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Our gaming group will finish up Carrion Crown later this month. We ran through Legacy of Fire before that. Both were great and I know everyone is looking forward to the next one. I could use some suggestions on which AP's or module strings/combo's you like. Either Paizo or third Party. Here are a few we cannot do: Rise of the Runelords - two players already did this one. Kingmaker - two players are currently running this one. So if you have either played. GMed, or just read a cool AP or long adventure, let me know. Some of my initial thoughts are: Reign of Winter AP
Other thoughts? Thanks in advance for your comments!
When somebody finally uses one of these minor boons from this chronicle sheet, do I really have to ask to see the book as proof? I assume that as long as a GM has signed off on the sheet and they cross off the boon, that is good. None of the boons are that big of a deal anyway. On a side note - After thinking about it, I really don't see a big deal in providing a couple of minor boon options which are typically knowledge bonuses to the location or subject matter of the book. I would eliminate the option to buy any specialty items, not that I believe anyone will take advantage of the item anyway.
GATOR CON, Saturday May 7th Fundraiser for the Standley Lake High School Gaming Club and the MS Society. Location: Standley Lake High School 9300 West 104th Ave., Westminster, CO 80021 Date: Saturday May 7th – all day. Slots 9-1, 2-6, and 7-11. Cost: $10 entry fee, $5 unlimited RPG fee Pathfinder Games:
Afternoon Slot: 2 PM to 6 PM
Evening Slot: 7 PM to 11 PM
You can visit the gaming club's website at for more information game details and to download a copy of the Con booklet. You can register for the games at Dave
During my last unsuccessful adventure I contracted Filth Fever and Mummy Rot. Not to worry though because I was later crushed and killed by a Demon. Now my pals are taking me back to civilization to be raised from the dead. My questions - Now that I have gained the "dead" condition, what happens to my filth fever? I assume it does not go away but festers on my bloated corpse. Would I just have it removed after I am raised? Second question - It will take a week to get back to a city. What happens to my mummy rot? Do I turn to dust before I get there or does it stop because I am already dead? Thanks for the help. I will try to be more careful next time.
GMs and Coordinators: I downloaded the PFS report form and built a modified form to suit our needs. It is a one page form. It has the cool PFS logo on the top, a spot for the six players, a spot for the optional seventh player and a spot for the GM to report their credit if needed. I added some of the Pathfinder artwork and faction logo's to it. We found it to be a little more player and GM friendly. I built it in Publisher, but also have it in PDF. If you would like a copy, e-mail me at againsttheshadow at aol dot com and I would be happy to send it to you. I would also be happy to customize it for your needs as well. Happy gaming! Dave
Obviously a Druid would have no trouble using a horse or pony. But can my gnome druid ride a lion (medium sized)? What are the issues with spell casting and riding. I have a bunch of ranks in ride, and I assume that if a wolf can be used as a mount, a lion or big cat should not be a problem. Thanks for the help!
Quick question and my apologies if this has been covered already. I judged a handful of PFS games at a recent convention and in a few games two different players used a dice rolling program on their I-Pad instead of actually rolling dice. So my question is - Is using an I-pad or computer program acceptable for a table top PFS game? Granted for PFS play by post or on-line games you have no choice, but while sitting at the table, is this acceptable? As a GM, I cannot see what they roll unlike the other players. I must also mention that the two players who used the I-pads are very trustworthy and I had no concerns with cheating with them. I am not familiar with all of the programs out there, or all of the players, so I cannot comment on the ease of cheating with these types of systems or who would or would not do it. For a home campaign, I wouldn't allow it, because I am an old school chuck the dice and see where they fall kind of guy. But for a PFS game, I will go with whatever is allowed. The Core Rulebook is clear on having to roll a 1d20, but that obviously can't happen in all cases. What about the GM using this program and just announcing the results? I wonder if the players would like that or not? I toss out all of my combat rolls in front of the players. Any thoughts or ruling?
Please cancel the following subscriptions: PF Adventure Paths, PF Chronicles, PF Companions, PF Modules, GameMastery Cards, and GameMastery Maps. Do NOT cancel my PF Roleplaying Game subscription. I plan on buying the canceled items at my local game shop, so do not fear, I will still buy everything you print, but I need to support the local shop. Thanks!
You're invited to Genghis Con XXXI, February 11-14, 2010! Genghis Con is one of the world's largest not-for-profit conventions and it is entirely put together by volunteers. With that kind of commitment and dedication, Genghis Con is not only a huge success but also a down to earth gathering. Our people truly care about the convention and all of its attendees. Whether this is your first, your twenty-first, or even your thirtieth time to attend the show, we know you will enjoy the games and the fellowship that Genghis Con has to offer. We boast a blend of old and new traditions for the young and the old. Ultimately, you make this convention a success through your support. Check out what the con has to offer at and click on the Genghis link on the left. This years guest of honor is Sean K. Reynolds! Here is what is being offered for Pathfinder Society modules at Genghis Con XXXI, coming up in less than a month! #549 Pathfinder Society #1: Silent Tide Thursday, Slot 1 (7pm-11pm) - Friday, Slot 4 (2pm-6pm) – #550 Pathfinder Society #35: Voice in the Void Friday, Slot 4 (2pm-6pm) – Saturday, Slot 8 (2pm-6pm) – Sunday, Slot 11 (9am-1pm) – #551 Pathfinder Society #37: The Beggar’s Pearl Friday, Slot 5 (7pm-11pm) – Saturday, Slot 9 (7pm-11pm) – Sunday, Slot 12 (2pm-6pm) – #552 Pathfinder Society #33: Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible Friday, Slot 3 (9am-1pm) – Sunday, Slot 12 (2pm-6pm) – #553 Pathfinder Society #39: Citadel of Flame Friday, Slot 3 (9am-1pm) – Saturday, Slot 7 (9am-1pm) –
Attention Pathfinder Society Adventurer's who reside on the front range of Colorado! Please join the Rocky Mountain Pathfinder Yahoo group for current updates on where you can find Pathfinder Society Games on the front range. Just search for RMPathfinder on the Yahoo Groups and join. Games are being run in Denver, South of Denver (Enchanted Grounds in Highlands Ranch) and Colorado Springs. The next games on the schedule include Colorado Springs on December 5th and Enchanted Grounds on December 14th. Join the Pathfinder Society Yahoo group and take advantage of all the opportunities to play on the front range!
Hello! I had a little over $11 in store credit from my old subscriptions. I may have spent it and just don't remember, which is true for most of my impulse purchases, but it still shows up under "My Subscriptions". Could you check and see if I still have it? And if so, how do I spend it? The hard part is deciding which of your products to buy, not that I can get a bunch with that amount, but it sets me up with a good excuse about purchasing my own wish list for Christmas! So much gaming material, so little time. Thank you! |