Lord Villastir

Earevel's page

51 posts. Organized Play character for Balacertar.




(Playtest) Male Wizard 5/Rogue (Inactive)


HP 51/51 | AC 22 TAC 20

About Earevel

This is a Pathfinder 2 Playtest character

Fire mephit:

Fire, Small, Elemental
Perception +5; darkvision
Languages Ignan
Skills –1; Acrobatics +6
Str +1, Dex +2, Con +0, Int –3, Wis +0, Cha +0
AC 15, TAC 15; Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3
HP 21, explosion; Immunities asleep, critical hits, fire, paralysis,
poison, precision, stun; Weaknesses cold 3, water 3
Explosion (fire) When the elemental dies, it explodes, dealing
2d4 fire damage to all creatures in a 5-foot aura (Reflex DC
14 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a
critical success).
Speed 40 feet
Melee tendril +7, Damage 1d4+1 fire and 1d4 persistent fire
Water Weakness When this creature is doused with water, either
through a spell or some other effect (such as pouring a bucket
of water over it) it takes damage equal to its water weakness
value. If it starts its turn within water, it also takes that amount
of damage.


Earevel is from Iadara, the capital of Kyonin. He had some issues with the Viridian Crown, and was sent outside to study and serve at the Pathfinder Society. For once, he did not rebel himself against that idea, as the life of the Pathfinder offered multiple adventures and freedom from his own Society constrictions.

Earevel is fond of having good elven styling.


Male Elf Wizard 5/Rogue
CG Medium humanoid (Elf)
Senses low-light vision Perception +7
AC 22, TAC 20 (+3/+1 armor, +4 Dex, +5 proficiency)
hp 51 (6+8*5+5)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +9
Speed 30 ft
Melee expert staff +6 (1d8) B [1d4 while one handed],
produce flame +9 (1d6+4) fire touch [+1d4 persistent on critical]
Ranged ray of frost +9 (1d8+4) cold 60’ touch,
electric arc (1d6+4) electricity 30’ Ref
heavy crossbow +9 (1d10) P 120’, reload 2, hands 2

Attack rolls:

Class DC 19 (10+5+4)
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 12
Ability increments +2 Dex/Int/Con (racial), -2 Con (racial), +2 Dex/Int (background), +2 Int (class), +2 Int/Dex/Con/Wis (free), +2 Dex/Con/Wis/Cha (boost 5th)
Hero points 1
Resonance points 5/5
Languages Common, Elven, Osiriani

U = Untrained (-4) T = Trained (0), E = Expert (+1), M = Master (+2), L = Legendary (+3)
Arcane spell rolls (DC ) +9 (Int + T)
Perception +2 (Wis + T)
Fortitude +3 (Con + T + 1 item)
Reflex +5 (Dex + T + 1 item)
Will +4 (Wis + E + 1 item)
AC (light armor) +7 (Dex + T + 3 item)
TAC (light armor) +5 (Dex + T + 1 item)
Acrobatics +4 (Dex + T)
Arcana +5 (Int + E)
Athletics +0 (Str + T)
Crafting +0 (Int + U)
Deception +1 (Cha + T)
Diplomacy +1 (Cha + T)
Intimidation -3 (Cha + U)
Lore (Entertainment) +4 (Int + T)
Lore (Other) +1 (Int + U)
Medicine -2 (Wis + U)
Nature +2 (Wis + T)
Occultism +4 (Int + T)
Performance +1 (Cha + T)
Religion +2 (Wis + T)
Society +4 (Int + T)
Stealth +4 (Dex + T)
Survival -2 (Wis + U)
Thievery +5 (Dex + E)
Wizard melee weapons (club, dagger, staff) +0 (Str + T)
Wizard ranged weapons (heavy crossbow, light crossbow) +4 (Dex + T)
Attack arcane rolls T

Cantrips (6 = 4 + school + familiar)
Dancing lights
Detect magic
Electric arc
Ray of frost
Hand of the mage: Mage hand

