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Okay, so Goblin Weapon Familiarity is a lvl 1 ancestry fest that lets you treat goblin weapons as simple weapons (or advanced weapons as martial). So, by definition, when you gain proficiency with simple or martial weapons, the goblin weapon proficienciea should increase as well.
However, at level 13 goblins gain access to Goblin Weapon Expertise... Which gives you proficiency with goblin weapons whenever you gain proficiency with ANY weapon.
This seems a little redundant. Is this purely so classes that only have proficiency with a couple weapons (wizard, sorc, etc) can utilize the racial weapons? Or is there more to this? Since the first feat let's you treat the weapons as simple or martial, you shouldn't need the second feat except for a few rare and specific cases?
Going to have to go to the bathroom to cast your spell first, I guess ;D
they're definitely good with detect thoughts... but it's only once per day and it takes 3 rounds to have a chance at surface thoughts, which is negated by a will save.
On the other hand, I'd say astrazoans make for some of the best spies... their ability to change themselves into ANY medium creature, even specific ones, is pretty amazing.
we're running 1 transport and 1 fighter. We are using the launch tubes from Pact Worlds so the transport can house the fighter. Gives us 8 spots, with one character running as the ship's doctor/backup/assist (he asked for this role ;)) Seems to work decently enough, though having 2 ships definitely changes the dynamic of space combat.
Dracomicron wrote: Ecliptic12 wrote: Anyone know if the astrozoan bonus to disguise checks works with operative trick attacks, like from a spy operative?
They get a +10 to disguise checks to appear as a creature of the type and subtype of the new form... and trick attack can be based off of disguise for the spy specialization.
I'd say no. Just looking like another creature doesn't help your trick attack. I get the impression that the trick attack disguise bonus is more about disguising where you're pointing the gun.
"He's got a secret weapon that nobody sees," - Warren Zevon, "The Envoy" True... and probably better in terms of fairness with trick attack. I could just see an argument for using disguise for trick attack as an astrazoan:
I make myself into a human, but I give myself an extra arm that is beneath a fake arm. The gun is held in the extra arm and "disguised"...
or somesuch. Just kinda trying to figure out how it works RAW, since trick attack doesn't really give exact descriptions on how each of the different skills works in conjunction.
Anyone know if the astrozoan bonus to disguise checks works with operative trick attacks, like from a spy operative?
They get a +10 to disguise checks to appear as a creature of the type and subtype of the new form... and trick attack can be based off of disguise for the spy specialization.
the Charged Attack gives you either 1: a melee attack, 2: a bull rush, or 3: 2 melee attacks instead of 1 (both at -4).
Smash through requires you to make a bull rush combat maneuver, and you get the attack only if you push the enemy back at least 10 feet.
You can't do a bull rush AND the 2 attack option from Charged Attack... it's either or. So either you bull rush (+4) and get the bonus attack if you push the enemy back more than 10 feet, OR you just do 2 attacks at the end of your charge (OR just 1 attack at the end of your charge)
the 17s are basically useless..
on the second 18 spread, your final stats (without enhancements) will be something like:
22, 22, 18, 18, 12, 8 or 22, 22, 18, 18, 10, 10
The first spread would be:
22, 22, 20, 18, 8, 8 or 22, 22, 18, 18, 10, 10 or 22, 22, 18, 18, 12, 8
The goblin would end up:
20, 20, 20, 18, 16, 8 or 20, 20, 18, 18, 18, 10
Technomancers aren't extremely MAD; a solarian might benefit more from the last spread, but as a technomancer, having maxed intelligence and dexterity should outweigh the benefits of having a higher 4th and 5th ability score
If you look at the FAQ from Paizo, they changed the ghost specialty so stealth only gets a +1 for trick attack
Also, Skill Focus and Operative's Edge are both insight bonuses, so they do not stack... though you calculated skill focus at +2, whereas it's +3, so those things balanced out.
So with the changes to Ghost Specialization, your bonus to trick attack would be +12, not +15... so a 60% chance. Seems fair to me.
Keep in mind an operative with a regular attack is doing only 1d4 or 1d6 (using small arms) of damage. Compare that to say... a soldier with a heavy weapon doing 1d10. Even with the trick attack, the operative is doing 2d4 or 1d6 + 1d4... total maximum possible is 10, the same as the soldier, who has a higher BaB than the operative.
