![]() can anyone help me out with this? a dragon has the following melee attack options: bite +20 (2d8+12), 2 claws +20 (2d6+8), 2 wings +15 (1d8+4), tail slap +15 (2d6+12) i have a hard time remembering if i can only attack with one of those options or can i utilize all of the options. My assumption is that i can utilize all of the attacks in one round, but i suffer penalties to hit after the first. I think its -5 on each other beyond the first option. ![]()
![]() color me intrigued. too bad i couldnt play a channeler from the Wheel of Time setting...that would be awesome within this setting... dice rolls
reroll of c again 1d6 ⇒ 5 totals
20th level, so +5 to add to stats... hmmm...ill crunch something soon ![]()
![]() classe:
reading the magazine, it shows that all the core classes found within 3.0 could be used within the shannara setting. The same could be said for the classes within pathfinder and the archetypes, with some exceptions
clerics: while no specific god or pantheon is mentioned within the setting, it could be said that one could be a cleric that follows one of the primal essences: law, chaos, good, evil, and nature. Druids: Speaking about the class, not the prestige class "elder druid" that Allannon was: this would be available, but the people devoted to nature would live like hermits, found within any of the lands. Sorcerers: with the plethora of references found within the series that show characters with innate magic, allowing sorcerers is easy, but the available bloodlines would be limited to Arcane, elemental, daemon, abyssal, fey, destined, pestilence, shadow and undead. wizards: with the distrusting nature towards those with magic throughout the land, being a wizard would be a difficult choice to make for a player. But, if chosen, then the character would have a great roleplaying experience. But, the hindrance for the wizard character isnt the magic, but finding and learning the spells. Anything above 3rd level would be difficult at best to find and learn, and those spells above 6th level would have been monitored by the Druids themselves. races: races within the four lands are rather cut and dry. You have human, gnomes, elves, and dwarves. Rock trolls are discussed within the magazine, but i dont like the way the rules are setup for them to be used properly within the pathfinder system.
![]() One could make the arguement that even linking to a webpage that lists the file shares would go against their file sharing rules. Does anybody know where i could find these rules? no, these were fan made wheel of time expanded use rules. nothing paizo related...unless paizo picked up the license for WOTRPG that im not aware of? ![]()
![]() Yesterday i made a posting within a recruitment thread that had a few links to some documents that i was sharing out with my fellow players, only to have the posting deleted later in the day, with the comment that "file sharing is not OK on paizo. If it is an open document, please direct them to its product page or its proper home". I am curious to know what made my posting not conform to the rules of paizo, since these files were linked to my personal drive, which is where i saved and shared the documents. these documents are out there in the interzweb, but are incredibly difficult to locate. I felt that by sharing these documents from a single location met the old criteria that existed here on paizo. They werent copyrighted by anyone, no one had direct ownership of them, and it even says at the beginning of these documents that they are to be shared with everyone. So does that mean that if i wish to link one of these documents, i have to find the actual website (which may actually be someones own google drive account and they are openly sharing the document) and use that, but still face the possibility of having the link removed? What about game aides then? I have a spreadsheet that i use as my map for combat, but since that is shared through google drive, will that be deleted as well since its not being posted from a local home webpage? Thanks in advance ![]()
![]() Saturday night is the night that is big climatic encounter for my group. I have had them raid a kobold cave system, and they have done a great job in clearing out the denziens. But now, it is time for the BBEG to be seen. So my thought is to make a Kobold a cleric, but i am having a hard time figuring out what level i should make him, along with creating an entorage of protectors for the cleric. I remember reading something to the effect that if you apply character levels to an NPC, you change the CR from that which is listed of the monster to the CR of the class level you apply. I have looked on the pathfinder srd website, and within the core rulebook, but having a hard time understanding it, so i am hoping that i can have someone say it another way that i can understand to better prep myself for the game on saturday. the APL=5 (6 pcs at level 4) + 1(for 6 players).
