The mother of all dungeons


Down we go

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Female Elf Wizard

And could you explain where we are and how we are to get out. That would be most helpful as well.

She givea a questioning look at the dwarf as if to ask why we would want to go riding into an orc or goblin camp

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

"I'm not one fer scoutin', but i'd rather know exactly where me enemies be then have 'em stab meself in the back.", Pwent explains as he notices the wizard's look.

Female Elf Wizard

Quietly she leans in to the dwarf


My apologies sir Dwarf. I misunderstood the intentions it is wise to know the poition of enemies. If the information be true.

Male Half-Elf Evoker 1

I concur with Pwent, this will difficult enough with information; without it, we are easy prey indeed. He allows the last word to to lead a bit, emphasizing his point, there must be many goblins to take out and confuse people enough to strike there own group... or a spellcaster...

[b]Tell me, master Orc what did these goblins look like, and was it just your own brother that stabbed you or did the rest of the group go at each other as well

Edit: I'm sorry but it won't bold the text above for some reason...the entire line with the [b] is Calas speaking to the Orc.

M Gnome Bard 1

Chromie presses his ear against the door closest to where the party came in, listening intently.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

After a couple minutes of listening he moves to the other door and does the same.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Are the door hinges for either door facing in towards the room we're in, or are they not visible? And do the doors look well made and sturdy, or are they flimsy?


No hinges can be seen. Doors are well made. Not dwarven made, but stout.

the orc looks at Shaldar, a bemused look upon his face.
Elven scum. You ought to be in chains working for your true overlords, us orcs. I would curse you and wish death upon you, but i feel that that has already occured. You see, there is no getting out of here. Unless you go through the entire dungeon. Legend says that there is a door way to the surface. But none of my ancestors, 35 generations ago, found it.

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

"Watch yer foul tongue, orc filth, or i'll be sharpenin' me axe on yer skull! A pity ta' have wasted a healing spell on one o' yer kind! Ye've offered us nothin' for our troubles!"

Pwent even surprised himself, a Dwarf so readily coming to the defense of an Elf. He hefts his axe to clearly position it in the orc's line of sight, accentuating his threats.

Female Elf Wizard

You don't insult me snaggle tooth you are not long fo this world.

cast daze DC 13 on orc

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

Pwent pursed his lips, about to ask why Shaldar was going to waste a perfectly good combat spell on a 1/2 dead jerk, who he could easily behead if the need arose. He held his tongue though, reassuring himself that she probably knew what she was doing. Probably.

M Gnome Bard 1

Did I hear anything at the doors? Sorry if I wasn't clear, my perception rolls were for listening through them, not for trying to spot the hinges since I figured they'd be clearly visible if they were visible at all.

"Well, no point in trying to wedge the doors closed, they seem to swing out and not in..."

Human, dual talent Rogue1 15pt

"Well if you are any reflection of your esteemed ancestors then I expect the exit is clearly marked. Insulting the people who just saved your life argues against you or your tribe having much in the way of brainpower. Now tell us worm, why should we let you live? What do you have to bargain against your life?"

Male Half-Elf Evoker 1

If he has no reason to keep him alive, then I say end him; he has most likely commited some crime that he deserves death for, anyways.

Calas looks at Pwent; If you would like to end his life right now, be my guest. he gets and walks away, now completely disinterested in the whole affair.

Female Elf Wizard

Shaldar walks towards the doors and Chromie.

Do what you will to the beast he is of no use to us

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

Pwent sputters, clearly flustered by the fact that Calas expects a respectable cleric to do such a thing. He raises his axe, but lowers it, unsure of what he SHOULD do versus what he WANTS to do.


For the newbies of the group: here we have in interesting, yet common, situation within the world of RPGs. The experienced players all know that, as a rule of thumb, all orcs are evil. And if it is evil, it can be killed without hesitation. But, we have a teachable moment here.

Let's look at our situation. You have an orc. He is tied up. aside from a comment about his ideology, he isnt a true threat to anyone. He is unarmed and subdued.

So here is where your chosen alignment kicks in. Your alignment is your guiding principles, what makes your PC, a PC. A LG believes in the virtue of humanity, LN believes in justice, and so on.

Given the above statement, I, the DM, am inclined to warn the person, or in this case, people, about what they are suggesting, killing someone who isnt a threat. Yet, i also have the purview to keep my mouth shut, allow the PCs to make their comments, allow any actions to happen, and then inform the PCs that their alignments have shifted.

For a majority of RPGs, there is some sort of alignment matrix that helps a player play a PC, good vs evil, law abider or law shirker, personal code, and so on. Yet the only classes that are truly affected by an alignment shift are clerics, druids, and paladins. If you shift alignment from LG to CG, you could loose your touch from your deity, or becoming lawful would be detrimental to a Druid.

