
DrGabe's page

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 1,966 posts (2,722 including aliases). 1 review. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 13 Organized Play characters.


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The Exchange


Out of town through the weekend, I'll be back on Monday.

The Exchange


This was a blast to play. I got the chronicle sheet from Fool.
Thanks again for running and seeking all of us out!
Sorry for my occasional disappearances... such is my life these days.

I hope to see you all again sometime soon!

The Exchange

Yours is mined wrote:

No worries, DrGabe. Enjoy!

As for where Squeeze is, it's up to you.

At the start of the encounter, I placed him at the back so he and Ilwynog were more "out of harm's way."

If you would prefer him adjacent to Toro, that's fine.

Turn updated (sorry again for the delay). Its up to you, Squeeze is going for the white NPC, see his spoiler for tactics and rolls.

The Exchange


I'll be traveling the next week or so for vacation and family things. I'll either have a lot of free time or none, its hard to say. I'll try to check in as much as possible though!

The Exchange


I'll be traveling the next week or so for vacation and family things. I'll either have a lot of free time or none, its hard to say. I'll try to check in as much as possible though!

The Exchange


I'll be traveling the next week or so for vacation and family things. I'll either have a lot of free time or none, its hard to say. I'll try to check in as much as possible though!

The Exchange

Jean-Philippe St.Onge wrote:
i've been insane at work this week

I'm just insane.

And our PC's are in a mental ward...

The Exchange


Excellent. I've been kinda lax getting my chronicle sheets sorted out. Good thing it is forecasted to rain this weekend around here. I'll figure out exactly what I have available.

The Exchange


I have a few lvl 5 PC's- anything in particular that I should aim for? Healing, combat? Hi jinks?

The Exchange

Yours is mined wrote:
Eadie’s GM notes wrote:

REM: Do NOT dot and delete your first GM post in Gameplay! It totally bjorks the thread.

Flame on!


The Exchange


Woaw.... this slipped past me (getting old here), this looks like a lot of fun.

I'll hold on tight and get ready for the ride!

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am making a Dwarf Mouser (Swashbuckler archetype). Don't judge his speed based on the length of his legs!
(I am the before spoken PC...) :)

The Exchange


Vroom, vroom..... revving up the engine

The Exchange


I sent the other fella a message in the system, and "if" he responds I'll direct him to the recruitment forum to post his character. However, he hasn't wanted to do to much pbp in the past, so I don't think I'll hear back from him anytime soon.
Course this is Tarondor's game, I'm just trying to throw out names of people I knew are on the forums here.

FYI the website mentioned above really helps! I knew that there were post in the thread!

The Exchange

N'Haaz-aua wrote:
Gabe, you can certainly invite Erik Merkel

Oh good idea! I'll see if he is available and tell him to sign up on the recruitment page.

The Exchange


My "other" can't play. Up to you guys now. :)

The Exchange


PFS 16359-10
I thought it posted to the hero lab stat output but it doesn't.

The Exchange


Hey, Ianto- what "line" do you enter your stats on? I always have to reinvent the wheel with each character.

GM- is my line on Talia ok? I tried to make large assumptions based on the information we had. Or perhaps my PC is a poor judge of character (more likely).

The Exchange

N'Haaz-aua wrote:
He says it's going to be tomorrow. He got tied up at work which is an RPG related story ill let him tell.

If he can remember the story! :)

The Exchange

Tarondor wrote:
Do you want to do this for PFS credit?

I can but it doesn't matter that much. If you want for gm credit that is cool. I'm sure the rewards are cool. :)

Also, I sent this link to two gents, they may pipe in soon.

The Exchange


Dragons Demand sounds to be a better choice. Patrick, if you haven't played Much Pathfinder, 14th level will be daunting. We could certainly do it, but...

Scott, I'll reach to one guy that I know wants to play more PF. You've met him at GenCon before.

The Exchange


I'll do a wizard then. I don't have a 14th.. yet :)

The Exchange


Could this be played for PFS credit?

The Exchange


Scott if we need a couple of more players I still know a few that are active on the Paizo boards.

I like playing anything, especially weird or heavily flavored pc's. is there a flavor that would work?

