Lord Soth

Derek Boobyer's page

43 posts. Alias of balakus01.


I don't like that the Brawler gets access to heavy shield, spike shield and light shields as a weapon proficiency but not as a shield proficiency. I believe it will be confusing to some players who will think they automatically get both.

It would have been easier to just give them gauntlet, punching dagger, sap and spiked armor. Now it's only going to confuse some people.

Odd that the brawler has access to weapon proficiencies involving heavy shields, spiked shields and light shields but not actual shield proficiencies. Was this an oversight?


Well done, keep up the good work!

It looks like there is a mistake on the chronicle for High Tier gold on the slow path. It says it is 3916 gold but should be 3941 gold.


Pathfinder Society
Fields of Honor 2013

Fields of Honor is an annual game convention in the Des Moines, IA area providing enjoyable entertainment,
including: Historical War Gaming, Fantasy War Gaming, Board Games, Role-playing Games, Live Action Role-playing, and many more.

Stoney Creek Inn
5291 Stoney Creek Point
Johnston, IA 50131-1799
Phone: 515-334-9000

Players should sign up for events at the Warhorn website

Registration and Payment for the convention can be found at www.fields-of-honor.org

Derek Boobyer
Pathfinder Society Venture Captain - Des Moines
IGA Coordinator and Warhorn moderator


Friday, September 27th
01:00 pm Pathfinder Society Scenario 4-25 The Secrets Stones Keep (5-9)
01:00 pm Pathfinder Society Scenario 5-01 The Glass River Rescue (1-5)

06:00 pm Pathfinder Society Scenario 4-26 The Waking Rune (7-11)
06:00 pm Pathfinder Society Scenario 5-02 The Ward Stone Patrol (3-7)

Saturday, September 28th
09:00 am Pathfinder Society Scenario 5-01 The Glass River Rescue (1-5)
09:00 am Pathfinder Society Scenario 5-03 The Hell Knight’s Feast (5-9)

02:00 pm Pathfinder Society Scenario 4-25 The Secrets Stones Keep (5-9)
02:00 pm Pathfinder Society Scenario 5-02 The Ward Stone Patrol (3-7)

07:00 pm Pathfinder Society Scenario 4-26 The Waking Rune (7-11)
07:00 pm Pathfinder Society Scenario 5-03 The Hell Knight’s Feast (5-9)

Sunday, September 29th
10:00 am Pathfinder Society Special Siege of the Diamond City (1-15)

My guess would be that once you make a pact, as you do with your patron, you are locked in for life, and maybe even after.

Looks like a redux of the Water Front Tavern. I still like it though and will still pick it up.

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
Mark Nattress wrote:

Pathfinder Core Rule Book pg174 wrote

Immunities: Objects are immune to nonlethal damage and to critical hits. Even animated objects, which are otherwise considered creatures, have these immunities.
Bestiary pg 14 wrote:
Animated Object

Defensive Abilities hardness 5 (or more); Immune construct traits
Bestiary pg 299 wrote:
Construct Traits (Ex) Constructs are immune to death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless). Constructs are not subject to nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. Constructs are not at risk of death from massive damage.
The Core Rulebook specifically states that animated objects are immune to critical hits but nowhere in the Animated Object stat block does it say they are. What do we listen to?

Can we get an official ruling on this? I believe that the reference on page 174 of the Pathfinder core rule book about Animated Objects not being susceptible to critical attacks is a misprint, as nothing in the Bestiary says otherwise.


Looks like I can make Origins this year after all. I just submitted my GM options in case your still looking for judges.


Since I don't have the guide in front of me I'm not sure what it says specifically, so this is the ball park answer.

I would start the 1st level character with the 500 gp and they would loose what they did not earn from the scenario; fame, prestige or boons. They would still get disfavors and afflictions unless the 4.3 guide says otherwise. I would however not give them any item access at all since they should have had to pay for a raise dead.

I would not allow the selling of a pregen character's items for a raise dead for another character.


Mortifier wrote:
Would an elf from Tian Xia be an Asian elf? Or still just an elf that happens to live in Tian Xia? They of course could be if that is how someone envisions it, but when I think of an Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, etc. I envision them as a culture on their own despite where they live.

I believe that the Elf is listed as a foreigner race in the Dragon Empires Gazetteer, so the would probably be an Elf that lives in Tian Xia.

