Elf Archer

Darren Ehlers's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 28 posts (8,770 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 45 aliases.


still here always watching, waiting and ready.

Are we using encumbrance?

"I would love to add a few doses of medicinal spirits to ensure the cure takes hold. I think I'll do that, but first I've got to take care of one last bit of business."

Marsh nods to Beckett.

"I should be fine. If you guys want to get a head start save me a chair would you? A hot bath for old bones and a proper room would be a nice change as well."

Karl is looking for Nosa so that they can make their delivery.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21 [ooc]to determine the magical spells and properties of the door.[/dice]

Tassidar speaks low hoping only to be heard by the two men with him on the ledge.

"See how the letters are so sharp despite being exposed to the wear of the elements? This door is definitely magical in nature. Give me a moment I need to look at the weave of the spells."

Religion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

"This riddle does remind me of something . . . Something I overheard being discussed in the halls where I studied. I vaguely recall the mention of a spirit, or a god, or a demon-- something of that nature-- who appears as a hooded figure, save that beneath the hood is only stars."

"Mostly, I remember that the hooded figure was supposed to love secrets, collecting them as a maiden does jewels. The hooded one would send out birds and beasts alike to wander the earth, in time with the seasons, and bring back whatever murmured conversations, lovers' private confessions, or the whispered plots of children they had heard."

"Did I capture one such bird?"

"I will try the two words you want to have spoken. If it is that simple I will be surprised."

"Spirit, Secrets."

2d10 ⇒ (9, 2) = 11 just saw in recruitment how you do HP. Looks like I picked up 3 more.

Grumbling, but satisfied that the large man that has interposed himself has influence over Jorzan, Hurin climbs down from the Dragon. The dwarf is glad to have his feet on solid ground, regretful that the exhilaration of being a dragon rider is over, loathing that he will now have to look up at the man who is glaring at him, but also chastised that there are much more important things afoot, even more important than gold.

"I apologize lady dragon for my poor manners, I have had quite a bad day. The red dragon flight destroyed my home, livelihood and . . . Well some things that were very . . . important to me yesterday. Now I find myself here through a strange twist of fate.

However, I have now seen in one day, as you said earlier, that the entire known world has been thrust into war. I am spurred to action. If you would please collect our prisoner and bring him here so perhaps we can find some answers to what evil powers are at work here for surely more is at play here besides than thr interests of thr red and white dragon flights."

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have to have money to take the kids to the fair and for some reason the zoo and other kids memberships all come due at the end of June. I am totally serious about getting paizo to make some goblin dice. I am all about goblins right now. Except I watched the movie legend last night, so no lame goblins like that movie.

Goblin Squad Member

Man I could only do $100. But I had a great time. I want to see the cool stuff you guys get when it comes.

Goblin Squad Member

They had better hurry up with the next goal.

Goblin Squad Member

Darren Ehlers 6 minutes ago
"Goblins! What is best in life!"
"To crush your stretch goals! See them driven before you! And to hear the lamentation of the stretch goal writers!"

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Darren Ehlers 6 minutes ago
"Goblins! What is best in life!"
"To crush your stretch goals! See them driven before you! And to hear the lamentation of the stretch goal writers!"

Goblin Squad Member

Darren Ehlers just now
Just doing some number crunching:
451 people made the $30 donation. For $20 more they could get a printed edition of Thornkeep. If they all decided they wanted to get this book it would put us up $9020 and about $15 k from our goal of $175.

For the 134 people that put in $5 for an extra $10 they could put us up $1340 and get a 100+ page mega PDF! Why wouldn't you spend $10 more to get that? If they decided to go for it and get the book that would be $6030 more dollars towards the goal.

619 people are getting the PDF already for their $15 donation. If they bumped up to a $50 donation that would be $21665!

As you can see we are not that far from getting the LESS than $25k we need to make the super sized 8.5"x11" book at over 100 pages a reality. It is important to bump up your donations sooner than later to help get those on the fence to smell the blood in the water and throw their support into the effort.

There is usually a surge in the last 48 hours! The closer we are the stronger the surge please join me in encouraging others to join the cause either by bumping up their existing donation or jumping into the ring with us for the first time!

On May 30th people were still saying we were not going to make it past $100k. Four days later we were over $150k. We have four days to make get less than $23k more to get a product that has excited me more than most over the past few years.

Think how awesome it is going to be in print. These writers that are now committed to creating their own levels of the dungeon are going to be competing against one another. They will come up with their best ideas because you know they will be directly compared to one another. A friendly duel of the pens has begun.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Darren Ehlers just now
Just doing some number crunching:
451 people made the $30 donation. For $20 more they could get a printed edition of Thornkeep. If they all decided they wanted to get this book it would put us up $9020 and about $15 k from our goal of $175.

For the 134 people that put in $5 for an extra $10 they could put us up $1340 and get a 100+ page mega PDF! Why wouldn't you spend $10 more to get that? If they decided to go for it and get the book that would be $6030 more dollars towards the goal.
619 people are getting the PDF already for their $15 donation. If they bumped up to a $50 donation that would be $21665!

As you can see we are not that far from getting the LESS than $25k we need to make the super sized 8.5"x11" book at over 100 pages a reality. It is important to bump up your donations sooner than later to help get those on the fence to smell the blood in the water and throw their support into the effort.