So, the operative has to roll to see if the trick attack works, and then roll again to see if the attack hits (at a lower chance than the soldier if not for the fact that the target is flat-footed for the attack). If BOTH hit, they can potentially do the same damage as the soldier with the heavy weapon, who needs to only roll once and has a higher chance to hit if there is an envoy who can make the target flat-footed. If only the trick attack succeeds, the operative does nothing. If the trick attack fails, but the attack succeeds, the operative does 1d4 or 1d6 - not that impressive.
Eventually, the operative gets debilitating effects that he can add to the trick attack to make it more fun and diverse, but before that, the soldier is definitely ahead in terms of combat. Thus, it is most certainly not "very unbalanced".
Melee soldiers and solarians are even further ahead, in terms of damage, since they add their strength modifiers. Technomancers have the capability of doing like 5d6 damage in one attack, if they choose to utilize supercharge weapon.
Overall, I think Starfinder is fairly balanced. Operatives are certainly skill-monkies, but they aren't leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else, falling behind specialized characters in certain roles, and they are only in the middle in terms of combat damage. *shrug*
IF you want reach as a weapon solarian you might want to consider a large race instead of lashunta. Go dragonkin or shobhad and you will have a 10ft reach with any form of weapon you materialize ;)
Not sure why you're going pilot, but with that party set-up you may want to focus on charisma and do the party face stuff... You can be the ship captain with diplomacy and intimidate maxed, and have decent STR and CHA scores.
yep. Medium (2str) or small (2dex), able to benefit from spells that target stuff instead of people, like make whole, but they only get 50% of the benefit from healing spells. Instead of medicine, you use engineering on them. They have a datajack and comm built in, and get an extra cybernetic component that is equal to their level/2, and can be swapped out. They also get immunities to bleed, disease,
death effects, poison, nonlethal damage, and
sleep (unless the spell or whatever targets constructs, specifically). They don't need to breathe, still need to go offline for 8 hours a day, and get a +4 to saves against stuff that targets humanoids only.
As Bird said, they have very little background information (none of the races in Pact Worlds is well fleshed-out), but they are more or less Androids with MORE discrimination and bias because they look like robots (they don't have a unified appearance. They can be humanoid, or look like Wall-E). They have the same protections as androids, but those protections are less widespread and less respected.
perfect... thanks for the help ;)
What does the archetype replace when it lists a level that a class doesn't get anything?
For example, Data Jockey (pact worlds) says it replaces class features at 2, 6, 9, and 18.
If my primary class is Envoy, then Data Jockey would replace my improvisations at 2, 6, and 18... but I don't get anything on level 9 (except an increase in skill expertise dice). Would I just not take that dice increase, and set back further increases... so Skill Expertise maxes at 1d8 + 3 instead of 1d8 + 4? or what do I exchange at level 9 for Tactical Analysis (data jockey feature)?
Seems fine...
Another option is to go SROS (from pact worlds) and go full robot.
ah I see. So you are either piloting and taking a snap shot attack... or you are gliding and taking a full gunnery action.
makes sense and thanks for answering. Don't know why I didn't notice that in the book before. :)
How does combat for a tiny fighter work? Does the single occupant perform duties for pilot, engineer, science officer, and gunner all by himself? Can he do things for each role in a given turn? Hm
Alright, thanks. On that note, the DC calculations for ship combat should probably be changed, then, to add +APL instead of +tier, i imagine? (since the DC's area ALREADY hard to hit... so having people try to hit something based on 1 level higher in terms of DCs sounds ... unhappy).
For the medium with the launch tube (thanks, didn't see this add-on in my Pact Worlds), should I go with a tier 2 medium ship and a tier 1 fighter, then? Or just have both ships follow that ruling and set both at tier 2?
Thanks for the advice :)
If I have a group that is 8-9 people, all starting at level 1, what sort of ship do you think they should have? According to the rules, if they have a medium ship, only 6 of them will be able to perform actions during combat... on the other hand, having a Destroyer-class ship at level 1 seems a bit silly, and it will have almost nothing on it, since most of the BP will go towards the ship frame.
Any suggestions? Should we have 6 people on the main ship, with like 3 smaller fighter types or something (but they can't dock on the medium ship?)? Or give them the destroyer? Or something else, entirely?
Perhaps break the group up into 2 medium ships? Hmm...
Thanks everyone. Here is what I have so far:
1. I will only take the lives of the evil and the corrupt. I will always research my targets before carrying out a kill in order to ensure that they deserve to meet justice, and I will not carry out even contracts that I’ve agreed to, if new information reveals that my targets are innocent.