Traits Casting Cantrip, Evocation
Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range 30 feet; Targets one unattended object of
light Bulk or less
Duration concentration
You create a single arcane hand, either invisible or ghostlike, that
grasps the target object and moves it slowly up to 20 feet. Because
you’re levitating the object, you can move it in any direction. When
you Concentrate on the Spell, you can move the object an additional
20 feet. When the spell ends, the object falls if it’s in the air.
Heightened (3rd) You can target an unattended object with a
Bulk of 1 or less.
Heightened (7th) The range increases to 60 feet, and you can
target an unattended object with a Bulk of 1 or less.
Staff: Produce flame
Traits Attack, Cantrip, Evocation, Fire
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range 30 feet; Targets one creature
A flame appears in your palm. Make a melee or
ranged touch attack. On a success, you deal 1d4
fire damage. On a critical success, the target takes 1d4 persistent
fire damage in addition to the cantrip dealing double damage.
Heightening this spell increases its damage.
Heightened (3rd) 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
Heightened (5th) 2d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier, and
double damage + 2d4 persistent fire damage on a critical hit.
Heightened (7th) 3d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier and
double damage + 3d4 persistent fire damage on a critical hit.
Heightened (9th) 4d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier and
double damage + 4d4 persistent fire damage on a critical hit.

Level 1 (4/day)
Color spray
Illusory disguise
Feather fall
Staff: Burning hands

Traits Evocation, Fire
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Area 15-foot cone
Gouts of flame rush from your hands. You deal 2d6 fire damage to
creatures in the area; they must each attempt a Reflex save.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Critical Success The creature takes no damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6

Level 2 (4/day)
* Blur
* Heightened Summon monster

Level 3 (3/day)
* Invisibility sphere
* Fireball
Heightened Sleep

Low-light vision You can see in dim light as though it were bright light.
Ancestral longevity Prepare a skill each day becoming trained on it.
Unwavering mien Reduce the confused, frightened or stupefied conditions by 1 (minimum 1). You are immune to the asleep condition (but still need to sleep naturally).

BACKGROND: Entertainer
Ability scores +2 Dex, +2 Int
Lore skill Entertainment Lore
Fascinating Performance Can fascinate a target creature 1 round using Performance vs the target Will DC. The creature is bolstered afterwards.

Ability scores +2 Int
Arcane focus (wizard) Each day you can designate a new item as arcane focus.

Drain arcane focus:
Frequency: 1/day
Trigger: Your turn begins.
You consume the arcane focus energy and can cast again a spell you prepared and cast previously during the day.

Arcane School (wizard) Gain a spell slot for every spell level and a cantrip for the chosen school. Gain a Spell Points pool and the school spell power, plus inscribe an additional spell from that school into your spellbook.
Spellbook (wizard):

Cantrips (10 known)
Electric arc

Traits Attack, Cantrip, Electricity, Evocation
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range 30 feet; Targets one or two creatures
You deal 1d6 electricity damage; each target must
attempt a Reflex save. Heightening increases damage.
Success The target takes half damage.
Critical Success The target takes no damage.
Failure The target takes full damage.
Critical Failure The target takes double damage.
Heightened (3rd) Damage of 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
Heightened (5th) Damage of 2d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
Heightened (7th) Damage of 3d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
Heightened (9th) Damage of 4d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier.

Ray of frost

Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range 60 feet; Targets one creature
Make a ranged touch attack against the target. If you
hit, you deal 1d8 cold damage. Double the damage
on a critical hit. Heightening this spell increases its damage.
Heightened (3rd) The cold damage increases to 1d8 + your
spellcasting ability modifier.
Heightened (5th) The cold damage increases to 2d8 + your
spellcasting ability modifier.
Heightened (7th) The cold damage increases to 3d8 + your
spellcasting ability modifier.
Heightened (9th) The cold damage increases to 4d8 + your
spellcasting ability modifier.
Traits Attack, Cantrip, Cold, Evocation

Dancing lights
Traits Cantrip, Evocation, Light
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range 120 feet
Duration concentration
You create up to four floating lights, no two of which are more than
10 feet apart. Each sheds light like a torch. When you Concentrate
on the Spell, you can move each light up to 60 feet. Each light must
remain within range and within 10 feet of all others, or it winks out.