Pwent did a great thing in his latest post. He became flustered, unsure if killing this orc is the correct thing, if doing this act would have him loose his touch with his deity, and with himself.

Human, dual talent Rogue1 15pt

I just want to point out that Hywel is bluffing.Killing in cold blood is generally not in his play book. I also take exception to the all orcs are evil meme good orcs are rare but LN/CN/N orcs are far from unknown. I am hoping Mr. Leaky here will offer useful info or offer service in exchange. An orc guide/footman/lantern bearer would be VERY useful.

To the orc "Well come on then, are you brave enough and smart enough to do what your ancestors could not or are going to die in this hole like they did?"

Having an orc flunky also sets up a replacement PC if needed not to mention a future cohort should we reach the vaunted heights of 7th level.

Male Half-Elf Evoker 1

Calas is not bluffing, based on his current actions, he is hostile, but he is more than willing to change his mind, pleasr remember what Orcs tend .to do to captyued Half-Elves

edit: I'm sorry, I felt that I needed to point that out, uf it was ynwarrented please retract it...


dont be. this whole adventure is meant to introduce the players who are new to this type of atmosphere (PBP) to what goes on, both in game and out of it.

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

Pwent merely takes a deep breath and walks away with Shaldar and Chromie (starting to think the other two are bloodthirsty). He puts faith in his decision by reminding himself that he is a respectable cleric of Desna, and cannot come to as low standards as the other two can.

M Gnome Bard 1

Chromie draws his dagger and approaches the orc. Positioning himself so that he's eye level with the beast, he presses the point of the dagger against the orc's throat.

"There's four of us to one of you, and you're the one in shackles. We're giving you the chance to live but please, act a fool. I've had a terrible day already, and killing you because you're too stupid to play along just might make things start to look up a little bit. And trust me, unlike the rest of my group, I'm not squeamish about gutting you right here, and would have preferred to leave you bleeding to death in the first place. So choose your next words carefully."

Intimidate: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

And now he's laughing at my feeble attempt at intimidation, and he's gonna probably start working against us even harder now. Sorry guys...


intimidate1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Here, let me help you. He says in a cold voice, staring Chromie in the eye. The orc leans forward ever so slightly, enough that a small drop of blood forms underneath the blade of the dagger. Chromie cannot help but feel a thrill of fear run through his body at such a bold display. Covering his displeasure, Chromie removes the blade from the orcs throat.
Smirking at Chromie, the orc says Go stand in the corner, gnome, and let the Adults talk.

Shifting himself in his seat, he continues. Now, back to the matter at hand. You need information on how to get out, and I am your only source of info. First thing i need is to be let free, so remove my bindings. Second is that i want food and water, now. Third, i want a sword and armor. You give me these things, and I will lead you to the farthest point I have gone in this dungeon.

Female Elf Wizard

Approaching the Orc

DEMANANDS!!! You have the gual to demand.

first you are shackled meaning you have done something deserving punishment.
Second without our aid you will probably die.
Third you are an orc and naturally evil and untrustworthy.

That adds up to us having the barganing chips and you having only your shackles.
So if you tell us what we want you get food and water.
If you promise to guide us you get set free.
In time if you prove youself honorable you get a weapon and armor.

Take it or leave it.


The orc seems unperturbed by Shaldars points. Shrugging his shoulders, he speaks

first, one of YOU he pauses, looking at everyone in the room bound my hands.

second, without my aid, you will die. No probably, just a certainty.

third, you're a pointy eared elf, the only thing useful with you is using your blood and bones as mortar to help build the orc empire. Although... The orc cocks his head to the side a little, looking at Shaldar. It takes you all a moment to realize he is checking her out.

Perhaps, but not today. But aside from that, So far, it seems your count is off by a lot.

Male Half-Elf Evoker 1

Count? Calas thinking to the conversation; he casts ligh tand then looks around... Perception check
:: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

Pwent figures Desna will forgive him for killing a few miserable orcs. (considering the orc's words, Pwent readies himself for battle.

"How many of ye are there, damned filth?! What's ta' stop me from splittin' yer head in half?"

Perception out of the corner of his eye: 1d20 + 3 => (14) + 3 = 17

Human, dual talent Rogue1 15pt

Ignoring the insults Hywel considers the offer.
"Well you will have to be able to walk in order to lead but freeing your hands would only get you in trouble. As far as arms and armor I am sure payment can be arranged once you prove your usefulness. What aid can you offer? Your yourself said that your mighty tribe has not found the exit in.. what was it again? Thirty Five generations. Your 'farthest point' could well be four steps beyond the door. Poor return for our investment."


I dont see how i could in trouble with all of you around me. there is what, 5 of you to 1 of me...seems more like the odds are in your favor. Prove my usefullness you say? ok.
Nodding at the door closest to him, he says Dont go through that door if you want to live. Usefullness proven, so wheres my sword and armor?

besides that, the farthest point isnt through that door, its through the door around the corner. his head bobs in the direction that you all came from.