2. I shall never kill an innocent, except in the case that more innocent lives can be saved through the loss of fewer. I will always try to minimize loss of innocent or good lives. No children, period. If an assassination results in a child being orphaned, I will ensure that the child is cared for (taken to an orphanage or Steward station)
3. I will put the lives of my companions first, and the mission second, but I shall always do everything in my power to accomplish the mission, so long as the mission targets marks that deserve death
4. I will not be crossed. Anyone knowingly and/or maliciously deceiving or coercing me or my comrades into doing the work of the corrupt will be punished. Though it may not happen immediately, justice will be had and blood will eventually beget blood.
5. I will never break my word, save in a case in which keeping it violates one of the other codes.
Basically, creating an operative assassin character who grew up in a gang of thugs that had no morals and used him to quietly take out targets for them. These targets were often innocents who crossed the gang in some way or hindered the gang's plans (i.e. politicians fighting for improved conditions in slums or for increased policing presence, scientists looking to improve environmental conditions, etc.)
Eventually, our hero figures out that the gang used him and even killed his family (he was "adopted" by the gang leader and was given some false story about being abandoned and saved by the gang). He leaves the gang after trapping the leader's bed, and sets out on his own.
However, due to the way that things went down, our hero has grown a conscience. He has decided that he will not be used again, and so he has come up with a code of conduct. Maybe 4 or 5 tenets that he will NOT break under any circumstance.
I'm looking for help coming up with said tenets. He will be a Lawful Neutral character and follow his code to the letter (and said code will supersede any laws or rules in the places that he travels).
1. I will only take the lives of the evil and the corrupt. I shall never kill an innocent, except in the case that more innocent lives can be saved through the loss of fewer. I will always research my targets before carrying out a kill in order to ensure that they deserve to meet justice
2. I will put the lives of my companions first, and the mission second, but I shall always do everything in my power to accomplish the mission, so long as the mission targets marks that deserve death
3. ???
These are ideas... but looking for more. Want to play a character that is fun to RP and has rules to follow that restrict his actions to some degree - an assassin with a conscience, if you will. Overdone trope? Maybe.
Thanks !
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Reddit has a few:
All of the classes: ass_guides_for_friends_and/
Either way, it's just a guide. Follow it to whatever degree you want to, and then customize your own character and choices however you want ;)
If you want to go superhero, you can go with icon instead of ace pilot.
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Sir RicHunt Attenwampi wrote: Kolek Ztardok wrote: How would you interpret Sheerin culture? Ideas? I'd love to hear them. HA HA! {begins furiously typing up quasi-facts, exaggerations, and outright libelous falsehoods about race of baby-faced ginger raconteurs}
Slyme wrote: I like the ideas you have there, I assume you are talking about the Shirren. Rats. {deletes}
Edit: I meant no harm or mockery. Just saw an innocent typo and pounced on for the sake of silliness.
Whole thread on this build, basically
Hey everyone!
Just wanted to see if I could pick your brains for some ideas for backstory/rp. Basically, need ideas for people that an outlaw vesk gang leader based on Akiton would want to have assassinated (people who might hinder his plans, people who might annoy him, people who might get in his way, etc.).
So far these are ideas that I’ve come up with:
1. Homeless ysoki who lost her home due to encroachment of said gang. Very vocal about her hate of said gang.
2. Human school superintendent who wants to change the curriculum of the Akiton school system to push for more prosperous and enriching jobs
3. Rival vesk gang leader who emphasizes vesk ideas of honor in his groups’ activities
4. Lashunta meteorologist who is trying to find ways to improve atmospheric conditions on Akiton
5. Vocal human petitioner who is arguing for equal rights and respect for ysoki and androids throughout the pact worlds
6. Android politician who is lobbying the Pact Council to increase security measures on Akiton and supply many more Stewards to aid in peacekeeping and controlling the rampant criminal element
Think regular weapons are preferable to weapons that target TL?
Looks like a fun ship... we have 6 party members so we were thinking of starting with a light freighter
Anyone have some great ship builds that they're proud of? Ships come with so much customizability... Anyone start a ship-building guide yet (which compares weapon options, bay options, etc.)?
How did your group build your level 1 ship?
Thanks for the replies!
As a side note, anyone have a smart way to raise a mystic's computers score besides skill focus or skill synergy? It's not a class skill for mystic, and none of the themes make it so. Themeless perhaps?
