![]() Yours is mined wrote:
Turn updated (sorry again for the delay). Its up to you, Squeeze is going for the white NPC, see his spoiler for tactics and rolls. ![]()
![]() I sent the other fella a message in the system, and "if" he responds I'll direct him to the recruitment forum to post his character. However, he hasn't wanted to do to much pbp in the past, so I don't think I'll hear back from him anytime soon.
FYI the website mentioned above really helps! I knew that there were post in the thread! ![]()
![]() And finally... I have the Chronicle Sheets ready to go: As always if there are any questions just let me know. Moving forward; like so many gamers, life has just gotten plain ole' busy for me. Its all a great thing, I am just super busy and online life is the first thing to go. However, I am still up for running more PFS scenarios here, if you folks are willing to play along! The pace will be steady (which is another word for slow!) but I do have a lot of fun running for you all. I hope that you have fun playing. If this isn't for you or its just time to leave and do something, just let me know (its all good!). So, does anyone have any suggestions for a scenario? ![]()
![]() Amenopheus places the jewel on the central column, allowing the Topaz Sage to shape the sand to voice her preference. The sand dances around in a blizzard of activity then stops, revealing the shape of a time dragon. Amenopheus and Tahonikepsu exchange knowing looks which each other and accept the fate that the Pathfinders have given them. Later, while leaving the temple the two Apsis members talk with the Pathfinders. Ahna and Lore talk with Nefti and Kafar and come to an agreement where they can join the local Pathfinder lodge. It works for the two former Consorption members, who are looking for change in scenery anyway. ![]()
![]() Whoops, sorry for the board silence. Its a holiday week here in the states and I've had family in town and such.
We need some aid another on the diplomacy for the Kafar and Nefti to joint the Pathfinders.... ![]()
![]() Well, we finally finished the series. Way to go folks!
As it is, there are a few more things to finish up we are officially done with this scenario... secondary success conditions (hint, hint!). ![]()
![]() The two animated constructs begin to cast a spell, it is complicated and intricate but they seem to have a hard time completing the components with formidable fighters in their way.
With the danger passed. Lore and Ahna eventually figure out how to move the lanterns into different statue arms to create light that follows the light spectrum. Once the lights are in position the crystal structure imprisoning Amenopheus disappears and the sage is able to emerge, unharmed. Frazzled by his recent imprisonment, Amenopheus
The next room, is the meeting chamber. A broad, simple, flat-topped column of sandstone rises from
![]() Ahna scans the wall and sees wall paintings that portray many scenes of Garundi scholars carrying Osirian treasures, using architectural tools, surveying a mountain range, cutting gems, and receiving gifts from three supernatural figures. These figures in the painting are Nethys depicted in an archaic style; Ptah, the ancient Osirian god of architecture and inventions; and Thoth, the god of wisdom and writing. The rest of the Pathfinders notice that one figure that appears in several illustrations and that looks remarkably like Amenopheus. Amenopheus points to the sapphire in his turbin and moves towards the end of the room. But he doesn't answer any of the inevitable questions that follow. Amenopheus attempts to use the key to open the crystalline door. As soon as he places the key on the crystal, the door flashes with blinding light. When the light fades, Amenopheus is trapped within a crystalline prism like an insect sealed in amber, and the four oil lamps held by the statues have lit with bright white light. At the same time, a spoken message in Ancient Osiriani echoes through the room: As the light aligns, so too do the
Suddenly, two of the statues animate and move to attack you! Initiative Rolls:
NPC: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 Eadie: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27 Lhug: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14 Lore: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 Ahna: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 PC's go first.
![]() Kafar and Nefti submit to being bound. Eadie is comfortable that they will not be moving anywhere.
Knowledge Religion and/or Perception checks. ![]()
![]() Both of the agents wear bandages and Lore thinks that they were bitten by one of the monsters the Pathfinder's encountered earlier in the adventure. Though she doesn't know what the usual outcome of such an injury will be. As the Pathfinders leas the Apsis agents to the Sanctum a friendly voice can be heard coming through the mountain pass. Amenopheus has finally caught up with you. He appears to have had to battle through similar obstacles but has been healed of his wounds.
