
Drako "The Merciful"'s page

Organized Play Member. 63 posts (267 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 7 aliases.


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I think you just called me stupid. Thanks for the help, everyone.

I don't know where to look for creating a pathfinder society character. I went to The PFS create a character and got to the creating part. But, where is the link to how to make the character? Such as, restricted classes, point buy amount, restricted races, starting gear, and so on.

@Marcèl, Thanks. I don't know how I missed that.

Ik dank het! If there is a slot available I would like to play.

I love making characters. So, whatever is needed. Tank, striker, skills, divine, or arcana. I can make and play them all.

Awwwwww, just missed it. I could make one. Or anything you want. If I could play, too. But, I think you got it all.

Geweldig. Ik wil spelen! Ik mis nederland. Maar I'm an american. Sad face.

Oh, right. I forgot about all that, internet disclosing. I just am jealous that you got Belgium. I wouldn't mind a Post-by-Post.

WHAT? How'd you get Belgium?! What unit are you in?

I wanted to make a LG or LN of peace, water and trade. I also wanted to go with an alignment that wasn't made. But, LE and peace don't work. But, trade could work.

Shelayyen, an aquatic mistress. LE. Trade, water, Island, government control. Can be for pirates who follow their own code to make sure them and their men get their share. Not necessarily the law of the land,though, there too. The race will have some sort of aquatic attributes. But not aquatic creatures.

The bond between community seems to be of the good, but it is at the expense of others. Similar to the real life example of Jamaica never going to be able to get out of debt because of how the American Corporations have taken advantage of their time of need in the 70's. Good for one, terrible for another. I think that falls under evil.

Domains: water, community, nobility, travel, with evil, and law.

Favored weapon: net (also, the rope is for a good hanging)

I am totally with you, Maxson. But it is a rather complex set up. BUT, it's killing me, too. I just keep checking.

Well, my vote is for the simple, but I like both. These three like the Dawn of Worlds. So, I am totally down for the Dawn. I call peace for Deity. I would have taken stars if you hadn't said anything Dalgar, nice snag. So, peace, travel, and knowledge.

I liked it at the start, but more and more, I don't even know. If I were to join, I would like to keep it simple. That seemed to be the beginning idea.

Dalgar and Darien:
Being competing or cooperative deities sounds fun, but after the Dawn of the Worlds part, do we go to normal campaign style. I haven't looked at the PDF.

I feel like most of the deities that are already there cover such a broad range that they cover mostly everything. I mean the big ones. The ones that would be powerful enough to shape a new world. Not that you can't totally come up with something new. I just feel like if you create a Deity Block it will be close to some of them.

I am interested. I would like to keep it to the core stuff (even the making our own things, still keep it to the core pathfinder books) so that we are all on the same page a lot easier. Adding Dragon's from the fourth beastiary when everyone isn't familiar with them could make world creation cooperation difficult.

@Threeshades. Right, I got that. Which one, specifically? Lunar, Solar, Time, Void, or Vortex?

@Eoko. That feat, the anime one. It cracks me up, but I am going to have to say that is definitely two different feats. Also, you should only get to pick one signature move and use it a number of times per day equal to your charisma mod. Because that is still bananas!

Then role 1d4 and add the total to one score.

Thanks for the Aliases, they look great. If you want, you can order a drink and chit chat in Gameplay while you wait for your friend to get to the tavern.

This is important.

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This is important.

@Threeshades, absolutely. That's what I did for my friend, as I stated earlier. I would ask that you be a metallic dragon. We can level you the way you request, or like my friend; at a certain gold piece amount, you get to the next age category.

@Eoko, I appreciate you taking the 9 on purpose. Just thought I'd mention it. I think I might make you wear glasses with that low of a wisdom score.

Not that I don't believe you, but...Where is that +16 on initiative coming from. You didn't even take improved initiative!?

Poor Wandering One wrote:

It can really play up the horror to have a zombie keep eating a downed foe while the rest of the party tries to pull it off the downed player. It will really reinforce that these things do not think like something alive.

When my PCs do something stupid, I kill them. They deserve it. But, if they can get out of it, I wont stop them. That is the excitement. Such as the PC jumping into the middle of a bunch of zombies...DEAD! Unless it was a controlled decisions. Now, that is not always my rule, but if there is no threat, as said before, there is no realism, thus, the players don't feeeeeeeel it.