For me, it is nice to have at higher levels, 13+, when trying to hit that high AC NPC and still power attacking. Every little thing helps at those levels, including taking Weapon Focus along with it if you can.


Venture-Captain Jack Shade, Male Taldan Rogue 13 (Taldor faction)
Arok, Male Half-Orc Barbarian 13 (Andoran faction)
Elle Cromwell, Female Ulfen Cleric of Erastil 12 (Grand Lodge faction)


In PFS this is where I go for clarifications. It is an updated list on message board rulings.

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2p4na?Compilation-of-message-board-clarificatio ns#1

Make sure you read the entire thread as sometimes they are reversed.


Indivar wrote:

Alright so as fate would have it, I need another character for society. I already have:

Cleric (asmodeus)3
Fighter3/paladin2 (tengu)
Barbarian 4/rogue1 (halfling)
Cleric (Erastil)8
Conjurer 10

I am lost on what to play next. A dwarf fighter with axe and shield? A saurian shaman druid?

Maybe, just maybe, a sorcerer. I love spell casters, and have never played a sorcerer. I cannot pick a bloodline however - draconic? sylvan? elemental? What race?

These are your choices without a special boon that you haven't already done.

Cavilier, Gunslinger, Inquisitor, Ranger, Samurai.
Monk, Ninja.
Alchemist, Bard, Druid, Magus, Oracle, Sorcerer, Summoner, Witch.
Dwarf, Elf, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Gnome, Asamiar, Tiefling.

As a Sorcerer, I always look at Metamagic choices first as those feats are easier to use with casters that do not perpare spells. For races Half-Elf, Gnome and Asamiar can increase Charisma. Bloodlines are trickier as they are all themed. I would take a look at the bonus spells you get from each, see if there is something you want, or can't get from the Wizard/Sorcerer spell list, and go from there.


Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
I create a new one for each event. I tried doing one event for all gamedays, but it got much too complicated.

I create an event for every game session I run also.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Order a bunch of Pathfinder field agents to go take care of this problem for you. Wait, I guess that happens all the time doesn't it.


Talos the Talon! wrote:
I guess what I am getting at is that a list of memorized spells is nice for variety, yet sorely lacks in numbers. Society wizards are dampened to where they are little more than know it alls that have utility and fleeting offensive firepower. If I could, I would scribe a ton of offensive scrolls, craft wands, ect, and then be able to dish it out like a melee type.

Damage has always been the Wizards dilemma when you compare to Sorcerers and Martial characters with high stats and magical items. I do think containment is the way to go if you are working with a well built team. Spells like grease, black tentacles, web, create pit all seem to work just fine in this case.


Why wouldn't they be allowed?

Sometimes PFS seems to have such arbitrary restrictions... personally I feel it always makes them harder to remember while at the same time easy to confuse yourself about rules that don't exist.


because the faq says you cannot

PFS FAQ wrote:

Can I buy a magic item or spellcasting services with a metamagic feat applied, such as a scroll of maximized fireball, a wand of empowered shocking grasp, or employ the services of a wizard to cast extended mass bull's strength?

Generally, no. Magic items or spellcasting services must be purchased as listed in the Core Rulebook, including wands and scrolls. You may not apply metamagic feats when purchasing magic items or spellcasting services. The only exception is when the item or service is specifically listed as a reward on a Chronicle sheet.

Wands with Metamagic feats tied to them would be a specialized magic item and not commonly available to purchase to the general public. That is why you would have to wait until you see it on a Chronicle sheet.


Smart Clerics don't advertise themselves as Venture Captains to the general public. They instead use the society's influnecne to draw more worshipers to their faith.

Trust me there are other Venture Captains that are Clerics who are not printed in a book.


Interesting... I went ahead and edited all the year 4 scenarios I've reported to show if they were successful or not. Hope that wasn't over kill.


Benrislove wrote:

if you're using d20pfsrd you have to go to the eidolon page. It's under the "link" special ability. not life link, just link

edit.. Link

Now I see it. Thanks.