Traits Cantrip, Enchantment, Mental
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature
Duration 1 round
You cloud the target’s mind with effects determined by its Will save.
Success The target is unaffected.
Failure The target is flat-footed.
Critical Failure The target is flat-footed and slowed 1

Detect magic
Traits Cantrip, Detection, Divination
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Area 30-foot aura
You send out a magical pulse that registers the
presence of magic. You receive no information beyond presence or
absence of magic. You can choose to ignore magic you’re fully aware
of, such as you and your allies’ magic items and ongoing spells.
You detect illusion magic only if that magic’s effect has a lower
level than the level of your detect magic spell. However, items that
have an illusion aura but aren’t deceptive in appearance (such as
an invisibility potion) typically get detected normally.
Heightened (3rd) You learn the school of magic for the highest-
level magical effect within range that the spell detects. If multiple
effects are equally strong, the GM determines which you learn.
Heightened (4th) As 3rd level, but you also pinpoint the source of
the highest-level magic. You don’t learn the exact location but can
narrow down the source to within a 5-foot cube. If the source is
larger than that, you identify only the cube nearest to you.

Traits Auditory, Cantrip, Illusion, Lingual, Mental
Casting Verbal Casting
Range 120 feet; Targets one creature
Duration see below
You mouth words, but instead of coming out of
your mouth, they’re transferred to the ears of the
target. Though others cannot hear your words, the target can as
if she were standing next to you. She can give a brief response as
a reaction, or as a free action on her next turn if she wishes, but
she must be able to see you and be within range to do so. If she
responds, per the original missive only you can hear her response.
Heightened (3rd) The spell’s range increases to 500 feet.

Traits Abjuration, Cantrip, Force
Casting Verbal Casting
Duration until your next turn or until dismissed
You raise a magical shield of force to protect you.
This counts as using the Raise a Shield action (see the sidebar) to
gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next
turn, though it doesn’t require a hand to use.
While the spell is in effect, you can also use the Shield Block
reaction with your magic shield. The shield has Hardness 4. After
you use Shield Block, the spell is dismissed and you can’t cast it
again for 10 minutes. Unlike a normal Shield Block, you can use
the spell’s reaction against the magic missile spell.
Heightening the spell increases the Hardness.
Heightened (3rd) Hardness 10.
Heightened (5th) Hardness 15.
Heightened (7th) Hardness 20.

Requirements You are wielding a shield.
You position your shield to protect you. When you have Raised
a Shield, you gain its bonus to AC and TAC as circumstance
bonuses and you can use the Shield Block reaction (below). Your
shield remains raised until the start of your next turn.
Trigger While you have your shield raised, you take damage from
a physical attack.
You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield
prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the
shield’s Hardness—the shield takes this damage instead, possibly
becoming dented or broken. See the Item Damage section on
page 175 for rules on dented and broken items.

Traits Cantrip, Transmutation
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range touch; Targets one creature or object
Duration unlimited (see below)
You harmlessly place your unique magical sigil, which is about
1 square inch in size, on the touched creature or object. The
mark can be visible or invisible, and you can change it from
one state to another by spending a Somatic Casting action
during which you touch the target.
The mark can be scrubbed or scraped off with 5 minutes of
work. If it’s on a creature, it fades naturally over the course of
a week. The time before the mark fades increases depending
on your level.
Heightened (3rd) 1 month.
Heightened (5th) 1 year.
Heightened (7th) The sigil never fades.

Traits Cantrip, Conjuration, Plant
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range 30 feet; Targets one creature
A vine covered in sticky sap appears from thin air,
flicking from your hand and lashing itself to the target. Attempt
a ranged touch attack against the target.
Success The target is entangled. It can attempt an Acrobatics
or Athletics check against your spell DC to remove the
entangled condition (and immobile condition, if necessary).
Critical Success Per success, and the target immobile as long
as it’s entangled.
Failure No effect.
Heightened (2nd) The entangled condition lasts for 2 rounds.
Heightened (4th) The entangled condition lasts for 1 minute.

