felinoel wrote:
How is another player able to cast the prerequisite 6th level spell Shadow Walk, minimum CL 11, in order to craft the elixir to sell to you? Is this where the exploit of raising the spellcraft check by 5 for not meeting a prerequisite comes in, so he doesn't need to know the spell or even be able to cast it but can still somehow fake it enough to create the elixir anyway?
When I first started getting into tabletop RPGs 4 years ago I also looked to youtube for information on game play. I found Chris Perkins other games to be more helpful than the Pax ones which were as much for show as anything. I'd recommend UK Adventure or Robot Chicken for a more traditional gameplay feel (just ignore that's it's 4e).
Thanks. What would you suggest I do for the rest of this order (currently in my sidecart) & my upcoming September subscriptions, given that if they ship late in the window I'll already be on my way there? I'm guessing the easiest would be to just cancel the rest of my order & subscriptions and buy them once I start there in late Sept/early Oct. If so, make it so (cancel all subs & pending orders), otherwise maybe charge me but hold them in the office? Thanks,
Andrew K wrote:
The RPG adventure path reissue was also updated from 3.5 rules to Pathfinder so there was value in it over the original, especially for newcomers like me.
I got the first email saying I should have gotten my shipping email last night, then the actual shipping email tonight almost 24 hour later. And nothing in either about a credit or free shipping, nor has any credit appeared in my account. Did the credit just show up or was it stated in your email? Free shipping likely means they won't include the add-on deck when calculating what you get charged for shipping, they're eating the extra weight.
Mine's still pending as well. I was able to add a couple items last night to the order so I wouldn't end up $2 short on meeting the shipping discount assuming they yank the S&S ACG from it. I assume they're still working on the details of the promised email and having to handle each order individually to move the ACG to next month. Or they're delaying in hopes we order more stuff. Oh. Well played, Paizo, well played.
Erik Keith wrote: I just went through the thread and moved any reported pending copies of the Class Decks / Card Game Play-Mats to ship with this months subscription shipment. You should be able to review your order on your Order History page and confirm the changes. I also am missing the class decks (order 3211705) from my subscription order email (3226598), really need them as I'll be in charge of OP in our area.
Rudy2 wrote:
As one who enjoys puzzles & riddles, it would be equally frustrating for me if when presented with one we were simply asked to roll some dice to see if we succeed, without being given a chance to actually solve it. Most scenarios will contain elements we don't personally enjoy but others do. If no one at the table wants to solve it or they are struggling then rolling is certainly appropriate, just don't default to that without giving the players an opportunity - after all, it's what the characters would actually be doing. One of my favorite moments was when our group had found something to decode. As I (and my bard in-game) worked on the puzzle we were attacked, with one of them randomly hitting me. Without looking up I said "Hey, can't you see I'm working here?" and continued to focus on the code, while another PC charged in and took out my attacker.
The problem with using the AA conversion of the PCCS version is that you can't legally buy the PCCS version of it after 3/7/11, as per the additional resources. So you would have to purchase it from the ISWG (which replaced PCCS) or UE, both of which only give the light weapon designation when using TWF. Since the AA only refers to PCCS RAW it doesn't apply to the updated versions in the ISWG & UE. Unless you purchased the weapon before 3/7/11, in which case the PCCS / AA version is legal.
Cathlessra wrote: Only 1 missing. Almost there. Could be the Beginner box like others suggested, or maybe We Be Goblins (which I believe now only gives 1 credit). Good progress, I know how tricky it is to find a new feature (=bug) in code not written by yourself It's not We Be Goblins - I've GM'd multiples of both of them and my total is correct, including 2 credits for Free RPG Day modules. Could be BB Bash as I haven't done that one.
kreeg6238 wrote:
Try using the "player #" as the confirmation number - it sounds like it's the right format, and there is no separate player # - your character # is your player # plus -1, -2 etc (123456-1, 123456-2). ...and RDN's ID says it all (though it's not raining here)
Our group of 6 (originally 5 for most of the game until a wayward boyfriend joined us for the summer) has just reached this point, with no deaths. Here's the stats: Character Name: Amiri
Character Name: Harsk
Character Name: Kyra
Character Name: Seelah
Character Name: Seoni
Character Name: Valeros
Smite Makes Right wrote:
Since it's the store that's requesting it they need to make the space & time available so it will work, just let them know that PFS scenarios require a 4 or preferably 5 hour time slot. Splitting days should not be an option.
For those of us who pledged the extra for the print add-on pack as part of the initial KS but now are not able to select it, are we supposed to just finalize our pledge as-is, leaving a $100 overpayment? I sent an email to support as requested but only got a canned reply about GW looking over other options for us, with no instructions as to how to proceed with the pledge manager. I've already asked this on the KS site with no response, now I'm trying here - PLEASE let me know what to do.
Calybos1 wrote:
Hey, what do you expect when the encounter is really your mission briefing with Drangle Dreng.