So... you have 6 members in your crew.
An envoy captain
An ace pilot mechanic pilot
A soldier engineer
A mystic science officer
A solarian gunner
You also have an operative who could fill any of the roles, as needed. Those who have theorycrafted or those who have played some already, what is the most important role between gunner, science officer, and engineer (i.e. where should the operative spend most of his rounds)?
6 is a decent-sized group of people... when you start using the larger ships, do you just assume they are filled with extra people and make additional rolls? If you had a group of 4, do you have npcs for some of the roles on the ship?
PCs have bp values in their ships reflective of their group's average level... it is assumed that all PCs in starfinder are using scrap and other things that they would normally sell to upgrade their ships as they level... either directly or through direct conversions from parts to BP.
While it might make logical sense to have a conversion rate, mixing the systems would actually make the game more complicated or open it up to exploits
Ah right... forgot the basic minimum strength to use heavy weapons :o... but, as a ysoki sniper, you may want to just max out dex and forgo strength and use long arms anyhow... most of the time you'd probably want to use a sniper rifle, given what you want to do with the character, and neither snipers nor long arms have strength requirements (and fit the idea of a sneaky sniper better than a character lugging around a giant cannon or artillery or something)
True enough!
I guess we'll have to see how things pan out once the monsters are released and once people start playing at higher levels
I had focus in my build but I guess I forgot to add it to my attack *oops*
Alright... that makes sense, I suppose. Makes it seem a little strange. PvP will be especially odd, or characters that are built as enemies by the gm using pc levels? Hmm
Akoni Doomhammer wrote: My wife wants to RP a ratfolk-sniper. We took the Mercenary theme to take advantage of the +1 Str and +1 Athletics bonus. We spent our 10 Ability Points and put 2 into Str, 6 into Dex, and 2 into Int. We wanted to exploit the Ysoki racial bonuses, while boosting Str to 11. By level 5, we will raise Str to 13 and open options for Heavy Weapons.
With the +2 Int modifier on class skills, we focused on boosting 6 of her 8 class skills. She's should do well enough to pass mid to high-level skill checks.
Any thoughts? :)
Ability Scores
Str: 11 Dex: 18 Con: 10 Int: 14 Wis: 10 Cha: 10
Health and Resolve
SP: 7 / HP: 9 / R: 5
Armor: Second Skin
EAC: 15 / KAC: 16
AC vs CM: 24
Saving Throws
FORT: 2 / REF: 4 /WIS: 2
Attack Bonuses
Melee: 1 / Ranged: 6 / Thrown: 1
Soldier Class Skills (Class: 4 + Int Mod: 2 = 6 skill ranks per level)
Mercenary Theme Skill
Weapon Focus (+1 ATK w/ longarms)
Laser Rifle, azimuth
Tool Kit-Engineering
Basic Medkit
Since you are going soldier, you have heavy armor and heavy weapon proficiencies off-the-bat... so you don't need to wait for 13 strength to use either. The extra strength will really only help you in terms of your carrying capacity (which will be alleviated somewhat at level 6 due to mercenary)
So, building a level 20 operative I noticed that, with max dex, his ranged attack is 24. With the best light armor and that same max dex, his a.c. is 40.
So, without any modifiers he'd have to roll 16 or better to hit someone with his same ac. If he's trying for a full attack with multi-weapon fighting, that's 4 attacks at 20 each... meaning you only hit on a natural 20. Even if you hit with trick attack and give a -2 to opponent a.c., you still need a 14 or better on a regular attack, or an 18 or better on a full attack.
I realize that buffs and debuffs might alleviate these numbers a bit, but a solo operative (and really any class that isn't full bab) will have difficulty hitting things.
Am I missing something? Is this by design?
What reason is there for anyone to use 1 handed melee weapons outside of operative weapons?
Looking for suggestions to create a defensive melee soldier with the guard fighting style. Besides the phase shield, is there anything that can go in the offhand to boost defenses? Or should he just go with a 2 hander?
So... Looking for some cool/funny/punny names for starships and the group/crew
I.e. guardians of the galaxy, enterprise, millennium falcon... etc
Anyone come up with something great to call their ship yet? Or a great name that your crew is called, recognizable across the galaxy?
I've heard Cardigans of the Galaxy - group who wear cardigans over their armor because space is dark and cold :D
HWalsh wrote: Space McMan wrote: With this build, your revelations will also be unbalanced at levels 8-9 (three grav to one photon), and 9 is when you get your first Zenith Revelations. That's 8 rounds to go fully photon and graviton in one combat.