Now, Could i make the kobold cleric a level 5, and have 4 level 1 kobold barbarians? If i remember correctly, the CR of an npc monster is equal to CR -1 with a pc class level. so the 5th level cleric would be a cr4, and the 4 kobold barbarians would be 0 level, but i feel that i am missing something else... hence my confusion. ![]()
![]() I am not sure if i properly awarded the XP to my group this weekend, so i am hoping that all of you out there can help me with this. the party APL is 3. all are 2nd level, with a total party size of 6= 3. Now, here is the part where i get a little confused with this stuff. I had 3 large sarcophagus', each contained some sort of devil; the CRs individually were 1 (a lemure),2 (an imp), and 5 (a bearded devil). Now, each devil appeared individually, and the group was able to take out the first two with ease. the last, the bearded devil, took some more effort, especially when it summoned 6 lemurs. Now, do i include the 6 summoned lemurs to the total CR for the encounter, or are they an added bonus for the group? because i awarded xp based off of the first lemure (1), the imp (2), the bearded devil (5) and the 6 summoned lemur (total 6), for a total of CR 14. ![]()
![]() I dont take bribes, but what i do accept is offerings to the Gods of RPGs, since I, being the DM of the group, have taken on the holy mantle of custodian of the game, and have been charged with providing the supplicants with vast amounts of enjoyment and pleasantry. My holy duty is to ensure that the visitors to the altar of Natural 20s, experience the holy RPG like none other, that the names of previous PCs be spoken of in reverent tones amongst their friends and family, and to be a beckon of hope to those that are down trodden when they the all to familiar phrase Ick, you play DnD?. I encourage my brethren to shatter the preconceived notion of Nerdy gamer, and instead embrace it, be proud of it, yet be respectful, for the journey has been hard, the sacrifice of many back in the yester-year of gaming, when priests and reverends denounced the game as heretical, demon worshiping, satanical. Where mothers immediately thought of sewers, and people cutting of the limbs of their friends because the dice told me to. Though that time has come and gone, the burden lingers. It is now our duty to be proud of who we are, and to not be fearful of the ancient days. This is the day of days, brothers and sisters of gaming. This is the day where we are not quiet anymore, where we are no longer meek, nay, we are proud. Proud to know the stats of every class from five different rpg systems, proud to carry a bag of dice, proud to talk about past campaigns and enjoy each others moments of victory in the face of impending defeat. The game table is the holy altar of natural 20s, the pcs are the supplicants to the gods of RPGs, and the DMs are the custodians of both the gods and the supplicants. When these three join, greatness happens. I am THE Dungeon Master, and by my will, it is done. ![]()
![]() just thought of this. i was playing a half dragon/half giant barbarian in my friends campaign. We were investigating a murder, and had stopped at an inn of ill repute. We were standing around talking to people when the innkeeper begins to berate us for not buying anything. I throw some coin at the guy to shut him up. He leaves, and a few moments later he returns with some friends. Since i was the tallest, he begins to harrass me about my disruption of his customers, how uncomfortable this was making them, and so on. I knew where this was going so i just smiled at the innkeeper and then punched him in the face, just to shut him up. *rolls dice* comes up nat 20.
much laughter follows. ![]()
![]() So i got wrangled into being a DM for a new group that, surprisingly, my wife started. Most of the people in the group are new to pathfinder, whereas i have one guy that more than likely become a rules lawyer, but that is beside the point.
This is the email that i sent to the members of the group
In 1804, explorers Lewis and Clark went on a 2 year exploration of the territory beyond the Mississippi river. Leaving from the small trading post of Sanz Louis, they traveled the newly purchased lands from France. What they found is incredible. Their stories of inviting savages, drow by their native tongue, has encouraged the government to gather a large group of explorers to head west, chart the territories, find the lands that are favorable for settlement.
