
Drugoth Reburn's page

112 posts. Alias of Brodnine.


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Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

This was my first attempt at a online game and my question is do they all go so slow. We started Oct 22 that's 23 days ago and we are still in the first room. Is everyone still playing?

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

His failing his perception has nothing to do with a surprise rd. It happens before we are in combat. He opens the door and the other guards notice we are not shackled. Roll init with the two gaurds who noticed us having a standard action and all of us having standard action. The 3rd guard would be surprised. One of the gaurds would have a obstructed view of the cell from where he is standing if they are standing ina straight line coming down the hall.. By your description the cell is 30x 15 with the door on the south part of the cell. The wall gives cover to the person to the right of door as you said -2 perception. So the 3rd guard by your description would be in front of a wall at this point unless they go to either side of the guy opening the door.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Lying prone takes me about 6 seconds to stand. 1-2 seconds to stand from a sitting position around 2 squares of movement.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

I would say as far as a surprise round the guy who made his spot should have a Standard aaction or a move in the surprise round. The others should not have any actions as they didn't make the spot and are surprised. If one person makes a perception check it doesn't apply to everyone else as far as who is surprised and can act.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

I dont see rules on sitting.Some people say they allow a free action to stand from kneeling but nothing on sitting.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Didn't you just ask me if I was sitting? What does that have to do with the initive order?

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Right so I am sitting.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

I was standing.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Maybe because we are evil the person decided to ignore the posts and do what ever he felt was in his chars best interest instead of what gives the group the best chance of escaping.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

I said in many posts lets wait until after 12 midnight. I have been repeaditly ignored and now we have 1 person chained 1 person incapacitated and a fight might break out. We have daggers and no armor verus armored well armed guards. Our spell casters can't cast unless they make a very high concentration check and failure nauseates them.Unless we roll well I see a TPK.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Thor rocked Loki stole the show. Theatre was 1/2 empty=Big surpise

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

I am catching Thor at 8pn so I will be out until 11-12

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Who'z da Wag now

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Do I roll bluff again?

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Bluff 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Dru has performance issues.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Fort Save 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

I have given the GM a heart attack

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

I changed mine a bit. Desperate times and all that

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Doesn't have to work just distract them and piss them off

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

ranged touch?

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Short for JUSA, No I am just a pissed off Barbarian looking to spread some Wrath around

Dark Archive

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Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Dru will attempt to shoot a stream at the nearest gaurd in a attempt to anger him enough to open the cell door. And distract them from everything else that's going on.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Rd 3 Dru is standing I look manicled. My loin clothe is off and I am gyrating my hands behind my head with the dagger. Suk on dis b&+$!es

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Initative 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

So we are done until 2 moro?

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Can't do much about it at this point. The Nat one was if I had a two handed weapon from the viel. I was going to hide by Tokei and attack the gaurds as they went by but since I have a dagger I am back to my 15 bluff to look like I am in still chains.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Alethia if you rage its +6 not plus 5 18 strength becomes 22

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

If Dru is not careful he may end up with the Enuch bloodline.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Dru clenchs the dagger between his butt cheeks and tries not to lean to hard against the wall or sticks it in the back of his loin cloth
and pretends to be shackled(Oh wait wrong mod)

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

We also need to drop the guard with the keys so we can get out of the cell and get to the guards in the other room before they raise a alarm.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

We also need to drop the guard with the keys so we can get out of the cell and get to the guards in the other room before they raise a alarm.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Ahh the infamous 1 rears it's head again

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Stealth1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 5 + 2 = 8

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Action 1 I pull a weapon patch and move action hand it to Alethia to do the same and so on.

Action 2 if a small weapon I hide it and move to my manacles and pretend to be chained. If its a a large weapon I hide by the corner from which the gaurds are approaching and hide.

Action 3 I wait for the last gaurd to pass, Rage and attack him through the cell bars from hiding.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

if we are fighting i'll pull a weapon=standard action and pass the viel =move and someone else can do the same and so on etc.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

if we are trying to bluff weapons are going to make it impossible if they turn out to be two handed. If we are going to fight someone needs to pick the lock to the cell so we can get out quick and ill pull out 2 weapons.Is everyone loose?

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

What em a pag buy?

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

I have not givin out any other items other then the picks at this point since we are still trying to bluff.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

I have said lets wait until the midnight shift many many times. No one has listend. At this point what ever happens happens.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Bluff 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Dru passes a sword to Althera and keeps one for himself.Open the cell before they get here

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

OK I thought we were going to wait until after the midnight shift started to start picking locks but since we are going now.If the pouch on the viel is a spell compt pouch daze the guy with horn first.We take out the 6 gaurds in the room take their cleaned clothes and try and bluff and stealth our way out.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Ok we are on a upper floor so if the window actually makes a window the strong people should lower the weaker people down first. We are on a island. theres a stone casue way to the mainland but it is probalbly watched so we may need a boat.Does anyone know the area? We need to make for old moors road.The window may be a boat so opening it in the cell could cause problems. We could unmanacle and arm everyone then the sneaky peole go to the guard's room and take out the guards with the horns first.THe door is always open to that room. We could then free other prisoners for a distraction. If anyone has presdigtiation and mend we can magially clean and repair the dead guards uniforms and dress in them. That would keep anyone spotting us from far away raising an alarm.We could make like we are escorting the other prisoners to the warden.Our best liers should be in guards unis. If not recognized we are new.No magic will work in the main building.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

We shud wait til after da shift change at 12 to start pikin.

Dark Archive

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Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Bile rises in Dru's throat but he keeps it down. He looks at the disgusting form of Kallen and Whispers once the guards have left
You may be disgudting flith but ye r our disgusting flith. Wel don. He then loses his lunch from looking at her for a prolonged period of time.

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Dru Fort 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

Dru looks at the gaurdsMe guez we noz who gutz da special sauce

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

HHmmm 20 Chm=+5 1 rank=1 class skill=3 +1 per level=10 not correct?

Dark Archive

Male Human Human/Barbarian 1/HP 13/13 15/15 AC 11/9 T 11/9 FF 10 CMD 16 Fort 3/5 Ref 1 Will-2/-1 Init+1/Perception+2

itz gona blow n no in a gud way.

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