The Exchange


Lore, thanks for the Mythic responses. :) The reason why I delayed posting the sheets, is so that you could read all of the block text!

Ahna, there is a chance I'll be a PaizoCon this. We will have to chat once it gets closer.

The Exchange


And finally... I have the Chronicle Sheets ready to go:


As always if there are any questions just let me know.

Moving forward; like so many gamers, life has just gotten plain ole' busy for me. Its all a great thing, I am just super busy and online life is the first thing to go. However, I am still up for running more PFS scenarios here, if you folks are willing to play along! The pace will be steady (which is another word for slow!) but I do have a lot of fun running for you all. I hope that you have fun playing. If this isn't for you or its just time to leave and do something, just let me know (its all good!).

So, does anyone have any suggestions for a scenario?

The Exchange


And with that... the adventure is officially over!
I'll get chronicle sheets up and posted today.

The Exchange


Amenopheus places the jewel on the central column, allowing the Topaz Sage to shape the sand to voice her preference. The sand dances around in a blizzard of activity then stops, revealing the shape of a time dragon. Amenopheus and Tahonikepsu exchange knowing looks which each other and accept the fate that the Pathfinders have given them.

Later, while leaving the temple the two Apsis members talk with the Pathfinders. Ahna and Lore talk with Nefti and Kafar and come to an agreement where they can join the local Pathfinder lodge. It works for the two former Consorption members, who are looking for change in scenery anyway.

The Exchange


Whoops, sorry for the board silence. Its a holiday week here in the states and I've had family in town and such.
I hope to get the sheets to you this weekend and we can discuss plans going forward.

We need some aid another on the diplomacy for the Kafar and Nefti to joint the Pathfinders....

The Exchange


Well, we finally finished the series. Way to go folks!
The last part was a bit long, I don't see how people will finish it in a standard 4 hour slot. While it was fun, I think that is suffered from way too much background information that was hard to get across to players without just reading all of the non-block text.

As it is, there are a few more things to finish up we are officially done with this scenario... secondary success conditions (hint, hint!).

The Exchange


The two animated constructs begin to cast a spell, it is complicated and intricate but they seem to have a hard time completing the components with formidable fighters in their way.
Both Lhug and Eadie smash at the constructs, Eadie's sparkling of mythic power lighting the room in a fantastic blue glow.

With the danger passed. Lore and Ahna eventually figure out how to move the lanterns into different statue arms to create light that follows the light spectrum. Once the lights are in position the crystal structure imprisoning Amenopheus disappears and the sage is able to emerge, unharmed.

Frazzled by his recent imprisonment, Amenopheus
apologizes for not fully understanding what happened
and why, but he recommends continuing on before more
of the sanctum’s guardians decide to attack. The Pathfinders can
push open the newly bisected crystalline door with ease.
As they do so, the statues animate for a moment to pass
the lamps back to their starting positions, resetting the
puzzle for the next visitor.

