Browman |

I have an idea for a slightly different play by post campaign. At this point I am just seeing if there are people interested. The idea is that myself and interested people would work together to develop a setting for the campaign, then once the setting is suitably developed we would pick where in the setting and what type of campaign we want to run.
The only parameters I have right now on the setting would be the following
Focused more on lower level (1-8) but with the existence of some higher level NPCs
A limited number of intelligent races (probably core + a few)

Browman |

I'd be interested as well.
When you say a limited number of intelligent races, what did you have in mind beyond the core races?
Orcs definitely, otherwise not sure. Though I would say no more than half a dozen. I am not a fan of settings that have significant numbers of intelligent races. Perhaps we could have all races be descended from one original intelligent race.

GypsyMischief |

With Orcs come Goblins, I would think. I generally appreciate intelligent races being group together in little families, at least in terms of where they came from in the world, or in history. What immediately leaps to my mind is something like
Group A) Humans, Dwarves, Halflings & Giants
Group B) Elves, Gnomes, Fairy Folk
Group C) Orcs, Goblins, Ogres/Trolls
However, this seems fairly run-of-the-mill. Where would magical beasts, such as Dragons, fit into the world?

Browman |

I would love to partake, I suggest, using the world creation rules Paizo released where each player is actually a god (of LG-CE alignment) have ages, where events happen (caused by the players, using "event" points IIRC) that shape the world. then make the characters.
what book did they have that in? It sounds worth looking into

Browman |

With Orcs come Goblins, I would think. I generally appreciate intelligent races being group together in little families, at least in terms of where they came from in the world, or in history. What immediately leaps to my mind is something like
Group A) Humans, Dwarves, Halflings & Giants
Group B) Elves, Gnomes, Fairy Folk
Group C) Orcs, Goblins, Ogres/Trolls
However, this seems fairly run-of-the-mill. Where would magical beasts, such as Dragons, fit into the world?
This I why I am thinking that we go with a single originating race, then it could have split into a couple sub-races which became the origination of the types of groups you mentioned.
Original Race
_| _| _|
Humanish Fey Savage
_| _| _|
Orcs Trolls Goblins
With additional branches added as needed.
I see magical beasts and possibly the divisions from the originating race as being created either by the gods, or incredibly powerful mages of an age long past (perhaps demi-gods fighting a war of untold devastation in the name of their parents/ grand-parents?)

Browman |

Would Gathlain work for the fey?
They definitely could, though my current idea was that only the final level of races would still exist, the others just being a stage in the process to how the current races came to be.
So rather than just going straight from Original race to final races there would have been at least one intermediate step where races began to differ from the original template but hadn't diverged as much as they have now.
Think of it in a way similar to how we categorise plants and animals in real life.
you have individual species with closely linked species being in the same genus (in our case intermediate race) all being in a larger family (originating race) that includes multiple genera. In some cases a genus may only contain one species.

gresch555 |

Azten wrote:So, basically, Human -> ??? -> Gathlain. Something had to happen to make the Gathlain.If we assume that everyone else came from humans than yes. But what if humans are merely another one of the end products?
So to use a simplified real life example more like Early Primates-->Missing Link-->Neanderthals and Humans?

Browman |

Browman wrote:So to use a simplified real life example more like Early Primates-->Missing Link-->Neanderthals and Humans?Azten wrote:So, basically, Human -> ??? -> Gathlain. Something had to happen to make the Gathlain.If we assume that everyone else came from humans than yes. But what if humans are merely another one of the end products?

Darien Cedric Espoir |

I cannot find the rules as this was years ago and I cannot remember what they were called.
the basic concept was- 3 ages, each age lasts about 3 rounds (3 turns per player, you roll an amount of D6 to determine points, you can save points to do BIG things, or just do small things here and there)
1st age- create races and there traits (want humans with immortality? spend the points, want a race a dragon bipedal hybrids? spend the points)as well as the land masses and water masses.
2nd age- also allowed to create races, but costs more IIRC, cause catastrophic events (IE, CE guys opens up some rift near a LG civilization) create avatars Etc.
3rd age- powers, society and the like. Basically msot things could be done each age, but at different point costs.
I will keep looking for it.

Dalgar the Great |

I cannot find the rules as this was years ago and I cannot remember what they were called.
the basic concept was- 3 ages, each age lasts about 3 rounds (3 turns per player, you roll an amount of D6 to determine points, you can save points to do BIG things, or just do small things here and there)
1st age- create races and there traits (want humans with immortality? spend the points, want a race a dragon bipedal hybrids? spend the points)as well as the land masses and water masses.
2nd age- also allowed to create races, but costs more IIRC, cause catastrophic events (IE, CE guys opens up some rift near a LG civilization) create avatars Etc.
3rd age- powers, society and the like. Basically msot things could be done each age, but at different point costs.
I will keep looking for it.
Your talking about Dawn of Worlds!
It's not Paizo material but it's still really good (and free)
I'd like to pitch my hat into this endeavor by the way. In my own homebrew I prefer only having three major races because eventually it starts getting weird with how diverse the world is when you have two different kinds of shadow people, a cat person, and a crow person without a human in sight.