Level 1 (11 known = 8 + 2nd level + school)
Traits Emotion, Enchantment, Mental
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range 30 feet; Targets one humanoid creature
Duration 1 hour or until dismissed
To the target, your words are honey and your visage bathed in
dreamy haze. It must attempt a Will save, with a +4 circumstance
bonus if you or your allies recently threatened it or acted hostile.
You can dismiss charm with a Verbal Casting action. If you act
hostile to the target, the spell ends. When the spell ends, the target
doesn’t necessarily realize it was charmed unless its friendship
with you or the actions you convinced it to take clash with its
expectations, which could potentially allow you to convince the
target to continue being your friend via mundane means.
Success The target is unaffected, but thinks your spell was
something harmless instead of charm, unless it identifies the
spell (usually with Identify Magic).
Critical Success The target is unaffected and aware you tried
to charm it.
Failure The target’s attitude becomes friendly toward you. If it
was friendly, it becomes helpful. It can’t act hostile toward you.
Critical Failure Target is helpful and can’t act hostile toward you.
Heightened (4th) You can target any creature, not just humanoids.
Heightened (8th) You can target up to 10 creatures of any kind.

Color spray
Traits Illusion, Visual
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Area 15-foot cone
Duration 1 or more rounds (see below)
Swirling colors affect viewers based on their Will saves.
Success Dazzled for 1 round.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Failure Blinded for 1 round, dazzled for 4 rounds.
Critical Failure Stunned for 1 round, blinded for 4 rounds.

Feather fall
Traits Abjuration
Casting Verbal Casting; Trigger A creature
within range is falling.
Range 60 feet; Targets one falling creature
Duration 1 minute or until dismissed
The target’s fall slows to 60 feet per round, and the portion of
the fall during the spell’s duration doesn’t count when calculating
falling damage. If the target reaches the ground while the spell is
in effect, it takes no damage from the fall. The spell is dismissed
as soon as the target lands.

Floating disk
Traits Conjuration
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Duration 1 hour or until dismissed
A disk of magical energy materializes adjacent to you. This disk
is 2 feet in diameter and follows 5 feet behind you automatically,
floating just above the ground. It holds up to 5 Bulk of objects
(though they must be able to fit and balance on its surface).
Any objects atop a floating disk fall to the ground when the
spell ends.
The disk is dismissed if a creature tries to ride atop it, if anyone
tries to lift or force the disk higher above the ground, or if you
move more than 30 feet away from the disk (such as by Flying or
Climbing above the ground).

Gust of wind
Traits Air, Evocation
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Area 60-foot line
Duration until the start of your next turn
A violent wind issues forth from your outstretched palm, blowing
from the point where you are when you cast the spell to the
line’s opposite end. The wind extinguishes small nonmagical fires,
disperses fog and mist, blows around objects of light Bulk or less,
and pushes larger objects. Large or smaller creatures in the area

Illusory disguise
Traits Illusion, Visual
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Duration 1 hour or until dismissed
Your illusion can make you appear as another creature of the
same body shape and roughly similar height (within 6 inches) and
weight (within 50 pounds). The disguise is typically good enough
to hide your identity, but not to impersonate a specific individual.
The spell doesn’t change your voice, scent, or mannerisms. You
can also make clothing and items you wear appear different, such
as making your armor look like an ordinary dress. Held items are
unaffected, and any worn item you remove returns to its true
appearance until you don it again.
Casting illusory disguise counts as setting up a disguise for
the Impersonate use of Deception; it ignores any circumstance
penalties you might take for disguising yourself as a dissimilar
creature, and it gives you a +4 conditional bonus to your
Deception checks to avoid others seeing through your disguise.
You can dismiss this disguise with a Verbal Casting action.
Heightened (2nd) The spell also disguises your voice and scent,
and it gains the auditory trait.
Heightened (3rd) You can appear as any creature of the same
size, even a specific individual. You must have seen an individual
to take on their appearance. The spell also disguises your voice
and scent and it gains the auditory trait

Traits Transmutation
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Duration 1 hour
Your Speed is accelerated 10 feet.
Heightened (2nd) The duration increases to 8 hours.