The next room, is the meeting chamber. A broad, simple, flat-topped column of sandstone rises from
a deep pit in this circular, domed chamber with a white tiled
floor. Though no wind can be felt, particles of sand slowly blow
around the pit as if circulated by a lazy breeze, their movement
creating a soft, rasping susurrus.
Begin three pages of interesting yet a bit convoluted background text and non-interactive plot development.
Isolated and protected like the treasures and knowledge
they sought to preserve, this room served as the Jeweled
Sages’ formal meeting hall. The sages had no permanent
leader; rather, each member was an equal except when
discussing his or her specialty. The specialists would
stand on the central pillar to direct debate regarding
their chosen subject matter. Upon concluding that
business, he or she would again rejoin the other sages.
The sand responds to the mental commands of any
Jeweled Sage who steps onto it, typically coalescing into a
temporary bridge connecting to the column or creating a
three-dimensional image to illustrate a point.
The only occupant of this room is a Garundi woman
bedecked in the style of an Osirian noblewoman. This is
the dragon Tahonikepsu (young adult time dragon;), who
has embraced the gradual
shape changing influence of the diamond sage jewel to
take the form of a human when convenient. As a time
dragon and the host of a spirit dedicated to preserving
history through the ages, she is extraordinarily patient
and calculating, however, her perspective has changed
over the past decade such that she is willing to accept the
help of mortal creatures rather than do all of the work by
herself, so long as she retains some autonomy as those
allies’ leader. To her, the Jeweled Sages represent the
preservation of history itself, and the order’s restoration
is a most worthy endeavor.
Although she knew that Amenopheus and the
Pathfinder Society were also seeking sage jewels, she
is pleasantly surprised to see they have reached the
sanctum before Kafar and Nefti. The discovery improves
her opinion of Amenopheus and leads her to be more
willing to cooperate rather than dominate.
Amenopheus is cordial but cautious as he
questions the Diamond Sage’s decision to remain
hidden for so long, and he speculates how much
more they might have accomplished in recent
years had they met sooner. He voices his desire
to rebuild the Jeweled Sages—a goal that he and
Tahonikepsu share; however, despite this common
ground, the two disagree on many nuances.
First, they disagree about the true cause
of the Jeweled Sages’ destruction, which
evolves into a disagreement about the
lost order’s hierarchy. Amenopheus
interprets the collapse of the
Jeweled Sages as an unfortunate
accident driven by outside
forces, namely the invasion
of Osirion by the Kelish
thousands of years ago. Had
it not been for this calamity, the
Jeweled Sages would have continued
to thrive. To Tahonikepsu, the invasion and subsequent
purge of the Jeweled Sages reflects a critical weakness in
the organization. She posits that, spread out and without
a strong leader, the order could not respond quickly and
effectively to a new threat. Amenopheus defends the
order’s egalitarian organization structure as a key source
of strength, allowing each member to act independently
when needed. The Diamond Sage retorts that without
consistent, decisive leadership, the Jeweled Sages will
always be vulnerable and disorganized whenever a new
threat strikes.
Second, the two sages disagree on how to rebuild the
organization. Both accept that they will need to recover
additional sage jewels and recruit new prospective sages.
Amenopheus believes that the next generation of sages
must be chosen from among the most learned scholars.
Not only does this match the founding principles of
the organization, but he theorizes that anything less
than a well-trained mind would be unable to harness
the millennia of memories within each sage jewel. To
Tahonikepsu, the thought of populating the Jeweled
Sages with cloistered academics might allow for easier
retention of historic facts but would undermine the
sages’ ability to actually use their knowledge to better
the world. The Diamond Sage would rather recruit a
generation of active and innovative sages who could act
as advisors to powerful leaders, read the current events
to predict future decisions, and participate in making
history rather than simply recording it.
Finally, both sages have their doubts about each other,
no matter how politely they engage in the discourse.
From Tahonikepsu’s perspective, despite the
Sapphire Sage’s talents, he has lost the trust of
Osirion’s ruler. Although his failure is not
wholly his fault, the incident may become
a liability as the Jeweled Sages attempt to
reclaim their place in Osirion. She also
believes that Amenopheus’s insistence on
embracing a failed model for the Jeweled
Sages invites history to repeat itself. On
the other hand, Amenopheus is skeptical
about Tahonikepsu, for only moments
ago she was a complete stranger to him
and the Pathfinders. He has served
faithfully as the Osirion faction leader
for years. Ceding leadership of the
restored Jeweled Sages to her seems
like an irresponsible gambit,
particularly when nobody knows
of her qualifications, background,
or motives. If presented with such
a challenge, Tahonikepsu takes a step
back and reverts to her natural, draconic
form. “I present my credentials,” she retorts. “Now we are
strangers no more.” If none of the PCs can identify her
species, she explains that her kind is dedicated to guarding
history and time itself. By combining her longevity,
cunning, and patience with the ambitions of a millenniaold
society of sages, the Jeweled Sages are certain to thrive.
In summary, Amenopheus wishes to recreate the Jeweled
Sages as they were in ages past, whereas Tahonikepsu
seeks innovation. Seeing that they have reached an
impasse, one of the two (likely the one who seems to have
the PCs’ support) invokes a Convocation of Sages, an old
tradition of the sages to decide the organization’s future
with a vote. Each Jeweled Sage receives one vote, though
because the PCs represent the Ruby Sage as a group, each of
them receives only a fraction of her vote. Understandably,
Amenopheus and Tahonikepsu cast their votes in
favor of their own policies. The PCs can vote for either
Amenopheus’s or Tahonikepsu’s approach to leading the
organization, and in doing so they have essentially voted
for the future leader of the Osirion faction. It is possible
that the PCs nominate a third candidate or strategy, and
the two Jeweled Sages respect this option and include it
in the vote.
If the PCs cannot agree on whom to support, the
candidate who receives the majority of the PCs’ votes
wins. If the PCs are split evenly, Amenopheus observes
that the Topaz Sage has yet to vote.
Amenopheus places the jewel on the central column,
allowing the Topaz Sage to shape the sand to voice her
preference. The Topaz Sage’s vote goes to whichever
candidate received more votes from Osirion faction PCs.
Debating their respective philosophical merits has
helped the two sages develop respect for one another,
and even though each is certain his or her strategy is the
better choice, they both agree that they would
be willing to work together in the future
and honor the winner’s victory.
With the discovery of another Jeweled Sage and the
recovery of a third sage jewel, the PCs have helped
Amenopheus recreate the lost Osirian order.
Both he and Tahonikepsu agree that the sages
shall work with the Pathfinder Society toward
their mutual benefit, and they aid the PCs in
returning to Eto without further conflict. The
Ruby Sage’s power fades from them as they depart
the Pillars of the Sun. Amenopheus is uncertain as to
whether or not the ruby sage jewel can be restored, but he
begins researching the possibility soon. So long as the
PCs completed the scenario, give each PC the Mythic
Legacy boon on his or her Chronicle sheet.
What becomes of Kafar and Nefti depends
heavily on the PCs’ earlier actions
So... what do you want to do with Nefti and Kafar? Do you have a particular candidate to support?

