Chained Spirit

Darth Vin Diesel's page

21 posts. Alias of mattdroz.


♪singin' Doo-wah-diddy diddy-dum diddy-doo♫

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

My immediate first thought was to consider selling aural armaments to both Cosmo and Chris in an ever-escalating spiral of Mutually Assured Distraction.


I think I'm slipping fully into Chaotic Evil, aren't I?

It's a fun ride, join us!

<nukes thread from orbit>


<then hits it with the Death Star and the Star Trek "red matter", just to be sure there are no survivors.>

Force laughter

Force of chew lie

They don't know what to do with just one of me.

Corrosive Rabbit wrote:
Yup, I agree. The movies aren't good, as far as high cinema goes. That said, they're part of the canon of a culture that I embrace wholeheartedly. Honestly, whenever I watch them, the good feelings I get are mainly due to recollections of the people I've watched them with before, the inside jokes, and all the great things that go with the movies. Fortunately, Lucas can't CGI those away, right? Right?

You underestimate the power of the Dark Side.


Because I'm feeling deliciously evil this morning.

The Jade wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Anyone else think that sometimes reality is worse than the nightmares that we have? :P

My nightmares have me chased across a volcanic plane by legions of skittering destructo-babies holding aloft cheesebundant sandwiches they fully plan to shove up my nose. I stop to rest but the air is acrid and without relief... that is until I pick up a hint of dairy... and then I resume my endless escape.

So no... reality is a breeze compared to molten juvey-forced cheesebundance. The day I meet someone killed by lungs full of lunch I'll change my tune.

That's my morning commute.

Join with me and we shall rule the Underverse.

Freehold DM wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

[tinfoil hat] Which site stood the most to gain from our lost dots? That's right: FACEBOOK! Follow the money- its tentacles are EVERYWHERE!!!!

hides under rock

Joss Whedon doesn't like Facebook either.

clinging to Cloud City fuselage with one hand

That's not true...That's IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Search your feelings... you know it to be true.

Moorluck wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Urizen wrote:
So, are you going to do it?

Give up soda? Sure. :)

You know exactly which one I was talking about. :P Imagine the money. It'd be like hitting a mini-lottery.
I don't know. I will cut back and make a real effort to slow down, I am just not sure I am up for throwing my body through that large a loop. Giving up all soda and all the other foods.

Did you tell the Doc about my club soda cure? I'm beginning to think s/he is some kind of a quack. ;)

Seriously, I hope you get good news and relief soon.

We're hopeful. I hate seeing her in pain, especially when I can't pummel somebody for it. :/

We shall have our revenge...

...on someone...

The nurse! We shall have our revenge on the tech that dared poke holes in our Solnes!!

I find your lack of faith delicious.

The Rebels are alerted to our presence. Admiral Ozzel came out of lightspeed too close to the system.

Take a swing...

Same here

Frank the Mime wrote:


Yes, Mistress!

wanders off in search of Hugh Jackman

*khooo* *kssshh*
*khooo* *kssshh*
*khooo* *kssshh*

I ... I live!

Resplendent in his dark robes, he bows before lynora

I live to serve, Mistress!

Lord Secretary of Kicking A** wrote:
Vin Diesel wrote:

HUGE explosion at the windows. As a fireball engulfs all nearby, a lone man seems to fly through the middle of the destruction. As he lands on one knee, he looks around at the ensembled group, sweat beading on his head from the heat.

Where is Hugh Jackman? The WSMA* sent me to recover him! Somebody talk or I start breaking out the teacups!

*Wolverine is the Sexiest Mutant Alive: All female Australian Hugh Jackman fan-club.

<Sighs, then proceeds in monotone>

Don't worry...I'll take care of this...
<Pulls out big gun, knowing it won't have any effect on its target>
Blam blam blam. Die, Vin Diesel scum...

Looks surprised, then falls over muttering as he dies

But, I'm the good guy!

HUGE explosion at the windows. As a fireball engulfs all nearby, a lone man seems to fly through the middle of the destruction. As he lands on one knee, he looks around at the ensembled group, sweat beading on his head from the heat.

Where is Hugh Jackman? The WSMA* sent me to recover him! Somebody talk or I start breaking out the teacups!

*Wolverine is the Sexiest Mutant Alive: All female Australian Hugh Jackman fan-club.

Full Name

Lieutenant Edikk Braga


NPC: Totally isn't a secret agent for some group operating within the city