CWheezy wrote:
So, Summoner item slots are limited between eidolon and the summoner, Ie a cloak of resistance only helps one of us.
Benrislove wrote:

Whether or not Eidolon keeps it's items is an object of some debate, so far I have yet to have a GM tell me they don't bring their gear with them. I have played under 8 or 9 different GMs with my summoner, and he uses a weapon, and I have summoned him in with "Summon Eidolon".

the RULES don't say either way. the rules IMPLY that you should keep them, because summoning/calling bring creatures with their equipment (see hound archon with greatsword). however, it doesn't say that ability goes away when the Eidolon is unsummoned. so I would assume that item slots are always shared and the eidolon always wears the magical stuffs.

I agree that if your Eidolon is wearing the gear then it goes with them back to there home plane and would be on them when they are summoned again, but I can't find the rule that says Summoners have to share their magical items with the Eidolon. Where is that rule?


Welcome to the fold, Bruno.


Congrats Raul, welcome to the fold.


Congrats, Walter.


Thank you, thank you all. I'll try not to unleash my Goblins on any of you.


Kelly Youngblood wrote:

So my Chelaxian mercenary just hit 2 PA, and I was wondering about the feasibility of using a wand of Infernal Healing in place of the standard wand of Cure Light Wounds. The character is a barbarian with no means of using his own wands.

Infernal Healing advantages:
* Sorcerers, Wizards, Magus and Summoners can use with with no UMD check.
* Guaranteed 10 healing.

* Paladins, Rangers and Alchemists cannot use.
* Takes 1 minute for full effect.

It also has the [evil] tag and causes you to detect as evil for 1 minute, but my CN Chelaxian character simply doesn't care.

So, would a wand of Infernal Healing be a workable, perhaps even superior option for out-of-combat healing for a character who doesn't care too much about the morality of the spell?

The only thing that comes to mind is that Clerics that are good aligned or worship a deity that is good aligned cannot cast spells of an alignment opposed to theirs, such as evil. So the Evil tag makes it impossible for them to use. As for the devil blood component, there isn't a Gold piece amount listed under the spell so the cost of the wand is normal for a 1st level wand and is made with the component as already apart of it.


I would say yes to Grand Master Torch and no to the reblious Shadow Lodge members. As the Shadow Lodge faction was created after year two ended that makes the most sence to me. Besides, the rebilious Shadow Lodge members never worked for the Pathfinder Society they were against them so they would never be part of one of the factions and the bonus only apllies to members of your faction.


Thomas Graham wrote:
Odea wrote:
Thomas Graham wrote:
I would also through out that the collection of knowledge seems to SCREAM for the followers of Norgorber to try and destroy it. I mean.. think about it.. you got a cult of people who are into HIDING knowledge and a society like the Pathfinders who are folks who bring hidden knowledge out for everyone. I could definitely see a cult of them burning down a lodge. Or ten.

Wait, the Pathfinder Society is sharing knowledge with people? I thought they were filling Warehouse 23 and then making a profit selling penny-novels about the suckers who go get the stuff they stick in the warehouse! (i.e. Chronicles)

Edit: Maybe a series of adventures about ousting the Norgorber cultists from the upper echelon of the PFS!

Don't the Pathfinders publish SOME of their chronicles? I thought they did.

Yes they do, you can even buy them I believe.


Elzedar wrote:

My understanding of hand of the apprentice, is that you use INT instead of DEX to strike within 30ft.

"Hand of the Apprentice (Su): You cause your melee weapon to fly from your grasp and strike a foe before instantly returning to you. As a standard action, you can make a single attack using a melee weapon at a range of 30 feet. This attack is treated as a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, except that you add your Intelligence modifier on the attack roll instead of your Dexterity modifier (damage still relies on Strength). This ability cannot be used to perform a combat maneuver. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier."

So, at level one, with 18 INT, he gains a +4, and his cane is masterwork (because of arcane bond) which gives him a +1 for a total of +5.

The only way to get to +7, the way I understand it.. is if you also added his DEX to get him there.

Is there a chance this is a mistake?


It probably is a mistake. If the 5th level or 7th level pregen for Ezren has the same bonus than it was probably a copy and paste job that was missed. If not I can't think of any reason that an additional +2 at 1st level would come into play other than adding the Dex to it incorrectly.

gourry187 wrote:

Say for example ....

You want to perform a heal check on yourself while invis

You need to retrieve an item from your backpackers while invis

How about you store most of your stuff in a Handy Haversack and never have to worry about this possibility. You just need to know where the Handy Haversack is and when you retrieve items from it the correct item moves to your hand. Vision is not a requirement.


