Ryan Dancey CEO, Goblinworks |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
As of this moment there are zero emails in the inbox for customer.support@goblinworks.com. (Note that we have a separate queue from Paizo's customer.service@paizo.com queue, so I'm just reporting on our queue, not theirs!)
There are 7 cases in the FUBAR file that will probably require a conference between Paizo and Goblinworks to untangle. That will get worked on next week.
There are 4 cases in the Open file that I am still waiting for confirmation from the users involved that they were able to resolve the problem with our help.
There are 62 cases in the Print Pack Add-On file. Not all of these cases are people who increased their pledges during the Kickstarter and didn't get the Print Pack before we sold out. We are still collecting information on this problem and if you are one of the affected people and you have not emailed me about it, please do so.
A couple of general comments:
We learned today that there had been some miscommunication between Paizo and Goblinworks. Goblinworks believed that if the email you used for your paizo.com account matched the email you used with your Kickstarter pledge the system would automatically synch up. Instead, unless you had a paizo.com account when we imported the data back in early 2013, you will need to request a Claim Code from Paizo even if you are using the same email address. Luckily, the Paizo customer support people are awesome and they are cranking through these requests at a prodigious rate and you should not have to wait more than a day to get one.
See my note elsewhere on the forums about why you received a Kickstarter survey email yesterday if you are concerned about it. tl;dr - if you finalized your pledge, ignore it.
We have received a number of questions about Add-Ons and such not appearing on the Account page on goblinworks.com. Currently the only information we are displaying on that page is Enrollment status - Open, Early or Alpha. After we close the Pledge Manager and import all the data one last time we'll be able to begin expanding the details on that page.
I have also gotten some questions about the $35 Adventurer Reward and Add-On. These are Open Enrollment accounts which have a perk of being scheduled to be invited to play in the last month of Early Enrollment. That does not make those accounts Early Enrollment accounts and they're not eligible to vote in the Land Rush.
We also do not yet have a feature that will enable you to transfer Add-Ons between accounts. That feature is something we will be implementing but I do not have an eta.
CBDunkerson Goblin Squad Member |
Ryan, I'm curious if you have any estimates on what percentage of kickstarter backers have finalized the pledge manager, synched their paizo and goblinworks accounts, linked buddies and guild members, et cetera.
These updates you have been giving are great, but I am always wondering if the rush is 'almost finished' or 'just starting'.
T7V Jazzlvraz Goblin Squad Member |
Ryan Dancey CEO, Goblinworks |
I just verified that customer.service@goblinworks.com goes to the customer.support@goblinworks.com address. So that is not a problem.
@CBDunkerson - A week ago, Lisa and I tried to figure out where we're at. The Pledge Manager is a special project that Paizo assembled to manage this process and its not deeply integrated with the rest of their systems so it doesn't have the robust analysis tools that they have for their normal business. A long winded way of saying "we don't know".
When we looked last week it appeared that about 2,400 had finalized their pledges, and about 1,200 people had never accessed the Pledge Manager. We had ~8700 KS backers, but some of those backers have the ability to issue a Buddy or 5 Guild invites which means the total number of people who could have Pledge Manager access is much higher than 9,000.
That tells us that a lot of people started to access the Pledge Manager but did not finalize their pledge which is why we've been spamming every available channel trying to get the word out to people to get that done before Friday.
Now on the other side, we see 5,725 user accounts created on goblinworks.com. Remember that includes people who bought access via the Goblin Squad Store or directly from us so those aren't all Kickstarter accounts. Some people probably made goblinworks.com accounts and have not purchased Enrollment or Transferred data from the Pledge Manager but I don't want to have Taylor waste his time at this juncture trying to compute that number.
So that's where we're at.
TClifford Goblin Squad Member |
Wyntr |
Are you sending out emails to everyone or just people that still need to finalize something? You're confusing me because I'm pretty sure I finalized everything months ago.
You can see here for info, but the emails were sent to everyone since Kickstarter is all or nothing. EDIT: But "pretty" sure is probably not sure enough, so I would say double-check to make more sure :)
We sent a Kickstarter Survey to everyone who backed the Kickstarter yesterday.
The survey has no meaningful questions. It is a vehicle for us to tell people how to use the Pledge Manager and to remind them it is closing on Friday.
If you have finalized your pledge, you can ignore the survey requests. You're good to go.
We did this because we know there are a lot of people who have not finalized their pledges. A lot of folks are ignoring Kickstarter Update emails. They're also ignoring emails that we are sending directly. But when they have a survey pending, and they visit Kickstarter, they get a big yellow banner across the top of the page that tells them we need them to respond to the survey. It's hard to ignore, so a lot of people who would have missed the deadline will see it.
