Ekaym Smallcask

Dazylar's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 892 posts (1,317 including aliases). No reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 3 aliases.


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http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/coreRaces/halfElves.ht ml#favored-class-options

Doesn't go where it should.

First post for about a year. Yay!

I'll put that down to personal opinion then ;-)

Doki-Chan wrote:

Wall of text crits you for 9999+ damage...

I like Prunes


Please stop posting. Especially replies. No, my reply is required, I am not being hypocritical.

Relevant xkcd post

Was the performance at the Oscars that bad? The singer concerned is normally VERY good and used to giving live performances.

I think other forumites post too much.

And that they also post too much.

Those are two different things.

I like creating characters that are thematic and have backstory, and then assign abilities which fit that theme and story rather than "the best synergy/optimisation".

I then start to play them and spend the rest of their career trying to make them as powerful as possible because insecurity.

My GMs must think I'm schizophrenic.

Made worse because I detest all the min/max debate and the stupid tier arguments.

I'm pretty rubbish with traditional media and new media at the same time.

  • I have a Sky box that is 75% full. That's 140 hours of recorded stuff.
  • I have dozens of films and TV seasons on DVD still in their shrink-wrap. One friend remarked "Why have you got GoT Season 1 unopened?" I liked it so much I wanted to watch it again. No idea of when I will, but I've bought every season since and they're all still wrapped.
  • My Netflix watch list is getting bigger and bigger. I remove stuff when I've watched it, so this isn't good.
  • I am putting more and more 'brand new' series on never miss reminders and not following up. These are alerts for new stuff coming to TV that I've not seen before and so aren't on series record. Don't know if you have that in the States.
  • I have a wishlist of films I want(ed) to see at the cinema, which becomes both bigger and more out-of-date as time goes by. They then feed into my other lists!
  • I would be scared of browsing for torrents if that was something I did. I presume that everything would end up on one mega-list that I'd be completely daunted by.

Time is the enemy, not distribution. There is just so much good* stuff being produced that I can't keep up.

* for a given definition of 'good'.

Waiting with bated breath! I cannot use any other site to view the PRD so you guys are my lifeline until my physical copy arrives!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

After a year in the wilderness - mainly due to Paizocon UK being scheduled on the wrong weekend last time I am finally attending!


Looking forward to being a kobold on Sunday morning...

Now to sort out transport with the Snort-meister.

Also, this is my first proper post on paizo.com since November 2014 (I'm not counting a 3 word sentence about the next D&D movie) so you can all tell how momentous this all is!

To everyone! Obviously!

well, ok, maybe not EVERYONE. :-)

Anything since then?

Katina Mathieson wrote:
Sara Marie: Hey, have you guys seen Bob's Burgers?

Is that a euphemism?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Hama wrote:

They should make a fantasy version of 7 samurai. Now that would be freaking awesome.

I agree it would be awesome, but it runs the risk of being remembered as "That 'allegedly' d&d movie that ripped off 7 samurai instead of being original. We thought the idea of role-playing was to create your own story?"

No matter how good the execution, it would have that hanging over it - the idea that it was copying in some way. IMHO of course!

One thing I think they need to focus really hard on is the team-work aspect. Remember the scene at the start of Thor: The Dark World where the Asgardians are fighting that army? And Thor is confronted by the big guy? Well, in my vision of the D&D Movie, Sif and the Warriors Three, along with Thor, take that dude on together, with similar results to the film, but based on the actions of everyone together are better than the sum of their parts (or something like that), rather than one guy doing all the heavy lifting (so to speak :-)).

The audience needs to feel that "Wow! These guys are awesome when they work together!" and then we spend the rest of the movie with the Big Bad keeping them disorganised so they can't effectively counter his plans. Well, up to the final 3rd act, that is! :-)

Arazyr wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Lissa Guillet wrote:
Frito chili pie day was way better than pizza day in the cafeteria.
Your school had cardboard pizza with plastic cheese too huh? =)
When I was in Elementary School, I was convinced that I hated pizza because all I had ever had was what the school tried to pass off as pizza. Once I tried REAL pizza, I saw the light.

