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Taking six carefully wrapped packages that didn't fit back in the pack, he passes one to each. "I made sandwiches for the trip!" he tells them excitedly, "PBJ's! Pear, Brie, and Jambon! With mustard and honey! Delicious!" Glancing at the thin wax paper sandwiches tied with string, you can see the crusts have been carefully cut off.

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Writs of travel borne by a Pathfinder initiate, arrived at your location a week ago. These saw you board the armed East Vudraman Irrational Exuberance, First Officer Omar Posada commanding, bound for the Qadiran capital, Katheer.
The voyage is uneventful - apart from Wembly and Whiskers vomiting no fewer than twenty times over the side (food poisoning, no doubt). And Fool driving the ship’s Parson – a middle-aged Milanite named Fleetwood – crazy with a continuous chanting of “I detect magic. I cast dancing lights.” as he and Ilwynog sniff every square inch of the ship.
Nonetheless, with a stiff westerly threatening to tear the Glyph of the Open Road from the mizzen-top, the bustling port city soon heaves into sight.
Waiting for you on the dock, mounted on a stout Qadiran pony is a tanned Garundi half-elf clothed in the fine silks of a successful merchant. Interestingly, the regalia of a bishop of Abadar adorn both his person and transportation.
While the crew of the Exuberance, turned out immaculately for the occasion, salute the prelate with the circle-and-tail sign of the Key of the First Vault, her Premier reports: “My respects, Venture-Captain. No losses or damage to the manifest.”
“Very good, Number One. You may commence unloading. There is not a moment to be lost.”
Chief Mate Posada gestures to the six of you. “That means it’s time for you lot to learn what all this is about.”
As you exit the gangway, perhaps on wobbly legs, the Venture-Captain smiles. “I believe introductions are in order.”
“My name is Hugo Victor. Welcome to Katheer, Gateway to the East! Shall we retire to the Lodge, so I may explain my dilemma?”

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Hakime strides off the boat...unfazed by the ocean voyage. She pauses in front of the VC and smiles warmly. "Well met, Master Victor. Blessings of the day upon you... To the Lodge, indeed. I am quite interested in your tale."

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Skipping down the gangway, the Brush Fox nipping at his heels, Fool greets their contact with a vigorous handshake. “My name is Corvid Rhonabwy. And this is llwynog! We are so glad to be here and can't wait to see everything!"
Walking alongside and speaking to everyone, and no one in particular, "I hope to learn Kelish while i'm here, and see a camel!" He continues on recounting the history of the city and region, long after everyone has stopped listening. He occasionally stops and observes some oddity, having to rush to keep up.

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During the voyage, Sifvery moon tries to talk to each of her fellow travelers, to get to know a little about them. She seems to stem from a simple life, and so the grander the story, the more intrigued she appears to be.
Upon departing the ship, she speaks up. "Thank you, Mr. Victor. I would be happy to discuss your matter. It seems a fine city you have here... very large..."
The elf lady seems a bit overwhelmed by the sight. Despite her look of shock and awe, however, she simply checks her gear and seems ready to proceed.

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During the voyage, Sifvery moon tries to talk to each of her fellow travelers, to get to know a little about them.
Dusk seems a bit standoffish at first, but if Sifvery makes the effort to get to know him, he eventually opens up a bit. Dusk is from a hidden snowcaster elf village in the far north, near Irrisen. He was a tracker and a scout for his clan, and a protector of the nearby human villages. Due to some misfortune or failure, Dusk believes that he is not welcome there anymore. He joined the Pathfinders shortly afterwards.

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When speaking with Sivfery, the tiefling archer says softly, "I am Hakime, little sister. I was born in Qadira, but moved to Absalom when I was still quite young. My parents raised me in the faith of Erastil, so it seemed natural to serve him when I came of age. Folks have always made assumptions about me based on these," she indicates her little horns and fangs with a dismissive gesture, "but I am much more than what you see on the surface. I joined the Pathfinders originally to seek one I loved and lost, but now I serve to further my faith and the Society's goals more altruistically. Tell me, then, about yourself, if you will." She looks wistfully sad when she mentions her lost love, but the expression passes quickly.

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During the voyage, Sifvery moon tries to talk to each of her fellow travelers, to get to know a little about them.
Fool begins telling the elf about all the flowers, honey, and heirloom vegetables in his garden. "Something an elf would appreciate!" he exclaims. If the elf continues to politely listen, he shares a large illustrated book on veil magic, which he hopes to see first hand. He draws parallels between the magical arts, which seem almost insightful, but rapidly devolves into which color veil is his favorite. He begins a long and winding tale about how unlucky the villagers are and that they all blame him for some unknowable reason.