One campaign, a sorcerer was leading the party down a dark path (lvl 1). A cave fisher pop'd out and hit the sorcerer hard, the rest of the party tried to recover, they all died. I loved it, they hated it. But, the sorcerer should not have been in the front. A Cave fisher is there to wait for prey, so of course he finished them off, he hate 'em! They wont make that mistake again, at least they haven't.

It can be a good story, and then you make new characters. That's what it's about. Learning and storytelling. We still talk about it and we laugh about it (they were pretty mad at the time, especially the sorcerer).

Remember when he got eaten by all those zombies!? What where you thinking!?

I have had this same question, though, and I think there have been good answers and things to think about. A good thing to do, and I have done this before, is to set something up in the background. Some, watchful eye that that when the new adventurers (lvl 1) go in somewhere dangerous, the NPC who gave them the quest set up a watch dog, or something. Just in case. Make it very real, not just some deus ex machina, or they will be way more disappointed then if you just killed them. Trust me on that.

It's something I really, really regret. Even after these 8 years...I was too young. Why did I put that level 1 against a CR 2, by himself. The worst part, I SAVED HIM! Bleh, he was actually really disappointed. It was a crocadile. He could have just walked away, but he faced it. And he should have died from it. I know. You know it. And worst of all, he knows it. Just sick to my stomach.

M Human Paladin 5

Now I have another problem. I wrote a post in gameplay. Then I deleted it, just to try it out. Now I am trying to post to it again, and nothing is happening.

It takes me to a new page that has nothing but:

"Paizo / Messageboards / Online Campaigns"

At the top, but nothing in between.

Edit: I emailed customer service.

M Human Paladin 5

Well, then do people usually respect the game? Also, I have looked in on games and not posted. Is that because the PbP part of the forum is just an observer's look, and not the true forum?

M Human Paladin 5

Thanks. This is why I am running this, for the xp. So, is there a way to limit posts to only the players you want to be apart in the campaign? Or can anyone post in the Gameplay tab?

I was wondering if I could just focus on the Universal Mythic Path. To comply with my character.

If not, I am having a hard time picking between Archmage and Hierophant, since I want to go towards Mystic Theurge.

By the way, this is important. 16,000gp worth of gear. If you plan on having a savings, you have to have where you keep it.

So, I have Chrono, Sir Speedy (If you want to go with that character. I like it.), and Eoko.

I saw interest from Threeshades. Are you still in?

M Human Paladin 5

I am new to DMing on forums. If I just start a Gameplay thread, how does that work? How does it know who the players are? Do I enter that somewhere? Or Should I just have faith and start a gameplay thread?

@ Iolth. Those are crazy stats. You can drop the nine and take the fourteen four your wisdom. Also, did you add the 3 to one of them? Unless I missed something. DUMB!

Cont: Awesome. Though, I will need to go over psionics. I haven't read about psionics since 3.5. So, I am sure I have some catching up.

@ SamuraiRuy. I got a call come in, oh man. That cracked me up. I almost couldn't answer the call. I was muting them to laugh after every short "How can you?"

I just want to brag about how much time I wasted at work building the map in the Campaign Info Tab. So, check it out.

I will start the campaign soon. Just got to create some encounters for these weirdos. You will be starting in no less than the best. A Tavern. Already accomplished companions. You guys can come up with your actual characters relations to each other, however you want. As long as you work together.

Well, I am still getting a feel for all the characters. But, I usually have the roll 7 and drop the lowest. So, that is probably what I will have you do. Use the Dice Roller in the posts here. I also have you roll 1d4 and add that to one of the stats. All at once, though. So, if you roll a three, that whole three gets added to one stat.

Edit: @Threeshades. I will put challenges in front of the party that I think will be fair. Obviously a gestalts character is more overpowered. But, where else are you going to play one?

I willl be using APL, but using experienced game mastering to adjust. This isn't a place to play some super overpowered character. It's to play something you have wanted to play, something over the top. Sir Speedy is a great example. One of my friends in a table-top version of this played a young brass Dragon. His leveling system was based on how much GP he could accumulate to represent how long it took and how old he got. He thought it was fun. It made him really role-play as a greedy dragon.