There's no way for us to tailor the survey to just people who have not finalized their pledges. The KS bulk email system is an "all or nothing" system without filters (beyond Reward level).
So our apologies if you got an email that looked a little scary. If you have finalized your pledge, you're good to go, and if you haven't, please do so before tomorrow!
Banesama Goblin Squad Member |
Are you sending out emails to everyone or just people that still need to finalize something? You're confusing me because I'm pretty sure I finalized everything months ago.
I've gotten two emails to finalize, but I checked and I have the green check on the final step saying I'm done. So I believe they are sending out to everyone.
Edit: ... Bloody.... I was ninja'd by Wyntr. I SHALL HAVE MY REVENGE! (stomps off cursing)
T7V Jazzlvraz Goblin Squad Member |
Iatronas Goblin Squad Member |
Btw ... GREAT JOB cleaning out the customer support queue!! It was evident that the team was working through the weekends trying to clean up issues. I know this dual Paizo / GW switch-over has been a strain, but I'd bet that 99%+ of the active members have at least had a disposition if not a resolution. I suspect the hard part that remains is trying to ensure capture of all those who pledged but never came to Paizo (or only did once).
Taylor Hainlen Goblinworks Programmer |
Now on the other side, we see 5,725 user accounts created on goblinworks.com. Remember that includes people who bought access via the Goblin Squad Store or directly from us so those aren't all Kickstarter accounts. Some people probably made goblinworks.com accounts and have not purchased Enrollment or Transferred data from the Pledge Manager but I don't want to have Taylor waste his time at this juncture trying to compute that number.
Well I'm somewhat sitting on my hands waiting for a build and you piqued my curiosity so here's a more concrete number. 4061 accounts have been linked between Paizo and Goblinworks. Of those accounts 104 are people who purchased things through the Goblin Squad Store(On Paizo.com) or were KS1 Alpha level backers who we have setup a dummy account until they properly claim those items. So that puts us at 3957 accounts that have linked properly. The remaining accounts have either purchased from our site or not purchased anything at all.
EDIT: Now I kind of want to go figure out exactly how many people who have linked COULD vote in the Land Rush.
Kitsune Aou Goblin Squad Member |
Ryan Dancey wrote:...
Now on the other side, we see 5,725 user accounts created on goblinworks.com. Remember that includes people who bought access via the Goblin Squad Store or directly from us so those aren't all Kickstarter accounts. Some people probably made goblinworks.com accounts and have not purchased Enrollment or Transferred data from the Pledge Manager but I don't want to have Taylor waste his time at this juncture trying to compute that number.
Well I'm somewhat sitting on my hands waiting for a build and you piqued my curiosity so here's a more concrete number. 4061 accounts have been linked between Paizo and Goblinworks. Of those accounts 104 are people who purchased things through the Goblin Squad Store(On Paizo.com) or were KS1 Alpha level backers who we have setup a dummy account until they properly claim those items. So that puts us at 3957 accounts that have linked properly. The remaining accounts have either purchased from our site or not purchased anything at all.
EDIT: Now I kind of want to go figure out exactly how many people who have linked COULD vote in the Land Rush.
I think I speak for many here:
We love, love, love seeing real numbers like this. Even if it has nothing to do with our own accounts or situations.... numbers are nice to read. :D
Ryan Dancey CEO, Goblinworks |
TEO ArchAnjel Goblin Squad Member |
CBDunkerson Goblin Squad Member |
Thanks Ryan and Taylor. Those numbers definitely help. It is surprising that there are still a significant number of backers who never visited the pledge manager at all (>1000) or have not linked to Goblinworks (>5000 / 50%). Hopefully, these are mostly $35 pledges, which should have the least impact from not following through.
There were only 32 KS1 alpha backers, so most of the 104 accounts must have been new people coming in after the kickstarters. Similarly, comparing the total Goblinworks accounts to those brought over from Paizo it seems like there are ~1600 created on Goblinworks alone. That might suggest a significant level of new users.
Good luck with the build. I imagine for a project like this it could take the better part of a day.
Ryan Dancey CEO, Goblinworks |
deisum Goblin Squad Member |
Taylor Hainlen Goblinworks Programmer |
Good luck with the build. I imagine for a project like this it could take the better part of a day.
I won't get in to all the specifics of the build process but the short answer is incremental builds(like the one I was waiting on yesterday) take anywhere between 20 minutes and 2.5 hours depending on what was changed since the last incremental(sadly mine was on the 2.5 hour side). A full build takes about 6 hours(but that is expected to go up to around 8-9 hours as I 'fix' a part of the system that is taking a shortcut it shouldn't be for the sake correctness).