The Exchange


As the adventure is written, both Eadie and Lhug will get an AoO as both of the constructs start to cast a spell. Take your attacks, I'll update the rest later today.

The Exchange


Neither of the statues are evil.

The Exchange


Ahna scans the wall and sees wall paintings that portray many scenes of Garundi scholars carrying Osirian treasures, using architectural tools, surveying a mountain range, cutting gems, and receiving gifts from three supernatural figures. These figures in the painting are Nethys depicted in an archaic style; Ptah, the ancient Osirian god of architecture and inventions; and Thoth, the god of wisdom and writing.

The rest of the Pathfinders notice that one figure that appears in several illustrations and that looks remarkably like Amenopheus.

Amenopheus points to the sapphire in his turbin and moves towards the end of the room. But he doesn't answer any of the inevitable questions that follow.

Amenopheus attempts to use the key to open the crystalline door. As soon as he places the key on the crystal, the door flashes with blinding light. When the light fades, Amenopheus is trapped within a crystalline prism like an insect sealed in amber, and the four oil lamps held by the statues have lit with bright white light. At the same time, a spoken message in Ancient Osiriani echoes through the room: As the light aligns, so too do the
sages stand.

Suddenly, two of the statues animate and move to attack you!

Initiative Rolls:

NPC: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Eadie: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Lhug: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Lore: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Ahna: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

PC's go first.
The black dot is Amenopheus, he is currently trapped in the crystal structure. The four yellow lights are oil lamps that have become lit.


The Exchange


Kafar and Nefti submit to being bound. Eadie is comfortable that they will not be moving anywhere.
Each of the Mythic Pathfinders move through the Screening Stone and down a short corridor. It empties into a large half-circle shaped room. Two curved ramps ascend gently from one end of this semicircular room toward its northwest entrance. More than a dozen statues line the intricately painted walls, and all face toward an immense crystal that projects from the southeast wall. The statues are carved in the Osiran fashion, some bearing the heads of animals, and many holding objects like staves, ankhs, oil lamps, and scepters in their supple marble hands. Four engravings in the likeness of gemstones are set into shallow circular recesses in the floor arrayed before the huge jewel.

Knowledge Religion and/or Perception checks.

The Exchange


Both of the agents wear bandages and Lore thinks that they were bitten by one of the monsters the Pathfinder's encountered earlier in the adventure. Though she doesn't know what the usual outcome of such an injury will be.