@Iolth Taknith, sure man. But, then I'd have to read a bunch. Gestalts is cool with me. But, I would ask that you only use two classes for your Gestalts character. Level 6.

@Chrono17, I like the bluffing Tiefling. That sounds good. Make him sixth level and where good. Don't worry about applying everything to your stat block. Just the important things, and we can wing the rest. Unless you want to, that's cool too.

@Wack-a-Rogue, awesome character idea. Fantastic!

You can also pick a monster stat block of CR4 - CR6. It's not about attack power, it's about fun! If you ever wanted to just play a Treant, we can work something out. The game will be balanced, though.

This is the first time I am going to try and GM in a PbP. I am looking for some real life xp. To make it short, I will be styling plot like Adventure time episode.

This is to keep it fun, and easy, and the players can make up whatever they want. I have Game Mastered sessions like this before, but never on PbP.

I work Mon-Fri, and a lot of computer time. So, I can slip in some GMing pretty easily. It is taking too long for other PbP to start. So, I thought I would take initiative.

Come up with whatever craziness that you can come up with. But, you have to have some strong reason to adventure. Not revenge or anything, but like Finn and Jake(Jake really does it because Finn does it. Finn does it because he is SUPER LG!), they have to have drive. We also will just assume that the PCs will know each other and adventure all the time.

Level 6 or CR 4, or whatever you want. We'll make it work.

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Being an expert at one thing doesn't make you the Expert class. You have to be very diverse. It's like an NPC bard or rogue but doesn't raid dungeons or learn as they travel. Commoner gets skill points too. If good ol' Sam put one rank in gardening and farming every level, he would still have left over points for things like use rope and sense motive (on Gollum).

Flamethrower49 said wrote:
Along these lines, I would put Sam as at least an Expert. He's damn good at the things he enjoys, like cooking and gardening.

But, so is a high level commoner. The thing about traveling, you pick up a lot, so you become a bard or expert. Unless you have to go from place to place and not by choice. Gardening is like farming and if there is one theme throughout this thread is farmer. Frodo had such a high will save that he couldn't have been a commoner all the way through. Sam nearly failed his first will save against the ring when he had to give Frodo the ring back. I would think trusting his friend gave him some bonuses to that save, plus, by that time he must have been level 15 or something. Nicely done J.R.R.

The DH's guide is super helpful. Thank you very much. I can't wait to employ it. I don't know how to make the aliases he talks about.

I also don't know how the application process works. How to make aliases. What is the system for making character sheets (I think it's based on the DM, no?). How does dice rolling work? Are campaigns private? Or just private to post on, or something?

I hope I am not bothering anyone by posting these questions here and not in a more appropriate forum, or just find a forum that has all these questions. Sometimes a little difficult to navigate to find the exact answer I want.

You said you don't have melee weapons. Just find a club and use that. You can build your character to archery, just fine. You don't have to be super awesome to just hit some zombies on the head. I am sure you will do plenty of damage. Clubs are awesome!

Edit: Stupid me. Duh, slashing. I always think zombies are DR/bludgeoning. So, you are a ranger. And you don't have a dagger? How do you skin your venison?

Ivan Rûski wrote:
Drako "The Merciful" wrote:
Ivan Rûski wrote:
To the people bringing up XP: remember that there is such a thing as story awarded XP as well. Surely things like getting married and raising children would bring those sorts of rewards.

But, also, you can only level up once from a lump sum of xp. You max out so that you need one more xp to get that next level. But you don't level all at once.

Mind pointing this rule out in the PRD? Because I've never heard of such a thing and I can't find it.

...maybe that was 3.5 rules... sorry. I have to do more research.

PFT: maybe it's DnD 4? Bleh, I know I read it... maybe.

I am very excited about this.

Olli Lahti, a child prodigy of magic, strives to perfect himself in the connection to the magical forces of all kinds. In a month-long meditation Irori called upon the savant. An opportunity to perfect oneself through diligent practice in Irori's name.

I plan for Olli to be a mystic thurge. Haven't decided the classes used as the prerequisites.

This is the first time I have tried to do PbP. So, any advice about using the actual forum while seeking PbP-employment and participation would be appreciated. You can just message me.