DM Nerk |

One thought re: races. A few years ago I started a world with a single race, but one where castes had developed, dwarves were miners/crafters etc, elves scholars, halflings entertainers, orcs warriors, etc. The object was to keep the variety of races but not have them separated by politics, geography, etc etc etc.
Humans were aliens brought in via a plot device too embarrassing to repeat here.

Browman |

Sounds really interesting, especially the Dawn of worlds idea. And why even have humans at all, why not have entirely original races? I think it would be far more interesting if the dominant race was something very different, like a race of bipedal, flying, reptilians.
Humans don't have to be dominant but I still think they should be around.

Azih |

Sounds fun. One interesting thing could be to have each participant take part in the 'world creation' system but then Browman can take those actions and create a backstory and motivation for each 'diety' to become a part of the world's lore. I think for a collaborative effort one person still should be in charge of the fluff part that everybody else is contributing to with their decisions.
I guess every participant can be allowed to create at most one 'race' to keep the number of races low as well?

Drako "The Merciful" |

I liked it at the start, but more and more, I don't even know. If I were to join, I would like to keep it simple. That seemed to be the beginning idea.
I am interested. I would like to keep it to the core stuff (even the making our own things, still keep it to the core pathfinder books) so that we are all on the same page a lot easier. Adding Dragon's from the fourth beastiary when everyone isn't familiar with them could make world creation cooperation difficult.

Browman |

The current plan is that each participant in the setting creation stage would create a diety with an alignment, title and a few domains. This god could be fleshed out as time passes in thr setting creation, a favoured weapon identified along with additional domains, forms of worship favoured races, etc.
I will be co-ordinating the process, tieing things together and injecting things as necessary. I will inject the "originator" race at some point in the first age, all future intelligent (playable) races would be derived from that race.
I will have a more comprehensive plan within 48 hours.
The other option being that we take a more traditional method of world creation with a focus on using stuff from the original bestiary and core rulebook.
If you have already expressed interest please identity which option you would prefer. The option that gets more votes will be the one used going forward.

Azih |

I'd like Dawn of Worlds style and only vaguely define the deity at the start and allow the deities' personality to come out as they (we) play and carry out actions. I guess we would create races using the Pathfinder rules to create new races? Takes more points to go over 10 RP? Since you want Humans to be in there as well I guess you would make sure that humans do appear at some point? Would you create some generic landmass to start with?

Browman |

I seems like dawn of worlds wins.
Right now all you need is an alignment, key area (Justice, nature, art, war, etc) and name (note your diety may end up being know by multiple different names and titles, so this could end up being one of many)
you can include specific domains and favoured weapons at this point but it is not required.
At this point the maximum number of player-deities is going to be a max of 10. Once things get going for Dawn of worlds you have 24 hrs to post after the person before you has posted their turn, failure to do so will see your points banked for a future turn, failure to post for 2 turns in a row will see your deity become an NPC deity until you return. As a bonus, if you post within 6 hours of the previous person you will receive an additional power point in the next turn.
Also note that yours will not necessarily be the only gods, just the most active. I will control the other gods, mostly for filling in obvious gaps in the pantheon.
I will be using a google drawing for the map, to avoid disasters with it, tell me as descriptively as possible what you want to happen if you influence geography and I will adjust the drawing. I will also have a google doc that will list everything that has happened so we can create a timeline later.
Exactly how the Dawn of worlds rules will be modified should be up later tonight. The modifications will mainly be to make it easier to launch a pathfinder campaign later. I have no plans on running a 10 person campaign once dawn of worlds is done, so participation in dawn of worlds will not guarantee you a place in the following campaign if numbers are too high.

GypsyMischief |

This is the exact direction I was hoping this would move in, I'm stoked.
Name: Kawliga (Pending) "Our lord in silks"
Portfolio: Joy, Sex, Partying
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Luck, Good, Travel, Charm, Liberation, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Longsword (Pending)
Our lord in silks is a manifestation of Joy and Procreation. Neither man nor woman the deity of pleasures (generally carnal and material) bends their form at will, based on how they feel at the moment. Followers of Kawliga come from all walks of life, the worshipers commonly offering tidings of wine, smoke, and fatty meats at the altars of the Pleasure God(dess), praying for good fortune in matters of the heart or wallet. A temple of Kawliga is more of a constant party than a house of the holy, with mugs of mead and wine flowing freely the clergy are public servants, bringing joy and love to those in need. While a god of Joy and Celebration, Kawliga also values hard work, and teaches that pleasures are the sweetest when earned properly.
Though Kawliga's dogma seems like all flowers and rainbows, he/she has the capacity to be a very angry and wrathful Lord. Tyranny and domination are the antithesis of his teachings, and so she extends no love towards Conquerors, Murderers, Slavers and Wicked Magicians.