As the Pathfinders leas the Apsis agents to the Sanctum a friendly voice can be heard coming through the mountain pass. Amenopheus has finally caught up with you. He appears to have had to battle through similar obstacles but has been healed of his wounds.
Seeing the agents here and hearing your story, he demands that they be searched. Naturally Nefti and Kafar resist, but then Lhug just snarls.

Nefti and Kafar quickly give up the game and give you the topaz gem you are looking for. the Topaz Sage is able to speak with the mythic-enhanced Pathfinders. But she makes it clear that she needs to reunited with a worthy inheritor.

Amenospheus, the Saphire sage, leads the party up into the Sanctum. We are not done yet is all he offers.

Behind the seamless illusion of a rock wall lies the mountain pass to the Sanctum of the Sages. Beautifully engraved columns support the ornate entablature topped by a wide tapered cornice. The style hearkens back to Osirion’s golden age, and the impeccable design and craftsmanship lives up to the standards set by the ancient dynasties. A short flight of stairs ascends to stone door in the mountain.
The Sanctum of the Sages is an extensive underground complex set into the side of a mountain and veiled by illusions. While the Ruby Sage has some memories of the complex, they are incomplete and fractured at best.

Amenopheus opens the grand door and enters the Sanctum. He nods for everyone to follow him. Water gurgles in fountains set at either end of thiscrescent-shaped chamber. Fourteen columns support the vaulted ceiling, and the walls are polished to a smooth finish that reflects and scatters any light that is introduced or that shines in from outside. Spouts in the wall replace any water removed from the fountain, replicating the effects of a decanter of endless water. Much of the sanctum is sealed to anyone not of the order of the Jeweled Sages, so this room provides pilgrims and petitioners a safe place to take shelter until a sage might acknowledge them.

Amenopheus doesn't bother with the fountains and moves to the door leading into the next room. The Pathfinders have to hustle to keep up with the Sage.
Open the door, this chamber’s floor angles upward as it meets the walls, which in turn angle inward like those of a pyramid, creating a space shaped like a cut diamond. The walls are smooth and somewhat transparent, like foggy quartz, save for where three opaque doors stand to the north, east, and west. In the center of the room, a clear 5-foot diameter crystal hovers a short distances from the floor and spins slowly.

Amenopheus recognizes this crystal as a gatekeeper built to prevent non-sages from traveling deeper into the sanctum. He presents himself as the Sapphire Sage and announces that he seeks the Diamond Sage. The crystal briefly shows an image of a Garundi man walking toward the north door in the room, then a small, key shaped sliver breaks off of the crystal. Amenopheus nods, picks up the key, and tells the Pathfinders that the north door will lead them onward; it opens as he approaches.

Again Amenopheus nods and suggest that you copy his actions. When you approache within 10 feet of the crystal, you receive an empathic feeling of curiosity and inquiry, as
though the crystal is trying to determine who you are.
Assuming you announce who you are and state your intention to visit the Diamond Sage or accompany Amenopheus, the crystal accepts you and briefly reflects an image of
the whole ruby sage jewel to illustrate its understanding of your identity. Once you have introduced herself to the jewel, you can will the north door to open and travel
through it without activating the chamber’s defenses.

However, Kafar and Nefti are neither Jeweled Sages nor chosen custodians of a sage jewel. As a result, the crystal sends them an empathic warning not to travel further. The two agents refuse to move further, convinced that something bad will happen if they try to pass through this room.

Yeah, block text bonanza! Feel free to add any flavor, fluff, or actual actions to anything that moved along (there may be some benefit to doing some things....). Also, what are you going to do with Kafar and Nefti?
I'll get a map up soon.

The Exchange


Nefti and Kafar will accept being disarmed but Eadie realizes that they won't readily accept emptying their pockets. Eddie also notices that both of the men are injured, yet only Nefti was struck by Lhug's blade.
Heal check

The Exchange


Kafar responds to the Pathfinders requests, Why don't we get off of this bridge and move to the Sanctum. It is not our intent to fight and die in these mountains. Sorry friend.
He reaches out to Lhug in an effort to shake hands.
Looking at Eadie Nefti adds, Madam, can you lead the way to the Sanctum?

It doesn't appear that you have made friends here. However, they do seem sincere that they are not wanting to fight.