Nefti and Kafar quickly give up the game and give you the topaz gem you are looking for. the Topaz Sage is able to speak with the mythic-enhanced Pathfinders. But she makes it clear that she needs to reunited with a worthy inheritor. Amenospheus, the Saphire sage, leads the party up into the Sanctum. We are not done yet is all he offers. Behind the seamless illusion of a rock wall lies the mountain pass to the Sanctum of the Sages. Beautifully engraved columns support the ornate entablature topped by a wide tapered cornice. The style hearkens back to Osirion’s golden age, and the impeccable design and craftsmanship lives up to the standards set by the ancient dynasties. A short flight of stairs ascends to stone door in the mountain.
Amenopheus opens the grand door and enters the Sanctum. He nods for everyone to follow him. Water gurgles in fountains set at either end of thiscrescent-shaped chamber. Fourteen columns support the vaulted ceiling, and the walls are polished to a smooth finish that reflects and scatters any light that is introduced or that shines in from outside. Spouts in the wall replace any water removed from the fountain, replicating the effects of a decanter of endless water. Much of the sanctum is sealed to anyone not of the order of the Jeweled Sages, so this room provides pilgrims and petitioners a safe place to take shelter until a sage might acknowledge them. Amenopheus doesn't bother with the fountains and moves to the door leading into the next room. The Pathfinders have to hustle to keep up with the Sage.
Amenopheus recognizes this crystal as a gatekeeper built to prevent non-sages from traveling deeper into the sanctum. He presents himself as the Sapphire Sage and announces that he seeks the Diamond Sage. The crystal briefly shows an image of a Garundi man walking toward the north door in the room, then a small, key shaped sliver breaks off of the crystal. Amenopheus nods, picks up the key, and tells the Pathfinders that the north door will lead them onward; it opens as he approaches. Again Amenopheus nods and suggest that you copy his actions. When you approache within 10 feet of the crystal, you receive an empathic feeling of curiosity and inquiry, as
However, Kafar and Nefti are neither Jeweled Sages nor chosen custodians of a sage jewel. As a result, the crystal sends them an empathic warning not to travel further. The two agents refuse to move further, convinced that something bad will happen if they try to pass through this room. Yeah, block text bonanza! Feel free to add any flavor, fluff, or actual actions to anything that moved along (there may be some benefit to doing some things....). Also, what are you going to do with Kafar and Nefti?
![]() Kafar responds to the Pathfinders requests, Why don't we get off of this bridge and move to the Sanctum. It is not our intent to fight and die in these mountains. Sorry friend.
It doesn't appear that you have made friends here. However, they do seem sincere that they are not wanting to fight. ![]()
![]() Kafar keeps a close eye on Lhug and dares a quick look to see the rest of the Pathfinders closing in. We only see to approach the Sanctum. We meet a prospective client within its walls. We did not come here to start with you. Why is it that attack us on this bridge? Lore, you feel that your Diplomacy attempts are helping. ![]()
![]() Lhug again attacks Nefti, all four images of him, and beyond all hope actually hits the correct one. Instead of an image blinking from existence, Nefti grunts in horrible pain. He is now bleeding from various places and appears to be heavily injured.
Kafar moves into a defensive position, trying to block Lhug's way to Nefti. Why do you attack us on the bridge? Are you the guardian of the Santum? Location: Lhug (is on the Natural Bridge); Lore (moved to the Natural Bridge); Eadie (Wall); Ahna ( entered the Cliff's Edge)
![]() Yeah... Lore look back to the page prior and there is a list of special rules for a Mythic Chase. I'll process this turn tonight (likely high on sugar from taking the boys out for hallowen!). Sorry for being a little slow this week. The end of the month is always a bit more time consuming for me. ![]()
![]() Lhug is able to dodge the two Aspsis warriors and moves through the magical grease. He approaches Nefti and strikes hard with his Katana. Nefti is bleeding badly, but still stands upright. Nefti moves back from Lhug's range and casts a spell.