What i did was i made the Drow be the native americans on the plains, I am having dwarves have a mighty empire within the rocky mountains, and having a large empire of orcs and goblins residing within the California/southern oregon region. To the north will be some native centaurs. For magic, what i did was created a wild magic zone that stretches from the mountains to the mississippi. Each time someone within the PC wishes to cast a spell, ill roll a percentile. 01-25, no magic. 26-75, regular magic, and 76-99 heightened magic (but, still working on the numbers and effects). The goal of the group is to settle, kind of like kingmaker. Right now, they are the guards of a lone wagon that is heading to colorado, and will be helping to build a fort and establish a trade post. I am having the group go to Cheyenne mountains and establish the post. well, so far that is all i can think of. Thisll be evolving as we play... ![]()
![]() Hey guys, got some good/bad news. I am having to cancel this campaign. I have been offered the opportunity to DM a dragonlance campaign, which is my second favorite campaign setting to DM in. Thanks for gaming with me, and i wish you luck on all your rolls. ![]()
![]() Hey guys, got some good/bad news. I am having to cancel this campaign. I have been offered the opportunity to DM a dragonlance campaign, which is my second favorite campaign setting to DM in. Thanks for gaming with me, and i wish you luck on all your rolls. ![]()
![]() Ive been gaming for the last 18 years of my life, and spent the last 10 or so as a DM. Here is my advice:
I reread your first posting. Dtarting off with your own world is a great start. Some people start big like that, some start small with a town, or thorp. The best thing for you to do in this situation, is to not be overwhelmed. It is very easy to think big and then burn out. Also, watch tv and movies. Read lots of books. Yes, read. These will provide you with tons of inspiration for not only campaigns, but for pc quests. Example, you hsve a pc that claims to have an unknown father. Pc fights against local king to free the land. King reveals that he is the pcs father. (you can never go wrong with star wars) But, the biggest advice I can say, HAVE FUN. What is the point of doing it if you don't enjoy it? ![]()
![]() All you hear is the sound of the orcs laughter, echoing loudly throughout the room. Easy for an elf to give orders, and let others do the dirty work. No backbone, no spine, gutless coward that she is. Pathetic. He spits a huge glob of phlem in Shaldar's direction, though it falls short. Shifting around, the orc stands up.
Staring longer at everyone, the orc continues Beyond the tribal land is a tunnel, one that extends to the east for several hundred yards before ending at a new area, something more powerful than us orcs. Those orcs that go there are never heard of again. That would be the place i would take you. The place where orcs die. ![]()
![]() I dont see how i could in trouble with all of you around me. there is what, 5 of you to 1 of me...seems more like the odds are in your favor. Prove my usefullness you say? ok.
besides that, the farthest point isnt through that door, its through the door around the corner. his head bobs in the direction that you all came from. ![]()
![]() The orc seems unperturbed by Shaldars points. Shrugging his shoulders, he speaks first, one of YOU he pauses, looking at everyone in the room bound my hands. second, without my aid, you will die. No probably, just a certainty. third, you're a pointy eared elf, the only thing useful with you is using your blood and bones as mortar to help build the orc empire. Although... The orc cocks his head to the side a little, looking at Shaldar. It takes you all a moment to realize he is checking her out. Perhaps, but not today. But aside from that, So far, it seems your count is off by a lot. ![]()
![]() LOL...wow intimidate1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Shifting himself in his seat, he continues. Now, back to the matter at hand. You need information on how to get out, and I am your only source of info. First thing i need is to be let free, so remove my bindings. Second is that i want food and water, now. Third, i want a sword and armor. You give me these things, and I will lead you to the farthest point I have gone in this dungeon. ![]()
![]() For the newbies of the group: here we have in interesting, yet common, situation within the world of RPGs. The experienced players all know that, as a rule of thumb, all orcs are evil. And if it is evil, it can be killed without hesitation. But, we have a teachable moment here. Let's look at our situation. You have an orc. He is tied up. aside from a comment about his ideology, he isnt a true threat to anyone. He is unarmed and subdued. So here is where your chosen alignment kicks in. Your alignment is your guiding principles, what makes your PC, a PC. A LG believes in the virtue of humanity, LN believes in justice, and so on. Given the above statement, I, the DM, am inclined to warn the person, or in this case, people, about what they are suggesting, killing someone who isnt a threat. Yet, i also have the purview to keep my mouth shut, allow the PCs to make their comments, allow any actions to happen, and then inform the PCs that their alignments have shifted. For a majority of RPGs, there is some sort of alignment matrix that helps a player play a PC, good vs evil, law abider or law shirker, personal code, and so on. Yet the only classes that are truly affected by an alignment shift are clerics, druids, and paladins. If you shift alignment from LG to CG, you could loose your touch from your deity, or becoming lawful would be detrimental to a Druid. Pwent did a great thing in his latest post. He became flustered, unsure if killing this orc is the correct thing, if doing this act would have him loose his touch with his deity, and with himself. ![]()
![]() No hinges can be seen. Doors are well made. Not dwarven made, but stout. the orc looks at Shaldar, a bemused look upon his face.
![]() chromie:
the doors are made out of wood, just painted to blend in with the walls.
the orc looks at the dwarf. I was part of a raiding party. There was about 20 of us, attacking the goblin tribe that controls the other half of this dungeon. Unfortunetly the goblins got the jump on us, and in the confusion, i got stuck by my brother. I hobbled back this way, and fell upon the wall, slidding down to ease my suffering until death came. Instead, you arrived first. orc is speaking common