Dave the Barbarian's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 557 posts (578 including aliases). 13 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.
My account shows a pending order 4754961. Could you just eliminate that? I don't want those items. Thanks!
I would like to cancel my two subscriptions - The Modules and the Adventure Path. My journey with Pathfinder has now come to an end and I do not need any more product. My thanks to everyone there for creating such high quality stuff! I will enjoy it for years to come! Thanks! Dave
Best of Luck Mike. I enjoyed meeting you and helping out where I could. You did a great job and the hobby is better off for it. Take care!
Hmmm. I was going to cancel my module subscription but I will have to hold on for this one. A great author so that makes me happy. Although I thought we agreed not to use the work "Carrion" anymore?
Burnout can be a real issue. I have burnt out on PFS completely and our home group is just about to finish our third AP. We enjoy the game time together but I think the entire group is getting a little burnt out on the current path. Reasons include - Pathfinder has taken 3.5 bloat to the extreme. The game is far to complex and you spend more time away from the table working on characters than actually playing them. It slows up the game and the enjoyment factor. The AP's drag on too long. We decided we will not do another AP. Maybe some modules or something. We will also blend in other games during our game nights, card games, board games, etc. We will try some Savage Worlds and give D&D 5.0 a short as well. We have talked about playing some classic modules with the older systems too. Time will tell. There are some good recommendations in this thread. Take a little break and try something new! Good luck!
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Interesting concept. I may be tempted to GM again. Thanks
I assume my Lost Coast mini's are shipping soon, so after they ship, please cancel my subscription. I will just buy them at the local game shop instead. Thank you.
I do not recall getting any notice that mine shipped either. Although I saw them at the local game shop and they look cool. Not real happy that the subscribers get them last...
I was hopeful to get these by Wednesday, my birthday, as a gift to myself. Looks like I will have to extend my birthday into next week, which is not all bad. Although I am traveling for work, so maybe they will be here by the time I get back.
After the monster codex, would you please cancel my roleplaying game subscription. I am not interested in the next two books. Thanks!
You are the best! Thank you!
Yikes, mine shows the same issue! Give mine a kick for good measure too! Thanks!!!
Hello! I just noticed that my minis were waiting until the 20th for the AP, so I changed my shipping choices so it could be sent now and the AP later. Will that still work? Can you zip the minis out in the mail earlier? Thank you!
hxcmike, I thought the same thing when I read it! A little too much info there! We are starting the third book now.
I was about to cancel my subscription but with the new discount, I can justify it a little longer!
The goblin and undead builder sets contained great figures but the individual wrapping was environmentally unfriendly. I felt bad about the pile of junk I had to recycle. I would have preferred a cardboard box with a set 12 figs, which may have driven the cost down. I liked the dragon encounter packs.
Nice looking figures. Too bad we already encountered them all in the AP.
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Sean, I wish you the very best with your move and new opportunities. You have done so much for the gaming industry and have influenced so many people. I truly appreciate your work and dedication. It was a pleasure meeting you at the Cons and I will always treasure your work. Rock on my brother.
I am surprised that they are putting their foot back in this pool. I would like to say that I will not buy them, but I most likely will. It largely depends on what figures they make. I started collecting plastic crack back when it started in 2003 I think. Now I really should think long and hard if it is worth buying a case or just a few figs. I am a fan of the Paizo mini's but I wish they would release the sets a little closer to the AP release. We will be 2/3 done with the Reign of Winter AP when the AP set comes out. If both companies produce three sets a year, it will be too much and even foolish spenders like myself will have to rethink our plans.
Kickstarter was cancelled. Sucks.
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This product just got cancelled, which sucks.
Bummer, we will be half way through the AP by then, so hopefully a few of the big baddies from the last three books will be in there.
Thank you! Just want to make sure that my subscription was all set and that I can look forward to the mini's! Thanks!
Hello! I signed up for the Battle Subscription again. The green dragon shows as pending but it says the regular case is in my sidecart. Do I need to do anything, or will this ship and charge normally? Let me know if I need to do anything. Thanks!
Apps are required for online play and it is really the GM's choice. If you want to get technical, then go back and read the rules on how to perform an attack. It instructs you to roll a 20 sided die, not push a button, so it is conceivable that the rules require dice. As a PFS GM, I only allow dice and the players roll them when it is their turn. The problem I had with the apps is that the player would pre-roll before his turn and then just say what he got when we got to him. Who knows how many times he rolled until he stopped with something he liked. I made him reroll everytime. I like the physical dice and most of the players like it too.
Martin, I thought of the same thing for the maze but I am worried it will waste too much time and be frustrating. Maybe if they try to start mapping or marking with chalk, they will see some other marks from when they were there before and it will go quicker?
I purchased the adventure and the map pack today. At first glance, it looks pretty awesome, but I will spend a few days digging through it before I provide a complete review. Thanks TPK!
Please use spoiler tags if you are going to discuss specific's about the scenario. I have not played it yet so I want my pc's destruction to be a surprise. Thanks!