Incremental builds are triggered anytime someone checks in changes. Full builds get kicked off late at night and are normally done by the time we get in.
Lifedragn Goblin Squad Member |
CBDunkerson wrote:Good luck with the build. I imagine for a project like this it could take the better part of a day.I won't get in to all the specifics of the build process but the short answer is incremental builds(like the one I was waiting on yesterday) take anywhere between 20 minutes and 2.5 hours depending on what was changed since the last incremental(sadly mine was on the 2.5 hour side). A full build takes about 6 hours(but that is expected to go up to around 8-9 hours as I 'fix' a part of the system that is taking a shortcut it shouldn't be for the sake correctness).
Incremental builds are triggered anytime someone checks in changes. Full builds get kicked off late at night and are normally done by the time we get in.
Oh man... flashbacks to when I was working on a PS3 launch title. I wish you great commercial success so that investments like Incredibuild or other build-speedy-upper options can be made!
Ryan Dancey CEO, Goblinworks |
Giorgo Goblin Squad Member |
Kitsune Aou Goblin Squad Member |
Ryan Dancey CEO, Goblinworks |
There are no emails currently in the customer.support@goblinworks.com inbox.
I have been told that there are several hundred emails still pending in the customer.service@paizo.com queue and that they are working through them as fast as they can. If you have emailed them, I would be patient and wait for a response. Multiple emails won't get you an answer faster.
Ryan Dancey CEO, Goblinworks |
Giorgo Goblin Squad Member |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Customer support confirmed that all five Paizo invites where accepted, and only 1 Goblinworks invite was accepted. I resent the GW invite (some went to junk folders) and I now have a second player showing as "Redeemed" in "Early Enrollment!
That's 2/5, hope to get it all straighten out by tonight. Thanks! :)
Elvis Aron Manypockets Goblin Squad Member |
Bonny Paz PFO Community Manager |
Happy Sunday everyone!
The Customer Support queue is almost completely taken care of. We do have a few peoples who's accounts did not link. I will be able to get those fixed on Monday. Everyone who emailed about the Print Pack add-on will be hearing more detailed information soon. We have all been working really hard to make sure we get to your support issues immediately. If any one is having any kind of issue please email customer.support@goblinworks.com.
Hardin Steele Goblin Squad Member |
Bonny Paz PFO Community Manager |
Happy Sunday to everyone.
I just wanted to give a little update on the status of a few CS Issues. If you fall into any of these issues, please email customer.support@goblinworks.com so we can help!
Here are some reasons you might need to contact us.
1. If you are missing any pledge rewards that deal directly with PFO and/or enrollment status. (We are not able to directly look up issues with missing physical items or PDF rewards. I will have to contact Paizo to get those issues resolved.)
2. If you thought you purchased or were not able to complete the pledge manager or any other issue with the Print pack add-on. I have a meeting with Paizo this week to get a solution finalized. We really appreciate everyone being so gracious on the issue. We want you to get what you paid for as much as you want to receive it!
3. Since we are getting closer to the EE date (which has NOT been announced, I just know its getting closer) I want to make sure that you all have a goblinworks.com account and that your enrollment levels are correct.
As always, if you have any other issues, feel free to email! Im usually on 24/7 and answering emails as they come in.
Bonny Paz PFO Community Manager |
Aet Rafkin Goblin Squad Member |
Ryan Dancey CEO, Goblinworks |
I would say that at this point sending more emails to Paizo's customer service team is not going to help you. Once we give an "all clear" indicating that we think all problems have been resolved, and if your problem has not been resolved, that would be a time to try and escalate. Right now you're just putting more load on a system that's already overloaded.
Scarlette Goblin Squad Member |
KarlBob Goblin Squad Member |
I can't seem to find out where it shows what add-ons I purchased. I asked this here because I know I bought regional trait pack, and still have no info on it. But I would also like to see what else I have not received info on.
Based on the last developer post I recall about this subject, the GW site doesn't show those choices yet. They have a record of which add-ons you picked, but your profile can't show it to you right now.
I'm interested in the add-on packs too, and the Second Kickstarter daily reward in-game items (ninja suits, swords, boots, etc.).
Bitter Thorn Goblin Squad Member |
Scarlette wrote:I can't seem to find out where it shows what add-ons I purchased. I asked this here because I know I bought regional trait pack, and still have no info on it. But I would also like to see what else I have not received info on.Based on the last developer post I recall about this subject, the GW site doesn't show those choices yet. They have a record of which add-ons you picked, but your profile can't show it to you right now.
I'm interested in the add-on packs too, and the Second Kickstarter daily reward in-game items (ninja suits, swords, boots, etc.).