Goblin Taco |

I'm going to go opposite of my usual rogue-y, special teams type of character. I'm going to play a prototypical fighter. He's a former foot soldier, possibly with some sort of war-time disability, and he left the service in some sort of shame. Something public he can't hide. Maybe he was branded with a big C on his jaw for cowardice or something.

Tarondor |

Nope. I use Hero Lab, but that can be very expensive.
So... yeah. 14th level is not a usual level to start with. It's very high.
I'm going to once again recommend we start with a low-level game and build our way up!
If we go with 14th level, you can use 20 points to build your character and can have 185,000 gp worth of gear, no single item of which may be worth more than 90,000 gp.

Tarondor |

I'm good either way. I just detect that you guys aren't going to move quickly and maybe building a 14th-level character from the ground up is going to take awhile.
For my own money, Dragon's Demand is the more complex story and therefore more interesting. But I can see the fun in jumping right into a high-level dungeon crawl, too.
I want you guys to be happy with your choice. I'm just taking part in the conversation, not trying to direct where it goes.
Perhaps we should shoot for a solid middle ground and go for a level 7-8-9 sort of adventure?
Really, it's up to you guys.

GM Tarondor |

If you want to do Dragon's Demand, decide if you want to play it for Pathfinder Society credit.
Patrick, the game would proceed exactly the same either way, only (assuming you're not already in the Pathfinder Society), you'd need to go [url=http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety]HERE[/ooc], download the Roleplaying Guild Guide (don't worry too much about that - it's just a "nice to have" for this game) and follow the "create a character" link to get a PFS number and register a new character. You can change all the details but the name later, so don't worry about locking yourself in.

Goblin Taco |

Gabe: I played Pathfinder for a couple (few?) years with Scott. D&D/3.5E/D20 has just been off my radar for a long while and I'm a little more than rusty.
I like the idea of playing at a 7-9 level, but if it's too much trouble (or not possible) to scale up Dragon's Demand, I am all-in for the grind.
I do have a PFS number, but not a character. I can work on one this weekend.
Dragon's Demand: Let's do it.

GM Tarondor |

Yes, it would be a pain in the ass to scale up Dragon's Demand, but there are many good 7-9 adventures we could do instead.
However, Dragon's Demand is really good and if you like we can go on from there to a middle-level game.
Dragon's Demand it is. Please make 1st level characters. Let's make them PFS characters. I could use the credit and you guys will get some nice goodies.
Patrick, I'm happy to help you with PFS offline. Shoot me an email.

Goblin Taco |

Scott -- I'm e-mailing you a PDF of a draft of my fighter. I'm not 100% happy with a few of his details, so I'm going to think on it and make changes in the next day or two.
I made a few assumptions in his creation and can un-do anything that is incorrect to your starting rules (I didn't see any reference to house rules creation guidelines in our recent chatting):
I used the PCGen program from pcgen.org. Everything is Pathfinder core.
Ability score -- I point bought his stats with the "high fantasy" 25 points. Let me know if you want something different.
Equipment -- I haven't purchased anything yet. Not sure what the starting gold is.
Awaiting guidance for additional tweaking.

![]() |

I present Zatial, wondering evoker of non-elven lands. General schmuck and troublemaker. Perhaps soon he will be able to find his way.
Gabe' PC. Hero Lab profile is up on my page. I wasn't able to get the spell book added for some reason, but I'll figure it out soon.

GM Tarondor |

Hello. Welcome. I recently ran this for a four-member party and I think that runs best. There are many potential allies in likely and unlikely places. I think five PCs would make this a cakewalk.
I'll be laying down some house rules and character creation rules as soon as we have our fourth checking in.
N'haaz, what is your experience level and posting availability?

GM Tarondor |

Okay, gang, time to leave the Tomb of the Iron Medusa and head over to the brand spankin' new Dragon's Demand forum. See you there.