The Exchange


Kafar keeps a close eye on Lhug and dares a quick look to see the rest of the Pathfinders closing in. We only see to approach the Sanctum. We meet a prospective client within its walls. We did not come here to start with you. Why is it that attack us on this bridge?

Lore, you feel that your Diplomacy attempts are helping.

The Exchange


Nudge... Lhug, Ahna, and Lore's turn.

The Exchange


Lhug again attacks Nefti, all four images of him, and beyond all hope actually hits the correct one. Instead of an image blinking from existence, Nefti grunts in horrible pain. He is now bleeding from various places and appears to be heavily injured.
Nefti takes a step back from Lhug and cast another spell. Fail Chance: 1d100 ⇒ 8, but the spell is jumbled from the effects of the thunderstone. Lhug has no idea what the spell was doing to be.

Kafar moves into a defensive position, trying to block Lhug's way to Nefti. Why do you attack us on the bridge? Are you the guardian of the Santum?

Location: Lhug (is on the Natural Bridge); Lore (moved to the Natural Bridge); Eadie (Wall); Ahna ( entered the Cliff's Edge)
Nefti & Kafar (Natural Bridge)

The Exchange


Yeah... Lore look back to the page prior and there is a list of special rules for a Mythic Chase. I'll process this turn tonight (likely high on sugar from taking the boys out for hallowen!). Sorry for being a little slow this week. The end of the month is always a bit more time consuming for me.

The Exchange


Lore, remember that you still only get the normal actions during a turn. Here is the table . Let me know if you want change your move.
Lhug, explain your d4's please.
Eadie. Good question. I was thinking that as well. The cards were not meant to go backwards, so I think it depends on the card. In this particular case I think that you do not need to make checks. Remember that each card is 30'.

The Exchange


Lhug is able to dodge the two Aspsis warriors and moves through the magical grease. He approaches Nefti and strikes hard with his Katana. Nefti is bleeding badly, but still stands upright.

Nefti moves back from Lhug's range and casts a spell.
Fail Chance: 1d100 ⇒ 98 and creates a couple of copies of himself. Extra Images: 1d4 ⇒ 3

Kafar also moves back from Lhug's range and throws a bomb at the Pathfinder!
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 Fire Damage: 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 4, 4) + 2 = 13

Location: Lhug (is on the Natural Bridge); Lore (Cliffs Edge); Eadie (Temple Entrancel); Ahna ( Crack in the Mountain)
Nefti & Kafar (Natural Bridge)

The Exchange


Eadie moves behind the seamless illusion of a rock wall and finds the mountain pass to the Sanctum of the Sages. Beautifully engraved columns support the ornate entablature topped by a wide tapered cornice. The style hearkens back to Osirion’s golden age, and the impeccable design and craftsmanship lives up to the standards set by the ancient dynasties. A short flight of stairs ascends to stone door in the mountain.

Ahna finds his way through the quicksand without an issue and enters the Crack of the Mountain right at the same time a loud thunderous crack echoes in the distance.

As Nefti and Kafar find Lhug on the bridge, he throws a thunder stone at them, it lands on the bridge and sends a thunderous echo throughout the mountain pass.
Fort saves.... Kafar: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25 Nefti: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Kafar shakes off the effects of the thunderstone and returns the favor throwing a bomb of his own at Lhug. The bridge fills with a fog of stinking smoke. Lhug, Dc14 Fort save or become nauseated.
Kafar draws sickle and looks ready to fight.
Nefti looks affected by the thunderstone, he has a stunned look on his face. Shaking it off, he starts to cast a spell quickly. Miscast: 1d100 ⇒ 77 Suddenly the bridge around Lhug is filled with magical grease. Lhug Reflex DC15 save

Location: Lhug (is on the Natural Bridge, hiding); Lore (entered Cliffs Edge); Eadie (entered the Temple Entrancel); Ahna (entered the Crack in the Mountain)
Nefti & Kafar (Natural Bridge)

The Exchange


Lore, you are a turn ahead of everyone.

Ahna is able to make it through the Narrow Pass only to find herself entering a Patch of Quicksand.
Eadie continues to the Illusory Wall almost making it to the Sanctum's front door.
Lhug starts to think and develops a crushing headache. He figures he can draw attention to himself with these things, but he will not be able to damage the location.

