of you as a monster. Those were the days, huh. [ooc]Also, there are 5 new playbooks, which are all available, and found here. The reformed: Villain used to be a way of life for you. Then you saw just what your selfishness and hate created. The supervillain life is a hard one to quit, but you know this best: Sometimes the villain needs saving too The newborn: You're a barnad new being, created though scientific inquiry, a feat of engineering, or random chance, this world is all new to you, full of wonder and adventure it's not easy though- everyone has an opinion about who you are and what you should do. it's time to find out for yourself who you really are. the innocent: Time travel is great! or so you thought, until you landed in a strange new world with a dark, broken, damaged, dangerous adult version of yourself, not what you had wanted to become. the question is, now, what are you gonna do about it? The Star: Being a hero isn't about doing right, it's about being seen doing right.let them think you're shallow for loving the spotlight, and the cameras, and for smiling so much. You'll be a hero in all the ways that matter. The joined: You'd be nothing without them- your partner, your sibling, your rival, your other half. You're tied to their powers and to them, through and through. the rest of the world only sees you two as halves of a whole, not as two separate people, and the two of you aren't sure if they're right
Team: As a group, you guys will have a resource called team.
certain moves will add team to the "team pool". when you help someone else do something, you can spend a team from the pool to give them +1 (more than 1 person can do this for a given roll, but each person can only spend 1 team per roll). you need to be reasonably able to help them. Team members can also spend Team to act selfishly. When you act selfishly, say how your actions ignore or insult your teammates, remove one Team from the pool, and shift one Label up and one Label down, your choice. You can use this option after rolling to alter the Label you’re rolling with. ![]()
![]() Front page, Taylor Institute for the Training and Advancement of the Neo-able website The Taylor Institute for the Training and Advancement of the Neo-able is an organization devoted to assisting young, aspiring heroes master their powers, meet with their peers, and develop into well-adjusted young adults. To this end, the Taylor Institute offers day and night classes, confidential counseling, on-sight housing and financial aid, a state of the art Neo-biology team and Augmented medicine wing, group meetings 4 times a week, Specialized tutors for all major Neo-Ability categories, and a dedicated AEGIS security team. The Taylor Institute is supported by many prominent figures in the Neo-able community, including the Halcyon Interceptors, The Paragon Alliance, Atlas, Phoen-X, Cryonova, and the Halcyon Neo-Able Judicial commitee. If you want to support the Taylor Institute for the Training and Advancement of the Neo-able, you can do so, either by donating (see button in the top right), or by contacting Aubrey Stuart for details about volunteering. in this game, you will take on the role of a neo-able teen, who for one reason or another, spends time at the Taylor Institute (maybe you voulenteer there, maybe you have a mentor there, maybe you have court-mandated group sessions there... whatever you want) Masks is a game about Teen Superheroes, in equal measure. dealing with problems from both worlds. Fighting supervillains, and fighting with your parents, figuring out how to stop a rampaging robot, and figuring out how to tel someon you like them. okay, onto the system stuff: Section 1: PbtA, how it works If you already have played a PbtA, just know that this game marks xp for misses, and move onto section 2 Rolls:
The PbtA system works on a 2d6+stat rolling system.
stats will go from -2, to +3, and when you roll, your roll will fall into one of 3 categories: a success (10+), where you get what you wanted, and maybe a little more, a partial success (7-9) where you get what you want, but maybe not all of it, or maybe at a cost. Both of these are classified as "Hits", so when a move says"on a hit..." read that as "on a 7+". then there are misses (6-),
Moves are the mechanics that come into play when your characters decide to do something. every move has a "trigger",
and the move comes into play, and you follow its directions (usually, you roll + a stat, and then make some choices, or I offer you choices). there are basic moves, which everyone has, and playbook moves, which are unique to certain characters. Plabooks:
In the simplest Terms, Playbooks are classes.
A playbook is a collection of moves, choices, and advancements, all within the confines of a central theme. everyone chooses a playbook (except The GM). Section 2: Masks specifically If you already have played Masks! The Next generation, feel free to just create your characters You can find the Basic moves and Playbooks for masks here The Stats:
The stats in Masks!, called Labels, are less statements about objective truths (like strength or wisdom would be) and more about how you view yourself, and how the world views you.