Traits Transmutation
Casting 1 hour (Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting)
Range touch; Targets nonmagical object of light Bulk or less
You remove the broken condition from the target if it is broken,
or repair 1 Dent it has taken if it is dented.
Heightened (2nd) You can target a nonmagical object of 1 Bulk
or less.
Heightened (3rd) You can target a nonmagical object of 2 Bulk or
less, or a magical object of 1 Bulk or less.

Traits Enchantment, Mental
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range 30 feet; Area 5-foot burst
Each target in the area becomes drowsy and might fall asleep,
depending on its Will save. A creature that falls asleep from
this spell doesn’t fall prone or drop what it’s holding. This spell
doesn’t prevent creatures from waking up due to a successful
Perception check, making it of limited use mid-combat.
Success –1 conditional penalty to Perception checks for
1 round.
Critical Success Unaffected.
Failure It falls asleep. If it’s still asleep after 1 minute, it
wakes up automatically.
Critical Failure It falls asleep. If it’s still asleep after 1 hour,
it wakes up automatically.
Heightened (3rd) The targets fall into a deep slumber for 1
round on a failure and 1 minute on a critical failure. They fall
prone and drop what they’re holding, and they can’t attempt
Perception checks to wake up. After the listed amount of time,
the creature is in normal sleep.

Summon monster
Traits Conjuration
Casting Material Casting, Somatic Casting,
Verbal Casting
Range 30 feet
Duration concentration, up to 1 minute or until dismissed
You summon a level 0 creature from the summon monster list. This
creature fights for you until the spell ends. The creature gains the
summoned trait. The spell automatically ends if the monster’s Hit
Points drop to 0. Summoned creatures have 2 actions per turn
(which they use when you Concentrate on the Spell) and can’t
use reactions. The creature attacks your enemies to the best of
its abilities. If you can communicate with it, you can attempt to
command it as part of your action to Concentrate on a Spell, but
the GM determines the degree to which it follows your commands.
Heightening the spell increases the maximum level of monster
you can summon. You can always summon a monster of a lower
level than the spell allows.
Heightened (2nd) Level 1.
Heightened (3rd) Level 2.
Heightened (4th) Level 3.
Heightened (5th) Level 5.
Heightened (6th) Level 7.
Heightened (7th) Level 9.
Heightened (8th) Level 11.
Heightened (9th) Level 13.
Heightened (10th) Level 15.

1st: Level 0: Animated broom, bloodseeker, bobcat, dog, dire rat, fire beetle, pig, pony, viper
2nd: Level 1: Animated bureau, imp devil, mephit elemental, quasit demon
3rd: Level 2: Animated armor, lemure devil, sloth demon
4th: Level 3: Animated statue, hell hound, minor elemental
5th: Level 5: Lesser elemental; Level 4: bearded devil
6th: Level 7: Blood demon, major elemental; Level 6: lust demon, nightmare, salamander
7th: Level 9: Bone devil, efreeti genie, greater elemental, wrath demon; Level 8: erinyes devil
8th: Level 11: Elder elemental, toad demon; Level 10: barbed devil, slaver demon
9th: Level 13: Ice devil, treachery demon; Level 12: slime demon, valkyrie
10th: Level 15: Phoenix; Level 14: boar demon

True strike
Traits Divination, Fortune
Casting Verbal Casting
Duration until the end of your turn
The next time you make an attack roll before the end of your
turn, roll the attack twice and use the better result. The attack
ignores circumstance penalties to the attack roll and any miss
chance due to the target being concealed or sensed.

Level 2 (4 known = 3rd and 4th levels)
Traits Illusion, Visual
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range touch; Targets one creature
Duration 1 minute
The target’s form appears blurry and it is concealed.