Helaman wrote:

I am going through The Dalsine Affair and thought I noticed the stat block for Chalfon is wrong.

On double checking the numbers it looks like all is well but in other situations where the stat block is out do I run with it as written or correct the NPC character stat block?

I know the guide says we can't change a scenario, but people make mistakes, even authors and editors, so I would only correct the mistake. I would also post a message under the product thread so that they know there is a mistake and correct it.


1) Dragons I think we should see only one or two Dragons per season and they should be detrimental to the story being presented.

2) Goblins Always fun to see scenarios with Goblins. Aside from Humans, Goblins are the cockroaches of the universe. Maybe we could expand on their tribal clashes with other races than the PCs or Society.

3) Orcs We haven't even touched base on Belkzin yet as far as I can tell. A good Orc story or two would do wonders.

4) Drow If we do something with the Drow it should be more than a single story. I can see them being used more as a secretive threat that threw out a major story arch they are only present in the shadows.

5) Dinosaurs If we are in an area where they exist, such as the Mwangi Expanse or other remote locations, then have at it. Maybe a good survival scenario trapped in a Dinosaur infested jungle is something we can work with.

6) Undead/Haunts Undead and haunts have been used more often then most. If we are going to use the undead from this point on, at least for awhile, it should be story specific. Haunts have become a regular occurrence and we might want to hold off using them for awhile longer.

7) Swarms Swarms at this point should only come into play if they are summoned or if it would make since that a swarm be in the location that they are. No one likes the random Swarm encounter and there are better monsters we can use for these encounters that we haven't.

8) Outsiders Shouldn't we be seeing more of theses at higher levels? And why hasn't the Silver Crusade made a stronger move to send Pathfinders to assist in the Worldwound threat?

9) Humaniod NPCs I would like to see a story arch which takes us to the lands of the Elves, as well as the lands of the Dwarves. We can incorporate an Elven story arch with the Drow, or the Aquatic Elves. A Dwarven story arc could include Goblins, Orcs and Giants.


1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I just downloaded the PDF for the Pathfinder Society converted module Ruby Phoenix Tournament and it has the old rules listed for playing converted modules in Pathfinder Society. The chronicle has all tiers listed with XP and gold for all of them as well. Shouldn't this document be updated like the others to use the rules from the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play version 4.1?

Derek Boobyer wrote:

Having looked closer into this, I believe that the only way to determine which ranged weapons transfer their magic weapon special abilities are the ones indicated on the Ranged weapons: special abilities chart. Since Ghost Touch is not on that chart then you can not put it on a bow, crossbow, sling, firearm and so on.

Ammunition that can be used as melee weapons, such as arrows and bolts, appear to be the only way around this. A bundle of 50 +1 ghost touch arrows or bolts would cost 8,007 gold, 1 gp for bundle, 6 gp for masterwork unit, and 8000 gp for magical item costs.

Now I do agree that Weapon Blanch: Ghost Salt is a better option involving cost, that being 200 gp for 10 projectiles, it unfortunately does not get around the rule that an incorporeal creature is immune to critical hits and precision-based damage (such as sneak attack damage), only the Ghost Touch special weapon quality does.

Well, I guess because weapon blanch ghost salt is made from the ectoplasmic remains of destroyed incorporeal undead that it might get around the incorporeal creature is immune to critical hits and precision-based damage rule. So I amend my previous statement.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Drejk wrote:
Ghost Touch: A ghost touch weapon deals damage normally against incorporeal creatures, regardless of its bonus. An incorporeal creature's 50% reduction in damage from corporeal sources does not apply to attacks made against it with ghost touch weapons. The weapon can be picked up and moved by an incorporeal creature at any time. A manifesting ghost can wield the weapon against corporeal foes. Essentially, a ghost touch weapon counts as both corporeal or incorporeal.
I see no word about ghost touch being disallowed on ranged weapons/ammunition. It won't appear as a random quality, but nothing prevents deliberate creation of +3 ghost touch longbow or +1 ghost touch arrow.

Having looked closer into this, I believe that the only way to determine which ranged weapons transfer their magic weapon special abilities are the ones indicated on the Ranged weapons: special abilities chart. Since Ghost Touch is not on that chart then you can not put it on a bow, crossbow, sling, firearm and so on.