Additionally, I'm not convinced blazing orbit is worth taking, ever. You cannot pass through an enemy's space while using it, so it relies on an enemy stupid enough to walk through a wall of fire to do damage. Considering how prevalent and easy to use ranged weapons are in this system, the number of melee-only enemies unintelligent enough to voluntarily run through fire is going to be low. Plus, you can't even create that much battlefield control with it, because every time you use it, the fires from your previous use disappear.
Edit: And if you have a melee solarian or soldier in your group, they will hate you for covering their charge lanes in fire that damages them too.
Blazing Orbit does too little damage, only hurts foes (that don't run through it) if you're Photon Attuned and will do nothing but annoy the party melee masters. It actually has some usefulness combined with black hole.
At max level, black hole can pull creatures 30 feet if they are within 40 feet of you.
You could graviton attuned yourself, lay down a straight flaming trail away from the enemy using blazing orbit (move action), and then use black hole to drag an enemy through 6 squares worth of damage (standard action)
At max level, each square has the potential to do a respectable 9d6 damage.. dragged through all 6 squares, the combo has the potential to do 54d6 of damage.
Hiruma Kai wrote: HWalsh wrote: Well, here it is, version 1.0 of my Melee Solarian Guide.
Comment, critique, look, view, give feedback.
I'll be editing the guide a bit, but I already have put a ton of work into it.
Link to the Guide
Edit: Linked to the wrong doc initially
Here are my comments on the guide itself:
1) Under photon mode you might want to emphasize it applies to Supernova, to Blazing Orbit, to Corona, etc. People I find tend to leave it out when describing damage rolls.
2) I probably wouldn't rate Black Hole a trap, but rather one tier up at situational. If you're the only melee on the team, its value goes up against lone large or larger monsters. If your save DC is good you can pull the monster off your ranged teammates. If your save is bad, you can pull your ranged teammates off the large monster without them provoking AoOs. If you're already in Graviton Mode, and there's a use for it, use it.
Also at 6th level, the Blazing Orbit + Black Hole combo becomes available (which still hasn't been clarified officially). If it works, its one of the highest damage combos in the game at mid-high level. Say 12d6 damage at 9th level, or 54d6 at 20th. And possibly hitting multiple targets.
3) I'll note Gravity Boost doesn't actually add to Acrobatics until 18th in your typical build listing, 16th at the earliest. For most players (certainly in SFS) its only ever going to be is a small Athletics skill boost and half of feather fall.
The running up walls is a trap use of the power, as climbing at double speed is strictly superior to running up walls, even with Jet Dash (which only makes land speed times 6, not climbing).
Defy Gravity is in most cases superior to Gravity Boost.
4) Only thing I might add to the Stellar Rush section, is that if your opponent is only 2 squares away (exactly 10 feet), you can't charge them. Reach is helpful in that case.
5) Under... For 4, wouldn't you just walk up and attack? Isn't the benefit of the charge to be able to move at double your speed (no other benefit, really?) Stellar rush removes the penalties for moving double your speed and attacking, but if you are within 10 feet you should be able to just move normally and attack, no? You just lose out on the extra move action that stellar rush normally provides.
Quote: Charge
Charging is a full action that allows you to move up to
double your speed and make a melee attack at the end of the
movement. You can draw a weapon during a charge attack if
your base attack bonus is at least +1.
Charging carries tight restrictions on how you can move. You
must move at least 10 feet (2 squares), and all movement must
be directly toward the designated opponent, though diagonal
movement is allowed. You must have a clear path toward the
opponent, and you must move to the space closest to your
starting square from which you can attack the opponent. If this
space is occupied or blocked, you can’t charge. If any line from
your starting space to the ending space passes through a square
that blocks movement, slows movement (such as difficult
terrain), or contains a creature (even an ally), you can’t charge.
You can still move through helpless creatures during a charge.
If you don’t have line of sight (see page 271) to the opponent at
the start of your turn, you can’t charge that opponent.
Attacking on a Charge: After moving, you can make a single
melee attack. You take a –2 penalty to the attack roll and a –2
penalty to your AC until the start of your next turn. You can’t
move any farther after the attack. Some classes, including
solarian and soldier, grant abilities that modify attacks made
on charges.
There's a decent trade off either way... *shrug*
Have you thought about how you want to progress in terms of exploits?