It was the same for me with Communion wine vs. 'proper' wine.

Maybe we could build a fire, sing a couple of songs, huh? Why don't we try that?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Quirel, I don't think this movie was aimed at you.

...and doubt that the next movie will be...

Guardians was funded as they needed to get the infinity stones exposition story out beyond the niche comic book readers and movie bloggers who already knew. Hence The Collector's 5 minute talk about it.

But I think you're spot on with the analogy! Sci-fi D&D is an excellent description.

They just need to avoid the cliches...

Whilst making it recognizably a fantasy film.

That's a narrow line to walk...

Ooh, ooh! I can resurrect my post from last year about what would make a good D&D movie.

"I like the idea of: Drizzt "and friends" in Myth Drannor (Forgotten Realms) against undead (which are more bankable than dragons, less controversial than demons, and very versatile - plus they weren't major villains in LOTR so that's good).

Also, make someone other than Drizzt the viewers point of view within the story. The emotional core should be more relatable to us than a non-human, evil-but-not, brooding loner. Think Rogue and Wolverine."

Vic Wertz wrote:
Redacted [on telephone]: Kate, I really appreciate that you want to name your child after me—really, it's quite flattering—but you know that if you don't go with something like Philip, Edward, or Charles, there's going to be trouble. If it's a boy, of course. If it's a girl, though, you could certainly go with Victoria—that would be quite nice, and nobody would catch on to who she's really named after. Either way, just you suggesting it is quite the honor, though. Anyway, please give my best to William and little George, and of course hugs to Gramma Liz! Ta!

The public reaction to a Prince Victor would be quite intense. That would be an interesting Daily Fail headline...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

New strip up: Just Think How Many Times He's Seen Himself Naked

Arnwyn wrote:

Huh. Interesting.

AFAIC, Cap 1 was the best MCU movie, followed by Cap 2, then Avengers.

(And I'm not a Captain America fan, or really familiar with comics...)

Horses for courses. For me, it's Avengers, CA:TWS, T:TDW, Iron Man, Thor, Iron Man 3, CA:TFA, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2.

Haven't seen GOTG yet.

Throw in non-MCU Marvel films and it gets harder to rate them
Throw in Sony and Fox films and my head hurts
Throw in DC and my whole body hurts
Throw in films from outside the Big Two and I explode, so I won't do that


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kirth Gersen wrote:

First off, it's very, very hard for me to take a character called "Captain America" at all seriously -- but they somehow managed to rope me in despite that. I thought that alone is pretty impressive. The acting and the pacing I thought were both outstanding, much better than I've become accustomed to from summer blockbuster-type movies. And I liked how they gave pretty much everyone at least one scene to be awesome in.

In the movie itself, I absolutely loved the scene in the elevator: ** spoiler omitted **
I found the scene in the nursing home or whereaver, near the beginning, to be surprisingly touching.

Finally, I have to admit, after seeing "Avengers" I was feeling pretty sorry for everyone who wasn't Thor, Iron Man, or the Hulk. I mean, you've got three apocalyptic gods or near-gods smiting everything around them, and then you've got a bunch of puny mortal nobodies trying to keep up with a bow and arrows or a shield. Lame. But giving Captain America his own movie, with him presented as a superhero, gave him a lot more credibility as a protagonist and also made Black Widow and Falcon seem like they weren't just extras.

Agree with pretty much all your points there Kirth. Your final comment about power levels is interesting. I noticed a significant power bump given to Cap in this film which he didn't really have in Avengers, nor in his first film (IIRC). It will be fun to see how that is integrated into Age of Ultron.

For reference, in the films, Thor & Hulk are the current MCU heavy-hitters. Below them (by quite a margin) is Iron Man (because everything he has, power-wise, is in a suit instead of him, and that's a vulnerability). Below Iron Man (slightly) is Cap, and that's only because he can't fly without some preparation. Then you have almost-normal humans like Black Widow and Hawkeye, who are pretty much at the bottom of the superhero pile.