The five Labels are:
Freak: seeing yourself as strange, unusual, unique, and powerful. Other people see you as a freak when they think you’re odd, unlike them, something unnatural or outside of their understanding. You see yourself as a freak when you accept and own the things you can do that no one else can, and when you
Savior: seeing yourself as defending, guarding, protecting, and stalwart. Other people see you as a savior when they think of you as noble or selfsacrificing,or a bit overbearing and moralizing. You see yourself as a savior when you think of yourself as a martyr, someone who gladly sacrifices to protect and defend others. Superior: seeing yourself as smart, capable, crafty, and quick. Other people see you as superior when they think you’re the smartest person in the room, an arrogant and egotistical jerk. You see yourself as superior when you think you’re cleverer than everyone else, and when you know exactly what to say to make the people around you do what you want. Mundane: seeing yourself as normal, human, empathetic, and
Shifting Labels:
Every playbook comes with a predetermined set of values for your Labels. You can add +1 to any one Label of your choice, making sure it doesn’t go over +3. You might want to look at the basic moves and your playbook moves to determine what Label you want to add +1 to, but you can also do it just based on your character’s self-image.
Some moves will tell you to shift labels (either a specific one,
Generally, you will shift your own stats when someone else comforts or supports you, and others will shift your stats when they tell you how the world works. If you ever need to shift a Label and can’t (because the Label is at +3 and would shift up, or is at -2 and would shift down), you must mark a condition, GM’s choice. The entire Label shift doesn’t occur—you shift no Label either up or down. The playbooks:
All the playbooks come with little descriptions, so I'll just put those here The Beacon: You don’t have to do this. You could probably have a safe, decent, simple life. It’d be nice, but…come on. Superpowers! Aliens! Wizards! Time travel! You’re out of your depth, but who cares? This is awesome. Everybody should try it. The Bull: You’re big, strong, and tough. You know what fighting really is, and you’re good at it. Sure…you’ve got a soft side, too. But you only show that to the people you care about most. Everybody else? They can eat your fist. The Deliquent: You’ve got these cool powers. But everyone keeps telling you how to use ’em. You know what they need? Someone to give them trouble, to make sure they don’t always get their way.
The Doomed: Something about your powers dooms you. It’s just a matter of time before your doom comes for you. Until then, though...you’ve got a nemesis who needs fighting and a world that needs saving. After all, it’s better to burn out than fade away… [ooc]Just a note, this characters doom does not, necessarily, mean death. it could be stuff like "being cast adrift on the multiverse", or going over to the dark side." all it means is that you'll never be a hero again. The Janus: Wake up. Breakfast. School. Work. Homework. Sleep. Repeat. It burns you up, being stuck in this life, unable to make a real difference. That is...until you put on the mask. And then, you be someone else: a hero. The Legacy: You’re the latest in a storied heroic lineage, a family that shares a name and a cause. Now, everybody is watching and waiting to see if you’ve got what it takes to uphold that tradition. No pressure, right? The Nova: You’re a font of power. Channel it, and you can remake the world into exactly what you want. Unleash it, and you can do miracles. It’s wonderful...and terrifying. Lose control for even a second, and other people get hurt. The Outsider: You’re not from here. Your home is an amazing place, full of beauty and wonder. But there’s something to them, something special that you’re missing back home. Something…human. So yeah, you’ll be hanging around. At least for now. The Protege: You proved yourself to an experienced hero. They think you’ve got what it takes. They’ve been training you for a while, and now you have to decide...do you want to be them? Or will you find your own path? The Transformed: You can recall a time not too long ago when you looked...normal. When you didn’t feel their stares. When you didn’t hear their gasps. When no one thought of you as a monster. Those were the days, huh.
Team: As a group, you guys will have a resource called team.