Traits Evocation
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range 120 feet; Area 10-foot burst
Creatures in the area are outlined by glittering dust, with an effect
depending on their Reflex save results. If a creature has its invisibility
negated by this spell, it is concealed instead of invisible. This applies
both if the creature was already invisible and if it benefits from new
invisibility effects before the invisibility negation effect runs out.
Success The target’s invisibility is negated for 1 round.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Failure The target is dazzled for 1 minute and its invisibility is
negated for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The target is blinded for 1 round and dazzled
for 1 minute. Its invisibility is negated for 1 minute.

Comprehend language
Traits Divination
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range 30 feet; Targets one creature
Duration 1 hour
The target can understand the meaning of a single language it

Traits Conjuration
Casting Material Casting, Somatic Casting,
Verbal Casting
Range 30 feet; Area 10-foot burst
Duration 1 minute
You create a sticky web in the area that impedes creatures’
movement each time they try to move through it. Squares filled
with the web are difficult terrain. Each square can be cleared of
the web by a single attack or effect that deals at least 5 slashing
damage or 1 fire damage. A square has AC 5 and TAC 5, and it
automatically fails its saving throws.
Each time a creature begins to use a move action while in the
web, it must attempt an Athletics check against your spell DC to
avoid being entangled or immobilized. A creature that gets out of
the web ceases to be entangled by it.
Success The creature is unaffected and clears the web from
every square it leaves after leaving the square.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected and doesn’t need
to attempt further saving throws against the web this turn.
It clears the web from every square it leaves after leaving
the square.
Failure The creature is entangled until the start of its next
turn but doesn’t need to attempt further saving throws
against the web during this action.
Critical Failure The creature is immobilized until the start of
its next turn, after which it is entangled for 1 round.
Heightened (4th) The spell’s area increases to a 20-foot burst,
and its range increases to 60 feet.

Level 3 (2 known = 5th level)
Invisibility sphere
Traits Illusion, Visual
Casting Material Casting, Somatic Casting
Area 10-foot aura; Targets you and any number of
creatures in range
Duration 10 minutes or until dismissed
You and all targets are invisible except to each other as long as
you remain within the spell’s area. If a creature made invisible
by this spell leaves the spell’s area, it becomes visible and
remains so even if it returns to the spell’s area. If any creature
made invisible by this spell acts in a hostile manner, the spell
is dismissed after that hostile action, reaction, free action, or
activity is completed.
While exploring, it’s easy to move together and remain
invisible. This is untenable in a battle, however. Once an
encounter begins, creatures remain invisible until the end of the
first round, at which point the spell ends.
Heightened (5th) The duration increases to 1 hour or until dismissed.

Traits Evocation, Fire
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range 500 feet; Area 20-foot burst
A burst of fire explodes, dealing 6d6 fire damage;
creatures in the area must attempt a Reflex save.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature takes full damage.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.

Rogue dedication (class 2):
Prerequisites Dexterity 16, Level 2
You gain a skill feat and the rogue’s surprise attack class feature (see page 119 of the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook). You become trained in light armor. In addition, you become trained in Stealth or Thievery and any two skills of your choice; if you are already trained in both Stealth and Thievery, you instead become trained in an additional skill of your choice.
Special You cannot gain another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the rogue archetype.

Surprise Attack (rogue dedication):
During the first round of combat, creatures that have not acted are flatfooted to you.

Read lips (skill feat rogue dedication) :
Prerequisites trained in Society, level 1
You can read the lips of others nearby who you can clearly see.
When you’re at your leisure, you can do this automatically. In encounter mode or when attempting a more difficult feat of lip reading, you are fascinated and flat-footed during each round in which you focus on the lip movements, and you must succeed at a Society check (DC determined by the GM) to successfully read someone’s lips in such circumstances.
If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have Read Lips, you recognize the lip movements for the spoken form of your languages. You can also speak the spoken form of your languages clearly enough for others to understand you, so long as you can produce sound vocally.