Hope that helps... well, unless until someones argues with me at any rate :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kirth Gersen wrote:
Damnit. I finally saw "Winter Soldier" and was hoping to find a thread discussing it. Instead I get a bunch of stuff about variant comic book arcs and realism and "deconstruction of mutant morality" and so on. (Cries)

Just go back to page one, where someone has started off by posting a beautifully-written and well-reasoned review of the movie, and move on from there!


Kirth Gersen wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
First off, you do realize that Cap already had his own pre-Avengers movie, right?
The difference is, I saw the first one and almost immediately forgot the entire thing. I'd be hard-pressed at this point to name any character in it other than Captain America, I can't think of a single spoken line from the film, and I'm drawing a total blank as to plot. My reaction to CA2 is a whole lot different from that.

Excellent opportunity to revisit it as a prequel! I too found the first to not be as good as this one, but it was a harder sell.

I do remember the Red Skull, the Second World War and Bucky being part of the plot though :-)

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Famke Janssen makes everything a better movie. Witness "Goldeneye," for example...

Famke Janssen makes everything a better movie? Are you sure you mean "everything", or just "every film she is in"? Or are you saying that her presence makes everything a better [b]experience[b]? I'd agree with you there, I think - buying milk would be fun if a hollywood star is paying...

QuidEst wrote:
Monks can get pounce and clustered shot. Animal companions can get pounce. Summoned creatures can get pounce. Mutagens for fighters, crossbows for gunslingers, divine grace for oracles, bloodline powers for barbarians, rage powers for bloodragers, arcane exploits for wizards, mutable domain spells for clerics, panache for cavaliers, more discoveries for alchemists, sneak attack for inquisitors, and money for Paizo.


Jiggy wrote:
Dazylar wrote:

Can someone summarise please?

Slashing Grace is a little borked, but go elsewhere to discuss it. Seriously, don't even ask what I mean. Just go.

There are lots of feats and archetypes that let characters dip into other classes' powers. For instance, there's a feat for a 1/day Martial Versatility, there's a feat for CHA to saves, there's a feat for a 1/day domain power, etc. There's a fighter archetype that drops Armor Training for mutagens and a short list of alchemist discoveries (such as Wings), stuff like that. And some magic items to get in on modifications as well, like rings for adding certain creatures to summon lists.

Plus lots more.

Thank YOU!

Imbicatus wrote:
Dazylar wrote:

I go on holiday for 2 weeks and over 1200 posts are made. Typical.

Can someone summarise please?

Pretty please?

I promise to say thank you!

Let me explain.. No, there is too much. Let me sum up: This book is made of awesome.


Oops! :-)

James0235 wrote:
Jessica Price wrote:
It's off to the printer.

What logo does it have on the cover?


I don't get it - don't they all have the pathfinder logo on them?

I go on holiday for 2 weeks and over 1200 posts are made. Typical.

Can someone summarise please?

Pretty please?

I promise to say thank you!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rob Silk wrote:
There is no dress code but it's a great chance to wear a bow-tie. Stilleto heels are probably not a good idea and stilletto knives are banned entirely.

What about bringing Stiletto from Dangermouse along?

Also, kudos for the variety of spelling employed in your post!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Its just an argument for its own sake.
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
...arguing about them is a bit pointless.

Sir, I applaud your attempts to appeal to the collective. However, you must have momentarily forgotten that this is the internet.

Very very excited about this book though. No arguments from me!

Richard Pett wrote:

And 5, coincidentally, is exactly the number of times I intend to send your character to his maker next week in Levee, which I very much hope to find you've signed up for, and if not, I know which room you stay in and where all the rats are in Aston, the two will inevitably be brought together:)



I think Rob would likely be happy with both things happening Rich. He's a funny, strange, weird, unusual, something guy!

And he hasn't got me to ground him this year - it'll be 2011 all over again. Be afraid, very afraid!

And if anyone says they can't remember 2011 being any different. . . EXACTLY!

Orthos wrote:
Sharaya wrote:
CS Erik: (after phone conversation): I couldn't hear him over the sound of the air elemental screaming in the background.
Are you sure it wasn't a lightning elemental in the phone itself?

Or it could just be Gary, checking the traffic to the site and going mad... well, more mad than usual.

