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13 posts. Alias of Mairkurion {tm}.
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I wonder if anybody is already drinking over in the Beliefs thread?
C'mon everybody!
::Chugs booze and inspires women to madness with his good looks::
::Rides into the thread in his chariot pulled by leopards; pours wine for everyone and dances naked::
If only folks would gaze into my mirror.
They're roses. Special roses...
alchemist is not gish, failoid. (JFK!)
alchemist is not gish, failoid.
I like your headpiece.
If you listen closely, I had him work "Waltzing Mathilda" into it, counter-punctually.
Ma lady, let us waltz about the dragon's back together. *Puts Wagner on sound system*
I'll drive you MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mad, Urizen!
As I stared into the abyss, I saw a gish stare back at me. He said my god was dead. I weeped into my hands. No, my beloved Dionysus. No!
Get a grip: tear the gish to pieces as a sacrifice to me.
This looks like a good place for a god to post.