The thing about rats is they can collapse their bones. So, I would think, that it's not bone density. The average wait for a girl who is 4 ft is 70-100 according to a terrible source, I am sure, but, I believe it. They get a -2 to strength, but no penalty to constitution. So, about the muscle mass of a 4 ft tall lady. I'd say they aren't too fat. Besides the difference between 3-1/2 ft and 4 ft is huge! Apparently like 20 lbs huge.

I DM'd a campaign, turned session, that started out with a ranger who's favored enemy was Undead. One other PC was playing an undead evil cleric. I warned the lich that it's not a good idea. I was so short on PC's that he refused to play unless he could be that, so I let him. Well, it only lasted so long before the halfling ranger hooked his pick into the lich's spiked chain and with his good hand crit and snapped the lich's spine in twain. He was so mad that he spent, like, two hours building the character. I warned him.

The ranger thought it was good fun.

Morale: Totally agree with Falcar. Watch out who you party with. Because you might end up loosing your character faster than you can summon your eidolon.

Ivan Rûski wrote:
To the people bringing up XP: remember that there is such a thing as story awarded XP as well. Surely things like getting married and raising children would bring those sorts of rewards.

But, also, you can only level up once from a lump sum of xp. You max out so that you need one more xp to get that next level. But you don't level all at once.

Bandw2 wrote:
had another thought, it's the adventurer who never once tried to train in anything and was not apt to be a barbarian or sorcerer or something, he just adventures, nothing else, no training or path in life but the adventure.

That sounds awesome. I...can't...wait... to play that.

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HaraldKlak wrote:

Actually he is just the common sort of farmer, who have been plagued with rats on his farm. Not enough to call adventurers to clean up, and he doesn't have a cat. But there is always enough of them, for him to kill 5 rats in solo combat each day.
Having worked his farm for 20 years, with an average of 5 rats killed every day, he has gotten enough xp for him to reach lvl 20.

If the CR is 10 or less lower than your APL, then you don't gain anymore xp from it.

I think it is like Samwise Gamgee. He left his home, regrettably, and only used skills like use rope, knowledge(nature), craft(cook), and with his low base attack bonus, and his one feat (improvise weapon) he hit goblins with cooking pots. By the end of the adventure he had been in the mitts of battles and huge monsters being slain. And he helped in what little way a commoner could, but never going beyond commoner. I would play a commoner all the way through a story, as long as the GM wrote something as enticing as The Lord of the Rings.

Then why in the example of the Stone Giant and the Gargoyles do they not apply it?

It says the budge allows 9,600. A CR8 Stone Giant is 4,800, leaving 4,800 for the gargoyles. They say that leaves room for four gargoyles who are 1,200 apiece...Oh wait, I just saw the math. I thought that four 1,200 added 4,800 because there were four of them and 4 * 1,200 is the 4,800. But, it is basing it off of 12-3. What a dummy.

So, it only actually doesn't effect CR more than just adding them together.

I don't quite understand how to use table 12-3: CR Equivalencies in the CRB. In the example below it, they don't seem to adjust the CR based on the quantity. So, when and how do I use it?

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Samwise Gamgee, for sure.

The point of the spell, I think, is to alter the parts of your body to help in a situation. That is why, I would think, it doesn't say "loose."

It doesn't say that you gain the 30' move speed. It only adds to your strength.

This is a very good question though. Do you still get the bonus from turning from a medium character to a medium character, or was it intended to be bonuses from when you go from medium to small or vise versa? If you go from small to medium do you loose your AC bonus?

I would say that the magic is about enhancing yourself. That is why the crazy wizards of old created it. So, even if you go from medium to medium you still get the strength bonus. Because you are altering your body to be powerful, while from small to small you are altering your body to be quick and unnoticeable.

Sorry, Pg. 211 CRB. Totally get the move speed. It covers it all.

Pink Dragon wrote:

I agree entirely, and I am not sure with what you disagree. The rules are a framework within which to work, they are not really a "math problem to crack" in my view.

The "math problem to crack" was just me saying people play it how they want and some people like it for that. Not that that is what you were saying.

Pink Dragon wrote:

The rules of the game are there to provide the framework for action, and should be taken in the context of game balance, not in the context of what might or might not work in the real world.