Hope you don't use any PHP code which allows RFI, Gary? :-)

Well done guys. Shame I won't be around in Brum to congratulate in person, but digital kudos will surely be enough!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gary Teter wrote:
Not the Breadmaster. I just loaf around.

Gaugh! I should know better by now not to read your posts (punnage), or click your links (weirdage). Linking back to 2006 is kinda cool though.

Goblin Squad Member

Snorter wrote:

Halifax, UK.

For non-UK readers, that's where the Tour de France just went round.

Or, for non-sports fans, North of Ned Stark, but still South of Hagrid.

I thought it was the other way round? Ah, you mean accents... carry on!

Snorter wrote:
Kurthnaga wrote:
Holy necro batman.

Yeah, sorry about that.

I'd done a search on posts relating to 'We Be Goblins' to check if/when part 3 was imminent, and to remind myself which players played which PCs in part 2, so we could get the gang back together.

You'll be missing at least 1 player :-(

Snorter wrote:
Paz wrote:

There are too many North American personalities to single people out.

I lament the fact that I've not had chance to play at a table GMed by Thod or Dave Harrison yet; maybe that will change in 2014.

I am surprised that Richard Pett hasn't been mentioned in the thread so far; his running of WBG2 at PaizoCon UK this year was glorious...

Richard Pett wrote:

It has to be said that the playing was extremely, extremely glorious. And perhaps a tad disturbing:)


I'll bet you never predicted that use for the codpiece, when you added it to my equipment!

I've forgotten what you did with it already.

And the 'disturbing' that Rich talked about was probably [REDACTED].

Snorter wrote:
Frantically trying to read what's already out there for Osirion, or other Egyptian-themed settings, so I don't look a chump for reinventing the wheel.

Or 'borrowed' hoping no-one would notice :-)

Fighters may benefit from some attention but overall the class progression is solid so it's understandable they aren't on the list for a reworking. The "new resource pool for martial characters, allowing for exciting new tactical options" sounds ideal.
Barbarians rage cycling isn't an issue in my opinion, but I'm sure there's other places they might need work, and the only place I can see where 'work'='complete redesign' would be changing how rage works (perhaps explicitly include rage cycling as a feature).
Rogues are soft, stealth is hard to adjudicate/explain/envisage and the class doesn't stand up to a 20 level progression so again happy this is getting a redesign.
Monks are a class I have never EVER played or GMed for. That says something right there, but not enough to make it an opinion of monks in general.
I've already covered Summoners :-) but I'm surprised Magic isn't getting a lot of attention to depower stuff: getting rid of terms like "immune to" and instead having "+20 to roll against DC" perhaps, or improved DR, or "1/2 of 1/2" damage or duration against effects. Immunity is a pretty final statement.

256 pages is a lot though - can't wait to see what else they've got in there.

Insain Dragoon wrote:
I prefer that. Magic is its own flavor and it allows more creative character concepts.

Just re-fluff whatever comes closest. You don't need mechanics for a character concept, just change the way it looks and feels and use the mechanics as-is. Because nothing is going to sit exactly with what you have in your head anyway, it's all a compromise.

But summoners are just stupid anyway, I hope they nerf them to heck and back. Combat round hoarders, improv Deus Ex Scenicus and general outside context problem specialists. They're as bad as wizards. Not to mention hard to build, hard to audit, and have a tendency towards silliness.

At least once they're built, they're done. Wizards can turn the world upside down every day.

All IMHO of course :-)

Ensirio the Longstrider wrote:
Christopher Anthony wrote:

Gary: [terrible pun redacted for the sanity of all]

Tanis O'Connor has left this chat.
Gimme! I'm already insane =D

No. I have read his puns before. You would not survive. I had to pickle my brain for a week before I recovered.

Snorter wrote:

What if he wants to read the stirring boys' adventure tales of top-hole air ace, Biggles?

He'll be directed to Trevor Horn, singing 'Video Killed the Radio Star'.

Auto-correct doesn't work like that. But kudos for shoe-horning in a pseudo alt prog pop reference anyway!

And for reference, that isn't a big screen.