Basically get 2 level 2 exploits, 2 level 6 exploits, 3 level 10 exploits (one for specialization), and 4 level 14 exploits (or 3 or 2, if you want one or 2 more from lower levels)
Plenty of good options at each level... some of the nicer ones at higher levels require a lot of investment at lower levels (like the senses line or the stunning shot line)
My planned progression thus far:
2 - uncanny mobility
4 - holographic clone
5 - cloaking field (ghost)
6 - staggering shot
8 - mentalist's bane
10 - stunning shot
12 - deactivating shot/glimpse the truth (having trouble deciding which to pick)
14 - knockout shot
16 - multiattack mastery
18 - efficient cloaking field
20 - glimpse the truth/deactivating shot (whichever I didn't select at 12)
Mostly undecided on feat progression as well...
Great fortitude and deadly aim at 1 and 3... but then?
Good possible feats: weapon focus, veiled threat, iron will, improved great fortitude, improved iron will, multi-weapon fighting, quick draw, improved initiative, skill synergy, mobility, shot on the run, sidestep, improved sidestep, hey dash
Patryn- wrote: I had a thread where operative optimization was discussed:
TLDR this is what I decided to go with. If you're wondering about Mysticism I wanted to maximize disarming magical traps as well as normal traps from engineering.
Race: Ysoki
Class: Operative (Ghost)
Theme: Themeless (Str and Mysticism)
Stats: Str 9, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10
Initiative: 5
Health and Resolve: SP 6, HP 8, RP 5
Armor: 15 EAC, 16 KAC
Saves: Fortitude 2, Reflex 6, Will 2
Feats: Great Fortitude
Skills: Acrobatics (11) and Stealth (13) from specialization. Other 11 ranks in: Athletics (4), Bluff (5), Computers (8), Engineering (10), Medicine (8), Mysticism (5), Perception (5), Piloting (9), Sense Motive (5), Sleight of Hand (9), Survival (7).
Gear: Azimuth Laser Pistol, Second Skin, Industrial Backpack, Battery, Personal Comm Unit, Mk1 Healing Serum, Everyday Clothing, Tool Kit (Disguise), Tool Kit (Engineering), Tool Kit (Hacking), Tool Kit (Navigator's), Tool Kit (Trapsmith), Basic Medkit, Titanium Alloy Cable (50 ft), Starstone Compass, Credstick with 29 credits. (2 bulk)
For leveling up I plan on boosting Dex 4x, Int 3x, Con 4x, Wis 4x, and Cha 1x.
Build looks pretty good, but why not just go priest over themeless? Still get mysticism as a class skill and get lowered dcs when using it or culture to recall related things... instead of a +2 bonus for a skill check, you can get bonuses to diplomacy intimidation when dealing with clergy... and they are likely to help you
At 12 you get a level 1 spell like ability over the random refill, and at 18 you gain a way to regain resolve instead of just increasing your pool.
Can just be a priest of something related to what u want to do with the operative (i.e. assassination or such, and your clergy dear you, etc.). It can be a philosophy or diety... so you can just be a member of a sect of thieves or assassin's or whatever, with a specific philosophy
Trustworthy! objects always delivered.
Makes sense.
Looking at ghost and bounty hunter...
Offensive operative who can track down targets and assassinate them as needed, but can intimidate or speak with people as needed to get information about his targets as he goes.
Thus, dex is most important... then cha, int, con, and wisdom are all at similar levels
Simple question:
For an operative that utilizes small arms, what is the order of importance for the ability scores?
Obviously, dexterity is king... but after dexterity, what sort of ability array is best?
Strength seems like the most obvious score to drop...
So a ysoki operative would probably start around something like 8str 18dex 10con 14int 10eis 12cha?
At 5, 10, 15, and 20, level up dex, con... wisdom and int? Or int and cha (if you want to do face stuff?)
What do you guys think? Anyone have an interesting plan?
Are androids susceptible to hacking and other things, such as deactivating shot (operatives)?
They count as constructs... but what does that leave them susceptible to?
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote: Xenocrat wrote: There are still Gloves of Holding. It's the obvious second slotless item for a lot of characters after the saving throw ring. Just to point out that neither of those items are slotless, gloves take up the hand spot, and a ring takes up one of the rings slots.
Also in a big change from Pathfinder, when it comes to wearable magic items you can only wear 2 altogether. Where in the book does it list this limitation, if I may ask? (Page number?)