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Coming up from below deck, looking a bit green of hue, emerges a young gnome.
"Wow...either that seventh sandwich had too much Jambon or I am not used to sailing ."
Wembly walks to the side rail.
"Wembly here. I have a green cat named Whiskers ... fortunately he can travel elsewhere..,and green is his normal color...and now I feel a bit woozie...and hello. I am Wembly.... oh, and Venture-Captain Hugo...I am sorry for the mess downstairs...I promise to clean it up."

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Once he recovers a bit, he sees Hikame and Sifvery.
"Hi ladies, long time no see. Well not that long. Hopefully we don't run into any more gigantic demon dog thingies this time."

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VC Hugo dismounts and courteously offers the saddle to Hakime, leading the pony if the archer does not wish to take the reins herself.
"I hope to … see a camel!"
“Now that I can arrange, Agent Rhonabwy.” Hugo smiles warmly as a number of the desert beasts add their stench to the atmosphere on the Katheeran promenade.
A particularly cantankerous specimen aims a gobbet of spittle over the halfling’s head, directly at Toro!
(Surprise!) Ranged touch on flat-footed Toro: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
The Venture-Captain stops suddenly as a half-dozen pallbearers clad in crimson lead a procession of two score of their brothers. Each man bears two wooden boxes: one large, one small.
Katheeran trade halts momentarily to let the men pass. “They are the eunuchs who guard the harem of Pasha Tariq bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz Al Qad – youngest brother of the Satrap. It seems one of their number has recently departed for the Boneyard.”
Hugo squats down to the halfling’s level directing his gaze at the items they carry. “Pasha Tariq is a devotee of an obscure cult of the Dawnflower, who believe the sole purpose of language is to get a woman into bed. As such – those who guard his harem have both their manhood and tongues taken.”
“Though as a pious Sarenraen, the Pasha insists both the interred and those interring the deceased must have their bodies ‘together’ lest the goddess judge them imperfect and cast their souls into the Pit.”
“Hence the two boxes they carry …”
"Thank you, Mr. Victor ... It seems a fine city you have here..."
“Do not thank me yet, Agent Moon.”
Hugo’s expression is suddenly grim. “And Katheer is not my normal station. Like yourselves, I have been brought in as a … specialist.”
"I am Dusk. What would you have us do?"
“Patience, good Dusk.”
VC Hugo’s demeanour returns to that of a gracious host. “We shall soon be at the Lodge, which has a cone of silence installed. I have also taken the precaution of giving Venture-Captain Qaradi’s servants the day off.”
“As we walk, it might pay to make enquiries of the locals regarding your eventual destination – the Zho Mountains.”
Diplomacy (gather info) and Knowledge (local) checks are appropriate, if you choose to roleplay with the locals

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“Ever been a part of a body recovery mission for your Faction?”
Venture-Captain Hugo sits behind a surplus desk recycled from the basement, before a pair of double-doors ostensibly leading to the study of Katheeran Venture-Captain Esmayl ibn Qaradi. The imposing set of doors is closed.
He sighs, takes a deep breath, and waves in annoyance. “They’re arcane locked … and I haven’t had time to get them open. VC Qaradi has business on the Inner Planes, and so this mes… mission has fallen to us.”
The Venture-Captain takes a few steps toward a beautifully illustrated map of Qadira hanging on the wall. "Six months ago, a team of four Pathfinders received a map of an unexplored area in the Zho Mountains, and ever since they have been busy surveying the region and sending through updates. Until recently, they had uncovered only a few dozen small sites and a plethora of new plant and animal species, but their most recent update referenced a large illusory barrier. Since then they have not been heard from, and I believe they found something dangerous beyond it.”
He turns to stare at each of you in turn. “Shortly after I arrived, I recommended NOT sending a team back out into the Zho Mountains. The risk of losing another team is, frankly, too high.”
“However, soon after my communiqué was received at the Grand Lodge, a number of WANTED posters featuring the missing agents appeared on the streets of Sedeq and Katheer.” Hugo passes one of these posters to Sifvery.
“And an old ‘friend’ of mine – a compatriot of Grand Master Torch pledged sufficient monetary support to finance both your sea voyage here, as well as an overland expedition into the southern mountains.”
“I was reminded that all Pathfinders must come home -- no matter the cost, no matter the danger. The lessons of the Shadow Lodge still resonate.” He nods toward a Chelaxian Pathfinder who stands silently in the corner.
“I ask that you use what notes I have discovered to track down these agents and make sure they return safely. Investigating the nature of this illusory... field, barrier, shield... is secondary at best.”
Hugo pauses thoughtfully for a moment before continuing. “If you have any questions, I shall answer them as best I can. Though most of what the Society knows about the mountains is in the logbooks of those agents.”
Knowledge (geography) checks are appropriate.
Also, if anyone has played #0-03 Murder on the Silken Caravan or applied GM credit for that scenario to your PC, please roleplay that fact along with any questions you may have.