This is a big screen. Or maybe this. but probably not this.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Look, my post was supposed to end this madness! Not continue it! Time to FINISH THIS!

havoc xiii wrote:
EvilPaladin wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Dazylar wrote:
JoelF847 wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
VM mercenario wrote:
markofbane wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
Xabulba wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
markofbane wrote:
John Woodford wrote:
Alex Martin wrote:
jemstone wrote:
GregH wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Dazylar wrote:
Dazylar wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Itchy wrote:
Fromper wrote:
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
Caineach wrote:
Fromper wrote:
strayshift wrote:

"I'll go... uh... check on Mr Scruffy."


Yeah, that struck me as a bluff check, where nobody was paying enough attention to bother making a sense motive roll. Guaranteed he's stalking the vampire.
it struck me as "the best way I can help is by being out of the way"
Possibly. Just reread it & I noticed that he's kind of looking directly at Durkula as he's saying it. I suspect that Fromper & strayshift might be on to something...
Either we're totally right, or Belkar really is just worried about the vampire eating his cat. :P
Or it's both. Also, the nesting quotes are starting to look like either a pit or a pyramid, depending upon how my eyes look at it.
Both pit and pyramid are appropriate for OotS :P
That's a pretty weirdly proportioned

Just remember, you didn't have to click on that spoiler tag. It was your own free will.

Or the influence of the Elder Gods, you choose.

Also, the record for number of tags used in one post! Get in!
Until someone quotes me.
Ok, record for number of tags used in one post, whilst trying to do something other than get that record. Yes!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, is he back yet? And where is the punch going to land? Enquiring minds need to know!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
JoelF847 wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
VM mercenario wrote:
markofbane wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
Xabulba wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
markofbane wrote:
John Woodford wrote:
Alex Martin wrote:
jemstone wrote:
GregH wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Dazylar wrote:
Dazylar wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Itchy wrote:
Fromper wrote:
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
Caineach wrote:
Fromper wrote:
strayshift wrote:

"I'll go... uh... check on Mr Scruffy."


Yeah, that struck me as a bluff check, where nobody was paying enough attention to bother making a sense motive roll. Guaranteed he's stalking the vampire.
it struck me as "the best way I can help is by being out of the way"
Possibly. Just reread it & I noticed that he's kind of looking directly at Durkula as he's saying it. I suspect that Fromper & strayshift might be on to something...
Either we're totally right, or Belkar really is just worried about the vampire eating his cat. :P
Or it's both. Also, the nesting quotes are starting to look like either a pit or a pyramid, depending upon how my eyes look at it.
Both pit and pyramid are appropriate for OotS :P
That's a pretty weirdly proportioned pyramid...
I suppose it'll look right when it gets to about 35 'nests'.
That's what you get when you make pyramid out of sticks.
I think its starting to look more like a longhouse.
50 Shades of Nest Gray pattern's forming there.
At what point does the background in the middle swamp the print?
An intriguing question. I suppose we can find out while we are waiting for the next OotS comic.
So, the OotS thread is now the how deep

Well, I'll end it here with an ubernest! you can all go back to waiting for the next update! :-)

Well, I thought it was website feedback! What's with all the GOT references?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
spikes go here

Oh, the grayscale ends at 9 levels. Oh well, that makes sense for readability, but not very interesting!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dazylar wrote:
Dazylar wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Itchy wrote:
Fromper wrote:
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
Caineach wrote:
Fromper wrote:
strayshift wrote:

"I'll go... uh... check on Mr Scruffy."


Yeah, that struck me as a bluff check, where nobody was paying enough attention to bother making a sense motive roll. Guaranteed he's stalking the vampire.
it struck me as "the best way I can help is by being out of the way"
Possibly. Just reread it & I noticed that he's kind of looking directly at Durkula as he's saying it. I suspect that Fromper & strayshift might be on to something...
Either we're totally right, or Belkar really is just worried about the vampire eating his cat. :P
Or it's both. Also, the nesting quotes are starting to look like either a pit or a pyramid, depending upon how my eyes look at it.
Both pit and pyramid are appropriate for OotS :P
That's a pretty weirdly proportioned pyramid...
I suppose it'll look right when it gets to about 35 'nests'.

Do the messageboards support that number of quotes?

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