Rixis wrote:
Uh, flavor? Tasty tasty flavor.
Versatile performance also allows you to use your perform skill in place of other skills so make sure you plan ahead for what they will cover. You get your first at 2nd level then every 4 levels after (6, 10, etc). So maxing your ranks in one perform skill also gives you max ranks in 2 other skills per versatile performance (assuming they don't overlap). For example if you choose Oratory at 2nd level you would use your perform check in place of Diplomacy and Sense Motive, for Dance it would be Acrobatics and Fly, etc. So maxing out perform ranks in Oratory means you don't have to put any into Diplomacy & Sense Motive as they will increase as your perform skill does. I always start with 2 different performances, one "visual" and one "auditory" based on the distraction/countersong listings. This is more so that I can use inspire courage in varying circumstances (darkness, silence, etc).
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
FYI the Iconics are from the NPC Codex box. We actually use miniatures for our group, some from the Beginner's Box Heroes set Kyra-Ezren-Merisiel-Valeros and others from Reaper Miniatures Kickstarter (currently unpainted). Makes it easier to see who's at a location.
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Looks like Pathfinder Pawns made originally for the RPG:PF Pawns
I've subscribed to the PFRPG (order 3096314) but wasn't given the option of combining it with the upcoming shipment of my current monthly subscription (order 3114137), though I was able to combine shipping on my regular order placed today (# 3117440). Is there any way to combine 3096314 to ship with the other 2? I tried last month as well but it seems to want to ship the subscription immediately without allowing me to have it wait for my next regular monthly shipment. Don't need it right away and wanted to save $ on shipping. Thanks,
Chad Brown wrote:
Or maybe simplify this a bit and just track the number of each type of card removed from the game, like 2 Basic Spells, 1 Elite Spell, 10 Basic Weapons, 0 Elite Weapons, etc. Then when a Basic (or later Elite) card is encountered it gets replaced from the box, continuing this process until you use up the number of removed cards for that type, exempting cards that you chose not to remove permanently.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Got this covered in one - I have a kitsune bard and am already stark raving mad. Last game I played him in we had another kitsune (sorcerer) for 2x the memelols.
Vic Wertz wrote:
So I bring extra sleeves of what I use and transfer the set card to my sleeve when I acquire it. Once I rebuild my hand at the end I can remove it from my sleeve and return it to the base set (with or without original sleeve), replacing it with the unlocked one from my deck. Same with exchanging cards.
As for sleeving cards, it sounds like you'd only need to concern yourself with your own cards. Base set is for setting up the scenarios / locations, while you use your deck to play your character. When you acquire a card from a location you pull the equivalent from your OWN set to add to your hand/deck. Since you're never actually mixing anyone's cards together, there can be a variety of sleeved/unsleeved sets without having to figure out how to separate them afterward. If that's the case I'll be using distinctive sleeves for mine so I can quickly tell the difference.
cartmanbeck wrote: Here's a question for you guys that I'm curious about... will there be some way of personalizing the cards in your character deck so that they don't get mixed with anyone else's? I'm sure you could initial the edge of the cards or something like that, but it would be nice if there was a little box on each card specifically for putting your own initials or symbol so that they won't get mixed with other players' organized play decks. If it's anything like the current setup, the only times I can recall that your cards usually leave your possession are if they're banished to the box which you could just banish to your own personal deck box, or if you give someone else a card. You could use your own distinctive protective sleeves with extras for acquired cards so you can't tell those apart while they're in your deck.
I'll be doing a demo play-through of the PF ACG on Tabletop Day at our local FLGS - The Dark Side in Sarasota Florida. There's a group of 5 of us that meet Thursday nights at the store to play and we've had a lot of people stop at our table to ask about the game. Or it may be because 3/5 of our players are female...
Nefreet wrote: You can also cast Masterwork Transformation on your Heirloom Weapon. Or have it cast on it & it's one of the few spells that carry over to other scenarios. So I assume you could then enchant it as usual since it's now masterwork. Nice. So:
The equipment trait Heirloom weapon from Adventurer's Armory would get you proficiency with one (and only that one) non-mw simple or martial weapon. You can't enhance it but it would get you through a few levels. Check out traits - I used one to give my hafling bard longbow proficiency, since small archer with shortbow = 1d4 base damage.
I'm notorious for low dice rolls, to the point that 2 of our female players refuse to use dice I've touched. Last night at the FLGS one of the two forgot to bring her recently purchased set of dice. Instead of using my extras she bought another set, then proceeded to roll three 1's and a 2 on her combat check of d12+2d6+d4.
I'd like to see the insert in 2 parts so we can remove a tray with just the in-play cards (banes & boons) and leave the storage portion for adventure pack boxes etc in the box which could be set aside. This would leave more room at crowded tables as it would take up 1/2 the space & be easier to pass around for drawing cards. I've considered trying to cut mine up but don't want to ruin it.