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Hakime bows at the offer of the horse's reins... but then shakes her head slightly.... "I've no skill with riding, even a well-trained mount. Thank you, though, but I shall walk."
She seems fascinated with the sights, sounds and smalls of the city as they walk along, and strikes up conversation with the locals as she follows the VC.
diplo to gather info: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

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A pair of laundresses on the northern bank of the River Pashman, halt their labor as Hakime approaches.
The monkadin remembers enough childhood Kelish to recognise one mumble “Unclean” to her workmate. Though whether this is in relation to the Divine Hunter’s heritage or their own washing, Hakime cannot be sure.
Ten minutes later, through a combination of half-forgotten Kelish, Pidgin Taldane and sign language, Hakime hears that the Zho Mountains are home to feral beasts and true dragons!
“It is known.”
In addition, she learns Qadiran Sha'irs have long practised elemental magic and the binding of djinni. Indeed, the Outsiders' dalliance with mortals has meant geniekin are relatively common in the region. It is believed that most have gravitated toward settlements in the Zho Mountains, though nobody seems able to confirm this rumor.
“Dromedary dung, Fatimah. It is known.”

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Wembly will chat with the locals to get some information.
Hi, I am not from around here...what can you tell me? What?
diplo gather info: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 assist
Wembly will summon Whiskers to act as a mount to ride when the time is right and the road is evident.

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Going back in time... Toro spent most of the nights on the boat keeping his mind free of the horrors in the ocean below. Specifically the legendary snakes that grab unwary sailors at night. In order to keep his mind straight he danced. Not just any dance, but a ritual dance that he learned while in the circus.
Perform Dance: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Any missteps were blamed on the pitch of the boat...
Mr Hugo sir... can you tell me about these Zho Mountains? You see, its my first time around here and I don't know what to expect. Typically I like to stay in warm climates, its better for my scales... I mean skin. Will there be water nearby? I can ride a horse, not as well as an old friend of mine, but I can ride one well enough.
No knowledge or geography checks for me.
The WANTED poster is one of the best things I've ever seen, kudos!

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Fool wrote:"I hope to … see a camel!"“Now that I can arrange, Agent Rhonabwy.” Hugo smiles warmly as a number of the desert beasts add their stench to the atmosphere on the Katheeran promenade.
He hops up and down excitedly, clapping, then rushes over to touch it.
A particularly cantankerous specimen aims a gobbet of spittle over the halfling’s head, directly at Toro!
"Oh, you've met Mr. Toro, I see," he confides to the camel in an overly loud 'whisper', "we feel the same way."
“Hence the two boxes they carry …”
Gulping hard, his eyes as big as saucers, he makes a warding guesture and steps behind Hugo's legs.
Diplomacy (gather info) and Knowledge (local) checks are appropriate, if you choose to roleplay with the locals
The young halfling asks questions of all he meets along the way about anything and everything that catches his eye.
Gather information: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
When I don't think anyone is looking i'm going to Detect Magic and inspect anything interesting. Call it my arcane curiosity.
I'll practice the local language in an effort to pick it up. I regret not putting another point in linguistics.

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Stopping at a fruit stand, he buys a large bag of candied dates and some local fruits. Carefully stowing the fruit in his haversack, he tosses a date on his mouth, then one to Illwynog. The fox spends the rest of the journey sniffing the market stalls and yipping for another date, which Corvid dutifully tosses over his shoulder.

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Hakime will pass on what she's heard to the group... "Locals tell me we can expect all manner of wild beasts and perhaps even true dragons in the Zho Mountains... Also they say that local geniekin congregate in the settlements in the region. It should prove an interesting trip."
She pulls her cloak up over to conceal her horns, after her encounter with the washerwomen, so as not to alienate others by her appearance.