I see what you are saying. Either option may work fine depending on the players. Some players enjoy the metagame aspect of give me the number, I will do what I can to up my chances and then roll it out. Many enjoy that kind of numbers game, more so in OP than in home games. In the home game environment we enjoy the descriptive role play aspect of the game more than number crunching. I am fine with either way. Most of the guys/gals I have been gaming with like the idea of rolling a perception to determine if they think it looks dificult, in certain situations, then get a general description of the difficulty. You are correct though because you need to know what their bonus is before telling them the difficulty to them, or you must add "It looks to be difficult for the average adventurer". As long as the players have fun, I really don't care. I prefer a description but will barf out the number in OP if pressed.
I think you can tell whether or not you have a reasonable chance of accomplishing a task. Shoot a free throw, for me, easy. I will take the shot. Slam dunk? Impossible, I know better. The players all talk, so when I tell the Linguistic's expert that it will be difficult for him, they quickly chat and the others decide what actions they can do to help.
No worries on the snarky post stuff. You need thick skin anytime you post an opinion on these boards anyway. All is good.
There was a chart in one of the scenario's I ran that listed the difficulty of certain skill checks with something like this:
DC15-20 Easy, DC21-25 slightly difficult, DC26-30 difficult, DC31-35 very difficult, and DC36-40 almost impossible. Those were not the exact terms and numbers, and consider it was for a higher tier aventure. I typically give them a description like above on how difficult they might perceive it is. GM say "It looks like a very difficult trap to disarm", then they know enough and can proceed. If a player needs a linguistic's check or a disable device to remove an item without breaking it forever, I used the same types of descriptions so they could decide if they wanted to enlist help. No actual DC's need to be handed out.
That looks pretty awesome. I am going to have to buy it and check it out. Thanks!
Our group just finished Carrion Crown and I am searching for the next cool campaign. There are a lot of options out there and I don't want to pass by something awesome. We won't start until September so we have some time.
Hi Kerney! See you at the con!
When will the adventures be published?
How long do you estimate it will take to run through the scenario this way? I have a handful of 1st and 2nd level PFS characters and am interested in trying something like this out. Thanks!
Jeff, That is an awesome idea. I will pick that book up tomorrow. If it has more than 23 beholders in it, then I will have to buy more. An Urban setting may be cool. Everytime we jump into a city during Carrion Crown, we are never there long enough to really develop it. Thanks for the suggestion!
Great suggestions, thank you! I have started a list of suggestions and some of the comments. I downloaded a few War of the Burning Sky documents and will check those out as well. I don't mind the theme behind Jade Regent but I am not sure what the players think yet. So far we have not played an Urban style AP so maybe Curse of the Crimson Throne would be good. Great suggestions! Keep them coming!
Our gaming group will finish up Carrion Crown later this month. We ran through Legacy of Fire before that. Both were great and I know everyone is looking forward to the next one. I could use some suggestions on which AP's or module strings/combo's you like. Either Paizo or third Party. Here are a few we cannot do: Rise of the Runelords - two players already did this one. Kingmaker - two players are currently running this one. So if you have either played. GMed, or just read a cool AP or long adventure, let me know. Some of my initial thoughts are:
Reign of Winter AP
Wrath of the Righteous AP (May have to wait to check out the Mythic rules)
The Dragon's Demand (followed by another module or two?)
Shattered Star AP
Way of the Wicked (Evil AP)
Slumbering Tsar (Monster adventure)
Other thoughts? Thanks in advance for your comments!
Hello, Would you please cancel my Pathfinder Campaign Setting, Player Companion, and Gamemastery Maps subscriptions. Thanks!
How is it going Russ? Maybe I will be able to make it back to CollectorMania someday.
Hello! Would you please cancel my Pathfinder Battles Subscription effective immediately. I am going to pass on the Skulls and Shackles in favor of a future set. With a set coming out in October and then in December, I have to decide which set I really want. Too much, too fast. Thanks!
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Most of our players are kind enough to bring snacks and drinks for the entire group, so individual food bribes are not needed. I wouldn't accept a bribe and at best case offer a reroll to a player for doing something nice for another person in the group. One player recently bought me a Hero Clix's Iron Maiden figure, because he knows I am a Maiden fan. I appreciated that very much. So much, that I created stats for all 9 figures and in the next game, we will open it, see which one it is, and try to kill it. No harm in that type of gift.
Same advice, plop in a timetable to encourage them to push themselves. If they delay, the ritual goes off ahead of schedule and the bad guys continue to grow in strength while they waste time. We used Kendra as the same bait, which was good because they wouldn't have cared about any crummy NPC from the city.
I ran this for the first time last night. We played the 10-11 sub-tier but the group barely qualified for it so it was a struggle. If we would have had time for the optional encounter or the end encounter went different, this would have been a TPK. It was a good story and fun to GM. Didn't really care for the puzzle, but with a few clues they seemed to get through it quickly without too much heartburn. This game would take at least 6 hours to run completely.
The Sea Cat is awesome and I like the other two as well. Good job on these.
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I GM because I enjoy it and really don't expect anything in return. The star system was nice. Like previously mentioned, everyone is motivated by different things so finding one preferred method to reward/incent will most likely be impossible.
I like the idea of having access to a special shirt that I buy at a reasonable cost, or some item I can purchase that recognizes my achievements. I don't need discounts on products because I already get one thanks to my current subscriptions. Anything we are given is a bonus and should be viewed as a gift anyway.
I am spending a chunk of money on these because it is a great deal and they are awesome!