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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 28 posts (8,770 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 45 aliases.
Absalom in Shadow (Duo): Part II - Dead Seas Absalom in Shadow (InnRoads) Chapter 1 - In my Time of Waking Black Tom's Mummy's Mask Climbing the Rainbow Bridge Death and Taxes - GM Budd the C.H.U.D.'s Feast of Ravenmoor DM-Camris' IRONFANG INVASION Chapter 1: Trail of the Hunted DM-Camris' WRATH of the RIGHTEOUS Part 2: SWORD OF VALOR DMummy's Mask The DZA's Greyhawk Adventures! Eldbale's The Dragon's Demand GM Alice's Wrath of the Righteous GM Ragged's Keep on the Borderlands - B GM Ragged's Keep on the Unknown Borderlands House Chiroptera Nightflier's Midnight Game Thread Rannik's Carrion Crown The Seer's Journey - DM Downrightamazed Shadow of Ascanor (B) Shadowbrook Manor Labyrinth Lord / D&D Basic Adventure Stranded in Sargava Wrath of the Righteous Part 2: Sword of Valor Absalom in Shadow: An InnRoads Campaign (inactive) Beyond the World's Edge: A Frontier Campaign (inactive) Bright Morning's Reign of Winter (inactive) Dark Heresy - Saladaris Cell (inactive) DM-Camris' IRON GODS Part 1: The Fires of Creation (inactive) DM-Camris' WRATH of the RIGHTEOUS Part 1: The Worldwound Gambit (table 2) (inactive) Dragons of the Elven Nations (inactive) GM Darkblade's Kingmaker Campaign (inactive) Hollow's Revolution (Red Side) (inactive) Homecoming (inactive) Living in the Lands of the Linnorm (inactive) North of the Wind (inactive) Now, and When again (a Dragonlance Tale) (inactive) Of Shadows Below (inactive) Pathfinder-Reign of Winter-pbp (inactive) To Rappan Athuk (inactive)