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"Yeah, he doesn't like dragons," motioning over his shoulder with a thumb at the fox whose ears are expressing his concern. "I like dragons, but my life goals don't include being eaten by one, " popping another date in his mouth and smiling broadly.

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Dusk will speak to the locals as they walk, learning what he can.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Clearly Dusk's suspicious nature gets in the way of his information gathering!
As he questions the locals, he gives little information back to them. Anyone skilled at information gathering can easily tell that Dusk is trying very hard, but has very little real experience talking to people.

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"Clearly you would not have liked my previous mission then... for that is what we faced... we scaled the dragon to find a dragon... interesting trek."

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The party’s attempts at arcane and more conventional enquiries yield nothing more than what Hakime has already discovered.
Fool however, turns out to be a hit with the locals …
Stopping at a fruit stand, he buys a large bag of candied dates.
“Ah, so you want date!”
The stall-holder – somewhat past a Qadiran woman’s average marrying age – bats her bovine eyelashes.
“You must first ask my BIG brother Tariz, Uncle Udder and second-cousin Drool. We shall have big wedding and I give you many sons!”
She favors Ilwynog with a tobacco-stained smile. “Awww … your fox! So cute! Its fur matches my eyes. I shall wear it as wedding shawl, when you claim me as your own.”
Will be moving us forward in a few hours ...

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Wembly listens to all of the accounts of the stories by the locals of the creatures they may face.
Turning to Hakime he smiles, eyes big.
WOW! Really? I have never seen a dragon, so that could be so cool. Or not, I guess, if you are eaten by the dragon. That part would be probably be un-cool...warm I guess. But seeing it, that part would be good, up until you are eaten. I am hungry now. Corvid, what else did you find at that grocers' shop? I smelled something good.
Wembly tries to avoid the gaze of VC Hugo as much as possible, uncomfortable in the glare from the financially minded priest.
Um, sorry, sir VC. We will certainly find the missing agents. As soon as we get there that is.

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“What can you tell us of this barrier?”
“You know as much about it as I do, my friend.”
“What information were the missing Pathfinders given?”
“Just this simple trail map leading into a previously unexplored pass.”
VC Hugo slides said map to the Snowcaster slayer. “That should set you on the right path.”
“Typically I like to stay in warm climates …”
“Then you are going to just LOVE the Ketz desert, Agent Toro.”
“Will there be water nearby?”
“Not sure, but the Shadow Lodge are supplying a dozen horses, so there will be plenty of carrying capacity for both food and water.”
The bishop smiles at Fool. “I dare say a gourmand could get creative with this much volume as his disposal, Agent Rhonabwy.”
⛒ ✉ ⛒ ✉
Taking this as his cue, the silent Chelaxian steps forward. “I am Olandril. One of the last surviving Charter Shadow Lodge members.”
“Lady Ollysta and Major Maldris have entrusted me with couriering notes for Dusk, Hakime and Wembly.”
Olandril points to a tray in a side chamber. “May I also present you with a parting gift and wish you good luck in returning our lost brothers and sisters.”
The tray contains a potion of remove curse, a potion of cure serious wounds, six potions of endure elements and 2 doses of oil of taggit.
VC Hugo frowns as Olandril presents the Silver Crusaders and Edgy Libertarian with their official despatches. “If there are any further supplies you require, I suggest you purchase them now. Souks with the range of produce Katheer boasts are few and far between in the Zho Mountains.”
“Now if you will excuse me, I have a mole in the mail room to root out.”

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Sifvery looks over the gifts, and takes whatever someone doesn't claim for future use.
"I have often dealt with the colds of winter, but this heat is something else."
She does purchase a wand of endure elements (for 2 prestige), concerned that the potions may not be sufficient. "Plus, when we find the missing people, they may need some comfort."
Will also pick up a cloak of resistance +2 for 4000gp.

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“You must first ask my BIG brother Tariz, Uncle Udder and second-cousin Drool. We shall have big wedding and I give you many sons!”She favors Ilwynog with a tobacco-stained smile. “Awww … your fox! So cute! Its fur matches my eyes. I shall wear it as wedding shawl, when you claim me as your own.”
Will be moving us forward in a few hours ...
Getting caught up in her infectious enthusiasm, he smiles and nods, then realizing what she is saying, his face drops. "Master Hugo says you slice people into thirds!" he stammers as he stumbles trying to make his getaway.

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I don't know about slaying dragons but there are a few camels that I know need to have the life squeezed out of them. Toro grumbles to no one in particular.
Once dismissed he joints Fool in the shopping stalls buy warm weather garb, mostly a fashionable hat to keep the sun out of his face.