I was just saying that this part about "should be taken in the context of game balance" is what I disagree with. Now, that is not to say you are wrong, because you are totally right. But, I think that they are a frame work for action, as you put it, but for story telling as per "The Most Important Rule" pg. 9 of the CRB.

Now, still, not to say you disagree with that; or even this: Just that the rules aren't for one thing, and in "The Most Important Rule" there just isn't a set way to use them. That's all I was trying to advocate.

So, for the deflect arrows, I would even say, as the GM, "you use the hilt of your sword to deflect an arrow that heads strait for your head." Usually what comes out of the players mouths is "cool" and not "well, that's not what the feat says." I understand that this is not a popular view. But, it is a part of Pathfinder, because of "The Most Important Rule."

I thought that SlimGauge covered it really, really well. I totally agree with you. I was just trying to be lighthearted and most importantly throw in the ol'

PG. 9 Core Rule Book. Under "The Most Important Rule" wrote:
The rules in this book are here to help you breath life into your characters and the world they explore. While they are designed to make your game easy and exciting, you might find that some of them do not suit the style of play that your gaming group enjoys.

I am not trying to be a rules Nazi, but it is "The Most Important Rule." I hope that was helpful, and if not, you can criticize me in a private message.

Did you even role for the reference check? I'll give you a +5, you know it's with Steve Martin and Kevin Bacon.

Anyway, the initiative represents hesitation. If you are agile, and they stop concentrating, that hesitation can lead to a blind spot or a bad memory of their father drunk, or something and BOOM! You're in front of them.

Pink Dragon, with respect, I disagree with you this time.

First paragraph of chapter one in the CRB:
"The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is a tabletop fantasy game in which the players take on the roles of heroes who form a group to set out on dangerous adventures. Helping them tell this story is the Game Master, who decides what threats the player characters face and what sorts of rewards they earn for succeeding at their quest. Think of it as a cooperative storytelling game, where the players play the protagonists and the Game Master acts as the narrator, controlling the rest of the world."

By the way, this is all very important! This is collective story telling. A good story keeps the listeners in a place of suspended disbelief. If things get to disjointed because of rules, it looses its flavor and eventually its fun.

NOW! I am not so arrogant to say that that is the end of it. Style of play is very important, as well. Such as kick-in-the-door is for and by the numbers. A math problem that some nerds just want to crack. But, to say that reality doesn't apply just because there is magic and whatnot is to say dies ex machina is a great ending for a movie and leaves people satisfied. The listeners (and players) need to believe in what's happening, because, after all, it's all in their heads.

Free actions are great for flavor and story development. When I DM and someone wants to take a free action not on their turn I only let them if it furthers story or will end up being an awesome moment to talk about later.

An example of something I wouldn't allow:
Move action: hustle over to the rope.
Standard action: loosen rope and hold it.

I would not let them let go of the rope as a free action on the bad guys turn as they walk under the chandelier, unless they had the rope earlier and used a readied action to prep the drop.

An example of something I would allow:
bad guy's turn
Move action: stomp towards good guy

Free action allowed by the PC who asks to do this
Free action: pull hood down to reveal Rakshasa (already poly-morph self) and role for intimidate.

bad guy
Second Move action: put hands up and just walk away.

bbangerter wrote:

Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:

You're gaming a rules construct. It's only viable due to the abstraction of combat. It's meta-gaming. That's why some people dislike it.

There are lots of things that can happen that are meta-gaming under this pretext.

Example. Foe is trying to flee down a narrow corridor and at the end of its turn it is 5' in. It has a movement speed of 30'. I have a moment speed of 20'. Next round starts, and me 10' away, run forward, tumble past the foe (with a successful acrobatics check) and am now blocking its movement. In real world simultaneous movement I'd never even catch up to him, let alone get past him.

I think that you would catch them in real life, because while they are faster, if you are before them in the initiative, then you actually got the jump on them.

Two humans (equal move speed), look at a taxi in New York. They both see light go on. They look at each other, and one starts moving before the other (roll for a reference check). One beats the other. They don't arrive at the same time. I think that is the purpose of initiative. It's not at the same time, it is staggered. Not as much, obviously. And it is a little weird. Because now the Foe in bbangerter's scenario doesn't have to run towards the door and get caught, they can turn right around. But, not that weird.