Azih |

Azih wrote:I'd like to play Sheher, LG key area of interest 'Technical creativity' (So craftspeople and the like rather than artists) and Cities where those kinds of creators thrive.So a god of tinkering and inventing?
Yes, but with a focus on creating and protecting places where tinkering and invention can happen.

Browman |

This is the exact direction I was hoping this would move in, I'm stoked.
Name: Kawliga (Pending) "Our lord in silks"
Portfolio: Joy, Sex, Partying
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Luck, Good, Travel, Charm, Liberation, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Longsword (Pending)Our lord in silks is a manifestation of Joy and Procreation. Neither man nor woman the deity of pleasures (generally carnal and material) bends their form at will, based on how they feel at the moment. Followers of Kawliga come from all walks of life, the worshipers commonly offering tidings of wine, smoke, and fatty meats at the altars of the Pleasure God(dess), praying for good fortune in matters of the heart or wallet. A temple of Kawliga is more of a constant party than a house of the holy, with mugs of mead and wine flowing freely the clergy are public servants, bringing joy and love to those in need. While a god of Joy and Celebration, Kawliga also values hard work, and teaches that pleasures are the sweetest when earned properly.
Though Kawliga's dogma seems like all flowers and rainbows, he/she has the capacity to be a very angry and wrathful Lord. Tyranny and domination are the antithesis of his teachings, and so she extends no love towards Conquerors, Murderers, Slavers and Wicked Magicians.
Keep in mind that at the start of Dawn of worlds you are just an idea, sentient life doesn't even exist yet.
Also 6 domains, especially with several awesome ones (and a really good favoured weapon) seems a little much.
Lets keep domains capped at 4, and remember you only really need an idea and alignment for your god at this point.

Browman |

Browman wrote:Yes, but with a focus on creating and protecting places where tinkering and invention can happen.Azih wrote:I'd like to play Sheher, LG key area of interest 'Technical creativity' (So craftspeople and the like rather than artists) and Cities where those kinds of creators thrive.So a god of tinkering and inventing?
sounds awesome

GypsyMischief |

Keep in mind that at the start of Dawn of worlds you are just an idea, sentient life doesn't even exist yet.
Also 6 domains, especially with several awesome ones (and a really good favoured weapon) seems a little much.
Lets keep domains capped at 4, and remember you only really need an idea and alignment for your god at this point.
Word, that whole thing was just brain vomit, I'll develop an actual personality that's less based on interactions with the material world. However...my portfolio's don't really exist without sentient life around, hmm.
I'll rethink domains and shtuff, I didn't think Longswords were that nifty of a weapon, but k'.

Dalgar the Great |

GypsyMischief wrote:This is the exact direction I was hoping this would move in, I'm stoked.
Name: Kawliga (Pending) "Our lord in silks"
Portfolio: Joy, Sex, Partying
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Luck, Good, Travel, Charm, Liberation, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Longsword (Pending)Our lord in silks is a manifestation of Joy and Procreation. Neither man nor woman the deity of pleasures (generally carnal and material) bends their form at will, based on how they feel at the moment. Followers of Kawliga come from all walks of life, the worshipers commonly offering tidings of wine, smoke, and fatty meats at the altars of the Pleasure God(dess), praying for good fortune in matters of the heart or wallet. A temple of Kawliga is more of a constant party than a house of the holy, with mugs of mead and wine flowing freely the clergy are public servants, bringing joy and love to those in need. While a god of Joy and Celebration, Kawliga also values hard work, and teaches that pleasures are the sweetest when earned properly.
Though Kawliga's dogma seems like all flowers and rainbows, he/she has the capacity to be a very angry and wrathful Lord. Tyranny and domination are the antithesis of his teachings, and so she extends no love towards Conquerors, Murderers, Slavers and Wicked Magicians.
Keep in mind that at the start of Dawn of worlds you are just an idea, sentient life doesn't even exist yet.
Also 6 domains, especially with several awesome ones (and a really good favoured weapon) seems a little much.
Lets keep domains capped at 4, and remember you only really need an idea and alignment for your god at this point.
For the record the Core gods seem to have six domains, two of which are alignment domains, unless they include neutral alignments. Then they have five.