Female Elf Wizard

I have had it with this trogladite licker. Gag him leave him he will be more trouble than he is worth. Let him die her alone and by the order of an elf.

Shaldar turns and walks to the near door and listens.

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10


All you hear is the sound of the orcs laughter, echoing loudly throughout the room.

Easy for an elf to give orders, and let others do the dirty work. No backbone, no spine, gutless coward that she is. Pathetic. He spits a huge glob of phlem in Shaldar's direction, though it falls short.

Shifting around, the orc stands up.
One thing you all failed to grasp. Without me, you will all die He turns and stares at every one of you in the eye.
This room is just the start. Through that door is bloodsuckers, flying cloaks, and goblins, tons of them. Through the other door is the way back to my tribe, which will kill you on the spot, no talking, no negotiating, just death. Unless you have me, of course.

Staring longer at everyone, the orc continues Beyond the tribal land is a tunnel, one that extends to the east for several hundred yards before ending at a new area, something more powerful than us orcs. Those orcs that go there are never heard of again. That would be the place i would take you. The place where orcs die.

Male Half-Elf Evoker 1

Hearing this; Calas turns arouns and And why would we go thete? When all others that,went that way died?


because you are not orcs

Human, dual talent Rogue1 15pt

"Just between you, me, and the stone walls I would rather face goblins than Orcs. I say we take the death door."

assuming agreement

To the orc: "Goodbye, you are free to go. I am afraid your help was not valuable enough to warrant a reward of weapon or armor but you can keep the manacles. Goodbye."

Female Elf Wizard

k dungeon: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
contemplates what the orc said about bloodsuckers and flying cloaks

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

Pwent has had enough of this annoying orc's riddles. He slowly picks his way to the door and readies himself to open it, casting a glance behind him to see if anyone will move to follow.

Female Elf Wizard

Shaldar stand behind Pwent ready to move on.

Male Half-Elf Evoker 1

Calas also follows the Cleric, wondering if this is the right move.


everyone, im in class for this week, so ill be spotty with my postings... ill try to make a couple though...

M Gnome Bard 1

I'm assuming enough time has passed for me to no longer be shaken by the intimidate. If I'm still under the effect of the intimidate then ignore this post. I'll kill him later.

Chromie steps as far away from the orc as he can while still keeping a direct and unobstructed line of sight. He sheathes his dagger and takes his bow in hand, glaring at the orc. Nocking an arrow, he draws back and fires.

Attack roll: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

possible damage:
Assuming a standard Bestiary Orc - Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4

"I told you I wasn't bluffing.

Human, dual talent Rogue1 15pt

Assuming Hywel can see the murderous Mr. Blackwater.

"What the Hell!" Hwyel hurls himself in the path of the shot to cover the orc.

The -4 for shooting in to melee should mean a miss. If we are in actions then an aid other to boost the orc's AC should help.
Also Blackwater you should be aware of this

PRD equipment wrote:
"If the character has a penalty for low Strength, apply it to damage rolls when he uses a bow or a sling."

Your 8 strength translates into a -1 damage penalty with the bow. So even if you hit you only did hp. It might be important later.

DEWN PVP alert. I need a way/reason not to flatten the gnome if he kills a prisoner. Thoughts?

EDIT. Fixed the misstated Str penalty. Sorry. ~H

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

Pwent turns back in surprise at the Gnome's bold move, and at Hywel's bolder move.

Female Elf Wizard

Hywel! Chromie! Enough! we will have a hard enough time getting out of this without infighting. The Orc is a weight we can not have. His kind are usually evil and treacherous and can not be trusted so I understand why Chromie feels it necessary to dispose of the trash. But if it is going to cause problems we can leave him here. But to take him with us would mean certain problems we can not deal with. The dark mantels and styrgeon will be enough problems as is.

Shaldar looks sternly at the two waiting for their responses

Male Half-Elf Evoker 1

....And to think I find myself agreeing with the Elf,I Kill him or leave him, we are not taking him with us... Far too risky.

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

Pwent thinks all his unintended companions (except possibly Hywel) have gone off the deep end. He gives an exasperated sigh and mutters a prayer to Desna, in hopes that it will bring him clarity in this turbulent moment.


Hey guys, got some good/bad news.

I am having to cancel this campaign. I have been offered the opportunity to DM a dragonlance campaign, which is my second favorite campaign setting to DM in.

Thanks for gaming with me, and i wish you luck on all your rolls.

Human, dual talent Rogue1 15pt

Not seeing how this is good news.

Oh well enjoy your next short game Rizzen/Dewn.


Everyone else, It was fun gaming with you and I hope to dice with you again.

Game on

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