
Dko's page

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What ways can a character increase Proficiency in Weapons and Armor?
I see a Fighter can become an Expert in Heavy armor and Legendary with Weapons. But is that all?
Can I use a skill increase to upgrade one? If so would it affect all my weapon/armor proficiency's, just a single category, or would it only effect one particular weapon or armor?

To start off, when I got the Unchained PDF and skimmed over it, I saw rules for a low magic item game where the characters got more static stats in exchange for reduced wealth.
The thing is now when I look thru it I can't for the life of me, find the rules.
Did they exist only in my mind? Or are they in another book, or what?

Thanks for any help

We all know how most Martial classes use Strength, Dex, and Constitution as the main stats.
Also we all know that Spell casting classes use Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
But has there ever been an attempt to make classes/archtypes that change this around?

The thought comes to mind because a idea came to my head where a hand to Hand combatant class uses Cha. They don't strike hard or fast, but using word and gesture put thier foe into poor positioning for painfull accurate strikes.

Or what about a mage that uses Str some how for spell casting ability? It would be very interesting to find some fluff that makes sense for a caster like that.

So I'm really interested if anything like this exists.

Hi all,

I'm about to run my first campaign in Golarion's inner sea region and wanted to know what books people would recommend as basically required (Not talking core books) and/or bring out the setting propper?
I already have the Inner Sea World Guide and digested what I could from it so far. I like what I read, and would like more.

Thanks in advance. :)

I was wondering if anyone had some advice.
See I'm running a Pathfinder game in Tian Xia, since my group funnily enough made a very Asian themed group.
We have a
Human Samurai
Elf Gunslinger
Elf Oracle
Elf Ninja (Her and the Oracle are sisters)
and a Catfolk Witch (Run by a little girl I'm helping learn the game)

To start off I'm having them do a basic mop up of some Kobolds that have been bothering a small village in the Jinin region (I chose here since there are three Elves in the party).
The Kobolds are going to be led by a slightly (think appropriate for kids) perverted Kuwa Oni who has had them take lots of resources and woman (To try and woo).
I was thinking after the beat him and some shenanigans he runs off.
But I'm not totally sure what to do to make it more unique for the seasoned players instead of just "You find some on the mountain roll init. Then you find some in the cave roll init" with maybe a trap for the Ninja to work on in between. Maybe even little bits to help people get a feel for the setting more.

Any advice?

After I'm going to have a member of the Pathfinder society offer them to join, since I'm new to the Golarion setting and think it would be cool way of giving them a resource for adventures and gear