Nefti & Kafar try to enter the Natural Bridge...
Climb Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24
The two agents are able to use some teamwork that you haven't seen before and escape through the Cliffs edge to enter the Natural Bridge.
Perception Check: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Perception Check: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
Both agents stop in their tracks as they see Lhug trying to hide.

Location: Lhug (is on the Natural Bridge, hiding); Lore (entered Quick Sand Patch); Eadie (entered Illusory Wall); Ahna (entered the Patch of Quicksand)
Nefti & Kafar (Natural Bridge)

Lore entered the Cliff's Edge with some deft movement around the mountain. She can see the shadows of figures up ahead on a Natural Bridge.

Lhug, Eadi, and Ahna's turn.
Lhug you are on the same square as the targets. Fight or talk, its up to you.

The Exchange


Location: Lhug (is on the Natural Bridge, hiding); Lore (entered Quick Sand Patch); Eadie (entered Natural Bridge); Ahna (is in the Narrow Pass)
Nefti & Kafar (trying to leave the Crack in the Mountain)

Nefti and Kafer try to get through the Crack in the Mountain. Having not seen or heard there pursuers for a few minutes, they take their time.

Strength Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Escape Artist: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Using team work that only experienced partners would posses, the random clear the Crack in the Mountain to get to the Cliff's Edge.

Location: Lhug (is on the Natural Bridge, hiding); Lore (entered Quick Sand Patch); Eadie (entered Natural Bridge); Ahna (is in the Narrow Pass)
Nefti & Kafar (entered the Cliff's Edge)

Lore clears through the Quick Sand Patch and is now entered the Crack in the Mountain.

Lhug, Ahna, Eadie. May go.

The Exchange


... and Ahna enters the Narrow Pass.

Strength Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Escape Artist Check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Nefti and Kafar work there way through the Crack in the Mountain. However the last obstacle prevents them from getting through. Upon close inspection, it appears that both of them are suffering from some type of illness.

Location: Lhug ( entered Natural Bridge); Lore (entered Narrow Pass); Eadie (entered Natural Bridge); Ahna (entered Narrow Paw)
Nefti & Kafar (trying to leave the Crack in the Mountain)

Lore weaves around the narrow pass but stops in her tracks as she comes up upon a Patch of Quicksand.

The Exchange


Lore follows the footprints in the sand and rock and is easily able to work her way down the steep slope.
Lhug, moving faster than one would think possible is able to find a quick cut off that Nefti and Kafar didn't see. He is at the base of a natural bridge pinching in the prey as his teammates close the trap.
Eadie follows right behind Lhug and finds herself ahead of the Aspsis agents.

Anyone with an order for Ahna please then Nefti and Kafar will go.

Location: Lhug ( entered Natural Bridge); Lore (entered Narrow Pass); Eadie (entered Natural Bridge); Ahna (entered Steep Slope)
Nefti & Kafar (entered into the Crack in the Mountain)

Lhug- I like the Chase rules. It adds a new dimension to just fight and explore. However, this one had some background information that I'll share. During the adventure, you had the chance to go faster or slower by the choices you made. As it ends up, you all chose right every time and earned the maximum number of "chase points". These converted points determined where Nefti & Kafar started. As such, they started as close as possible and now it looks like you have them pinched in nicely.

The Exchange


Lhug's ferocity translates into reality bringing contrasting images of butterflies, dancing girls, and mortals fighting. He moves through the Steep Slope and Narrow Pass using the images as stepping stones.
Lore uses the illumination that Lhug created and spots a clear path moving to the Steep Slope.
Eadie follows the dancing images and is able to make it through the Steep Slope and Narrow Pass without issue. Speaking of issues, she is sure that Lhug has many unresolved issues...
Ahna moves through the High Ground, following the others but the gnome is tentative in on the Steep Slope.

Both Nefti and Kafar work together to get through the quicksand.
Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Swim: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Working together, they easily move through the Quicksand Patch and into the Crack in the Mountain.

Location: Lhug ( entered Quicksand Patch); Lore (entered Steep Slope); Eadie (entered Quicksand Patch); Ahna (entered Steep Slope)
Nefti & Kafar (entered into the Crack in the Mountain)

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