Recognize Spell (skill feat 2):
Trigger A creature casts a spell within line of sight of you that you don’t have prepared or in your spell repertoire, or a trap or similar inanimate object triggers and casts such a spell. You must be aware the creature is casting the spell or the trap is triggering.
If the spell is a common spell of level 2 or lower and you are trained in the appropriate skill for the spell’s tradition, you automatically identify it. The spell level you automatically identify increases to 4 if you’re an expert, 6 if you’re a master, or 10 if you’re legendary. Otherwise, the GM rolls a secret Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion check, whichever corresponds to the tradition of the spell being cast. If you’re untrained in the skill, you can’t get a better result than failure. The DC of the check is 10 plus triple the level of the spell. The DC for an uncommon spell is usually 2 higher than for a common spell, and the DC for a rare spell is usually 5 higher.

Toughness (general feat 3):
You can withstand more punishment than most before going down. Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level or 4, whichever is higher. When you reach level 5 and every time you gain a level thereafter, adjust your maximum Hit Points gained from Toughness accordingly (for example, at level 7, this feat would increase your maximum Hit Points by 7).
You also gain a +1 circumstance bonus to recovery saves (see page 295)

Quick identification (skill feat 4):
Prerequisites trained in Arcana, Nature, Occultism or Religion; Level 1
You only take only 1 minute when using Identify Magic to determine the properties of an item, ongoing effect, or location, rather than 10 minutes. If you’re a master, it takes 1 round, and if you’re legendary, it takes 1 action.

Familiar (class 4):

Agatha: Cat (silver haired elven cat)
Familiar ability: Darkvision
Master ability: Additional cantrip
Familiar skills: Perception, Acrobatics and Stealth +9 (level + Int)
Other skills and rolls: +3 (level - 2)
Speed: 25 feet
Size: Tiny
Senses: low light vision (+darkvision), master empathy (1 mile feelings and emotions)
HP: 20 (4*5)
Actions: 2 actions per round (master must spend 1 to concentrate)
[good alternatives: Trap finder, Quick preparation]


+1 studded leather, L3, - [630] sp, 1 b [+3 AC, +1 TAC, +5 Dex Cap, 0 ACP, +1 saves]
Backpack, 1 sp, - b
Material component pouch, 5 sp, 0.1 b
Belt pouch, 0.4 sp, - b [holds 0.4 b]
Fine clothing, 20 sp, - b
Disguise kit, 20 sp, 0.1 b
Scroll case, 1 sp, - b
Hand of the mage, L2, 30 gp, 0.1 b [+mage hand cantrip]

Lesser staff of fire, L3, 60 gp, 1 b [expert; 1/1 produce flame, burning hands]
Wand of knock, L4, 72 gp, 0.1 b

Belt pouch (0.3/0.4 b)
Expert thieve’s tools (L2), 250 sp, 0.1 b
Expert picks (L2), 50 sp, - b
Healing potion, L1, 3 gp, 0.1 b [1d8 hp] consumed by Karvek
Antidote, L1, 2 gp, 0.1 b [+2 item vs poisons and venoms 6h]

Scroll case (0.2/0.4)
Scroll of see invisibility, L2, 8 gp, 0.1 b
Scroll of magic weapon, L1, 3 gp, 0.1 b

Traits Transmutation
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range touch; Targets one nonmagical weapon that is unattended
or that is wielded by you or a willing ally
Duration 1 minute
The weapon glimmers with magic and energy. The target
becomes a +1 magic weapon, gaining a +1 item bonus to attack
rolls and dealing another die of damage on a hit.

Backpack (2.5/4 b)
Arp, 8 sp, 1 b
Spellbook, - sp (usually 8), 1 b
Vial [x2], 0.5 sp, - b
Writing set, 15 sp, 0.1 b
Extra ink and paper, 1 sp, - b
Rations [x3], 0.5 sp, 0.1 b
Waterskin, 0.5 sp, 0.1 b

Gold earned: 500 sp (initial)
Gold spent: 74.4 sp (basic equipment) + 300 (thief tools&picks) + 80 (see invis sc.) + 20 (antidote) = 474.4 sp
Gold remaining: 25.6 sp
Starting items: Wand of knock (L4), +1 studded leather (L3), lesser staff of fire (L3), hand of the mage (L2), scroll of magic weapon (L1), healing potion (L1)

Bulk: 5.4/5