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Toro takes out the rather large burlap sack from his gear stowed on the boat. Pulling for what seems forever, finally a large snake is fully removed from the bag.
Don't worry little Squeeze all of that talk about dragon killing isn't directed towards you. I know that they are distant cousins but really its the side of the family we don't like much. Anyway, the caption of that floating cork wanted to thank you for cleaning up his sea rat problem. You were quite the behaved snake on that ship. You behaved far better than a few others I know glancing at Fool and that stupid fox.
Then Toro whispers loudly to his animal companion, You can't have the fox for dinner now, but... you never know what misfortune may find any of us down the line.
Toro and Squeeze smile at each other...

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Last call for shopping …
Your journey south to the Zho Mountains is relatively uneventful, and you reach the foothills in a less than a week. Once there, following the shaded mountain pass shown on the mud-map VC Hugo gave Dusk, prevents the need for saves from heat dangers as long as heavy clothing or armor is not worn.
If you’re wearing armor and not under the effect of endure elements or the like, a Fort save please.
The trail winds around and over several of the lower peaks, gradually taking you several dozen miles into the Zho Mountains and several thousand feet higher in altitude.
As you reach the halfway point up a scree-surfaced scarp, Ilwynog who has rushed ahead of you to the top lets out an excited “Yip!”
Everyone may roll Perception or Survival
As you reach the rise’s apex your attention is arrested by a breathtaking sight: one wall of the mountain valley is occupied by a massive monument. A natural prominence in the red and brown-veined strata of the rock walls ahead has been sculpted on a grand scale into a gargantuan idol depicting a man seated in the lotus position with a tall, pointed crown on his head.
The massive statue is a shrine to the deity Irori. Known as the Kamawgyar Shrine, it was constructed in ancient days when Vudran travelers first brought the faith of the Master of Masters along the Silken Way and into Qadira and the Inner Sea.
With the rise of Sarenrae amongst Kelishites, worship of Irori declined. Once a famous stop on an older route of the Silken Way, the Kamawgyar Shrine has since fallen into ruin and disrepair.
There are enough details of face and clothing remaining to recognize the distinctive Eastern features and garb that the statue once bore. An eerie, forlorn song floats on the breeze that brings to mind a sense of bone-gnawing loneliness.
Everyone, please roll a Will save …

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Last call for shopping …
Honey cakes
Beef sausage
Pork sausage
Rabbit Sausage
Chicken Sausage
Whole wheat loaves
Sharp Cheddar cheese
Pumpkin seeds
Apple Jack
Tahini paste
Pomegranate molasses
Orange Blossom Water
Feta cheese
Pita bread
And Warm Weather Clothing.
One crate/barrel of each should suffice.

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Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
Perception, Illwynog: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
Know (History): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
Will Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Will Save, Illwynog: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

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"Oh! A shrine to Irori the god of enlightenment! This must be the Kamawgyar Shrine. This was once a famous stop on the Silken Way. And what's that beautiful song!" As he begins to very intensely listen.

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♪ Let’s do the Time Warp agaaaain ♫
Tahini paste
Pomegranate molasses
Orange Blossom Water
Feta cheese
Pita bread
His beloved gives thanks to Abadar for the good-taste AND deep pockets her fiancé possesses!
“On the day after our wedding you must ask BIG brother Tariz for my dowry – my bodyweight in camels!”

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Wembly summons Whiskers and will use a scroll on himself and the planar cat each morning of the journey.
I have never heard of the Kamawgyar Shrine. So it must have stopped being famous at some point. Although I have never been on the Silken Way before either, so that could be a factor. How far does the map look to take us, Tallisan? Are there any dragons on the way?
perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
Wembly will: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 +2 vs illusions
Whiskers will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11 +4 vs enchantments
Wembly keeps his eye out for large flying creatures or shackled indentured personages needing liberation.

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Dusk will purchase a hot weather outfit. If we are within a day of our destination, he will also drink his potion of endure elements.
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
Will save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 possibly with a bonus vs enchantments?

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Hakime reads the missive left for her with intense interest, then hands it over to Dusk to peruse.
Leaving with the party, Hakime will use her wand of endure elements on herself even tho she's not wearing armor... she will offer a charge to anyone overburdened with their armor.
perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28
know hist/rel (same bonus for either): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
will save: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26

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Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Sifvery casts endure elements on herself, and offers the wand to anyone who needs it.
Know religion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Will Save: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22