Ammunition that can be used as melee weapons, such as arrows and bolts, appear to be the only way around this. A bundle of 50 +1 ghost touch arrows or bolts would cost 8,007 gold, 1 gp for bundle, 6 gp for masterwork unit, and 8000 gp for magical item costs.

Now I do agree that Weapon Blanch: Ghost Salt is a better option involving cost, that being 200 gp for 10 projectiles, it unfortunately does not get around the rule that an incorporeal creature is immune to critical hits and precision-based damage (such as sneak attack damage), only the Ghost Touch special weapon quality does.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Aberrant Templar wrote:
The black raven wrote:

The Ghost-touch special ability can only be put on melee weapons.

My guess : because otherwise you can put it on ONE weapon that gives you additional attack (Rapid Shot) and additional damage near equivalent to an additional attack (Manyshot). While a meleist would need to enchant his 2 weapons if he wants additional attacks (throught TWF).

I agree that something like this was probably the reasoning behind it back when 3.0 came out. Ghost touch probably seemed too powerful to be allowed for ranged weapons since you could enchant a bow and have it effect all the arrows fired from that bow.

A lot of rules and assumptions started in 3.0, were copied into 3.5, and then were copied into Pathfinder (intentionally or unintentionally). Personally I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to enchant a ranged weapon with Ghost Touch. I'd certainly allow it in a home game. At worst I'd make it a +2 enchantment for ranged weapons instead of a +1, since you can get more "bang for your buck" out of it.

As I recall, in 3.0 and 3.5 Incorporeal was a 50% miss chance and not a reduction in damage and the Seeking weapon enhancement bypassed all miss chances. So there was no need to make Ghost Touch work on ranged weapons as there was a better enhancement to choose from. Now in pathfinder the Seeking enhancement doesn't work against Incorporeal and Ghost Touch wasn't changed to reflect this.

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Ghost Touch is on the melee weapons chart and not on the ranged weapons chart, this is true, but certain types of ammunition can be used as melee weapons. Arrows and Bolts can both be used as improvised melee weapons as shown on page 145 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Bullets and slings can not.

Also, ghost touch arrows have been published in several pathfinder modules, notably the Carrion Crown module path.

Wouldn't this be another option?


JP Chapleau wrote:
Callarek wrote:
BTW, I could have sworn I looked up Ghost Touch at some point, and it didn't apply to ranged weapons. Maybe because of the lack of information that it would be passed on to ammunition...

After looking through the PRD, I have to agree with Callarek. Properties passed to the ammunition are indicated.

You may want to post this question on the rules forum. I think it's relevant, but I think you will get the same answer.


Ghost Touch is on the melee weapons chart and not on the ranged weapons chart, this is true, but certain types of ammunition can be used as melee weapons. Arrows and Bolts can both be used as improvised melee weapons as shown on page 145 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Bullets and slings can not.

Also, ghost touch arrows have been published in several pathfinder modules, most notably the Carrion Crown module path #43.


Bob Jonquet wrote:
I hope that doesn't mean that the local group is denying Olaf the ability to play one of the listed archetypes with the alternate companion options. Because that would be incorrect.

I'll see to it that he knows he can play this arch type.


3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.
Bob Jonquet wrote:

That would create an inclusive exceptions list. You would also need to include (as Neil pointed out) the Horselord and Falconer. Perhaps there are more that escape me.

The concept that general rules are trumped by specific rules is the main point to remember. Whenever we create lists, it becomes something that must be maintained. General rules that establish the standard expactations should be sufficient to cover cases like this.

That being said I would be okay with something like...
"As a ranger, if you choose an animal companion for your hunter’s bond, you may only select one of the animals listed on page 66 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. There is no expanded companion list for rangers unless it appears on a chronicle sheet or is specifically provided as part of an archetype or alternate class ability."

Or it could say "No additional companions are legal in Pathfinder Society Organized Play for Rangers except when granted from another legal source".

Either would work for me, but until the FAQ is changed to say something like that then we will continue to have this type of confusion from our players. As I see these players weekly I can say it is not just one players confusion. I've been told the FAQ is the final say on the issue and because of that Olaf is limited in what he wants to do until it is changed.