Shorafa Pamodae

Delilah Fireblood's page

100 posts. Alias of Fallen_Mage.


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Just an FYI for everyone, I'll be going on vacation starting tomorrow and won't be back until Nov 12th. So my posting may be a little sparse, but I'll post when I can.

Seeing her spell not having an effect, Delilah tried to aim her crossbow carefully at the bugbear.

Ranged: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (11) + 3 - 4 = 10

Delilah focused on the bugbear, and with a flick of her wrist spoke the words, "ذهن مه." Attempting to fog the enemies mind as along side Kylar.

"Mind Haze."

"I didn't see or hear anything. But then again, I really didn't get too far." Stepping aside, she said, "After you."

Not noticing anything in particular, Delilah pads her way back out to the others.

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Yesh, I could hardly have rolled worse.

Delilah gingerly holds the little figurine and says, "Why thank you, Os is it? Such a strapping young lad should be pleasant company." The Witch took the figurine and attached it to her right shoulder strap, allowing it to dangle by her right breast. Turning to Rayla, she puts her hand over the barbarian's, "Hey, it's me. I'll be perfectly fine." Readying her crossbow, she carefully entered the cave.

"Perhaps you should give me a few moments to scout ahead. After all, I can see in the dark." Delilah suggested.

With a loaded crossbow, Delilah followed Rayla into the woods.

Delilah helped the Aasimar breakdown her tent as the newcomer seemed to appear from nowhere. "چه جهنم گیر کرده!" She exclaimed in surprise. "Where did he come from?" The Witch asked once she collected her thoughts.

"What the Hells!"

Last watch. And I vote fire.

Sorry for the lack of posting, I wasn't seeing the updates.

After taking the spear to the leg, Delilah yelled, "چه جهنم گیر کرده! خوب، که در آن که اساسنامه رفتن!"

"What the Hells! Alright, where did that f$!+er go!"

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Delilah moved up to Skäne and with big puppy-like eyes asked, "How about one kiss, for luck?"

With everyone in the heat of battle, the Witch shrugged and waved a hand while speaking, "زره پوش از گودال." A field of energy, resembing some sort of armor, momentarily flashed about her body as she drew her sickle.

"Armor of the Pit."

Cast Mage Armor, Draw sickle.

Delilah focused on the bandit closest to her. Reaching forth a hand in his direction, the witch snapped her fingers and said, "ذهن مه."

"Mind Haze."

Cast Daze DC 13

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 7

As they sat around their camp, Delilah listened carefully. She moved next to Skäne, lightly touched his hand, and meekly said, "You know, I almost died today. And...I could really use the feeling of a strong man's arms keeping me safe. Would you be that man?"

The Witch sat on the shore next to the other girls and put her feet in the cool water. While she could feel the cold, it didn't bother her thanks to her heritage. Turning to the blind woman, "I don't think I properly thanked you for saving my life back there. So I thank you. Perhaps someday, I'll return the favor." Letting Ada out of her pouch, the little bird bathed as well, chirping happily while doing so.

Delilah looked at the two giant men. I swear, I'm going to learn what in Hells they are talking about one of these days. She thought to herself.

Sorry about that, things got a little hectic. Hopefully there'll be some improvement soon.

Delilah had just sat watching the events unfold with little more than a shrug. Turning to Ada, she tilted her ear. "من می دانم، درست است؟ آنها کمی عجیب و غریب است." Putting the Thrush back in her pouch, she stood and made ready to leave.

"I know, right? They are a little odd."

Delilah just sat back and let the others handle the interrogation. Humming pleasently while stroking Ada's breast.

Delilah once again focused on the Goblin fighting Björn. "ذهن مه."

"Mind Haze."

Once again, Daze: DC 13

Ouch, sorry to hear that. Hope it all works out.

Delilah's eyes opened her eyes and found herself on the ground. Getting up, she focused on the goblin Bjorn was engaging. "ذهن مه."

"Mind Haze."

Daze: DC 13

Is it the next round?

Yes, I am a witch. Big whoop, want to fight about it? :P

So? Cold doesn't bother me.

Knowing it was a bad idea, but not seeing a lot of choice, Delilah reached into a pouch, pulled out some wool, held it out to the goblin in front of Helena, and spoke, "ذهن مه." It proved too much however, and she collapsed.

"Mind Haze"

Cast Daze vs Goblin 5: DC 13


In Honor of the Day.

Ouch. Remind me to not forget to make perception rolls when the GM says to.

Clutching the nasty wound on her belly, Delilah staggered back towards Kylar and Skäne. Move to H-4.

Delilah, with a loaded crossbow, moved off to one side so the warrior types could get a straight line to charge if anything nasty popped out of the tree.

Moved to G-5

Delilah put her crossbow on her shoulder and smirked, "Well, that was a bit underwhelming."

Delilah loads her crossbow again and fires on the Worg Kylar just shocked.

Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 9

Wow, all of those bonuses, and I still miss.

Delilah aimed and fired at the worg that missed Rayla.

Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 3 + 1 = 21

Hopefully, that's a hit. Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 2

After firing, she got as much distance as possible from the beast's.

Oh I'm having fun. This is getting interesting.

"Pretty sure."

"Björn, Skäne, Rayla, make yourselves look bigger and menacing. We're dealing with wolves. If we make a show of force, they might go away."

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 19

Delilah had been walking with her crossbow loaded and ready. Suddenly, she turned an ear to the bushes. "Uh, people, we've got company." As the Tiefling aimed her weapon, she racked her brain to see if she recognized the sounds.

Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Delilah stretched as she woke up, her tail twitching. Once dressed, she exited the tent and smelled the breakfast. "Oh, that does smell good." Grabbing a dish, she began eating, and fed some to Ada. "Well, as long as we get a lead on the location of the missing people, and get paid." Also, if I get to burn more of those little things.

Rayla wrote:
Delilah Fireblood wrote:
Throwing her crossbow over her shoulder, Delilah bid everyone good night and headed back to her's and Rayla's tent.
Rayla stops disassembling the tent at that. "Well, then. Good night sexy." she says in a slightly frustrated tone. She gets back to guarding the camp, this time trying to remain focused.

Whoops, sorry Rayla, missed that part on your last post.

Throwing her crossbow over her shoulder, Delilah bid everyone good night and headed back to her's and Rayla's tent.

Delilah just stood back with her crossbow pointed at the goblins little heads as Kylar and Wilhelm work them over. Well he's certainly enjoying himself. She thought as Wilhelm scared the piss out of them, literally.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Oooo, such passion, I like it. Delilah thought.

Seeing the Half-Elf unleash some magic on the goblins, Delilah moved up next to him and said, "Nice work Deary, but I think this is better." She reached forth her hand and spoke, "تماس دوزخ را." A small mass of flames burst from her hand and engulfed the unconscious goblins.

Burning Hands: 1d4 ⇒ 4

"Inferno's touch."

Move to F-9 and cast Burning Hands

Sorry, forgot to roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Well, the secret's out now.

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