There is usually a surge in the last 48 hours! The closer we are the stronger the surge please join me in encouraging others to join the cause either by bumping up their existing donation or jumping into the ring with us for the first time!

Goblin Squad Member

This is my first kickstarter project donation as well. Pathfinder has been an improvement on the game I have loved for over 30 years. I feel that they would not chose lightly to have Goblinworks try to bring the world to life. I donated $50 with the hopes we would see the 64 page book. Now we are about 25k or 500 more $50 donations away from having a supersized print edition with some of the greatest writers in the business adding their own styles with additional levels. It is exciting to play a small part in this great project and I have my fingers crossed we can hit $175k total. If we can encourage our friends and gamer buddies to join us in our pledge and show a surge past the $150k mark I am sure we can get several people to jump into the ring with us or up to the $50 donation from the $15 if the supersized print edition looks promising.

Goblin Squad Member

If the 436 $30 backers upped their contributions by $20 they would push us over $150,000 and they would get a book for the $20 with supercool art!

Goblin Squad Member

Oops sorry about the double post, what a noob!

Goblin Squad Member

I just thought of it an exclusive set of goblin works dice!

Goblin Squad Member

Hey guys I upped my donation to $50 if we can get some more people to upgrade we will get new levels and the book will be printed. This could be like the Keep on the Borderlands and we could get a new video game out of it. The book would feature levels from four great writers with their own style on each level they create. If you haven't told your gamer friends about this please let em know. I perfectly understand not everyone can afford $50, but for those of you on the sidelines $15 for a PDF with this much promise should defiantly be an affordable bargain! Please jump on board.

Yeah I agree the 3.0 weapon size damages really made more sense. Scratching my head . . . Oh wait I have got it they wanted me make sure the Halfling wasnt overpowered with the sling. J/k

Yeah I am a little bothered by the NERF factor on a lot of things. I am beginning to wonder if they shouldnt have released the book as GAMMA test. I think they should have racheted things back up a little on a lot of things. They obviously got some stuff right but I have to say I find my self somewhat disappointed and scratching my head a lot.

Well i will just have to get into another suit of Mithral Full plate then.

Ok so I personally dont like this nerf especially after they have already toned down the spells and the domains. But I think I have a perfect power gamer solution to the problem. . .

I will pick up ONE level of Fighter.

~This gives me 1d10 hp vs 1d8
~I get a +1 attack bonus
~I get a bonus feat AND I pick up the Heavy Armor feat for free.
~Now like Obama said "yes we can use tower Shields!
~Now I am proficient in all martial weapons!
~I will get a Fort save bonus early on, much better than going up in cleric one level.
~I can pick up skills in things a cleric normally cant learn.

Honestly what will I have lost?

Ok so I cant get the super uber 20th level power, big fudgecicle on a stick! Who really gets to 20th level anyway? And I am a 19th level cleric so. . .

I will just make a wish spell and fix the problem once I get there.

My two cents.



"As stated( In an above post ), tieflings aren't horribly more powerful than the Pathfinder races so you could just ignore the LA and be mostly okay. But the random chart in Pathfinder #25 has the potential to provide was rather potent abilities. If you think that character will far outstrip the others, go ahead and give everyone else an extra bonus to help bridge the gap.

Well unfortunately they nerfed all the races I assume to keep things more balanced for backward compatability so 3.5 Teiflings and Assamars appear to be more powerful now that the other races have been reduced from beta level.

If Beta were still in effect i would agree with the top paragraph.


Ok so I personally dont like this nerf especially after they have already toned down the spells and the domains. But I think I have a perfect power gamer solution to the problem. . .

I will pick up ONE level of Fighter.

~This gives me 1d10 hp vs 1d8
~I get a +1 attack bonus
~I get a bonus feat AND I pick up the Heavy Armor feat for free.
~Now like Obama said "yes we can use tower Shields!
~Now I am proficient in all martial weapons!
~I will get a Fort save bonus early on, much better than going up in cleric one level.
~I can pick up skills in things a cleric normally cant learn.

Honestly what will I have lost?

Ok so I cant get the super uber 20th level power, big fudgecicle on a stick! Who really gets to 20th level anyway? And I am a 19th level cleric so. . .

I will just make a wish spell and fix the problem once I get there.

My two cents.


Hey Sebastian,

I know that you are too busy to game right now and that your friends group was already too big, but do you think you coould put Mr. Black and I in touch with them? Maybe there are some of them that might like to play on the off weeks that their game doesn't meet. Plus I know how easy it is when we are all older with more complicated lives that they may need a player or two because someone moves off, etc.

It is hard to find other Older (and sometimes mature) gamers and it would be nice to have some connections. It must have been fate that I even saw the original post. I was trying to find out what was happening to my Dungeon Subscrption. I had never been on the message boards before.

And if it helps, I usually had to be the DM for my group over the past 20 years. I would like to sit on the otherside of the table, but if getting in touch with people means that I have to DM again so be it.

Hope you get this,



Mr Black do you have an E mail address? Sebastian? I posted mine if you don't want to reply on the board.


I got so excited I forgot to say that I live out in Eucalyptus Hills close to Lakeside. I can bring chips and 2 liters! Have my own dice and won't touch yours!


Hey I am 32 and i am also out of a group as they all moved off! I have DM'd and played since oh god!? 1982?! Please keep me informed my e mail address is Guardian56@aol.com. i don't have kids and I am pretty flexable.

Darren Ehlers