certain moves will add team to the "team pool". when you help someone else do something, you can spend a team from the pool to give them +1 (more than 1 person can do this for a given roll, but each person can only spend 1 team per roll). you need to be reasonably able to help them. Team members can also spend Team to act selfishly. When you act selfishly, say how your actions ignore or insult your teammates, remove one Team from the pool, and shift one Label up and one Label down, your choice. You can use this option after rolling to alter the Label you’re rolling with. ![]()
![]() We had nothing to do with what they were doing at the Cataviir estate, merely serving as vassals, and selling food to them. It didn't matter to those men, crusaders bearing "Righteous fury" upon the necromancers. after the lord was dead, they turned on the village. The sky glowed orange, we were lucky they contented themselves to simple "Cleanse the unhallowed grounds", but that moring, we were homeless, refugees, and pariahs. in this game, you will be playing local leaders/heroes to a community in exile. your village was burned down, and because a local lord was practicing necromancy, everyone who survived are personae non gratae. the system is Dungeon world, a PbtA sstem designed to create a D&D esqe fantasy world. Once we have a party, we will decide more about the situation and world. available playbooks are: All of core, all of Grim world except Necromancer (And Slayer is borderline, unless you really want it), and all of Inverse World except the captain, golem, and rainlord (I will hear appeals on golem), and I will consider other playbooks you show me, as long as they seem balanced and fit the tone. I want a maximum of 5 players, and one person has already expressed interest, so 4 slots remain. anyone interested? ![]()
![]() I needed a little.... reprieve from the Sci fi/fantasy genres, as my IRL group and my other PbP's are all those genres. I have also wanted t Run monsterhearts again for a while now. For those unfamiliar Monsterhearts is a game about the messy lives of teenage monsters. the setting is modern day, urban fantasy in a high school. you take on the role of a high-schooler who has some secret connection to the supernatural (or, for one skin, is completely mundane). this game if PbtA, which means it is resolved with rolls that are 2d6+stat. the stats are Hot (how atrractive and likeable you are), Cold (How strong willed/emotionally controlled you are), volatile (Fight or flight, how good you are at violence), and Dark (How angsty you are, how connected you are to the darkness inherent to this town). the game resolves actions using moves, found (Among the rest of the basic rules) here. as a player, you will create your character using one the the skins (This game's word for classes) the skins can be found here This game has themes of messy sexuality, emotional and social violence, sex, violence, and the other stuff inherent to teenagerhood (unless you're like me, and had a nice, boring teenagerhood, in which case, time for vicarious drama!), and it will deal with such things, so this game is hard pg-13, light R (We won't actually show anything too graphic, and will draw the curtain on certain scenes, but it will still be very open about sexuality and emotional manipulation. just as a warning okay, I think I have covered the basics. Any questions or interest? ![]()
![]() This city is your home, from the skeletons of skyscrapers, to the lonely leviathans that corrode in the harbors. from the burn flats to the river of stone and steel. The irradiated plains and the cannibals fortress are all familiar to you. This is a game about the end of the world, and the unlucky f@#%ers who survived. you will play exceptional individuals in this destroyed world, and it will be about you trying to survive, and maybe more, in this unforgiving world. There are a few assumptions with this game, beyond that the world will be entirely shaped communally. 1. The world ended about 50 years ago, and it stands at the edge of ,living memory 2.You are all, if not friends, then friendly, acquainted, and have worked together in the past 3. There is something at the edge of consciousness, a howling maelstrom of psychic energy, forged from the hate and pain of the end of the world (or perhaps the cause of it) 4. Yes I know that gasoline would be inert within 6 month after the end, but we are ignoring that, cars and guns are staples of the world anyone interested? ![]()
![]() I had a lot of interest in my other DW PbP campaign, and had an idea for another one, plus some free time, so here goes. You are all going, together, into the ruins of the city of Wrey, a once great city that was destroyed about a decade ago. You are all currently in the town of Chillhollow, the closest town to Wrey (only a few hours out). I want to know who you are, and what you seek in Wrey. and write this in character, so I can get an idea of how you will post. Any playbook on this list is allowed (I promise I won't actually hate you for playing the Rainlord, I was just being colourful). If you want one not on this list, send me a copy, and I'll look into it (and likely say yes, unless it is unreasonable for some reason). I'm excited to see what party forms! thank you. ![]()
![]() I have decided to run a game of DW, and was advised that these forums would work well. My idea is that we open in the town of Norwhich, a small market town on a crossroads. it has a nice(ish) inn, and a market,and a mill, along with a few things I haven't decided yet. you guys either live here, or are here for some reason or another I want to know who you guys/gals/elves are, and what brings you to this town. if there is a large amount of interest, I will probably have the interested parties write sample posts so I can see what ill expect. Any playbook on this list is allowed, and if you want one not on this list, send me a copy, and I'll look into it (and likely say yes, unless it is unreasonable for some reason). Thank you for any and all interest. |