Kafar also moves back from Lhug's range and throws a bomb at the Pathfinder!
![]() Eadie moves behind the seamless illusion of a rock wall and finds the mountain pass to the Sanctum of the Sages. Beautifully engraved columns support the ornate entablature topped by a wide tapered cornice. The style hearkens back to Osirion’s golden age, and the impeccable design and craftsmanship lives up to the standards set by the ancient dynasties. A short flight of stairs ascends to stone door in the mountain. Ahna finds his way through the quicksand without an issue and enters the Crack of the Mountain right at the same time a loud thunderous crack echoes in the distance. As Nefti and Kafar find Lhug on the bridge, he throws a thunder stone at them, it lands on the bridge and sends a thunderous echo throughout the mountain pass.
Kafar shakes off the effects of the thunderstone and returns the favor throwing a bomb of his own at Lhug. The bridge fills with a fog of stinking smoke. Lhug, Dc14 Fort save or become nauseated.
Location: Lhug (is on the Natural Bridge, hiding); Lore (entered Cliffs Edge); Eadie (entered the Temple Entrancel); Ahna (entered the Crack in the Mountain)
![]() Lore, you are a turn ahead of everyone. Ahna is able to make it through the Narrow Pass only to find herself entering a Patch of Quicksand.
Nefti & Kafar try to enter the Natural Bridge...
Location: Lhug (is on the Natural Bridge, hiding); Lore (entered Quick Sand Patch); Eadie (entered Illusory Wall); Ahna (entered the Patch of Quicksand)
Lore entered the Cliff's Edge with some deft movement around the mountain. She can see the shadows of figures up ahead on a Natural Bridge. Lhug, Eadi, and Ahna's turn.
![]() Location: Lhug (is on the Natural Bridge, hiding); Lore (entered Quick Sand Patch); Eadie (entered Natural Bridge); Ahna (is in the Narrow Pass)
Nefti and Kafer try to get through the Crack in the Mountain. Having not seen or heard there pursuers for a few minutes, they take their time. Strength Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Using team work that only experienced partners would posses, the random clear the Crack in the Mountain to get to the Cliff's Edge. Location: Lhug (is on the Natural Bridge, hiding); Lore (entered Quick Sand Patch); Eadie (entered Natural Bridge); Ahna (is in the Narrow Pass)
Lore clears through the Quick Sand Patch and is now entered the Crack in the Mountain. Lhug, Ahna, Eadie. May go. ![]()
![]() ... and Ahna enters the Narrow Pass. Strength Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Nefti and Kafar work there way through the Crack in the Mountain. However the last obstacle prevents them from getting through. Upon close inspection, it appears that both of them are suffering from some type of illness. Location: Lhug ( entered Natural Bridge); Lore (entered Narrow Pass); Eadie (entered Natural Bridge); Ahna (entered Narrow Paw)
Lore weaves around the narrow pass but stops in her tracks as she comes up upon a Patch of Quicksand. ![]()
![]() Lore follows the footprints in the sand and rock and is easily able to work her way down the steep slope.
Anyone with an order for Ahna please then Nefti and Kafar will go. Location: Lhug ( entered Natural Bridge); Lore (entered Narrow Pass); Eadie (entered Natural Bridge); Ahna (entered Steep Slope)
Lhug- I like the Chase rules. It adds a new dimension to just fight and explore. However, this one had some background information that I'll share. During the adventure, you had the chance to go faster or slower by the choices you made. As it ends up, you all chose right every time and earned the maximum number of "chase points". These converted points determined where Nefti & Kafar started. As such, they started as close as possible and now it looks like you have them pinched in nicely. ![]()
![]() Lhug's ferocity translates into reality bringing contrasting images of butterflies, dancing girls, and mortals fighting. He moves through the Steep Slope and Narrow Pass using the images as stepping stones.
Both Nefti and Kafar work together to get through the quicksand.
Working together, they easily move through the Quicksand Patch and into the Crack in the Mountain. Location: Lhug ( entered Quicksand Patch); Lore (entered Steep Slope); Eadie (entered Quicksand Patch); Ahna (entered Steep Slope)